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Obama is a one-trick pony and all you need is one guess to spot the trick.
After lefties tried to make the missing sub story the Muslim migrants who may have perished while trying to invade Europe, Obama decided to pick it up and go all in on it in a CNN interview.
Speaking from Athens with CNN’s Christiane Amanpour, Obama said that one of the most pressing threats to democracy is “obscene inequality.”
“Right now we have 24 hour coverage — and I understand it — of this submarine, the submersible that tragically is right now lost at the bottom of the sea,” Obama said in an interview conducted hours before the U.S. Coast Guard confirmed the deaths of the five passengers. “At the same time, right here, just off the coast of Greece we had 700 people dead, 700 migrants who were apparently being smuggled.”
“It’s made news, but it’s not dominating in the same way. In some ways, it’s indicative of the degree to which people’s life chances have grown so disparate,” he added. “It’s very hard to sustain a democracy when you have such massive concentrations of wealth.”
A private sub with some wealthy people going missing while trying to reach the Titanic is a unique story. It’s why it got more attention.
The Muslim invaders have gotten plenty of coverage over an invasion that really took off due to Obama’s Arab Spring. Everyone has already done this and there’s nothing new here. Muslim migrants invade Europe in shoddy boats intended to sink so that the local authorities will be forced to rescue them and bring them in. Occasionally it backfires.
The issue here isn’t the concentration of wealth. Pakistan, where some of the invaders originated, is far more concentrated when it comes to wealth. And indeed two of the passengers on the sub were Pakistanis.
There’s a contrast to be made there that the media won’t touch and neither will Obama.
Yeah, the Narcissist in Chief thought he could get a little attention.
He’s such an asshole. Whitey, moslems, whitey, moslems, whitey, moslems. And his bullshit about disparate wealth is always whitey supposedly oppressing blacks and islamopithecines. This from a punk who’s fabulously wealthy with money he didn’t earn. And he’s STUPID. The sub was reported lost and in need of rescue for five days straight, so the reporting continued for five days. And people actually cared about the passengers. Invaders don’t get the same empathy because they don’t deserve it. The invaders drowned and it was reported. What are the media supposed to do? Continue to report on a story that was over? “It’s day two and they’re still Dead.” “Day three and they’re still dead.” Report that they’re still dead for five days in a row to give equal coverage? The lost sub was a REAL story. What an insufferable prick Bareback is. And as Greenfield noted, these invader drownings are a regular occurrence and not even noteworthy. It’s like reporting the days of the week.
Bareback Hussein Osama is still busy trying to incite racial division and hatred even out of office. He’s an evil little pimp. And he’s ugly. He’s only a few years older than me and he looks like shit while I’m handsome enough to be a movie star. And I’m very humble. 😛
He’s a flaming, anal vortex.
Yeah, I heard that when he was Pezzie, staff referred to the Oval Office as the Oval Orifice. He’s a rump wrangler for sure. He probably tosses salads with apple butter.
Nothing has stopped Pakistanis from travelling all over the world to drive taxis and open stores or restaurants. They’re everywhere, why do they need to be people trafficked?
This is the United Nations agenda 2030 wiping out the middle class western wealth to achieve their equality of outcome.
Does the UK still import Pakis or is there a moratorium on those animals?
They are still coming, because when we gave them independence we also gave them British passports if they wanted, same for all the former colonies.
But hey, we’re still the bad guys.
Giving the trash from your former colonies passports is the worst mistake the UK government has ever made, by far.
Paki used to be part of the British Empire (of course). I had a student from Pakistan once, must have been in the late 1970s. He was like the perfect representative of the British Officer Class gentlemen, refined, polite, well-mannered, disciplined, well-dressed, etc. Spoke perfect English. Things seem to have gone downhill for the country since then 🙂
The UK seems to have gotten the worst Pakistan has to offer. Not exactly university material, even though universities are a joke nowadays except for STEM courses.
The Jihadists used Queen Barry to get into western nations including ours. They know of his attractions for those of his own sex. In the end, jihadists will turn on him and take him out along with us, but the Alliance between Islam and the Left will soon end, and leftists will lose that battle.
Hitler, BO, and other tyrants infiltrated, lied, deceived, and then destroyed their own houses from within. BO followed Mohammed’s plan: Hijra, Jihad, then Sharia.
BO’s the 3rd term termite who enabled all three. When he called for “CHANGE you can believe in,” “STRUCTURAL” change, and “FUNDAMENTAL transformation,” did anyone think he meant a few little changes here and there?
A Turkish bath house and mosque on every corner.
Hussein Obama is reincarnation of the devil.
He belongs to the very same party(Democrat) that owned, bought traded, sold, abused, slaves and separated families he is a Uncle Tom
Restart the Crusades, draft BHO as a private, and swear him in standing upon a fresh hog pelt.
We’ll use him in a recruiting ad.
Ha, ha, haw! And then give hims some latrines to scrub with a tooth brush.
lol, I got a good laugh from that one 🙂
Excuse me but are the Moslems to whom he’s referring out there trying to break European immigration laws whereas the people on the Titan were not behaving in an illegal manner? Maybe that has something to do with it. In any case, how can he own three mansions while so many people in the world have nothing to eat? Anyone can do this. He should just stop it.
He should do the world a favor and euthanize himself.
One in every two black people in the US are criminals. Many people still don’t know this fact. And many more try to cover it up.
And then of course we have the black people in the government who demonize white people instead.
Obama calling someone else “racist”. Now that’s a joke coming from someone that stirred up major racial strife in America.