The mangy “occupiers” of Wall Street, with their bracingly radical demands for open borders, abolishing credit rating agencies, and outlawing private health insurance, are uttering what many Religious Left zealots only quietly pray for but don’t dare publicly to proclaim.
Religious Left icon Jim Wallis has announced he will conduct a visitation to the occupiers presumably to bestow his blessing and, he doubtless hopes, to receive their homage. “The Occupy Wall Street protests make some people nervous, while others scratch their heads, and more than a few grab their sleeping bags and join in,” Wallis carefully noted in his Sojourners. Himself a former rambunctious street activist who now aims for respectability among middle class church goers, Wallis almost certainly would like to bring a sleeping bag.
Professing to not yet fully understand the movement, Wallis still rhapsodized about “Occupy Wall Street:”
“When they stand with the poor, they stand with Jesus.
When they stand with the hungry, they stand with Jesus.
When they stand for those without a job or a home, they stand with Jesus.
When they are peaceful, nonviolent, and love their neighbors (even the ones they don’t agree with and who don’t agree with them), they are walking as Jesus walked.
When they talk about holding banks and corporations accountable, they sound like Jesus and the biblical prophets before him who all spoke about holding the wealthy and powerful accountable.”
Wallis concluded: “The Occupiers’ desire for change and willingness to take action to do something about it should be an inspiration to us all.” He’s going to Wall Street himself to ”visit” with the demonstrators because they are “carrying on the most interesting conversation going on in that city — or any other — right now.” Undoubtedly Wallis will share his subsequent impartial analysis with his Sojourners readers afterwards. As to Wallis’ comparisons of Jesus to “Occupy Wall Street,” he never cited any specific instances of the Savior demanding the state coercively redistribute wealth.
A prominent Wallis acolyte is pacifist Evangelical Left activist Shane Claiborne, who likened the Wall Street Occupiers to St. Francis of Assisi, whose feast day is this week. “One of the quotes attributed to Francis is a simple and poignant critique of our world, just as it was to his: ‘The more stuff we have the more clubs we need to protect it,’” Claiborne wrote for The Huffington Post. “It does make you wonder if he’d be on Wall Street protesting today.” Setting up the usual stereotypes about conservative religionists in contrast with St. Francis, Claiborne complained: “We’ve seen Christian extremists burn the Quran, blow up abortion clinics, bless bombs, baptize Wall Street, and hold signs that say ‘God hates fags.’” Note that Claiborne, like Wallis and most on the Religious Left, will never deploy such harsh verbiage against even al Qaeda aligned Islamists. They evidently aren’t as threatening as conservative Christians.
Meanwhile, increasingly Evangelical Left friendly Messiah College in Pennsylvania is hosting radical New York City University professor Frances Fox Piven on Tuesday, October 11, in the wake of her incendiary “Days of Rage” Wall Street speech that denounced bankers as ”thieves“ and ”cannibals.” She has endorsed the Wall Street Occupiers and other demonstrators as part of what she hopes is a “popular uprising.” Once a quietly conservative evangelical college, Messiah has apparently been deluged with complaints from alumnae and others who don’t want their school to become an evangelical, 1960’s style Berkeley. One Messiah alum said he was “shocked that a college with pacifist roots and leanings would invite a radical who has called on the unemployed to violence against employers and the government.” One source at Messiah observed that “many of us on campus are very upset about this and, as you might imagine, many folks off campus – donors, alumni, & prospective students/parents – having been overloading the email system with complaints.”
A defensive Messiah news release notes that Piven’s scheduled appearance has aroused “expressions of concern” and is “just one part of a broader campus conversation this fall exploring capitalism and its role in American society.” The news release boasted that Messiah will host a debate next month between the omnipresent Jim Wallis and American Enterprise Institute chief Arthur Brooks. An equally defensive FAQ from Messiah blames a “significant portion” of controversy about Piven on the “opinions of news commentator Glenn Beck and others in the blogosphere.” And the FAQ complained that her critics have “obscured Dr. Piven’s 40-year career and extensive scholarly credentials, both of which suggest that her talk can be the opportunity for serious conversation and political engagement for our students and by the general public.” Although no speaker was invited to counter Piven, Messiah will host a “talkback session” by a faculty panel to offer “critiques and other reflections” the day after her appearance.
Earlier this year, Piven wrote in the Nation that “an effective movement of the unemployed will have to look something like the strikes and riots that have spread across Greece,” and that “protesters need targets, preferably local and accessible ones.” As The New York Times recounted, she later insisted: “That is not a call for violence.” And she complained: “There is a kind of rhetorical trick that is always used to denounce movements of ordinary people, and that is to imply that the massing of people itself is violent.”
Whether or not the Wall Street Occupiers are “ordinary people,” much less resemble St. Francis, the Religious Left is bursting with pride over their naughty demands. Jim Wallis’ visitation to Wall Street, and Professor Piven’s appearance at Messiah College, may signify a new, more openly radical turn by previously restrained religious activists frustrated that their historical moment may again be passing.
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