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Austere religious scholar O.J. Simpson, as the Washington Post, might have put it, has gone to whatever hell awaits evil men. Some are disappointed that he went there at a ripe old age.
Why evil thrives and good people suffer is an age-old question and not one that we are about to resolve here.
But I will say that O.J. Simpson lived out his worst punishment already. O.J. was an egomaniacal narcissist obsessed with keeping the public’s attention. His brutal murders tanked his career but made him even more incredibly famous.
And like most people who were super famous in the nineties, he lived long enough to become irrelevant. A trivia moment on game shows. That guy who was involved in that car chase and whose glove didn’t fit, instead of a football star.
In his waning years, O.J. Simpson tried to join Twitter and become active on social media and, in the worst possible insult, was mostly ignored, a sideshow like John Hinkley singing on YouTube.
O.J. Simpson lived long enough for no one to give a damn about him.
“And as it is appointed unto men once to die, but after this the judgment” (Hebrews 9:27). To be sure, “If the glove don’t fit you must acquit,” O.J. Simpson’s California defense, cuts no ice in eternity.
And soon to become a pop culture truth, undeniable and never to be debated again: “TV wrestling is fake, Liberace was gay, and OJ was guilty. And so the world moves on.
Liberace was very talented. I used to have a friend who looked just like the fat version of Bluto from the Popeye cartoons. He said his mother dragged him to a Liberace show in Vegas and it was the best thing he ever saw. Every time I saw Liberace on “The Tonight Show” he was brilliant. Johnny Carson loved him.
He was gay but who cares.
Hope he brought along some asbestos underwear because where he’s going he’s going to need it.
Yeah, and a safety pad against demon dicks up his ass. He’s going to be getting the Bin Laden treatment.
Too bad about OJ. He was a great running back, but after that …
Yeah, I used to like the guy. When he was doing one of those “Police Story” movies with Leslie Nielson he was on a jet ski and said “Can you believe I get paid for this?” I thought he was really cool. I’d like to get paid for riding a jet ski.
But then he murdered his ex wife, which I can understand, but he also murdered her gay friend, which was pretty fucked up.
Did you hear Nicole Simpson got a job after she died? She’s a Pez dispenser!
Great article. I agree with you Daniel and I’m glad he’s gone. I love this website.
Aw, poor Orange Jumpsuit. He died slowly of butt cancer. I bet it hurt. Did you hear he’s missed at family Thanksgivings and Christmases? He was the the best at carving the white meat.
And who was funnier than Johnny Cochran or whatever his name was? “If da glove don’ts fit, you must acquit!”
That’s a classic line: “If it doesn’t fit, you must acquit”
The jury slurped it up like mother’s milk.
Funny, I still remember watching that TV segment, and OJ’s acting job making it look like it didn’t fit.
It didn’t fit b/c OJ was made to wear the plastic liner before he tried to put on the glove. It was so obvious.
Yes, as if a surgical glove is hand sized. After the Wuhan flu we all know you can get one on your hand.