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[Editor’s note: Make sure to read Daniel Greenfield’s masterpiece contributions in Jamie Glazov’s new book: Barack Obama’s True Legacy: How He Transformed America.]
In ‘Obama’s True Legacy: How He Transformed America’, a book edited by Jamie Glazov and containing vital essays by different conservative thinkers, I went back in time to Obama’s 2004 DNC speech in which he celebrated that, “there’s not a black America and white America and Latino America and Asian America; there’s the United States of America.” And then I contrasted those inspiring words with the ugly politics of racial division that he used to tear apart the nation.
Obama recently revisited those words on a CNN podcast with former consigliere David Axelrod. “I think may be the best speech you ever gave,” Axelrod told his old boss, quoting those lines. “I believe in these lines. You believe in these lines, but they feel almost sepia colored now because of what we’ve seen since. And the question is, what happened?”
Barack Obama dismisses “a bunch of post-racial fantasies” and then states that “those lines are aspirational and always have been”. To paraphrase Axelrod, of a lot of lies that Obama told, this may be the worst of them. The DNC lines were in the present tense and addressed to the moment. Obama began by claiming that “there are those who are preparing to divide us” and declared, “I say to them tonight, there’s not a liberal America and a conservative America – there’s the United States of America. There’s not a black America and white America and Latino America and Asian America; there’s the United States of America.”
Then he contended that pundits like “to slice-and-dice our country into Red States and Blue States… but I’ve got news for them, too… we are one people, all of us pledging allegiance to the stars and stripes, all of us defending the United States of America.”
None of this is aspirational. It claimed to be a present day description of the country and its current issues, right down to there “are patriots who opposed the war in Iraq and patriots who supported it.” Any notion that it was some future aspiration could only exist as a secret equivocation living in one of the many chambers of Obama’s mental double life.
That Obama lies with shameless facility about things that are easy to check and that, unlike his successor, he doesn’t have the excuse of dementia or stuttering, isn’t new. And yet this particular big lie is important because it’s at the root of the damage that he inflicted on us.
Obama was telling the country that he did not believe it was racist. His agenda is now just the opposite. On the Axelrod podcast, he lashed out at Senator Tim Scott for using that message.
“I listened to Tim Scott, who’s running for president, and half of it sounds a lot like us. Half of it sounds a lot like what you were talking about in the speech in 2004 and in all of our speeches from that point on, which was, I am living proof that we are making progress as a country. I wouldn’t be here but for that progress,” Axelrod told Obama.
“I haven’t spent a lot of time studying Tim Scott speeches,” Obama sneered, in his trademark petty way. ” I think there is a long history of African-American or other minority candidates within the Republican Party who will validate America and say, everything’s great, and we can all make it.”
Obama attacks Scott for being willing to “validate America”. What was Obama doing then if he wasn’t validating America? The obvious answer is that he was invalidating America. And that may be the best possible description of Obama’s cultural and ideological legacy. After emerging as a trojan horse promising to validate America, he spent his career destroying its validity.
“Those quotes you made about, you know, from my speech in 2004 about there’s a United States of America, that has to be undergirded with an honest accounting of our past and our present,” Obama complained. Barack Obama has never even made an honest accounting of his own past, let alone his presidency, yet he keeps demanding that Americans account for things.
Barack Obama, the millionaire son of wealthy parents, invokes the myth that black people suffer “crippling generational poverty that is a consequence of hundreds of years of racism in the society”. In fact, generational poverty is a choice in each generation. Black children are three to five times more likely to be poor when they’re being raised by a single parent. The household wealth of a two parent black family is more than three times that of a single black family.
Obama knows this. Much like his DNC speech, he used to say these things.
“If we are honest with ourselves, we’ll admit that what too many fathers also are is missing — missing from too many lives and too many homes. They have abandoned their responsibilities, acting like boys instead of men,” he told a black church in Chicago in 2008.
“You and I know how true this is in the African-American community. We know that more than half of all black children live in single-parent households, a number that has doubled — doubled — since we were children. We know the statistics — that children who grow up without a father are five times more likely to live in poverty and commit crime; nine times more likely to drop out of schools and 20 times more likely to end up in prison. They are more likely to have behavioral problems, or run away from home or become teenage parents themselves.”
Then he continued by dismissing all the excuses that he now invokes, “yes, we need more money for our schools, and more outstanding teachers in the classroom, and more after-school programs for our children. Yes, we need more jobs and more job training and more opportunity in our communities. But we also need families to raise our children. We need fathers to realize that responsibility does not end at conception. We need them to realize that what makes you a man is not the ability to have a child — it’s the courage to raise one.”
Government and the welfare state were not going to fix the black community, fathers were.
There are some political hacks and leftist ideologues who don’t know what the truth is. They sincerely repeat lies because they don’t know any better and can’t think their way past them.
The infuriating thing about Obama was that he told the truth when it was politically convenient. And then, having won over white liberals and moderates, he pivoted to weaponizing race to divide Americans by treating black people like the perpetual victims of a racist country.
In 2023, Obama absurdly insists that black people can’t get jobs or buy houses, and that they’re still suffering from living in a perpetually racist country. Minority Republicans who want to offer a message of hope are dismissed for not “addressing some of the deep inequality that still exists in our society that tracks race and is a consequence of our racial history.”
Barack claims that there’s discrimination when it comes “to buying a house”. Which real estate agent, the one selling him his $8 million D.C. mansion or his $11 million Martha’s Vineyard mansion, objected to a half-black man buying the homes? The only people who protested Obama buying property in their neighborhood were Chicago black residents pushing back against his grandiose Obama Foundation construction project wrecking the area.
Nearly two decades after his famous 2004 post-racial DNC speech, Obama is even more of a racist hack addicted to the politics of racial division. He laughs at minority Republicans giving speeches that say, “look at me. I’m a Asian Indian-American woman. And my family came here and we worked hard. Clarence Thomas has probably gave the same speech at some point, I guarantee in some commencement, as did Alan Keyes, the first guy that I ran against.”
Scott replied to Obama by asserting, “let us not forget we are a land of opportunity, not a land of oppression. Democrats deny our progress to protect their power. The Left wants you to believe faith in America is a fraud and progress in our nation is a myth.” In this, he’s correct.
The power of the Democrats in general and Obama in particular is intimately tied up with invalidating America. As a post-racial president, Obama knew that his power would be limited, but as a crusader against a racist country, he would have the moral, if not the legal, authority to destroy all the infrastructure of an imaginary systemic racism and usher in a new world.
Obama sneers at minority Republicans for refusing to embrace unlimited power. The race card is unlimited and he has kindly lent it out even to old white guys like Joe Biden.
In ‘Obama’s True Legacy: How He Transformed America’, I wrote that, “Barack Obama was, first and foremost, a community organizer. It was central to how he thought and acted. America was just a larger community to organize through the familiar tactics of division. As a candidate, Obama had preached healing and unity, but as a national leader, his overriding agenda was to convince some that they were the oppressed and others, oppressors.”
“What happened?” Axelrod asked Obama. What happened is that Obama didn’t want to unite us, he wanted to rule over us.
Obama started out claiming that, “there’s not a black America and white America”. And that’s true, there wasn’t until he brought them into being, dividing us in order to conquer us.
The Racisms of his own Democrat Party that founded the KKK and lynched Blacks and tried to disarm them the very same Democrat Party that Owned ,Bought, Traded Abused Slaves and Separated Families. Speak for yourself Uncle Tom. Obama
The same “Democrats are the real racists” meme. It does us no good. You can’t defeat the Left by mimicking them.
Obama and Oprah are the leaders of the Black Supremacist Movement. Remember that they learned Black Liberation Theology from Rev. Wright.
Oprah interviewed Markle only so she could imply that the Royals are racists.
If Black Lives Mattered, they would spend one second to stop the Black Lives being shot and murdered in Chicago and so many other inner cities but those Black Lives don’t Matter since it doesn’t fit an agenda.
Now it’s Blacks ONLY graduations, dorms, safe spaces, award shows. Where’s A Road Parks?
It’s all about Blame Whitey and allowed Senator Cory Booker to say, “Our Founding was rooted in White Supremacy.” They’re going after the Founding Fathers, and their Documents, The Constitution, even though they took an Oath to Defend it. They’re using its Freedoms to overthrow it!
“Thanks Obama!”
Notice he made no reference to low IQ being a factor in poverty.
People with Down’s Syndrome seem pretty peaceful and law abiding to me and they love to work at whatever job they can get.
When was the last time someone got mugged, raped, stabbed, or shot by someone with Down’s Syndrome?
Do you have Down’s Syndrome? That would explain a lot.
A low IQ certainly makes life more challenging, and education far, far more important. It’s a terrible pity that people in, say, the third quintile are left to manage on their own; they can’t, and shouldn’t be left to do so.
Or feral savagery.
C’mon man you got to stop saying this stuff about my boss.
LOL! Good one. It gave me a chuckle.
All true.
I’ll add that responsibility for children born out of wedlock is a two way street. Every black child needs a father and a mother but all the problems caused by single mother “families” can’t be blamed solely on the absentee father. If some black women don’t use contraceptives, they need to keep their legs closed. They need to stop whelping out future criminals and expecting the government to pay for it.
With white single mothers it’s much different. They’re overwhelmingly cunts who divorce their husbands and care more about themselves than their children. They think child support payments can replace a father in their children’s lives.
They’re all scum if you ask me.
Yeah, they have a temper tantrum and divorce their husbands without a thought, then spend the rest of their lives struggling with their finances.
And living in regret for their actions when, at 35 years old, they can’t find a man willing to marry a women with two or three kids. They spend the next 15 years “putting out” in hopes they find a man that will stay to no avail. They then spend the rest of their lives as militant feminists.
I see you’ve met my ex wife, Except for the feminist bit. She’s just a slut-pig-dog-whore-Gooky-fucky sucky-me love you long time-parasite. I’ll give her credit, she hates that feminist crap and romantic comedies.
We have that in common. My ex took me for almost everything, shopped “the field” until she found a black sheep dummy from a well off family. Took him for a ride and then divorced him but still hits him up for anything she wants. It took her four husbands to finally hit gold. Did I mention he is a dummy? I have to admit, he treats my children very well.
Exactly, and add to that judges had declared them fit to be the sole parent. WTF? A woman who cant afford to raise her children deserves sole custody? And it’s an absurdity that a husband is under no legal obligation to pay for his wife but once she’s no longer his wife, he is. And women aren’t legally required to spend child support payments on their children, and believe me, they don’t.
Misandrist laws which impose things like child support and alimony should be abolished forthwith. They’tr onerous and obscene.
P.S., The spell check highlighted “misandrist” as a false word but it doesn’t highlight “misogynist.” Even spell check programs are misandrist!
Back in the eighties and early nineties when my children were born (in wedlock, thank you) I knew educated white women, often artists or some other bohemian types, who deliberately bore children out of wedlock and who deliberately chose to keep the fathers completely out of the picture. It seemed like a bad idea to me then and I don’t know how their experiments turned out, but I can only hope that the kids turned out to be decent people. It didn’t seem at all fair to the children or the fathers.
Your last sentence is the pertinent one. Every child needs a father. Women who deliberately bear children out of wedlock and shut the fathers aren’t just selfish, they’re mentally ill.
Here, here! I know all about it.
Sorry, although my ex wife is Indonesian, not white. She learned her depravity from white women and a white fag. Not a gay guy, a fag.
Obama always played the race card when there was opposition to his policies
Yeah, and it works, thanks to 70 years of brainwashing.
“There is another class of coloured people who make a business of keeping the troubles, the wrongs, and the hardships of the Negro race before the public. Having learned that they are able to make a living out of their troubles, they have grown into the settled habit of advertising their wrongs — partly because they want sympathy and partly because it pays. Some of these people do not want the Negro to lose his grievances, because they do not want to lose their jobs.” ― Booker T. Washington
In his book “My Larger Education” Washington called colored folk like Barry Soetoro “problem profiteers”. Grievance pimps who don’t want the patient to recover from his imaginary cancer because the “doctor” has made a fortune from “treating” the imaginary illness and would then be put out of business.
A quote from Booker T Washington. And this solves what in today’s America?
What do you expect from someone whose vastly overpraised, ghost written “autobiography” was actually written by unrepentant Weather Underground terrorist Bill Ayers (who is married to yet another unrepentant Weather Underground terrorist, Bernadette Dohrn)? To anyone who is the least bit discerning, the smug, narcissistic, elitist Obama’s Anti-Americanism and extremism has always been obvious. Remember his snide comments about “small town, blue collar whites who’ve turned to God and guns out of bitterness” or “You can open a coal fired power plant, but it’ll bankrupt you”? He has always been contemptuous and intolerant of those who don’t check boxes in the “Oppression Olympics” or who have the temerity to disagree with him,
His comments about the black family’s destruction were also nothing more than male bashing rhetoric, so fashionable on the Left. You’ll notice he offers no criticism of single mothers, the bias of family courts in awarding them custody more or less automatically, their lack of diligence in choosing partners or using contraceptives, or the fact that the welfare system itself incentivizes the replacement of fathers with the government.
Jason Whitlock, on BlazeTV, has discussed the issue of “matriarchy” in the black community. He has nothing good to say about it.
There’s something that the Kenyan is more touchy about than his ambiguous race or his Dumbo ears; so don’t criticize the two-term empty suit during Pride Month.
Larry Sinclair would agree with you.
He’s not a Kenyan because his father was Frank Marshall Davis, the card-carrying member of the CPUSA, Honolulu branch,”feelthy pictures” entrepreneur, and close friend of Stanley Dunham, et ux. – both secret members of the CPUSA, Honolulu branch.
BO was born in Hawaii, just not in a hospital. His real secret is his father’s identity, secret. Bill Ayers, his longtime ghostwriter, dropped this cufflink in Dreams from My Father, in the reference to “Frank,” Obama’s first “mentor..”
There isn’t an honest bone in Obama’s body. The 2007-2008 Obama was just a lie to get the radical Obama into office – to make it easy for whites to vote him into the Presidency. After that, the mask slowly came off and, after 2012, it was fully gone. Anyone who knew anything about his family background, his maternal grandfather’s hiring of a card-carrying Communist to be his “mentor” for seven years or his reputation and history as a college and law school student would know that. But our garbage “news media” and incurious citizenry ignored it. He was “too good to be true” and, indeed, he should have been considered as such.
I knew he was a fraud as soon as I saw him deliver that pot boiler speech at the Dirtbagocrat National Convention. I knew he would run for President, too, and I figured the D-Bags would nominate him.
Yup, I’ve lived and shared my home with enough black people, and, their immediate family, i. e. half sisters and half brothers, to immediately notice BHO bares no familial resemblance to the Kenyan he claims to be the donor or half his DNA.
Do you think it was Frank Marshall Davis?
I think it was his Indonesian “step father.” He looks like him and has straight hair. Davis wasn’t around when Bareback was born. We’ll probably never know. The scumbag is an inveterate liar and has his past life under deep cover.
He’s a dead-ringer for Davis.
Frank Marshall Davis used to take”Nude Photographs”of the 18-year old that was to become his MUM??????????????
Anyone who gets that spot at a Democrat convention gets the nomination.
The only time Obama EVER talked about the importance of fathers to children was when he was trying to manage the fallout from Jeremiah Wright exposing what BHO was truly about.
Once that crises blew over, he never said another word about it.
I knew he was a fraud as soon as I saw him deliver that pot boiler speech at the Dirtbagocrat National Convention. I knew he would run for President, too, and I figured the D-Bags would nominate him.
I wish I’d been wrong about the second two.
Yeah. Who is Obama to say we need “an honest accounting or our past and present”? We all stand against an honest accounting of our past. Who needs it? Let’s just pretend whatever vomit comes out of our mouths is the truth and not bother to check or analyze critically.
Oh, also, vote Trump! He never lies!
and lil’ pajama boi micky just loves the taste of his own vomit, especially after felching his boi-friend, eh lil’ micky?
Boy was that funny. I laughed!
Does gullible chump ring a bell? Your are totally subscribed.
Obama is to politics what Sheets is to real estate.
Do you drive a Yugo?
He drives a bicycle with a bell and a basket in front.
He rides it sidesaddle.
Lying constantly and blaming whitey for black failure is a DISHONEST accounting, Dickorn. Vomiting out lies and racism is a perfect description of Bareback Hussein Oama.
Obama attacks Scott for being willing to “validate America”. What was Obama doing then if he wasn’t validating America? The obvious answer is that he was invalidating America. And that may be the best possible description of Obama’s cultural and ideological legacy. After emerging as a trojan horse promising to validate America, he spent his career destroying its validity.
“Those quotes you made about, you know, from my speech in 2004 about there’s a United States of America, that has to be undergirded with an honest accounting of our past and our present,” Obama complained. Barack Obama has never even made an honest accounting of his own past, let alone his presidency, yet he keeps demanding that Americans account for things.
Barack Obama Pushes ‘Digital Fingerprints’ to Fight ‘Misinformation’
Barack Obama, who was instrumental in fueling the media’s “misinformation” narrative before he left office, has a new buzzword — “digital fingerprints.”
The former Democrat president wants the origin of digital information such as photos and videos to be clearly traced, to fight the spread of deepfakes.
Four More Startling and Uncomfortable Ways Today’s Leftists Emulate the Nazis
By D. Parker
This list also shows how one of the main pillars of the left’s big lie falls apart under logical analysis.
1. Big corporations collaborated with the Nazis and now with big business collaborates with the Democrats.
Not very convincing. Today’s corporations actually are promoting race and gender communism. It’s not Marxism. This isn’t about revolutionary class struggle. But it is communism. And who exactly is D. Parker?
The way describe corporations also describes the Dirtbagocrat party.
BO and Dems just substituted race struggle for class struggle, with a strong sprinkling of pro- LGBTQ… XYZ fecal matter.
The race card and affirmative action are still alive and well
for an honest appraisal of the obama years all you need to do is listen to thomas sowell . no other evidence is needed .
What Tim Scott‘s going for him is that he sounds like an American, the real thing, refreshingly positive, strong, grateful for his opportunities in life.
Obama never sounded like an American and that’s what creeped me out in 2008.
I remember his presidential campaign as being based on his statement that he was ashamed to be an American. Saying something like that is absolutely foreign to the American psyche.
He was attacking the moral, constitutional core of what it means to be an American citizen.
After he was elected,what I found particularly irritating and revealing was his deliberate usage of the word “folks” with phoney and misplaced quaintness, especially when describing terrorists.
Hatred of Israel and contempt for America underpinned every one of his policies, still ongoing and ever expanding.
However, Obama is just a man, even though, in his arrogance, he feels unstoppable, invincible, like a god. And that illusion may be his downfall.
Will Tim Scott challenge, tease out and topple Obama?
I can still remember when(during one of the debates),Obongo was asked what”Qualifications”he had for The Presidency?His answer:”I Was A Community Organizer”(Rabble Rouser).This is the ONE Time Obongo Spoke The TRUTH????????????????
“Brings Back The Race Card”?That’s the ONLY CARD”The Great Uniter”Ever Played!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!