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James O’Keefe’s undercover cameras this time have caught a Special Advisor to the Small Business Administration’s Chief of Staff revealing who “the second most powerful person in Washington” is, and that “whatever this guy says, it’s what the President says.”
Check it out below:
BREAKING: O’Keefe Media Uncovers who is really running the White House. Undercover cameras catch Special Advisor @SBAgov call former @facebook Board Member @WHCOS @ZientsJeff27574 “the second most powerful person in Washington” where “whatever this guy says, it’s what the…
— James O’Keefe (@JamesOKeefeIII) April 17, 2024
Jeff Zients? The anti-Zionist and anti-American? That fat boy? Interesting. And interesting that it took America three years to figure him out. leave it to O’Keefe Media to expose what the rest of Americans (not D-Bags) were supposedly scratching our heads about.
Even though we KNEW he replaced Ron KKKlain last year as Chief of Staff. DERP!!!
But Alzheimer Joke Bidumb is the most powerful person in the Washington District of Corruption? My ass. The tranny Easter Bunny is more powerful and influential than him. When it orders him STFU and move away from the public he dodders off in submission. “But I wanna go this way. You can see how much control I have.”
Soros want to be a Emperor
The No. 1 most powerful person in Washington is Barack Hussein Obama. Of course, Soros is pleased with BHO, but he isn’t No. 1 in the White House. Zients MAY be No. 2, but he gets his orders directly from BHO.
This d-bag has probably been told to reveal who no. 2 is as a means of keeping No. 1 a secret.
My bet is Valerie Jarrett is one of main arteries from BHO to Diaperman.
VJ and BHO & MO planned the purchase of his DC mansion to be close to the WH after his second term in order that he could keep tabs on the WH occupants.
Body Odor Hussein isn’t a factor in ANYTHING but Jarret obviously is an influence on the administration’s fellatio of the mullahs in Iran, even if it’s just because Obama’s handlers believe the same treason she does. I seriously doubt she advises any of them. Lefties all think they’e infallible and wiser than everybody else, even though they’re the exact opposite of that. Nobody in this administration needs advice on how to be a left-wing extremist.
Bareback Hasbeen Osama sleeps till 10 to 11 am and couldn’t mastermind a case of diarrhea after Taco Tuesday.
How many times do I have to tell you people that the Alzheimer Joe administration is THOUSANDS of times more extreme than the left-wing Obangi administration and that it did more to sabotage America IN ITS FIRST TWO DAYS than jug ears did in eight years.
Neither Zients or anybody else in this illegitimate administration need advice or instructions from the Empty Suit. They all share his scummy and anti-American opinions to the Nth degree. Please look at reality.
BHO? That lazy, feckless, drug-addled malignant narcissist? Running things? The man has never done an honest day’s work in his life. No, I think it’s BHO’s White House live-in buddy, Iran’s answer to Harry Hopkins, Valerie Jarret.
Soros doesn’t want the spotlight or hassle, he wants to be the power behind the throne.
And why can’t these small businesses he speaks of get loans from commercial institutions? Bad creditworthiness. So why should the taxpayers loan money to people,with poor credit records or ability to repay the loan? To buy their votes. Gee, to the Dems the,taxpayers’ wallets are just one big vote buying machine. “Tax and tax, spend and spend, elect elect.”. Harry Hopkins is still with us.
If Mr. 10% takes the election in November, it’s gonna get a bit wild.
Perhaps not. We on the right are known for two things that the left lacks: Manners and restraint. We probably won’t do anything.
In the Trump White House, President Trump ran it. This is why it was so wildly successful and true progressive! Progress. If we do not get President Trump back the USA and free world is finished!
If the left takes the White House again and, if they keep the Senate and take the House, there is a probability they will go full fascist. They will have then four years to complete their fundamental transformation of America. The Republican Party will be down and out for decades to come and deservedly so for their stupidity, lack of foresight, lackof coordination and fielidad, lack of sincerity and patriotism.
feckless empty suit joe couldnt run a lemonade stand even less a country .
Liebals dome want success they want Poverty and Famine Nationwide
Poverty and famine WORLDWIDE.
“DEATH” to Hamas and Iran.
God Bless America
God Bless Israel.
Mr. Horowitz is such a unique person Iknew who he was as progressive after a while I heard him talking and he was a conservative talking about how to save the republic.. I hope he knows how important he is to our country we do love him. And a huge thank you Go President Trump
The more ominous question is: Who’s running our country? It would be naive to think that it’s the fools in Washington DC. They have little to no control over the deep state as it is or even the military industrial complex which they have absolutely no control.
There are two governments at work in America: the alleged “elected” government that the American people know and the omnipotent shadow government that most Americans, at best, are only peripherally, aware of if.
BHO is running this country.
… into the ground.
Through Jake Sullivan.