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Hamas’ massacre of 1,200 Israelis on Oct. 7, 2023, was a singular event in world history. This is true not solely because of the breathtaking savagery of those attacks but because of the campaign that began almost immediately after them to turn the perpetrator into the victim and isolate Israel on the global stage.
The fact has been only sparsely explored, but both the attacks and the anti-Israel reaction were planned long in advance. Now, a new documentary from the courageous and renowned filmmaker Pierre Rehov brings to light the seeds of the massacre, some of which were planted centuries before, and the powerful forces that have worked so energetically since Oct. 7 to turn the world against Israel.
Rehov, who has given the world numerous justly acclaimed documentaries defending Israel and revealing the actual mindset and goals of the Palestinian jihadis, has produced his crowning work to date in “Pogrom(s).” This chilling but highly informative exposé begins with a definition of the word “pogrom” itself: “A violent riot incited with the aim of massacring or expelling an ethnic or religious group, particularly Jews.” While Oct. 7 was certainly a pogrom, the parenthetical plural reminds us that there have been many others, and if those who planned Oct. 7 and then skillfully manipulated public opinion after it get their way, it won’t be the last.
“Pogroms(s)” combines captured Hamas footage of Oct. 7, which was produced so that Islamic jihad sympathizers the world over could rejoice in the butchering of Jewish civilians, with new interviews with a wide array of experts on Islam and terrorism in order to provide a unique insight into what drove the Palestinian Arabs who perpetrated the attacks to celebrate what they were doing and what led to the demonization and isolation of Israel after the attacks, despite their unparalleled barbarity.
Unlike other films that have covered the horrific events of that fateful day, “Pogrom(s)” makes no attempt to play on the emotions of the viewer, nor does it linger on the bloodiest footage of the attacks in an attempt to arouse fury and rage against the attackers. Rehov, always deft at striking and maintaining the tone that best befits the subject at hand, instead offers a searching exploration of the historical context of the hatred of Jews that led to Oct. 7, as well as of the strategies that the Muslim Brotherhood, Qatar, and their leftist allies and useful idiots in the West employed in order to turn the attacks to their own advantage.
That is not to say, however, that “Pogrom(s)” is a clinical or academic examination of the causes and aftermath of Oct. 7. Even those who are familiar with the horrific events of that day will find the footage taken from Hamas GoPro cameras to be utterly chilling. Hamas jihadis exultantly shout “Allahu akbar” as they aim machine gun fire into the bungalows where Israeli civilians are seen moving.
The unalloyed joy of the gunmen is jarring to Westerners who are used to thinking of mass murderers as driven by rage, hatred, and psychosis. The Hamas jihadis, on the other hand, look as if they’re at a party or a religious revival meeting, and the jolting impact of Rehov’s presentation is that it soon becomes clear that in their minds that what they were doing was a little of both.
“Pogrom(s)” goes into detail about how the murder of Jews has been presented to Palestinian Muslims as a meritorious and even holy act for over a century (and, indeed, much longer than that). The jihadis of Oct. 7 were programmed virtually from birth to regard their Jewish neighbors as the worst enemies of the Muslims, “the most vehement of mankind in hostility to those who believe” (Qur’an 5:82).
Rehov illustrates how the antisemitism of Islam found an eager partner in German National Socialism, providing seldom-seen video footage of the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem, Hajj Amin al-Husseini, meeting with Adolf Hitler in Berlin during World War II. Al-Husseini lived in Berlin during the war and collaborated with National Socialists; he recruited a Muslim SS division in Bosnia and made broadcasts in Arabic, laden with Qur’an quotes, attempting to garner Muslim Arab support for Hitler’s anti-Jewish program.
After the war, al-Husseini evaded prosecution and made his way to Egypt, where he continued his work against the nascent Jewish state. “Pogrom(s)” details how the Muslim Brotherhood (of which Hamas is a branch) and one of its foremost patrons, the government of Qatar, worked at the same time to expand their reach and influence in the West. Qatar has donated tens of millions of dollars to U.S. colleges and universities; is it really any surprise, then, that after Oct. 7, campuses became furious bastions of pro-Hamas sentiment?
No establishment media journalists, however, have bothered to trace all this or to explore why world opinion turned so swiftly against Israel after it suffered the worst attack in its history. “Pogrom(s)” thus performs an essential service. And in light of the fact that no mainstream media outlet will agree to broadcast this much-needed film, Rehov and his team have set up a two-stage strategy: until the end of August, the film will be available to everyone for just $5.99. All the money raised will go towards promoting the film when it is officially released at the end of September.
So be sure to watch “Pogrom(s)” this month here. No matter how much you know about the jihad against Israel, you’ll find it eye-opening, informative, and moving. If “Never Again” is to have any meaning at this point, it will be because lovers of freedom arm themselves with the truth and are aware of where the next assaults may be coming from. For illuminating that, Pierre Rehov deserves the gratitude of all free people.
Oy vey!
The crucial, essential, reason why October 7th happened is Israeli ALTRUISM and self-sacrifice for the Palestinians.
If Israel had not given those savages work permits October 7th wouldn’t have happened.
Unfortunately, Judaism is as awash with suicidal altruism as is Christianity.
A couple of days ago I read this in an article at American Thinker about American Jews but it also applies to Jews everywhere —
“What America’s Jews passionately care about is “social justice.” In terms of helping the sick and the poor, social justice is deeply embedded in Judaism. The Industrial Revolution, which brought about a massive wealth generation, caused the plurality of Jews to broaden their vision of social justice to include economic equality….
However, the issue of economic equality eventually grew into an irrational obsession that ultimately led them to embrace socialism.
The Jewish love affair with socialism, which began in Russia with the fanaticism of the grandparents, has been transformed by the Great Terror into the fear of the parents and subsequently into the conviction of the children and grandchildren is embedded deeply in the Jewish DNA….
They feel guilty for achieving a standard of living as good as or better than any other ethnic group in this country.
To assuage this guilt, they continue to fight for social justice, taking on and supporting the cause of every underdog and liberal movement in sight, no matter how unworthy, no matter how illogical, and no matter how it imperils their own interests or safety.” – Alexander G. Markovsky
I see this stupid article is now your favorite. It’s clear you know nothing of Jews and you never miss an opportunity to tar them with the ‘altruism’ moniker. You are practically frothing at the mouth in your joy.
Are you really saying that all Jews, everywhere, are like this without offering a scintilla of evidence. You can’t even use your own words. You have to crib off of some self hating Jew.
You certainly seem to be enjoying your anti-semitism the last few days. It goes right along with your Christian bigotry. You are contributing to Jew hatred in this country. Is it any wonder that no one wants anything to do with your sick outlook on life and your warped Objectivist philosophy.
Sounds like you want a disaster to happen here. Well, it will with your help and moronic encouragement. So when the SHTF where will you be? Hiding under your bed like the pu$$y you are. Since NYC is the Jewish capitol in this country I hope the Hasidim find you and tear you apart limb from limb.
All you do is spread your lies and hate with no thought of the consequences. And you seem proud of it. Other than Hamas, Hezbollah and the Houthis you may be the worst example of anti-semitism I have ever seen. You are worse than the phony Nazis over on the Revolver website. I deal with them all the time. You are as stupid as they are.
Fck you, you dipsht P.O.S.
wow, angry little man! Spencer exposes all of the useful idiots, race, religion, gender are irrelevant. I am a Jew and I agree with the article that social justice has become the primary religion for many western Jews. Jews have been shamed and indoctrinated to marginalize their faith, the state of Isreal.., themselves. Oct 7 was a bit of a wake up call for some people, especially younger Jewish people.
9/11 was the handiwork of the Saudi Islamic “Royal ” families and the other Islamic ” Royal ” families that have been pushing hatred and terrorism and violence against America, Israel, and the West since WW2.
The Islamic ” Royal ” families are the enemy of America and Israel and the West.
Depraved psychopathic murderous berserk freedom crushing violent Islam has been a scourge on humanity for 1400 years.
Enough already.
And I might point out here an unsettling fact.
How can President Trump’s son-in-law, Jared Kushner, take more than three billion dollars from the Saudis, Qatar, and the United Arab Emirates in an investment deal called Infinity Partners ?
Has Kushner no shame, no morals, no standards other than enriching himself with depraved Islamic blackmailing blood money from Qatar, the Saudis, and the United Arab Emirates ?
Why doesn’t President Trump at least criticize and publicly reject Kushner’s disgusting behavior, treachery, and greedy deals with the corrupt Islamic ” Royal ” families.
Kushner is a stain on President Donald Trump’s reputation.
Lots of Jew hate is masked as Jared hate. Who knows what that business deal means? Maybe it changes a power balance or maybe it’s bad. I’ve watched the right sink into lefty anti Jew hate screaming Jared Jared. I don’t know or care about him but I do know he’s your Goldstein. But the hate doesn’t stop after a few minutes. Well, enjoy yourself. You have lots of buddies on college campuses.
Perhaps your anger should be directed at the writer who loves admonishing the Jews.
Whining about Tikkun Olam and altruism is not going to save them, in America and in Israel. And in America the alarm has been blinking red since Norman Podhoretz penned “Why Are Jews Liberal” 20 years ago.
So what are you going to do. Buy a gun? Good idea. Talk to the powers that be to meet with Jews at the synagogues?
Prepare for the coming attack by the Muslim terrorists that Biden and co. have let in to the country for the past 4 years. Good Idea. The Muj have been smuggling in arms for the last 4 years. You might want to read Kurt Schlichter’s ‘The Attack’. So good luck. The government is not coming to save you.
One big problem is that liberal Jews hate people like me. I am not a Jew. Why would they listen to me. They might listen to you.
So don’t be altruistic. I am not particularly altruistic either. It won’t change a thing and there will always be Jew haters out there.
The only question is what are you going to do fight back.
You better be armed and ready when the SHTF. The Left and the Muslims are not screwing around .
Interesting viewpoint, indeed and only at “Frontpage” you’ll find this philosophical level. God bless you for bringing this up.
Now, your notion of “social justice” would be called “love your Neighbor” for a Christian. So in the famous story told by Lord Jesus about the man coming down from Judea and getting beaten up by robbers and left bleeding in a ditch the two guys just walking by were right and the one, the Samaritan, was the idiot wasting his time and money on a stranger. This story is a cornerstone of Christian faith. I don’t know much about Jewish faith, but Love your Neighbor as yourself is in Moses’ Ten Commandments. This idea about loving your Neighbor is deeply rooted in Judeo Christian culture, however counterproductive it may be. Chinese and Indian culture don’t have it. It may also be caused by their lack of a personal god to keep track of your deeds. The question is: does terrible deeds like Holocoust and Oct 7’th happen because we’re too kind to our neighbor? A counter argument would be, that nameless horrors have also happened to Chinese and Indians, despite them not having a personal God with bookkeeping. Another more limited argument is that Oct 7’th happened because Israel is surrounded by enemies who wanna kill it’s people. Abraham’s and Isaac’s God have made even your enemies into our Neighbor. That is, you can indeed be forced to kill your enemy to protect your Neighbor. Abraham and Isaac’s God presented his children with dilemmas. You are going to inherit eternal life according to how you solve dilemmas. The border between good and evil goes through the heart of every man.
Helping a deserving stranger is not self-sacrifice, it is simple kindness.
Helping your sworn enemy, who has vowed to kill every single one of your people — IS self-sacrifice!
“The question is: does terrible deeds like Holocaust and Oct 7’th happen because we’re too kind to our neighbor?”
A rational code of ethics would first ask, “Who is my neighbor, is he a deserving person, or is he Ted Bundy?” “Is he George Washington, or is he Adolf Hitler?”
To help good, deserving people, is a virtue. To help evil people is — EVIL.
The work permits were merely the means that was available. If they had not been available, Hamas would have found some other way.
Except, Mr. Alkflaeda,
that giving work permits to the Palestinian savages was just the last act of self-sacrificial, suicidal altruism, on the part of Israel. America, and the West for the Palestinian savages.
The last suicidal act of suicidal altruism, the final altruist nail in the coffin, in a long chain of suicidal altruism for the Palestinian savages.
What you are leaving out of the context is that the Palestinian savages produce NOTHING. NOTHING AT ALL. Gaza and the West Bank are thoroughly WELFARE STATES.
Welfare states funded by America and the West.
If the altruist largesse from the West that funds the Palestinian savages were stopped those Muslim savages would either starve to death or learn that there is no free lunch to kill Jews and infidels and start to work and produce something of value that they could trade to EARN their keep.
It’s much harder to be a Muslim terrorist when you actually have to work for a living or starve!
” never again ” will occur again . it will happen over and over again as it has since christs crucifixion . it will continue right up to and including the tribulation as prophesied in the book of revelation . as jews dont believe the new testament they will not heed the warnings . that will only happen half way through the 7 year tribulation and by then it will almost be too late . their messiah , yeshua will intervene at the end of the 7 years to rescue them from total annihilation . the jews are their own worst enemy as borne out by the fact that the left in israel can do deals with terrorists . at this very moment trying to prosecute their own IDF for supposedly mistreating the animals of oct. 7 . since when did they take the word of terrorists over their own citizens ? israel is infested with pharisees, saducees and its own sanhedrin . a euphemism for the left , the same crowd as the left in america . be afraid , very afraid of what is to come . no amount of docos and chest beating will alter the inevitable .
Question: Why are there no un-edited, raw video clips of the actual atrocities committed that day? All I can find on YouTube are blurred-out clips from the major networks… sanitized for our “protection”
Correct me if I’m wrong, but it sure seems like during those horrible days of when ISIS was slaughtering their way across Iraq that un-edited videos were everywhere, and the public seeing those horrific scenes helped galvanize their collective judgement against the barbarians.
I’ve also read from others that the lack of Oct. 7 raw footage being available to the public as one of the main reasons so many observers and fence-sitters are questioning Israel’s harsh, yet wholly justified response.
Utube has gone woke and left with white-washed content. Amir Tsafarti on Telegram has the background and content you need to see.
These psychopaths hiding behind a religion are well schooled in the most effective forms of propaganda which dovetails quite nicely with the often latent and now exposed worlds’ antisemitism. Most of the world’s people have been steeped in a self-righteous, liberal capitulation to those portrayed as
“victims” through an endless torrent of historical revisionism allowing for this insanity. These malevolent marauders of evil have easily used the press to demonize Israel without the press and so called journalists EVER doing any fundamental research on the validity of a people created and called Palestinians and their false claims of being an indigenous people. It is the ultimate end goal sought for which any and all may be sacrificed…and Hamas knows all-too-well where Israel’s pain points are and how to use them advantageously!
They have also absorbed Goebbel’s understanding of propaganda, along with traditional National Socialist beliefs about Jews. If a lie is repeated often enough, people will believe it. And honestly, I believe that most of the Muslim world does believe the lies that have been perpetrated ever since their “scripture” was written by the illiterate brigand they call the perfect man.
Thank you, Robert Spencer, for your bravery, for your tireless voice spreading the truth, for waking people up and sounding the alarm. You are a gift to this world. I pray Hashem watch over you and keep you safe from harm.