The first (and last) thing anyone needs to understand about Barack Obama is that he is a Machiavellian con man whose loose way with the truth makes Bill Clinton look like a boy scout. This is a born and bred Marxist radical who charmed the pants off Wall Street and seduced its kingpins into giving him $100 million for his first presidential run. This is a man who will say and do anything to get power – and in an election year, power is at the ballot box – hence his pledge to the Jews this AIPAC season that he “has Israel’s back.” In this astute piece in the Wall Street Journal, Bret Stephens shows that Obama has been schooled in his antagonism to Israel not only by such Palestinian Israel-haters as Rashid Khalidi and Edward Said, but by Jewish leftists as well. Obama is a smooth enough article to fool most of the people most of the time. Hopefully, come November he won’t have fooled them all of the time.
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