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Former Obama apparatchik Van Jones was on CNN Thursday, applying heavy pressure to Old Joe Biden to get him to end the U.S. alliance with Israel and abandon the Jewish state to the tender mercies of Hamas and the Islamic Republic of Iran. Today’s youth, said Jones, and remember, the children are our future and all that, have a cutting new nickname for the sinister old kleptocrat in the Oval Office: Genocide Joe. And if Old Joe doesn’t throw Israel to the wolves, and pronto, that nickname is going to stick. What Jones didn’t say, however, was the most important point of all: Israel is not committing a genocide at all, and this claim is a product of leftist and jihadi propaganda, to which young people today are disturbingly susceptible.
Jones’ warning comes amid ongoing efforts to force Biden to betray Israel by threatening him at the ballot box. Nihad Awad, the executive director of the Hamas-linked Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR), who infamously said that he was “happy” about Hamas’ Oct. 7 jihad massacre of 1,200 Israelis, thundered at a November pro-Hamas rally: “No cease-fire, no votes. No votes in Michigan, no votes in Arizona, no votes in Georgia, no votes in Nevada, no votes in Wisconsin, no votes in Pennsylvania.” These were, of course, the states that allowed Old Joe to pretend to be president over the last three years. Awad concluded: “No votes for you anywhere if you don’t call for a ceasefire now.” Rep. Rashida Tlaib (D-Ramallah) added: “The American people won’t forget. Biden, support a ceasefire now. Or don’t count on us in 2024.”
Now, according to a recent Fox News report, Old Joe is “facing an electoral revolt among Arab and Muslim voters in Michigan who are outraged by his ongoing support for Israel, with some even accusing him of enabling genocide.” They’ve even launched an “abandon Biden” campaign in Dearborn. On CNN, Erin Burnett told Jones about a former Biden campaign prole who told a CNN reporter “that he will not vote for Biden again even knowing that it may help Trump. He says Biden is ‘not somebody I can trust.’” Wow, stop the presses!
Burnett then asked: “How big of a problem is this for Biden right now, Van?” Jones responded gravely: “It’s a big problem for him right now. There are four syllables that are aimed at him. ‘Genocide Joe.’ That is becoming something you’re hearing from the younger people, the younger voters in the Arab American community.”
Jones didn’t think this horrible nickname was something Old Joe could easily shake off: “I think that he can turn it around, but you’ve got to be honest right now. You’ve got disappointment in the base with how he’s handling the war in Gaza. Now, the reality is Joe Biden has deep ties and long friendships in the Muslim community, Arab community. He can get back there but he’s got his work cut out for him right now.”
Yes, there’s no doubt that Old Joe is in trouble with leftists and Muslims who are enraged that the Biden regime has continued to profess support for Israel, even while doing its best to appease those who are accusing Israel of genocide by supporting Hamas on the sly, with $10 billion to Iran and $100 million to Gaza. The leftist/Islamic alliance, already showing signs of strain over the left’s obsession with deviant sex and transgender fantasies, could break down over this.
The points Jones raises, however, are much bigger than just Old Joe’s reelection chances. Israel, is not, in fact, committing genocide in Gaza. The widely reported figures for civilian casualties there come from Hamas, which has every incentive to inflate them and has been caught lying more than once. In reality, according to historian and investigative journalist Hugh Fitzgerald, the Israeli military goes to enormous lengths to avoid civilian casualties: “The IDF routinely has been warning civilians in Gaza, by messaging, emailing, and leafleting, when a civilian building — a school, a mosque, an apartment building — is about to be targeted. Of course all these warnings also alert Hamas operatives, but that has been a price the IDF has been willing to pay in order to minimize civilian casualties. In warning civilians in Gaza, the IDF has so far dropped six million leaflets, made 14 million pre-recorded telephone calls, and 72,000 personal calls. It is the only army in the world that warns its enemy in such a manner. For that, and other reasons, British Colonel Richard Kemp has called the IDF ‘the most moral army in the world.’”
In light of all that and more in that vein, the real problem with Old Joe’s nickname is not that he is losing the youth. It’s that the youth are so thoroughly propagandized. But that, of course, is something for which the left has been preparing the ground for over fifty years.
Genocide doesn’t consist of collateral casualties.
How about “Weekend at Bernie’s” Biden.
Good column. However, as far as nicknames for Biden go, I prefer “Mashed Potato Brains” which, unlike “Genocide Joe,” has the virtue of being true.
How about JoeTato, Plugs, or “The Sniffer.”
TaliBiden does support genocide – that of genocide of Israelis., just like the Islamofascist colonists around the world
He also is a big supporter of abortion mills.
Genocide of the unborn. And, ironically, a product of eugenicist Margaret Sanger’s Planned Parenthood, with the highest concentration of abortion clinics (sorry, PP, “reproductive health centres”) in predominantly Afro-American areas. Dr Alveda King, niece of MLK, has warned about how abortion is shrinking the Afro-American sector of the US population. Now that sounds like genocide to me, unlike the exponential growth of the Palestinian Arab population in Gaza.
Nobody is forcing those black women into the abortion mills, and nobody is forcing them to have random sex with anyone who comes down the pike with a sweet whisper of promises that this one is “forever”, and then disappears. This is not a problem imposed on the black community, any more than fatherless homes are. They created it by themselves and it is up to them to solve it themselves.
CAREFUL….. ! Too much criticism of Joe will require the Democratic Party to drop him and put in someone else… but who?
Michelle? I think she would lose worse than Joe.
Obama’s thinking…. Holder and Susan Rice… Democrats love Firsts. If Joe resigns, Holder or Rice will be VP in line for Pres..
Jeffries? Now that’s a like Obama.
Michelle but add Oprah?
MY DREAM TEAM: Maxine Waters and Shiela Jackson Lee. They’d have to put Frederica Wilson, you know, the lady with the matching State Fair hats and outfits, in the Cabinet, maybe even Secretary of State. Hank Johnson, Guam is going to tip over, for Defense Secretary. The Squad can fill in the other positions. Who would dare challenge the USA now!
Six million American Jews, many of them quite prosperous, are allowing a handful of poor Michigan towelheads to weaken American support for Israel because, frankly, the Jews don’t give a damn about Israel, or want to be reminded of what it means to be a Jew.
Wow you and nine up voters are vicious anti Semites blaming “them Jooz” again. 1. No not all Jews are “ prosperous” 2. Jews are not monolithic politically no matter what the mainstream media brainwashed you to think 3. Not all Jews are apathetic or leftwing or whatever other lies you’ve felt free to spread here 4. What help is it to try to place blame on a hated minority, Jews, yet again with your harsh untrue criticism ?
Many Jews of all denominations, and non Jews who are not hateful as you are, support Israel vociferously and with whatever pennies are in their pockets after the Biden economy. Hit them. But you, instead of supporting us, spread your lies here!
Just join the Democrats as you’re helping them.
Take it easy, Chaya. Mr. Snider has written many pro-Israel comments and appears to be a rather committed Jew himself. (Mr. Snider may correct me if I am mistaken on the second point; he could as well be a Christian Zionist, of which there are no better human beings.) Don’t jump to conclusions. He might live among apathetic, noncommittal Jews himself.
In my own city, our Jewish weekly newspaper does not publish an edition that does not have a piece on a local individual, family, or group going to Israel to help out, whether by offering their assistance as physicians, nurses, or physical therapists, or just preparing food for the soldiers. Of course many of these people are of the Religious Zionist type, but some are black-hat Haredim or non-Orthodox but very committed to Israel. And there is a small, regular rally near our Jewish Community Center every Sunday, attended by Jews of all types and probably non-Jews as well. Perhaps Mr. Snider does not have the benefit of living in as gung-ho a community as I do, and is thus discouraged. Don’t jump on him for that!
Selling out to China is Treason its Biden who should be on Trial along with Soros, Gates and Swab
Yeah, well, as John Wayne would have said, “That’ll be the day!” But it would be nice to see that day.
Nevertheless, there is justice and there is a Judge (as Lightbringer would say). They will all face that Judge, as will we, and they, like us, will have to face the reality of what they did with their lives on Earth. I cringe at the thought of my own insufficient answers as does any decent, but not decent-enough, person in this life. Pity those who give it no thought and have it all hit them at once.
I sort of like the “genocidal joe” moniker – suits him much better than President!!
or, “Joe the Shmo”
Yeah, when I first heard it, I thought of Old Joe’s finger-wagging ‘advice’ to Israel to not get mad at the Gazans for committing, aiding and/or cheering the massacre of Israeli families and partygoers.
To me that was a defense of genocide. Especially because he said it before Israel had time to even think how to respond.
The genocide is written in the Hamas charter available to all and the genocide is aimed at Jews! It’s Just like the left to take exactly what they are doing and accusingly chant it at their target, Israel. The young of our country are in an abusive relationship with the left& Muslims. Muslim orgs and their Van Jones radicals(in a suit& tie) spokespeople are the genociders but it is OF JEWS…..
Yes, it looks as if “Never Again” is “Happening Again”. I sure wish Rabbi MK Meir Kahane had not been murdered (by and Arab, in broad daylight, in front of a lot of witnesses, in New York). He would have galvanized the American Jews, at the very least, and might have fit very nicely into the current Israeli government coalition.
One fitting nickname for tyrant Joe is “Joe Biden the dictator.”
The reason why this is so is because before JBiden had entered the White House masquerading as a real genuine US President he had said that any “President who gets things done by executive orders and not popular consensus is a dictator.”
Now that Biden is sitting in the Presidential Office he has issued more executive orders than and US President in The history of the United States, even more than Obama.
Therefore by his own words, dictator and tyrant Joe Biden, truly, is.
A new appropriate nickname for that horrible pseudo US “president” would now be “Joe Biden the demented and dangerous.”
Furthermore, if Joe Biden be best compared to Adolf Hitler or Vladimir Lenin. or ,Mao Zedong whichever villain is best describes him, “Biden is vicious and dangerous.”