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No one seems sure who first said it, maybe Joseph Goebbels, but in any case, it’s a tried-and-tested Alinskyite tactic: accuse your enemy of what you’re doing. Barack Obama is a practiced expert at this, and he gave a master class in it on Thursday at his Obama Foundation’s Orwellian-named Democracy Forum.
With some notable and revealing difficulty in getting the words out, Obama accused the Republicans of doing everything that the Democrats have been doing for the past few years: rigging elections, weaponizing the justice system, and trying to ensure that they would remain in power on an indefinite basis. Whatever can be said of Barack Obama, the man certainly has a lot of chutzpah.
Using the fake and faintly southern-tinged accent that he often adopts when speaking about issues involving domestic politics, Obama said: “There are going to be times” — tahms — potentially when one side tries to stack the deck and lock in —” And here, Obama looked at his right-hand teleprompter and then, as if seeking relief, at his left-hand teleprompter, but finding no help there, looked down and, after an interminable, eons-long pause, began to stutter.
The sainted hero of the left managed finally to say: “A…” And another pause. Obama finally sputtered back, saying: “A, a, a…permanent…” Another pause. “…grip on power, either by actively suppressing votes or politicizing the armed forces or using the judiciary, the criminal justice system, to go after opponents.”
NEW: Obama says Republicans are the ones who rig elections and weaponize the justice system while speaking at a “Democracy Forum.”
The comment was so outrageous that Obama could barely get the words out of his mouth.
“One side tries to stack the deck and lock in [very long…
— Collin Rugg (@CollinRugg) December 6, 2024
Maybe his teleprompter was glitching. After all, it happened to his protégé Kamala Harris a few weeks ago, and he is no better at speaking off the cuff than she is. Another possibility is that what Obama was saying was so staggeringly false, and even worse, was such a classic example of projection, that it was too much even for this practiced deceiver and stirrer-up of strife. Obama undoubtedly knows, and has likely been involved in, how the Biden-Harris regime sicced the “Justice” Department on Donald Trump. Obama can’t possibly have missed all the questions that still swirl around the 2020 presidential election and the fact that in 2024, all the elections that took weeks to count went to the Democrat candidates.
So when it came time to deliver his whopping lie at his “Democracy Forum,” did Mr. Smooth suddenly glitch himself? Does the man still have a conscience somewhere in there, a warning voice that told him that smearing his opponents with charges of which his friends and allies are guilty was immoral? Probably not, as Obama went on to make a statement that was frankly ominous.
“And in those circumstances, pluralism does not call for us to just stand back and say, ‘Wellll, I’m not sure…’” Still another pause. “…‘that’s okay.’ In those circumstances…” One more pause. “…a line has been crossed, and we have to stand firm.”
Stand firm? Stand firm how? What exactly was Barack Obama calling upon his minions to do in the face of all this nefarious (and fictional) Republican activity? Will these questions be answered on the streets on Jan. 6, or Jan. 20? Will Old Joe Biden’s promise to Trump of a “peaceful transfer of power” turn out to be just another in an endless string of Biden lies?
Obama and his fellow leftists have spent so much time poisoning the political discourse, politicizing what are supposed to be non-partisan agencies, and demonizing their opposition that no one will be surprised if there is violence on those days. Leftists went crazy and started breaking things on Jan. 20, 2017, and since then they have had eight years of Obama, Old Joe Biden, Kamala Harris, and numerous others telling them that Donald Trump was the new Hitler and that if somehow he made it back to the White House, he would immediately take away all their freedoms and condemn them to lives of oppression, suffering, and pain.
Now, after so much of that, are the same people going to stand by and say, as Obama mockingly said, “Wellll, I’m not sure that’s okay,” while the left’s incarnation of evil and the man who is to blame for every bad thing takes power? On Thursday, Obama seemed to be trying to make sure that didn’t happen. But surely he will soon make another statement emphasizing that for the sake of “our democracy,” leftists had to accept the election results and dissent only peacefully during the second Trump administration. Won’t he?
Spurwing Plover says
Democrat Obama the Democrat Party who owned abused sold traded slaves and Separated Families and founded the KKK UNCLE TOM OBAMA
THX 1138 says
The audacity of Obama’s infinite arrogance and evil on full display.
The Kenyan herpes will never go away until the Grim Reaper takes him by the hand.
Steve says
If the whole truth about the smug, elitist Great Narcissist-Islamist-Marxist were realized, he’d be hanging from a noose. He was more despicable and crooked than Nixon, Hillary or even his mentally retarded puppet Bien ever could hope to be. He detests the United States.
Steve Chavez says
OBAMA AIDED IN KAMALA’S DEFEAT by demanding Blacks vote for her only for her skin color. Oprah did the same. Blacks on Youtube comments were disgusted by this and they did the opposite.
Michael Jordan… A Chicago Bull. Barack Obama… A Chicago Bull-shitter!
Intrepid says
I always revel in the now popular form of post announcing the end of the Obama years.
Beginning with the Clintons, the 30 year grift of the radicalized commie Jihadi DemoCrats has finally come to an end. It continued with the fundamental transformation of grifter No.2, gay Muslim Barry Soetoro. It finally crashed and burned with Demented Biden. Each iteration was worse than what went before. Each iteration needed propping up from an increasingly corrupt “press”.
Can you imagine what a Hilary presidency would have looked like? A scandal du jour. Fortunately Trump won against her and we got to see what normalcy looked like albeit for four years. Otherwise it would have been continuous scandal and grift, through Clinton, Obama and Biden into the Harris admin. Grift-a-palooza.
Thank God Harris was so monumentally awful as a candidate. Back to normalcy and greatness with Trump 2.0.
When you have spent the better part of 30 years engaging in the identity politics grift, I don’t know where you go when you get whacked at the polls
Steve says
I wish he’d be caught doing in Tehran what he does in Chicago bathhouses and with drown personal staff on Martha’s Vineyard. His favorite incipient nuclear power would offer him the choice it offers other gays: get it chopped off (like Caitlyn Jenner, who is still far more butch than Barry ever hoped to be) or be hung from a building crane.
Allan Goldstein says
Zippety Doo Dah Democrat Dispenses Dreck
Steve Kardas says
Look up the word “Creep” and there is a picture of Obama.
Verneoz says
Yes, Obama used Alinskiite verbage accusing Republicans of what he & Democrats have been doing for over 40 years. Obama is one of the most over rated, and shallow presidents in US history. His ego convinces him that he has no equal and is all knowing…but that is only self delusion. His two autobiographies are basically fictional with many made up scenarios. Yet, the main stream news has never had any real intellectual curiosity about his background or past accomplishments of which there are few. This has enabled the Obama idol worship and false-JFK comparisons to grow and multiply. This guy is a phony and an elite snob.
THX 1138 says
I just love this! Viva Trump!
“Trump said in a post on X this weekend. “This is where former President Obama refused to honor his commitment of protecting the RED LINE IN THE SAND, and all hell broke out, with Russia stepping in…never much of a benefit in Syria for Russia, other than to make Obama look really stupid.”
Tony Rice says
Of course Obama has a fake American accent bearing in mind it was not until he was circa 13 did he get into America, via Hawaii, prior to that he was in Indonesia having been moved there swiftly after his birth in Kenya by his mother. From Hawaii he was moved to Chicago where he was lodged by arrangement to the rarest of Americans, a COMMUNIST husband and wife. All arranged by Russia , as was he from the time before his birth, a Russian plant, which is why he is still active in American politics, and had hoped to be even more so had Kamala Harris won the election. Ruskies don’t give up easily.
Steve Chavez says
GOOGLE: “OBAMA SUNDIAL 1983” which is an article he wrote while at Columbia.
Remember that he admitted to seeking out Communist Professors. This article proves he was in Communist Party USA fronts that I’ve connected to the Soviet KGB Active Measures and the KGB’s, World Peace Council.
I met with the highest-ranking Soviet defector ever, Arkady Shevchenko, the Under-Secretary General of the UN when he defected. He confirmed the CPUSA’s connection to the World Peace Council “run by the KGB.”
Ion Pacepa, the former intelligence chief of Romania, a defector, wrote articles for FPM and he was the man in charge of getting KGB disinformation to Shevchenko/UN. He also revealed in an article that he aided in removing Saddam’s WMD, Sendinar (might be spelling in wrong) program.
The U.S. Peace Council was run by the CPUSA and they had about 1600 front groups and OBAMA MENTIONS SOME which I know their missions since they were here in NM too.
OBAMA IS A TRAITOR AND A COMMUNIST! He was born of Communists. Mentored by a Communist. While at Columbia, his closet associates were the most radical students, all anti-America but Pro-Soviet. He moves to Chicago and hangs with their Communists and Domestic terrorists/Ayers. Valerie Jarret, a Communist.
The KGB’S PROUDEST MOMENT was now President Barack Obama who only surrounded himself with the same CPUSA/KGB recruits that he then appointed to head departments that then CONSPIRED in coup attempts against a sitting President, used to go after that former President, and will conspire to take down the new President! (I didn’t mention Trump because it’s bigger… The President of the United States.)
I AM VERY INTERESTED IN ANY INFO ON HIM as you write in your comment.
Spurwing Plover says
Democrats owned the Slaves the GOP freed the Slaves and the Democrats also founded the KKK the more reasons their the enemy
Tony Rice says
Why does Obama not shut up but still get involved in front line politics unlike previous Presidents and stay out of day to day limelight, BECAUSE he is a Russian plant and not intended to look after American interests, witness HIS Agreement with Iran re nuclear involvement, an Agreement he did NOT get passed through the Senate, nor did he get Iran to sign it !
john in cheshire says
Every time I see the name Obama, the word Bathhouse comes to mind. It seems to be embedded in my mind for some half forgotten reason.
Zelda says
When he was President, a lot of us referred to him as “Bath House Barry.”
Angel Jacob says
Obama is a tick in the butt who won’t go away.
Snowfrog says
This is the father of projection.
Don says
It is not proven North Koreans are in Russia fighting with the Russians.
More BS to support our further attack with our weapons.
Justin Swingle says
perhaps we should stop ‘electing’ illegals to the presidency?!?!
remember ‘hope & change’??? guess soros taught obama the malarky. and we will be paying the price for decades to come!
Sword of The Spirit says
What an evil snake he is. Butt-Krak Hussein Obama
ElkaZ says
Are you POSITIVE he wasn’t doing a comedy piece? It is beyond comprehensible how he can stand there and say what he did! Stacking the Supreme Court by enlarging it and limited terms for justices, dragging Trump through all kinds of BS law fare actions. – it goes on and on. He and his party are truly delusional!
RS says
You know, Obama and his agenda and plans have been totally exposed. He doesn’t have the power or the influence he used to have. He has made major mistakes and his party has fallen seriously low.
RobtheGray1 says
Clearly choking on the self-evident hypocrisy, Obama is, as The Bard states, “Hoisted on his Own Petard!”
Mark Dunn says
I hope the governors of Texas or Florida send National Guard troops to protect Trump on January 20th. Rust never sleeps.
DNY says
I”m not sure the name Democracy Forum is actually Orwellian. I think it’s just an example of the standard use of “democracy” among Democrats: not rule by the δῆμος , rule by Democrats.