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We don’t know exactly who broke the Venus de Milo, but we know who will break it now if they get the chance. The same leftists who tore down statues in America and vandalized European paintings. Now they’re accusing the famous armless statue of white supremacy.
It is made out of white marble after all.
NYU professor Nicholas Mirzoeff has written a book, White Sight: Visual Politics and Practices of Whiteness, explaining that “classic works of art, face masks, or drones”, “cultural icons such as sculptures of Apollo Belvedere and Venus de Milo” and “Confederate monuments” were all propping up ‘whiteness’.
The British academic/highly paid vandal subsidized by the usual leftist foundations declares that he “has been active in the movement to take down statues commemorating settler colonialism and/or white supremacy”.
He demands a “strike against white sight” in which ” white-identified people join a strike against white sight” that Indians, “black and other people of color have been engaged in for centuries.”
And then it’s back to the cultural vandalism.
“Monuments and statues embody that way of seeing. Removing some of them has been an interim success for the strike against white sight.”
Removing statues. What a nice way of describing cultural mass destruction by ideological vandals.
And what of the Venus de Milo?
As it turns out the statue has been a target of racists for some time with complaints about its whiteness. A Forbes article claims that the, “whiteness of ancient Greek statuary has been weaponized by racists”. A magazine rants about “Whiteness, Sculpture, Historical Inaccuracy, and Colonialism”.
In a deranged racist environment in which milk is treated as a symptom of whiteness and therefore racism, such academic behavior is the new normal.
A statue of white marble must be racist. It’s white after all, isn’t it?
Nobody said that the Venus de Milo is racist because it’s made of white marble. Mirzoeff’s argument is that such statues embody “whiteness” as a cultural weapon to oppress people of color around the world.
Whether you agree with the argument or not, the fact that you lie about what the argument actually says speaks to your intellectual integrity much more than it does to Mirzoeff’s.
You either think your readers are stupid or you hope they are.
You must be dense if you doubt the blast whiteness of the statute is that which attracts the ire of these rancorous ideologues. I mean come on. How could it
“embody whiteness” if it were not composed of white marble? What else could those words mean?
The only reason your insane racist movement is attacking an ancient work of art is because it looks white to them.
That’s what ’embodies whiteness’ means.
Congrats on a critical race theory racism that transcends time and attacks inanimate objects
Bravo Sir! Our “Idiocracy” has reached saturation levels… Thank you for this blast!
Well, we all know you’re stupid and dishonest.
I can’t imagine the level of oppression Obama must have endured while having to reside in The White House.
Anticipating Clinton in 1992, I said he would work in the Ovary Orifice in the Out of Color House. In 2008, candidate Obama was presented in a classical Greek setting that the above professor considers whiteness.
You are the target of the essay, and you don’t even realize it. Please don’t vote or breed.
I think it was Herodotus who said the Numidians from around what is now Sudan were the most perfect physical specimens he had seen. Or something like that. Probably comes from chasing lions around in Nature Red in Tooth and Claw 🙂
I remember Herodotus describing the Persian army that arrayed to attack Greece. He describe the Ethiopians as the most beautiful people in the world. That may be what you are thinking of. Numidia was elsewhere, in northwest Africa.
Right, thanks. I realized my mistake after making the comment, but no editor to hide the evidence 🙂
“In a deranged racist environment in which milk is treated as a symptom of whiteness and therefore racism, such academic behavior is the new normal.”
Gee wizz! Since mother’s milk is white, black women won’t be able to nurse their babies.
Nice try, sort of, but it scores high on the BS meter.
I’d like to denounce that professor as a moron. Does he know anything at all about his subject matter?
The classical Greek statues were sculpted using white marble, but were completely covered in heavily pigmented paint. The professor is certainly a highly educated man who doesn’t need to know more than his demented and imagination fantasies.
The Left doesn’t do facts. As good post-modernists thirty believe such thing as objective facts do not exist. Everything is simply a narrative – their narrative.
Excellent point about the statues being painted originally, before the paint wore off over the centuries.
Erosion is racist.
Well, Venus, what’s your response? Are you just going to stand there and do nothing?
Be generous, count shrugging or at least give her a hand or two.
Another Anti Western Cultural Egghead with sawdust for Brains