[](/sites/default/files/uploads/2012/06/obama45.jpg)Last week, President Obama hit rock bottom with his re-election campaign. Recognizing that having created a slag heap of failed polices, he now has one asset—residual personal popularity– his re-election team decided to move into exploitation mode.
First, they sent an email from Michelle, Barack’s wife, explaining:
For the first 10 years of our marriage, Barack and I lived in an apartment in my hometown of Chicago.
The winters there can be pretty harsh, but no matter how snowy or icy it got, Barack would head out into the cold – shovel in hand – to dig my car out before I went to work.
In all our years of marriage, he’s always looked out for me. Now, I see that same commitment every day to you and to this country.
Give him money because he once shoveled snow? Ridiculous. We’re supposed to believe that Obama has looked out for us the same way he looked out for his wife? Come on! We are supposed to be his boss, not a spouse. If we order him to shovel political snow, he’s supposed to do it – not as a favor, or out of love, but because that’s the role of the Chief Executive, who is the servant of the American voter.
As if that weren’t enough, the Obama campaign website decided on Friday to open up an Obama Event Registry. Here’s how they pitched it:
Got a birthday, anniversary, or wedding coming up?
Let your friends know how important this election is to you—register with Obama 2012, and ask for a donation in lieu of a gift. It’s a great way to support the President on your big day. Plus, it’s a gift that we can all appreciate—and goes a lot further than a gravy bowl.
Setting up and sharing your registry page is easy—so get started today.
That honeymoon you wanted to take with your spouse? Forget about it, you selfish pig. Give the greatest gift of all: a donation to a failing president who will bankrupt your future children.
By and large, the young people being asked to make this gift have been most impoverished by President Obama’s economy. Americans between the ages of 18 and 24 have an unemployment rate in excess of 16 percent. They’re accumulating college debt – even President Obama is whining about the student loan rates. And they have no hope of living in a country with a budget surplus any time in the near future. Now the President asks them to give to him instead of giving to each other.
President Obama’s entire campaign strategy is now predicated on playing the victim. Last week, Stuart Rothenberg of Roll Call said that Obama was the underdog in the presidential election; Democrats are already making charges of voter suppression, prepping the groundwork for lawsuits and riots if Obama loses. And Obama is falling further and further behind Mitt Romney in the money race.
So he’s turning to you. Yes, you. That cancer treatment you’re about to undergo? Skip it and give Obama the cash. After all, we’re all dead in the long run. And since Obama is, according to Michelle Obama, a husband to us all, we might as well send him our cash in the form of a living trust, since he’ll inherit it anyway at some point.
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