In February, the David Horowitz Freedom Center unrolled our investigation into the ‘Swiss George Soros’ influencing elections around the country.
Many states, unfortunately, don’t bar foreign money in their elections, they rely on the federal government to enforce the law. But West Virginia banned foreign funding and that’s why we decided to follow the trail of money from one foreign billionaire all the way to the Mountain State.
I joined Tipping Point with Kara McKinney on OAN to discuss our investigation and what it all means.
Here’s the video on this episode of OAN’s Tipping Point.
The politicians in some states are for all the money they can get, from anywhere they can get it.
Well said Daniel.
I seem to remember that many decades ago, it was illegal to have outside megadonors contributing to local elections, or something like that, but maybe I was just young, misinformed, and naive.
We need more freedom less Governnmant and Globalism