You can guess the twist ending even if you don’t know the story.
A black female student admitted to scrawling racist graffiti over drinking fountains at her high school, with district authorities saying that it was simply a “prank that went sideways.”
The student wrote the words “colored” and “white” over two water fountains at McClatchy High School, referencing segregated drinking fountains that were common during the segregation era in the Jim Crow South. The girl, who cannot be identified for legal reasons, was later caught on surveillance footage and confessed to the act. The district has said she will be disciplined for her actions.
“It was a prank that went sideways is my characterization of what the young woman said in her confession,” Mark Harris, a community liaison for the Sacramento Unified School District, told reporters at a press conference, adding that he didn’t think the girl was motivated by racism or hate. “I don’t believe those words that were on those water fountains were racist,” Harris declared. “I do not believe they were hate crime or hate speech. Part of it quite honestly is because the admitted perpetrator is a young African American woman.”
So, it can’t be hate speech if the perpetrator is a black woman? That’s not a very good metric.
Harris was flanked by local black leaders as he spoke at a press conference, urging the community to have patience and understanding when it comes to the fallout for the vandalism. “It should be a moment for our community to come together and make sure this doesn’t destroy this person’s life,” he told the Sacramento Bee. “We don’t know why she did it. This is not a situation that is the same as an overt deliberate move to do something that is racist, destructive, negative, etc.”
I’m all for not destroying people’s lives. Perhaps this young woman’s life shouldn’t have been destroyed either to the loud applause of the media.
Jimmy Galligan is an 18-year-old college freshman from Leesburg, Virginia. He may also be cancel culture’s Count of Monte Cristo.
Some months ago, Galligan—who is biracial—posted a years’ old, three-second video of a white, female classmate using a racial slur. Galligan had sat on the video for a long time, waiting for the moment it would do the most damage. After the girl—a cheerleader named Mimi Groves—was accepted to the University of Tennessee, the time had come.
“I wanted to get her where she would understand the severity of that word,” said Galligan.
The video depicted Groves, who was 15 at the time, and had just obtained her learner’s permit, saying “I can drive, [slur].”
Galligan shared it publicly in June. In response, Groves lost her spot on UT’s cheerleading squad. Then the university pressured her to withdraw from the school entirely. The admissions office had apparently received hundreds of messages from irate alumni demanding blood. Groves is now attending a community college.
I’m all for tolerance, but that goes both ways. I have no idea whether or not this was a prank, but events like this have been used to kick off massive purges and power grabs. They’ve been quite dangerous. On the other hand we’re deep in a quite mindless lynch mob in which no one has any common sense.
Some black leaders said they did not trust the city school district’s probe and argued that the race of the offender shouldn’t be a factor whether or not it’s a hate crime. Speaking to the Daily Mail, Voice of Youth CEO Berry Accius said that he was told by a local council member that the culprit was a black male and not a female, and therefore, he couldn’t trust the district’s investigation at this point.
“I disagree with it not being a hate crime because at the end of the day we understand when you have ‘colored’ on one water faucet and ‘white’ on another kind of faucet what that means – whether it’s 1950 or 2022,” Accius told CBS News 13, calling the act “ignorant.
Okay so what does it mean and what do we do with it?
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