It’s the end of the year.
That means it’s time for the media to roll out its nonsensical stories billing Dem icons as the “Most Admired” figures by Americans. Before it was invariably the Clintons. Now it’s the Obamas.
What does being the “most admired” Americans really mean?
In the case of Michelle Obama, whose “admiredness” is being touted by the media, it means that 15% of respondents to a Gallup survey mentioned her.
In Barack Obama’s case, it’s 19%.
That means he’s admired, possibly, by 1 in 5 Americans. In Michelle’s case, it’s even less than that.
But the media insists on putting them forward as if they were universally admired. When it really means that even in a country with two parties, about 15% of respondents put Michelle Obama forward.
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