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During the last 20 years I’ve written extensively about two things. One is the dangerous rise of Islam in the West. The other is the ideological destruction of the American academy. The aftermath of the Hamas atrocities of October 7 has brought both of these concerns to the fore. In the wake of the most horrific attack on Jews since the Holocaust, there were massive rallies across the country in sympathy with the terrorist perpetrators, and the participants in these demonstrations belonged largely to two groups: (1) college students and (2) Muslims.
If the jihadist butchery of October 7 was monstrous, the spectacle of huge crowds applauding it was appalling. It shocked many people. It shouldn’t have. Many of us have spent years writing endlessly about the ugliness of Islamic ideology – notably the murderous hatred of Jews that is enshrined in the Koran, taught in the madrassas, and preached in the mosques – only to feel that our words were falling on deaf ears. Similarly, many of us have been writing for a long time about the far-left professors, especially at our so-called elite colleges, who teach their students that America, the West, Christians, Jews, and white people are always the oppressors and aggressors and that people of color, especially Muslims, are always victims. The public displays of solidarity with Hamas are at once a dramatic illustration of both of these phenomena and the strongest argument yet for major action on both of these fronts.
First, something drastic needs to be done about American higher education. The ideological depredation wrought by far-left faculty and administrators at private colleges needs to be addressed by responsible-minded trustees, alumni, and donors. Speaking of donors, something needs to be done about them, as well: as Eli Lake reported on October 25, not a few U.S. colleges have accepted fortunes from Muslim countries and have built whole campuses in those countries – with the syllabi tailored, of course, to local requirements. That repulsive intellectual compromise needs to be quashed. Then there’s the matter of administrative bloat: as the College Fix website noted on October 24, Harvard has over 1.3 administrators per student. Most of these people are superfluous at best and mischief-makers at worst – DEI (diversity, equity, and inclusion) bureaucrats who strive to protect students from “microaggression” but who shrug indifferently at cries of “kill the Jews.”
As for public universities, responsible state and municipal leaders could do worse than to emulate Florida Governor Ron de Santis, who appointed anti-ideology crusader Christopher Rufo as a trustee at Sarasota’s New College and – in an October 24 order – banned chapters of Students for Justice in Palestine, a student organization that provides support to Hamas, from Sunshine State campuses.
There’s more. Professors who brainwash instead of teaching must be fired en masse. Identity-studies programs, and other departments that offer nothing other than propaganda, must be closed down unceremoniously. These programs are a scam, and any parent who cares enough to look into what’s really going on in them should be aware of that. (The question I’ve never been able to answer for myself is: how do so many parents get fooled into thinking that their kids are actually learning something in these classrooms?)
Also, the Ivies need, once and for all, to be knocked off their pedestals. For whatever reason, the most toxic colleges in America also tend to be the most prestigious and expensive – and the ones that provide the fastest and easiest route from graduation into a socially and culturally influential career. That’s a ridiculous – and dangerous – state of affairs. It’s why legacy media, publishing, and other high-profile sectors are so hopelessly radicalized. What to do about this problem? One thing is to get out the word that Harvard and Yale aren’t what they used to be. Yes, many parents have long known this to be the case but still want their children to have Ivy diplomas because, whatever else those diplomas may or may not signify, they’re still a ticket into the elite. That needs to end. The word must go out that a sheepskin from Harvard, at least in the humanities or social sciences, is less likely to be proof of a solid education in Western thought than of a thoroughgoing indoctrination in hatred of the West.
Something drastic, then, needs to be done about American higher education. That’s fact one. Fact two is that America not only needs to stop accepting sharia-following immigrants, but needs to identify and deport every immigrant in the country who has been observed celebrating Hamas terrorism. This is a proposal that, before October 7, would have sounded offensive to many American ears. Perhaps after October 7 it doesn’t sound quite so harsh. But if the truth offends, so be it. We’re all living in the aftermath of a massive misstep by George W. Bush, who, after 9/11, rushed to proclaim that Islam is a religion of peace whose adherents long for freedom and whose teachings are entirely virtuous. The terrorists, Bush insisted, hadn’t just hijacked planes – they’d hijacked their faith. Whether Bush himself believed these misrepresentations or not, the fact is that they’ve persisted throughout American society for the last twenty-two years. They led to two long, expensive wars and to countless unnecessary deaths. And they continue to mislead many Americans into thinking and acting irresponsibly. After 9/11 we could have closed our borders to devotees of sharia and prevented any number of horrors. The brothers who committed the Boston Marathon bombings moved to America in 2002 and 2004. The perpetrator of the 2017 truck attack in New York City immigrated in 2010.
It’s not as if restricting immigration severely would make America the bad guy. Even if we put the brakes on letting in sharia-believing Muslims, we’d still be the number-one immigrant nation. Over 50 million of us are foreign-born. (Number two, Germany, has only 13 million immigrants.) Defenders of unregulated immigration always look at floods of immigrants and see only suffering. They talk about the need to open one’s hearts. They quote Emma Lazarus’s famous Statue of Liberty poem: “Give me your tired, your poor, / Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free….” But Lazarus didn’t write “Give me your Koran-drenched infidel-haters, / your potential rapists of grandmothers and murderers of children.” How many of the people who were forced by Hamas jihadists to watch their children being murdered and mutilated also believed with all their hearts in being kind to the suffering people in nearby Gaza? If ICE can threaten to expel a family of German Christians who moved to the U.S. fifteen years ago because Germany forbids homeschooling, certainly something can be done to protect our toddlers from people who teach their toddlers to hate non-believers and to idolize jihadists.
Think of it this way. There are many people around the world who would love to emigrate to America because they truly do yearn to breathe free and to be productive members of American society. These are people who aren’t fans of terrorism, and who may even be victims of it. They’re people who would happily wave Old Glory and never think of hoisting a Hamas flag. And they’re people, in a great many cases, who want desperately to leave Muslim countries because they’re persecuted for being Christians, Jews, Hindus, Buddhists, ex-Muslims, or Ahmadi Muslims. Recall that when Obama was president, he severely limited America’s intake of persecuted Middle Eastern Christians while accepting unprecedented numbers of Muslim migrants – “the terrorists of tomorrow,” as Daniel Greenfield has put it – who weren’t fleeing anything. It was a deeply cynical, morally bankrupt, and America-hating policy. Why can’t we do the opposite of that? Instead of admitting armies of Muslims, why not focus on admitting non-Muslims who’ve suffered under Islam – a cohort whose numbers, frankly speaking, are colossal?
Taking in all those faces at pro-Hamas rallies, full at once of inhuman hate and (despite their claim to be in pain over the deaths of Gazans) of near-manic glee – so different from the looks of perplexity, anguish, and despair at pro-Israeli events – one couldn’t help wondering: why do these people, enamored as they obviously are of sharia tyranny and of the brutal exercise of Islamic power against the infidel, want to live in America in the first place, unless they hope to help transform it from a free and pluralistic country into something more like Iran or Qatar or, yes, Gaza? Presumably they want to enjoy all the economic advantages of being in a modern Western country even as they maintain fully intact their prehistoric non-Western ideology, with all its profoundly challenging social and cultural aspects, its inherent problems and prejudices. Beyond a certain point, of course, that combination of Westernism and Islam is not only unworkable but malignant – a chemical experiment doomed to result in an explosion. That being the case, how inhumane would it be to give these people every incentive to return to the countries from which they came and where they surely would be happier than in a constitutional republic full of sodomites and Zionists? If you insist on the virtue of being surrounded by exotic faces, why not welcome more Hindus or Sikhs or Buddhists, whose records as immigrants to the West are stellar in every way?
Another thought, this one about numbers: how many members of Hamas did it take to pull off the genocidal events of October 7? Not many. And how many Muslims do you suppose cheered those events in America’s streets? A lot. If you’ve seen any of the videos, you know that few, if any, of these celebrations of evil were civilized and orderly. On the contrary, as befits celebrations of evil, they were raucous, aggressive, and sometimes violent. And don’t make the mistake of thinking that the hate in those protesters’ hearts is exclusively reserved for Jews: on the contrary, in the minds of Muslims who sympathize with Hamas, the “Sunday people” are no better than the “Saturday people”; just look at the way in which the Levant and the Maghreb have been drained of Christians over the generations.
Nor, of course, is Muslim hate restricted to the adherents of competing faiths: if members of “Queers for Palestine” showed up in Gaza, or in any number of other Islamic centers, and broadcast their sexual orientation, they’d be dispatched as quickly and brutally as those October 7 partiers in the Negev Desert. All of which leads to the all-important question: if so many faraway Muslim places are a peril to life and limb for Christians and Jews and gays, among many others, how much safer are the increasing number of places in America that are heavily populated by vocally pro-Hamas Muslims?
Think of it. Is it all that far a psychological journey from participating in celebrations of terrorist butchery to carrying out terrorist butchery? Why is it so hard for so many Americans to recognize the very real possibility that this month’s terror in Israel could be next month’s terror in America? Will Americans refuse to act on this issue until, one fine weekend morning, a few dozen middle-class families in, say, Grosse Pointe, Michigan, are getting ready for breakfast when armed men from Hamtramck burst into their homes and proceed to shoot, rape, burn, dismember, and defile the parents and their precious children? Do Americans really want to wake up to that nightmare?
And don’t neglect this point: How many of the families slaughtered in those kibbutzim had worked, perhaps over a period of years, with Muslims whom they thought of as friends – but who, on October 7, when all those years of Koranic learning kicked in, cheered their murders?
And they don’t cheer because they belong to an ethnic group that is inherently immoral. They do so because their religion has trained them from infancy to hate non-believers and to delight in their eradication. The problem that faces us, in other words, isn’t multiethnicity. It’s multiculturalism – the presence in a country that values intellectual diversity, religious liberty, and freedom of speech of millions of people with a deep and abiding faith in a religion that teaches them to despise those things.
Yes, getting serious about the Islamization of America and about the radicalization of American higher education sounds like quite a tall order – correction, two tall orders. But the problem is urgent, and accomplishing these tasks would, in any case, be a good deal cheaper, easier, and less deadly than war. And make no mistake: if we choose to shirk these tasks now, sooner or later war, or something just as violent and bloody, will be what we get.
Ugly Sid says
Restart the Crusades.
Liberate Constantinople, the Holy Land and all of historic Christendom.
Hold mass in Haga Sofia. Hold Muhammad’s sword as a war prize.
NYgal says
You mean, you want Christians to invade Israel?
Tionico says
Uhhhmmmm..non sequitur much?
More like Vienna on 11 September a few centuries ago.
Funny thing how the mozzies disappeared in the night nce they knew who had arrived the afternoon before. Left everything. Went off to no ne knows where.
GenEarly says
. then there are Mex/Cartels & even ChiCom military age males by the thousands Here in the USSA…
then We have a Feral DC NWO Coup government installed, Not elected in 2020.
and you want another WW to restore Constantinople??? most ‘Mericans never even heard of it, btw.
there is No $$$ to Fund a Fight, there are No troops to do the fighting, abd JoBamahas given away out stockpiles of ammo and oil.
I’m sure everything will be just fine! SARC
Paul says
Good thing many of us have 400 million guns and 20 billion round of ammo. It will be bloody but many of us veterans are ready for the “watering of the tree of liberty”.
Tom W says
It appears that in the not too distant future good men will have to do horrible things if America is to survive. Let slip the dogs of war,
Frank says
Michael Yon just published a Substack note. He thinks that the USSA will try to implement a military draft, but it will be widely rejected. So, the illegal aliens that have flooded into the country will be drafted instead, Imagine a pool of invaders suddenly armed, that can turn their weapons against civilians in the USSA.
Tom W says
It has already been proposed that local police (city/county) can hire people with criminal records. Add the criminals, the Hamas illegals, and the cartel sicarios and we’re going to have ourselves a knock down/drag out county Sheriff’s department that will make Genghis Kahn’s rampage look like a walk in the park. Extortion will be in full blossom…police work in Amerika will be a totally entrepreneurial exercise. These people will be busier than roosters at Perdue’s egg factories stealing money from what used to be called the “middle class.”
Chris Cloutier says
We should meddle a lot less. Maybe it would slow down the process of becoming a 3rd world country
Goodnight Irene says
Obama has publicly said that white people are only 20% of the world population. Why would he say that?
Jeff Bargholz says
Because he’s a racist moron. Whites are the clear majority of humanity.
THX 1138 says
How do you define “white”? One drop of white makes you white? Acting white makes you white?
Looking white makes you white?
Nordic whites look very different from Mediterranean whites. They’re much darker. Sofia Loren looks much darker than Princess Diana.
One recent discovery of mine is that the complexion and coloring among the Poles and other Slavic countries can vary from extremely Nordic to very dark Mediterranean.
Jeff Bargholz says
Many Melanesians are physically indistinguishable from sub Saharan African blacks but they’re all white.
“White” is just a term for a particular race. Nobody thinks they’re actually white like paper, just like nobody (with a functioning brain) thinks blacks aren’t brown.
Whites are BY FAR the most diverse people on planet Earth. They come in all skin, eye and hair colors humanity has. Every other race has boring black hair and brown, turd colored eyes.
Jeff Bargholz says
Whoever down voted me eats brown turds.
WhiteHunter says
Within living memory (of some of us who are still alive), the human “race” (more properly our “species”–homo sapiens) was classified into 3 “races”: Caucasian, Negroid, and Mongoloid (i.e. Asian).
Today, of course, those “classifications,” especially the last two, are denounced as “racist” (which they were), and offensive.
Martin Luther King himself always referred to his own race as “Negro”–a word now never allowed to be spoken, written, or heard in polite company.
Today, the United Negro College Fund has collapsed its historic, and noble, name to just “The Fund” in its fundraising junk-mail; and, similarly, the once-noble National Association for the Advancement of Colored People”–the NAACP–uses only its initials (pronounced “En Double-A See Pee”), never its full original name. (Maybe they could update it to “The National Association for the Advancement of People of Color,” to conform to today’s ubiquitous Political Correctness?)
Look at the present-day Affirmative Action list of specially “protected,” advantaged racial/ethnic classifications–nearly a dozen of them, many almost microscopically obscure, and far more than the three (“White,” “Cape Coloured,” and “Bantu”) used in race-obsessed Apartheid South Africa.
Why not instead just say “No one of European ethnicity or ancestry need apply”?
The American Kennel Club officially recognizes several hundreds of breeds; but they’re all Dogs–Canis Familiaris. Why should our own society and Government not simply recognize all of us as Human Homo Sapiens, with those punctilious “racial” differentiations used only on Wanted posters and Descriptions of the Suspect (which, incredibly, they almost never are–for obviously PC reasons)?
Let’s drop these divisive–and yes, Racist!–distinctions and nonsense, and follow common sense and decency.
And yes, that should apply to recognizing that there are just two sexes–Male and Female–determined at conception by unavoidable biological Fact, not by how someone “identifies” Him-, Her-, or “Their”-self’s “gender!
Intrepid says
Whoa….deep dude. I guess we can assume you aren’t an anthropologist either, but you get to play one on a comment board.
No one cares about this garbage.
Intrepid says
Golly gosheroony. Another homework assignment. How do I define “white”?
Do I really have to? How do you define “beyond stupid”?
Michael says
The term “white” is not an accepted description of races or people, nor is “black”, etc. These terms are constructs made to divide and conquer. Again, Martin Luther King was right. God, loves the whole world; let’s follow his example, not man’s.
dani says
I’d say that people with a Judeo-Christian worldview are the majority – for now, but I’m not certain that will be the case in the not too distant future.. It looks like the UK, france, sweden, etc. will be have moslem majorities by midcentury – scary
Paul says
White, Western civilization is the SUPREME culture of all the world. Everything else is tribal or dictatorial or both. The British Empire left the legacy of the most enduring democracies in History. It would be better if Africa, Asia and South America went back to the 19th century.
Frank says
I remember when Obama referred to his own grandmother as a “typical white person”, when he was still candidate Obama, back in early 2008
Jeff Bargholz says
Yes, Bareback Hasbeen Osama is a piece of shit. His grandparents took care of him after his whore mother died, or left, or whatever. What a scummy ingrate.
And he’s weak and ugly.
RS says
Many strange things happened to Obama’s Chef. The truth and the facts have not come out yet.
Tom W says
It is now said that obama was “in attendance” during the alleged murder of the chef. Was obama being hard-to-get or did his husband object a little too strenously? Doesn’t matter….obama’s Security Apparat will never tell.
Fred A. says
Remember, Obama spent part of his life being raised in the Islam religion. It may have had an impact on his outlook on life.
Frank says
Bathhouse Barry slips and says “My Muslim faith” in an interview with George Stephanopoulos (spelling?) and after prompting from George, changes it to “My Christian faith”
WhiteHunter says
Let’s remember that, decades ago, in an unguarded moment of uncharacteristic candor, even Jesse Jackson(!) surprisingly admitted that, when he’s walking on a city street at night and hears footsteps behind him, he feels nervous; but then he’ll turn and look, and if he sees it’s a white guy, he’s “relieved” and relaxes!
I vividly remember that revealing remark of his, although I’ll bet it’s now impossible to find the video of it with any present-day internet search engine.
Not that white guys aren’t, or can’t be, violent, dangerous criminals, too, of course; I was violently attacked, mugged, and seriously injured, as they punched and kicked the hell out of me on the sidewalk for no reason one night years ago on a Boston street–just two white thugs beating the hell out of a nicely dressed white advertising executive “just for the fun of it.”
My best advice is to always be alert, and ready to flee or fight.
If you’re white (or black, or Asian, for that matter) and hear the footsteps of someone following you on a city street at night, quickly look back to see who he (or worse, they) is/are; and if they’re suspiciously close, and not half a block behind you, minding their own business–and whether they’re focused on you, or just happen to be taking an innocent walk for themselves and not actually “following” you at all.
If you’re white and they’re black, get ready and know, in advance, what you will need to do.
If they’re white (as my two white muggers were), the same advice applies.
It was that frightening, painful, bloody episode, in 1982, that motivated me to train, qualify, and apply for my Class A Unrestricted License to Carry, join the NRA (now and for many years a Benefactor Member, the highest level of Membership), qualify as an NRA Certified Pistol Instructor, and teach, over the years at my gun club, hundreds of my students — including many who were (former) battered women and rape victims.
And I take great pride in knowing, from their grateful communications to me over the years, that not one of them has ever been beaten or raped again.
So, the next time, there might very well be serious wounds, and blood on the sidewalk. But they won’t be mine.
As long as they insist on keeping the Borers open we will continue to have this UN/CFR Invasion supported by the DNC
NYgal says
Those borders have been opened for a very long time, now.
I remember being at JFK airport, about 14, or 15 years ago, awaiting the arrival of a friend of mine on a delayed plane from Europe. During the time I was waiting, about 2 hours, an unending stream of Muslim arrivals , dressed in various national attires, some carrying rolled up prayer rugs, was streaming past me in what seemed like unending procession. Those were not tourists.
Now we’re seeing them and their children on our street supporting Hamas.
Matt Matt Bo Batt says
No discussion of Palestine is complete without going back to at least the Balfour Declaration. Both Israel and Palestine are being used to create and continue war.
NYgal says
Are you suggesting that Jews alone among all the nations are not entitled to their National home?
thesheriffisnear says
kneegrowbama can keep sucking dick
Intrepid says
Anti-semitism found fertile ground in 1920s Germany in the world of academe, before it exploded in full blown political hate under the Nazis.
Anyone see a pattern here? The Marxist/Muslim professors in the IVY League and the rest of the elite institutions should be fired, tenure be damned. But it will take bigtime changes in the leadership at these universities. With wealthy alumni, particularly Jewish alumni, starting to withdraw their contributions to endowments it could happen in the near future.
It can’t happen fast enough.
THX 1138 says
Before there was Marxism there was Christian hatred of the Jews. The violence and pogroms against the Jews in Europe started with Christianity.
Your hero, Martin Luther, was a rabid Jew-hater, and a defender of the Almighty State!
Christianity prepared the ground for modern totalitarianism by entrenching three philosophical fundamentals in the Western mind in metaphysics the worship of the supernatural, in epistemology the reliance on faith, and in ethics a reverence for self-sacrifice.
Marxism and Nazism are not based on reason and reality but on a mystical faith in the supernatural. The Aryan Race is a mystical, supernatural, mythology that does not exist in reality.
“Religious writers often claim that the cause of Nazism is the secularism or the scientific spirit of the modern world. This evades the fact that the Germans at the time, especially in Prussia, were one of the most religious peoples in Western Europe; that the Weimar Republic was a hotbed of mystic cults, of which Nazism was one; and that Germany’s largest and most devout religious group, the Lutherans, counted themselves among Hitler’s staunchest followers….
There was also Martin Luther, regarded by the Nazis as a major hero, who was the greatest single power in the development of German religion and, through this means, an influence on the philosophies of both Kant and Hegel. Luther is anti-reason (“Whoever wants to be a Christian should tear the eyes out of his reason”), intensely pro-German, and crudely anti-semitic (“Fie on you wherever you be, you damned Jews, who dare to clasp this earnest, glorious, consoling Word of God to your maggoty, mortal, miserly belly, and are not ashamed to display your greed so openly”). He formally enlists God on the side of the state. Unconditional obedience to the government’s edicts, he holds, is a Christian virtue. “In like manner we must endure the authority of the prince. If he misuse or abuse his authority, we are not to entertain a grudge, seek revenge or punishment. Obedience is to be rendered for God’s sake, for the ruler is God’s representative. However they may tax or exact, we must obey and endure patiently.” – Leonard Peikoff, “The Ominous Parallels: The End of Freedom In America”
Intrepid says
Oh no, not “The Ominous Parallels” again by your hero, Lenny Peekaboo, Fake Historian Philosopher.
Since you have only your whacked out theories from Lenny the Crackpot to go on, it’s very hard to take you seriously. And the whole guilt by association thing is getting pretty worn out as well, because you keep repeating it over and over. I think I have it memorized, and I have never read it. What is it from, digital notecard # 432 that you keep around to trot out when you run out of other insults that don’t work?
What a pathetic life you have carved out for yourself up there on Mt AynRand, where the rarified air is as foul and putrid as you are.
If I may repeat the smackdown Daniel Greenfield gave you on Sept 29, 2023:
“Daniel Greenfield says
September 29, 2023 at 9:14 pm
The idea that you and your particular belief system, for which you are an absolutely terrible representative, represent ‘reason’, is as much of a fallacy as the idea that Fauci represents science.
You are only as good as your arguments.”
That is Greenfield’s polite way of saying your arguments suck wind.
NYgal says
Jews are too few do do it alone. It’s an obligation of every decent person to respond. Antisemitism is not ‘a Jewish problem’ it is actually problem of non-Jews and they must act to eliminate it, otherwise they are complicit.
Annie45 says
I can’t imagine what the Scandinavians in their Muslim-saturated cities
that Mr. Bawer often writes about are feeling. Only a short while ago,
they lived in modern, orderly, low-crime cities – and now they live
in daily fear of Muslim rapes, assaults, and explosions.
So if the Muslim demographic continues to escalate in America –
could that terror happen here? We all know the answer.
Could Americans have imagined only a short while ago that many of
our big cities would be destroyed by the homeless and drugs – that
crime would be so out of control – that the LGBTQ agenda would lead
to official acceptance of transgender biological-male women in women’s
sports, in the military and in imposing sexual indoctrination upon little
children? Could they also know that the cost of housing and food
would soar astronomically – while Biden let in millions of impoverished
unvetted foreigners who would soon – when the government handouts
disappeared – wind up with nowhere to go and nothing to eat. What
criminal measures might illegals then undertake against struggling
Americans in order to survive?
And how might a growing domination-inclined, violence-prone Muslim
immigrant population take advantage of that situation? Let’s face it.
We know – in our most chilling thoughts down to our hair follicles and
the marrow in our bones – we know.
Tionico says
Birmingham England? London?
Sword of The Spirit says
Unlike the stupid Israeli citizens that lived within a stones throw from the goons, and had no guns, we Americans have guns and will shoot back at the goons. Matter of fact I am looking forward to it.
NYgal says
In Israel everybody lives close to the goons – it’s a very small country. ‘Home-made ‘ Hamas rockets are shelling Tel Aviv in central Israel as we speak.
In New York, aside from the cops, only the criminals and terrorists have guns.
Tionico says
carefully and deliberately arranged. Kinda makesya wonder, eh?
Onzeur Trante says
Good points mad by Bawer, albeit a bit unrealistic. Yes, higher education in the US has become a farce, especially in the Ivy League schools, but easier said than done to fire the professors who espouse anti-American views to ill=informed students who cannot think critically about anything except what pair of sneakers to buy. Most professors have tenure for life. What tenured professor is going to go quietly into the night? Probably none.
The Islamization of America is already underway. Mosques popping up like mushrooms even in suburbia, public schools accommodating Muslim students for religious holidays, prayer rooms, and head garb. Deport the Muslims who support terrorism? Theoretically the idea is sound, but how exactly would that take place?
The “tall orders” Bawer advocates can only take place after a majority of Americans wake up to the reality of the threats he describes. Such an awakening isn’t in the cards right now it appears.
Beez says
War isn’t just. It’s injustice by its very nature. If I’m on a jury trying this man for a vehicular homicide, he’s going home a free man.
THX 1138 says
Unfortunately the crucial problem isn’t Islam but the 240 year old, slow, collapse of the West. Islam is simply an invading opportunistic disease, invited to invade and destroy the West by the collapsing West itself.
What is the fundamental disease destroying the West? The Platonic-Kantian-Hegelian philosophy of unreason and its central moral code of suicidal self-sacrifice, the evil moral code of ALTRUISM.
The antidote to the unreason of Plato, Kant, and Hegel is Aristotle and Ayn Rand. Teaching Ayn Rand’s philosophy of Objectivism in the universities is the solution. Nothing short of Objectivism becoming the dominant philosophy of America and the West will stop this slow collapse.
THX 1138 says
“Aristotle is the champion of this world, the champion of nature, as against the supernaturalism of Plato. Denying Plato’s World of Forms, Aristotle maintains that there is only one reality: the world of particulars in which we live, the world men perceive by means of their physical senses. Universals, he holds, are merely aspects of existing entities, isolated in thought by a process of selective attention; they have no existence apart from particulars. Reality is comprised, not of Platonic abstractions, but of concrete, individual entities, each with a definite nature, each obeying the laws inherent in its nature. Aristotle’s universe is the universe of science. The physical world, in his view, is not a shadowy projection controlled by a divine dimension, but an autonomous, self-sufficient realm. It is an orderly, intelligible, natural realm, open to the mind of man.
In such a universe, knowledge cannot be acquired by special revelations from another dimension; there is no place for ineffable intuitions of the beyond. Repudiating the mystical elements in Plato’s epistemology, Aristotle is the father of logic and the champion of reason as man’s only means of knowledge. Knowledge, he holds, must be based on and derived from the data of sense experience; it must be formulated in terms of objectively defined concepts; it must be validated by a process of logic….
There is no future for the world except through a rebirth of the Aristotelian approach to philosophy. This would require an Aristotelian affirmation of the reality of existence, of the sovereignty of reason, of life on earth—and of the splendor of man.
Aristotle and Objectivism agree on fundamentals and, as a result, on this last point, also. Both hold that man can deal with reality, can achieve values, can live non-tragically. Neither believes in man the worm or man the monster; each upholds man the thinker and therefore man the hero. Aristotle calls him “the great-souled man.” Ayn Rand calls him Howard Roark, or John Galt.” – Leonard Peikoff. “The Ominous Parallels: The End of Freedom In America”
Beez says
Have you ever tried to discuss philosophy with a terrorist? lol
THX 1138 says
By the time a man becomes a terrorist it’s too late. But where, how, and why did a Muslim become a terrorist? What he was taught as a child and a teenager. Through the process of education or indoctrination in the schools.
Education in the schools is the key to an individual’s mindset, culture, civilization.
“The philosophy of the schoolroom in one generation is the philosophy of government in the next.” ― Abraham Lincoln
“Give me a child until he is 7 and I will show you the man” – Aristotle
“He alone who owns the youth, gains the future.” – Adolf Hitler
“The present state of the world is not the proof of philosophy’s impotence, but the proof of philosophy’s power. It is philosophy that has brought men to this state—it is only philosophy that can lead them out.” – Ayn Rand
Intrepid says
Love the worn out platitudes too.
Intrepid says
Objectivism’s “John the Baptist” crying out in the wilderness for his failed religion. “Aristotle calls him “the great-souled man.” Ayn Rand calls him Howard Roark, or John Galt.” ” “There is no future for the world except through a rebirth of the Aristotelian approach to philosophy.”
First of all that is never going to happen. Because most people have never heard of Aristotle and could care less.
What the hell does that even mean to the average person when inflation is rising again, food and gas prices are up again, a guy just went on a mass shooting rampage, and Muslims are flooding over the southern border.
You pretty much have your head up your assets with no practical solutions. What imaginary world do you live in?
As always racking up the downvotes.
Intrepid says
Like all cults Objectivism’s end result is to drive the good in people out. You and your kind are just another of the fundamental diseases destroying the West. In many ways you are not unlike the Communist Left and the Muslims. Fortunately you don’t and never will have numbers to do any real damage.
In one of my earliest posts to you I called you a fraud. I stand by it. You will always be a fraud and a mental lightweight, no matter how many books you hide behind.
Objectivism is antithetical to the Constitution and will never become the dominant philosophy of America, Thank God.
Frank says
“And how many Muslims do you suppose cheered those events in America’s streets? A lot. If you’ve seen any of the videos, you know that few, if any, of these celebrations of evil were civilized and orderly. On the contrary, as befits celebrations of evil, they were raucous, aggressive, and sometimes violent. And don’t make the mistake of thinking that the hate in those protesters’ hearts is exclusively reserved for Jews:”
Correct. The same leftist mobs that rioted over George Floyd have also mobbed motorists that had the misfortune of being in the wrong place at the wrong time. This video gives some legal pointers about how to legally defend yourself while in your car:
commonsense says
Bawer writes:
“And how many Muslims do you suppose cheered those events in America’s streets? A lot.”
And how many Muslim counter -demonstrations were held since then to decry the atrocities committed on October 7 by Hamas? None, of course.
Ban Muslim immigration.
RS says
Over and over again, it is apparent that societies that are anti-God and anti-truth are destroyed. THEY DON’T ADHERE TO MORAL VALUES.
The Lesson from Galatians 6: 7 applies throughout history. Do not be deceived: God can not be mocked. The one who sows to please his sinful nature, from that nature will reap destruction, the one who sows to please the spirit from the spirit will reap eternal life. for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up.
Therefore, as we have opportunity, let us do good to all people, especially to those who belong to the family of believers…. Reaps what they sow…..This principle applies not only negatively but also positively by deeds and actions of human beings. ( The Word of God does NOT steer people down the WRONG path. )
RS says
Do you think that since the US government gave Iran so much money and reinstated their withholdings that Biden is trying to curtail Iran, Hamas, and Hezbollah, OR….just holding back the Jews from doing what needs to be done for their survival? Its not hard to figure out.,
Beez says
Iran has nukes and the means to deliver them already. Why else would they let their proxies attack Israel?
RS says
Once again, feckless leaders allowed the enablement of Militant Islam world wide.
El Terryble says
Drastic times call for drastic measures. The vast majority of all Muslims should be forced to leave the United States, whether they are citizens or not. Islam is incompatible with the principles and ideals imbedded in American society, its founding documents, and its Judeo-Christian heritage. They’re a fifth column and should not be tolerated.
If you came here illegally, or overstayed your visa, you and your family should be forced to leave. You thieved your way into America. You should have to pay restitution for all the benefits you received while here.
People that support Hamas are the enemy and should have their constitutional rights revoked.
Communist traitors, those instrumental in establishing a police state, conspiring with America’s enemies to subvert the People’s constitutional rights, and sabotage the well being of the Nation, such as by saddling future generations with unpayable debt that collapses the Dollar, should face the death penalty.
Beez says
A state of emergency must be declared. Tlaib, Omar, Obama and Pentagon spies arrested. POTUS and VP removed.
Beez says
Iranian spies and saboteurs in the Pentagon. I think they’re going to nuke us, possibly on or before Halloween.
danknight says
Never have I agreed with Bruce more than with this one … not only well written and well thought out … but it’s a great strategical and tactical plan to deal with two existential threats.
That said …
… we’re out of time …
762x51 FMJ says
Because Judea was established when Egypt Pharoas enslaved Jewish people to build the pyramids in 3800 B.C. then Pompey occupied in 48 B..C. and not only conquered Judea, by 33 B.C Cleopatra VII was the last Pharoah of Egypt.
Then Jesus Born year Zero ( proof of this phenomenon is that it’s year 2023)
Then Constantine Christian Byzantine empire Hagia Sophia. A thousand years.. Then Mohhamad born 570 years after Jesus..
( a millennia after Moses) .
Mohammed dies around 602 then Shia split and left Mecca decades before Jerusalem was
first Sacked by Sunni Intifada from Arabia, (Around 680 years after Christ and 2000 years post Moses) ( whose the occupiers? )
Shia Islam occupies no Knesset seats for a reason they split from Sunni islam and left Mecca to northwest Persia 80 years before Jerusamem was sacked by the Sunni’s who built al aqsa mosque over the tombs of Judiasim and Christianity.
Imagine convincing a Saudi, that Mecca was once a garden of many different sects of pagan, Judiac with Christian influences for centuries before Mohammed came along and in a mad rage of insanity baptized everyone with their own blood instead of water.
Goh Heung Yong says
The massive rallies in support of genocidal murders in the West and America, testifies to the scale of the malignancy already leeching out the life of civilized societies. There is a continuing and corrupted indifference to act decisively against it, even as it has manifested in murders and destructive riots in Western Europe.
As a first step, America must cut off funding by the government to educational institutions. This is an immoral function of government when the people’s money is used not to ensure the safety of citizens, but to promote socialist ideology.
And any non-citizen declaring support for racist hate and murders should never get citizenship. They should be monitored and tracked by law enforcement. The ‘war of ideas’ is now ever more intense, and to speak and write against vile propaganda is a crucial necessity. So keep up the good work Mr. Bawer.
Debbie says
It is refreshing yet frightening that I agree 100% with your article. I remember many years ago during a presentation on television some interesting revelations :
The Black Panthers stated they wanted to impregnate as many white women as possible so their race would be supreme.
The Muslims stated their agenda was to infiltrate every country and Islam be a world religion.
I also believe there is a question as to Bush’s probable knowledge that 911 was about to happen.I recall on that terrible day , although at work and unable to follow as each attack occurred , both he and his wife were in view and she had a smirk, almost attempting to hide a smile. It made me feel sick to my stomach.
Our country was once “One Nation Under God” and if we continue to permit Islamist Muslims into our country they will indeed indoctrinate Christians until Islam is the major religion in our country. I pray to God I am gone before this occurs.