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Just as teachers’ union head witch Randi Weingarten is doing her media image rehab tour, California teachers’ unions are determined to remind everyone that they’re monsters who thrive on destroying education inside and outside the classroom.
Oakland teachers went on strike Thursday after seven days of negotiations failed to produce a new contract for the 3,000 members of the Oakland Education Association.
“They’re neglecting their duty,” OEA president Ismael Armendariz said outside Manzanita Elementary School. “The district and the union have been having productive conversations, but the school board has failed to meet give their chief negotiator the authority to bargain with us.”
The school board is “neglecting its duty”, not these overpaid parasites who are shutting down schools and refusing to do their jobs even more so than usual.
Let’s pause for a moment to survey what a great job OEA members are doing and to wonder whether the results would be any worse if they were replaced by wolves or ChatGPT.
…just 2 out 10 black and brown students in Oakland public schools can read at grade level.
Time to give them more money.
In its latest proposal, the district offered all teachers a pay increase of anywhere from 13% to 23%, depending on their years of experience.
How about determining pay increases based on whether their students can even calculate 23% of their salary?
In their “Common Good” demands, the teachers also demanded things including six “restorative days” to combat burnout, the first week of school to solely focus on fostering a positive school climate, reparations for black students, prohibiting the closure of certain schools, a voice on steering committees, providing climate-controled, green classrooms…
Fantastic. Let’s provide reparations to black students from the salaries of OEA members who have decided to cap their fine performance by closing schools yet again.
OEA members are obscenely demanding “reparations” for black students affected by the schools they closed.
And insisted on keeping closed.
OUSD’s reopening plan puts everyone at risk. Teachers are fighting back.
Oakland Unified School District (OUSD) schools are scheduled to resume classes on August 10, and Oakland teachers say that the district’s plan to reopen endangers the entire community. OUSD is proposing the year begin with four weeks of remote learning. After that, the district would decide week by week whether to return to in-person learning.
On July 9th, the Oakland Education Association (OEA), the union representing close to 3,000 educators in Oakland public schools, began bargaining with OUSD over what “Crisis Distance Learning” and a return to school buildings will look like.
“They’re making all these claims to the public about how schools will reopen,” says Kehinde Salter, a performing arts teacher at Fremont High School and member of the OEA, “but none of this has been bargained with us.”
While Trump pushes for schools to reopen in hopes of greasing the economy and improving his chances for reelection, a deadly virus rages through California and the nation. Teachers across the country are threatening to strike.
When asked whether a strike was on the table, Salter replied that nothing had been decided yet. “But are we willing to strike for student safety, if it comes to that? Yes.”
Student safety. Right, that’s what these monstrous despicable parasites are after. Having destroyed education by closing schools, they’re closing them yet again while claiming they’re doing it for the students.
Then after the strike is done, they’ll demand more “reparations” for the students they harmed.
Born in Oakland, with pleasant memories of Oakland in the 1950s. Seen it gradually slide downhill since then, still sliding, no signs of improvement. That’s the weird thing, watching a city go downhill for 70 years, always in the same direction, down.
Never had much use for Oakland – just Berkley with more crime and less class
My Dad’s father (my grandfather on that side) used to feed the ducks around Lake Merritt in the 1950s. That was one of the pleasant memories.
I heard the Alameda or whatever it’s called is nice. I think it’s separate from the rest of Oakland, though.
It’s safer and easier for kids to concentrate and learn…sex ed. Almost all the teachers in the Bay Area are graduates of CA state universities, so they’re all pretty much the same far-left teachbots, save for the affirmative action hires (which explains the particularly poor outcomes in Oakland unified school district, parts of San Francisco and Richmond, for example). Every district is very well funded. The student performance differential, as an independent variable, is primnarilly based on student demographics–Comprende, vato/home boy?
My kids in Fremont Unified (one district south of Oakland) which is over 80% east Asian and Indian. So-called “Jewish genius” aside, this fact explains the straight A’s (including in woke ed) my kid brings home.
Reparations Deficiency Syndrome.
At last something is being done.
People who work six hours a day 180 days a year demanding reparations. LOL!
They work less hours than that. They get EVERY holiday off and get two to three weeks of vacation time on top of not working in Summers.
Fuck them. Most of them are incompetent, anyway. I used to be a teacher in another country and I earned my money.
Back in the 60s John Wayne was asked if blacks could responsibly govern. He said then no. Nothing has changed.
I agree, but a number of whites do not have the ability to govern either. That is why America is a mess.
Things can improve dramatically if Crime Stoppers can provide cash rewards for anonymous alerts of the White Supremacists who’ve been engaged in a campaign of terror and intimidation since 1619.
Few White people maintain a reasonable presence of government microphones and video cameras in their living quarters. This is how they evade detection of their racist plots. This vulnerability in our public security is unacceptable. If White people were honorable and decent, they would welcome unwelcome scrutiny.
They aren’t fooling anyone.
Except from you, I guess. Who places your microphones and cameras in the homes of the White People?
Try to recognize satire.
Your handle is well named Sid.
A country populated and controlled by Caucasians is seeing millions of people NOT of that Race illegally enter the country populated and controlled by Caucasians because those people are all evil racists…. Okay Sid.. try again home boy.
Riddle me this, of all the different Races of people in America and all the different communities, which one is the one that most people in America do not wish to enter, easy answer… right… Now tell me why that is.
The quality of your insights surpass mine. Maybe that’s an advantage yielded by your outsiders’ perspective.
I’m an old man without a refuge. The wilderness is gone. I have no place of sanctuary beconning me, save the River Styx.
My land is falling to Jackals.
“How about determining pay increases based on whether their students can even calculate 23% of their salary?”
Ouch ! That just 2 out 10 black and brown students can read at grade level is a national disgrace . Yet no one running this waste of time and money , known as a school system, cares or even talks about it. Simply put from the top down they don’t care and they really don’t care that we know they don’t care. I read somewhere that in the country of India that the number of students in their version of High Honors classes, their brightest students, is larger than the entire school population of the United States. We are doomed…..
There are a lot of smart people in India, but they are more friendly to us than some of their neighbors are 🙂
Except for the Marxists, they have a lot of those unfortunately. They have a lot of Muslims also, but those aren’t the brightest.
“Once and done” is a myth. That twenty-three percent compensation adjustment is the rate of annual minimum increase. Home schooling should be prohibited as criminal strike breaking and recalcitrant parents should be prosecuted as scabs and have their whelp turned over to Child Services for gender affirmation.
Nonprofessional commentary is not only unsought, it is cause for investigation for prosecution.
You have been warned.
This union should be decertified on a national,. state and local ;level
Agree that it should be but teacher unions have become such an important adjunct of the Dem Party – providing voters, election workers and money to its candidates – that it will never happen.
What is the grade level of the teachers?
Less than pre-school
Remedial, at best.
Eliminate the Fed Dept of Education and privatize all so-called public education. Beat the drum loud, constantly, and until there is no memory of the current system anywhere.
strongly agree
I was in Oakland twice not long however just long enough the catch a Train to a Train back to Dunsmuir California after having spent two days in San Francisco on a fieldtrip
The timeline of this story makes no sense at all. It makes it sound like the schools are already closed in early May, that we are still in the midst of the pandemic, and that Trump is still president.
the conclusion references the union’s actions during the pandemic
Something just struck me. Even in the not-for-profit sector there is a requirement for some competence, whereas in the public sector there seems to be no requirement for competence.
That’s why Joe Biden is POTUS and not a unicorn breeder.
“Just 2 out 10 black and brown students in Oakland public schools can read at grade level”
How about the teachers?
Is anyone surprised that the black and brown kids can’t read as well as a 7 year old? Just look at who is supposed to be teaching them. If the Teacher can only read at the grade 8 level, and still says she needs to AXE you a question…..chances are, you are not going to be getting a stellar education.
Expecting one of these teachers to educate your kids, is like asking a blind man for directions.
If you actually want an education for your black and brown kids, your first job is to get rid of all the teachers who are incompetent, but got the job anyway because THEY have black or brown skin.
So….pretty sure it’s not going to change.
Ok, thanks for the clarification.
My wife teaches in the Oakland School District …. and she will be crossing the picket line on Monday. The District has agreed to give her the single largest raise she’s received in 30 years of teaching in the District. More than a fair offer from the school board. And I assure you …. most all of her students read at grade level … she teaches the real young ones. But she has to teach a LOT of basket cases who shouldn’t be “mainstreamed” in regular classrooms. So there’s that.
but ….
There’s another DEMAND her UNION is making … the same DEMAND they made during the last Strike. The UNION insists they be given “power” equal to the elected School Board for making ALL Districtwide decisions. Yep, the UNION demands unelected, unchecked POWER to undermine the elected School Board. It’s quite insane … but that’s what the Oakland Education Association is … they’re an INSANE clown posse’ of hardcore Marxists. They insist that an unelected posse’ of Union clown bureaucrats be given POWER over all decisions by the ELECTED school board. So much for “Democracy” according to the UNION.