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(This article is part of Frontpage Magazine’s new series on the 10 Worst Judges in America. Know a judge you think belongs on the list? Leave nominations in the comments section.)
It was 2017. The Trump administration had finally taken the war to ISIS after years of neglect by the Obama administration. And Judge Tanya S. Chutkan, the radical leftist granddaughter of a Jamaican Communist, was fighting to protect an ISIS terrorist in Iraq.
The Saudi Muslim had been captured by a local Kurdish militia and turned over to American forces in Iraq. He had been caught with a Koran, thousands of dollars, a flash drive with instructions for making IEDs and a spreadsheet titled “Islamic State Spoils and Booty Bureau.”
Spoils under ISIS could include property stolen from non-Muslims as well as non-Muslim slaves. The most notorious example of ISIS ‘spoils’ were Yazidi girls taken as sex slaves by Muslims.
American forces interrogated him and then decided to send him back to Saudi Arabia.
Unfortunately. while studying in Louisiana a decade earlier, the Saudi Muslim had obtained U.S. citizenship. And even though by joining ISIS, he had disavowed it and was subject to denaturalization, the ACLU wanted to get him a lawyer. In Iraq.
And Judge Chutkan, a Jamaican immigrant with a radical pedigree, insisted that he get one. By next year, Judge Chutkan and the ACLU had secured the release of the ISIS terrorist.
The ISIS member who had tweeted that Muslims must unite behind Allah and “cut off the hand and cut out the tongue of the troublemakers” was on the loose thanks to Obama’s worst judge.
Judge Chutkan’s frenzied efforts on behalf of an ISIS terrorist stand in sharp contrast to her infamous reputation as a ‘hanging judge’ in the J6 trials.
In dozens of J6 cases, Chutkan demonstrated her bias by insisting on sending every single defendant before her to prison. In 9 cases, she demanded more prison time than even the Biden Justice Department had requested for its MAGA political opponents.
The striking contrast between Judge Chutkan’s treatment of ISIS and J6 showed where her sympathies lie. Beyond ISIS, Chutkan has worked to protect the worst monsters imaginable.
Among Judge Chutkan’s beneficiaries were Daniel Lewis Lee, a white supremacist gang member who had tortured an 8-year-old girl with a cattle prod before making her watch while he murdered her mother and then suffocated her with a plastic bag, Wesley Ira Purkey, a crackhead previously released for good behavior, who raped and murdered a 16-year-old and beat to death an 80-year-old widow with a claw hammer, and William Emmett LeCroy, a child molester obsessed with witchcraft, who had raped and murdered a local nurse.
Judge Chutkan repeatedly abused her authority to try and spare these human monsters the death penalty and deprive their victims of justice. But had they set one foot in the U.S. Capitol, Chutkan would have been as ruthless and unsparing as she had been solicitous toward them.
In the decade since Obama had placed the Communist nepo baby on the bench, Tanya Chutkan had made it clear that she had no law other than politics. Rather than following the law, Chutkan has spoken of being an “example” to “young people” who “desire to fight injustice”.
And, in typical fashion, Chutkan accused her critics of racism. “For a lot of people, I seem to check a lot of boxes: immigrant, woman, black, Asian. Your qualifications are always going to be subject to criticism and you have to develop a thick skin,” she sneered.
The criticism wasn’t directed at Chutkan’s race or her other grandfather’s Indian heritage (which no one would know about if she didn’t keep mentioning it to rack up more identity politics points), or her gender (which according to fellow legal scholar Justice Ketanji Brown Jackson is only accessible to trained biologists), but her systemic abuse of her office as a federal judge.
Appointed by Obama, Chutkan fought a lawfare insurgency against the Trump administration from the bench, repeatedly issuing discredited rulings that fundamentally abused her authority.
She tried to unilaterally outlaw the death penalty only to be overruled by the Supreme Court. Her insistence that a migrant invader was entitled to an abortion was overturned by then Judge. Kavanaugh. Her campaign against the death penalty racked up reversal after reversal.
Getting the opportunity to target former President Trump just in time for the election must have been Chutkan’s dream come true. The Jamaican leftist judge had long since harbored an obsession with Trump and having Hillary Clinton ally Jack Smith deliver the case to her gave her the power to potentially rig an election. After being overruled by the Supreme Court, she knows that whatever she does will not hold up in any higher court. And she seems to be okay with that.
“I’m risking reversal no matter what I do,” Chutkan admitted over the collapsing Trump case.
Nevertheless the Democrat donor judge has been aiming to use the trial to do as much damage as possible before the election. The same judge who helped free an ISIS terrorist would like to lock Trump up. Like her efforts to aid rapists and murderers while locking up J6ers, this is not a contradiction, but the key to what really drives Chutkan and those leftist radicals like her.
In 1999, Pamela Butler, a 10-year-old girl, was kidnapped while rollerblading in front of her house in Kansas City. Keith Dwayne Nelson had been obsessed with the idea of kidnapping, raping and killing a woman or girl. He raped Pamela, strangled her to death and buried her body behind a church.
When the Trump administration moved to finally bring justice to Pamela’s family, Judge Chutkan tried to block the execution and save Nelson ahead of the 2020 election based on claims that a lethal injection doesn’t come with a prescription and so would violate the Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act of 1938. This nonsense was quickly tossed and Nelson was finally put down.
A few years later, Judge Chutkan presided over the case of Stacey Stephens, who had gone to the Capitol with her elderly mother, during the J6 riot. She was inside the Capitol building for a total of 15 minutes. Chutkan insisted nevertheless on sending the middle aged woman to prison, claiming that “I don’t hear remorse for the collective trauma this country has suffered.”
What kind of judge tries to save the killer and rapist of a 10-year-old girl while sending a woman to jail for being inside a building for 15 minutes? A partisan leftist judge with a love for evil.
That’s why Judge Tanya S. Chutkan is #1 in our series of the 10 Worst Judges in America.
(This article is part of FrontPage Magazine’s new series on the 10 Worst Judges in America. Know a judge you think belongs on the list? Leave nominations in the comments section.)
Can she be disbarred or otherwise removed from the bench?
Can she be deported for lying under oath many times?
Why not have her disbarred. A little lawfare coming from our side wouldn’t hurt. There seem to be a lot of leftist lawyers who should be disbarred.
These aren’t judges or lawyers, they are political operatives.
I have listened to many politicians, scholars, leading media types, law enforcement tell me that
no one in America is above the law. HAH!!!
Disbarred by who? The entire Justice System is run by Democrats, and they always protect their own!
I’ve contacted and filed complaints to our NM State Bar Association about representatives from the National Lawyers Guild and ACLU who openly advise mob protesters how to shut down streets which has resulted in running on top of cars stuck in traffic due to them shutting down intersections. “NO TOUCHING!” A cop hears that, and they are in fear of losing their job, even their home and family.
One incident here in Albuquerque was a mob shutting down the intersection, the police using pepper-spray, with the NLG there to document it TO SUE. The next night a bigger crowd and a NLG/ACLU rep told them to shut down the street again and if they got arrested, they’d represent them in court! I YELLED, “YOU FIRST ERIC! (-Isbel Serotkin) YOU FIRST ERIC!” The students did not block traffic that night because they realized their lives would be affected, even ruined, by an arrest, maybe even jail time! YOU’RE WELCOME!
At one protest, their mob members beat-up a 15-year-old counter-protester who was across the street, the 100ft buffer zone, now only 3ft so the mobs can attack MAGAS! I told two NLG reps about it, “If you want to complain to someone, you should hire your own lawyers! We’re here for them (protesters)!” (I believe that started in Charlotte with the ACLU suing the State and City for the 3ft buffer. Matches and Gasoline = Fire!)
The Bar dismissed all of my charges and there were many over FORTY YEARS! ATTORNEYS ENCOURAGING ILLEGAL ACTS IS NOT WORTHY OF A HEARING? And… with the motive to then sue the police and city to MAKE MONEY??? THEY ALWAYS SETTLE BECAUSE ALL OF THEM ARE PART OF IT!
FREE SPEECH??? LOL… do they protect and defend David Horowitz, and just recently, Robert Spencer, and their Right to Free Speech??? NEVER!
the NLG is the legal arm of the rioters, bar complaints are important, but yes who runs the bar
The DC BAR wouldn’t disbar one of their own. If the Republicans take both Houses, they can disband the DC District Court. Congress created the court, and they an uncreate it. They can then disperse the judges elsewhere.
Pure evil…. thank you, Daniel For bringing out an exposing these hidden monsters like this Judge that exist because of the morally bankrupt minds on the left.
No counterfeit person claiming to be a journalist would touch a story like this, thereby knowing they would disappear quickly from any major media outlet. Obama Is virtually untouchable and is placed above criticism no matter how crippling his decisions affected this nation.
And thank you for mentioning The J6 political prisoners who were endlessly hunted down For marching around Washington steps carrying a sign..
The fake journalist on MSNBC try to claim victim hood if Trump were to get elected when you’re the one I worry about if Harris gets elected.
Please compile these articles in another book like “ the best of Daniel Greenfield “ we need to document to what happened to this one’s great nation.
Leneint Judges and UN Democrat Liberal Judges should all be relived of their jobs
Typical DEI appointee
A drive-by shooting would fix this problem permanently.
Please!! Stop. Even if you are joking and many might agree, threats of violence are not OK.
Although this judge, who consistently sides with evil, is abhorrent to normal Americans, her wickedness may place her on the short list for a nomination to the Supreme Court in a Harris/Obama Administration.
That’s how the Dems like their judges, completely politicized hacks with no regard for the law or Constitution. And they just love to select check the box people so they can dismiss any legitimate criticism of them as racist, sexist, nativist, etc. Works like a charm for them. For the country, not so much.
Twisted, perverse, suicidal, and murderous ALTRUISM.
Altruism is a perversely inverted morality.
The innocent must be sacrificed to the guilty. The good must be sacrificed to the evil.
“Christ, in terms of the Christian philosophy, is the human ideal. He personifies that which men should strive to emulate. Yet, according to the Christian mythology, he died on the cross not for his own sins but for the sins of the nonideal people. In other words, a man of perfect virtue was sacrificed for men who are vicious and who are expected or supposed to accept that sacrifice. If I were a Christian, nothing could make me more indignant than that: the notion of sacrificing the ideal to the nonideal, or virtue to vice. And it is in the name of that symbol that men are asked to sacrifice themselves for their inferiors. That is precisely how the symbolism is used.” – Ayn Rand
Uh oh, THX is on the warpath now. An Altruism two-fer. Once in the first article and now in the second
Well T, you aren’t entitled to a second beer or even one, no matter how many times you invoke your pet obsession.
Randy, I thank God you aren’t a Christian. You never knew the good in people as does your pathetic boyfriend. All any Objectivist knows is the “rationally selfish”, a perverted way of saying I am a selfish shmuck.
For how many years have you been trying to kill God, anyway? For how many years have you failed? What we do know is that Rand is dead, with Lenny not far behind.
Hey Shmucky….the Holidays are right around the corner. I shall expect your shameless and tired Christophobia/Judeophobia to be on full display, in all of its faded glory.
al·tru·ism ˈal-trü-ˌi-zəm
Synonyms of altruism
: unselfish regard for or devotion to the welfare of others
charitable acts motivated purely by altruism
: behavior by an animal that is not beneficial to or may be harmful to itself but that benefits others of its species
Please explain how a megalomaniac “judge” in love with evil is “altruistic”, because according to the actual English definition of “altruism”, giving handjobs to murderous rapists while imprisoning tourist grannies is the *opposite* of altruism. In fact, your lord and savior would probably call that closer to “enlightened self-interest”, because they aren’t acting out of compassion. It’s all about the power trip. This is obvious to anyone paying attention.
DNC appointed judges have the same thing in common as reporters; they’re activist morons that 1st discard all ethics.
Reporters are also engaged in stiff competition for title of chief sell-out. If they employ the word “debunked” or “misinformation”, be assured the subject they’re reporting on is neither.
Lately, due to low-life Soros, we can add prosecutors to the list. They’ve actually sunk to manufacturing bullshit cases to engage in Stalinesque, 3rd world activism. “Show me Donald Trump, and I’ll find you the crime”.
Before this, idiots like Nifong, would get disbarred. Now the idiots run for President.
Human garbage, this judge is subhuman filth, unfit to breathe the same air decent people do. She always chooses evil over good, which is hallmark of all leftists.
Some how, we have got to remove every leftist judge in America from our courts. They only exist to promote INJUSTICE, and most of the evil psychos should not only be disbarred, but prosecuted for their unjust persecutions.
Barry Dunham Marshall Davis Soetoro Hussein the creature from hell is the satanic gift that keeps on giving. Heaven help us.
Daniel: What do you mean by “nepo?” Did I miss something in your article?
My take is nepotism.
Sadly, one is not surprised. Revelations like these–it’s like reading an appalling political thriller. Thanks, Daniel.
Daniel, thanks for this article.
This judge is a radicak leftist who for DJT is a hanging judge
Don’t blame this Marxist activist in a black robe. Blame the American hating Hussein O. And by extension the American voters who elected the openly anti America president. Sadly many brain dead Americans did learn nothing from his 12 years of destruction. And still willing to give him his 4th term as the shadow president.
America you are in big trouble.
So weird. I just finished reading a column by one Daniel Greenfield accusing others of lacking journalistic integrity. And then this screed, full of lies, unsupported accusations, innuendo.
So this judge believes American citizens, no matter where they are in the world and no matter their political ideology, deserve legal representations. And she opposes the death penalty. Therefore she “loves evil”?????
What “frenzied efforts” are you talking about? How is she a “nepo baby”? How was she able to have “Hillary Clinton ally Jack Smith deliver” a case to her?
You see, Daniel, casting unproven aspersions on a public figure without evidence is NOT a sign of journalistic integrity. It is the opposite.
Much like repeatedly calling her Jamaican even though you know full well she is an American citizen is a sign of your racism.
You provide not a shred of evidence here that Tanya Chutkan has ever “abused her authority.” You are a liar and a hack.
And yes, she presided over the prosecution and sentencing of several of your heroes, the Jan6ers, much like dozens of other judges. You know why? Because they engaged in a violent action intended to stop the certification of a free and fair election. That’s bad, Daniel. I don’t know if you missed that day of civics class.
We don’t need evidence in this toxic culture war environment. The accusation is the conviction of guilt.
For example: ‘Trump is a Nazi’. Fact: The DNC socialism is in line with Hitler’s socialist democrat policy while Trump’s life and policy proposals are examples of free market capitalism.
You could play human shield for her.
that would require the limey wanker coward to leave his cry closet in mommy’s basement, so it’ll never happen.
I think you are attracted to Danny. Not a good idea to attack the editor of the site. But whoever said you were smart.
the inbred, limey wanker probably just left his estrogen injection therapy and is feeeeling especially frisky today.
so the bitch is from jamaica and is proud of it but you say it’s racist for Daniel to mention it– are you that much of a dumb leftist shmuck? apparently, yes.
This superb article is not only an indictment of Chutkan, but Barack Obama who appointed her.
US District Judge Carlton W Reeves, Southern District of Mississippi
We need a mug shot of Judge Chutkan.
America’s Communist DNC has traction because of the ignorance of history possessing DNC constituents. Most of them are incapable or unwilling to work honest careers in pursuit of a responsible and self reliant life. The same lack the dignity to be ashamed of living dependent lives.
Grandma used to call that kind of people ‘white trash’.
Look on the bright side,
Sh*tcan will have along vaca in land of insufficient light – along with her fellow travelers.
Sadly no honest American will end her
Christopher Cooper, US District Court, Washington DC
One can have some sympathy for South American death squads when reading about people like Judge Sh*tcan
1) Arthur Engoron, NY Supreme Court presided over NY James’s garbage civil fraud case against Trump for allegedly overvaluing his real estate to secure financing from Deutsche Bank. Trump did the normal guesstimates of what price the assets would achieve upon sale, for which there is no right answer. . DB didn’t rely on Trump, as per the standard disclaimer. Engoron didn’t care that Trump repaid the loan in full and hit Trump with a fine of several hundred million dollars . He nearly blocked DJT from appealing.
2) Juan Merchan, a
NY Supreme, presided over DA Alvin Bragg’s prosecution of Trump for allegedly falsifying business records in the Stormy Daniels hush-money case.. which concluded with nearly $90 million in damages against ., Merchan had made donations to Trump opponents. His daughter is a huge fundraiser for Democrats .He made ruling after ruling throughout the trial and in instructing the jury that badly hurt Trump. Bragg contorted a nothing case into 34 felonies , and an anti-Trump jury ignored the oath to stick to the evidence and took barely a day to convict on all counts as Merchan clearly wanted them to do.
3) Lewis A Kaplan, Federal District Judge presided over a series of cases for defamation brought against Trump by a retired sex columnist. E Jean Carroll, Carroll claimed she met Trump in the mid ‘90s at Bergdorf Goodman in NY and within a short time Trump raped her in a dressing room; it was basically a he said/she said case with no credible evidence they had ever met .. Trump denounced it for the hoax that it obviously was and Kaplan held that denial could be defamatory. Kaplan should have tossed it, but he made continuous unfavorable rulings agst Trump and guided the jury to sequential verdicts totaling nearly $90 mm.
It is a disgrace and , once more , the fault of TDS -afflicted judges who violated whatever laws and rules stood in the way of obtaining anti-Trump results . They will all be reversed , but they cost Trump a fortune in legal fees, consumed vast amounts of time he needed for campaigning and subjected him to horrendous stress, considering he was also simultaneously defending against the two Jack Smith prosecutions, the Fani Willis prosecution and the Colorado case to exclude him from the ballot — 7 cases in all! Anyone other than Trump would have crumbled under the pressure of these Stalinist show trials.
Please forgive a typo in my note immediately above . I inadvertently transposed the phrase “concluded with nearly $90 million damages” from the text about the Lewis A Kaplan/E Jean Carroll defamation case to the text about the Juan Merchan/Bragg criminal case which simply concluded with 34 felony convictions against Trump and no money damages.
Emmet Sullivan of the USDC for the District of Columbia. Affirmative action bonus baby who is both incompetent and lazy. Persecutor of General Flynn. Petty bully who orders attorneys on December 20 to make filings for corporations on January 3 (spoiler alert: hardly anyone works at a big corporation between Christmas and New Years.