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This is the White House of Old Joe Biden. You know, the White House of Rachel Levine and Sam Brinton, the White House that celebrated “Transgender Day of Visibility” on the day that much of the country was celebrating Easter.
This is the White House in which angry parents at school board meetings and pro-life Catholics are treated as terrorists, while every year there is a new record number of actual terrorists being caught crossing what used to be the nation’s Southern border. This is one of the most indecent administrations in American history, and yet now the ostensible president is pleading for “decency.”
The Big Guy was recently campaigning in the last place on earth where you would think he needs to campaign: his old hometown of Scranton, Pa. You’d think that affable old Lunchbucket Joe would long ago have nailed down the city where he was born, but apparently his handlers are worried that his regime has been such a galloping disaster that he could lose to Bad Orange Man even here. Or else Old Joe is so feeble and beset with dementia that stumping in nearby Scranton is about all that he can manage.
Biden Says Little Kid Gave Him a Middle Finger: ‘It Happens All the Time’
— Sean Hannity 🇺🇸 (@seanhannity) April 19, 2024
Either way, Joe showed up in Scranton in a grumpy mood. “I’ve never thought I’d see a time,” said the left’s second favorite octogenarian (don’t forget Bernie; he hasn’t forgotten you or your wallet), “when I’m going through a — a neighborhood or a rural town that’s in the West and see big signs that have a Trump sign in the middle that says ‘F Biden’ and having a little kid standing with his middle finger — seven years old, eight years old. Well, I promise, it happens all the time.”
Oh, you don’t have to promise, Joe. This may be the first time that you’ve said something that is completely believable. Yeah, gosh, it’s a terrible shame and all that, but if seven- and eight-year-olds are giving you the finger, maybe instead of blaming Trump for once in your disastrous America-Last presidency, you could look to yourself. People started chanting “F**k Joe Biden,” and then “Let’s go, Brandon,” because of how much damage you managed to inflict upon the economy, national security, the area formerly known as the border, and America’s international standing in such a short period.
The Biden regime has been a wrecking ball to the nation that has been so devastating that now millions of Americans are not just thinking that they are not where they thought they’d be at this point in their lives, but that they will never be able to attain the standard of living that their parents enjoyed.
And so Biden huffed in Obamaesque fashion, “It’s not who we are,” and once again, the old kleptocrat was right. Today’s fading, imperiled America is not who we are. The America that Biden and his henchmen have made is not who we are.
Even worse, Biden topped off his complaints with a lie that he has told many times, that Trump called National Socialist demonstrators in Charlottesville, Va., “fine people.” In repeating this false claim, Biden has never had the decency to mention that Trump also said, “I’ve condemned neo-Nazis… but not all of those people were neo-Nazis.”
Instead, the sinister old lie machine once again gave his audience the impression that Trump was calling the Nazis “fine people,” saying, “And my future opponent, my present opponent — they asked him what he thought of it. He said there were ‘very good people on both sides.’ And I’m going to say something that may sound outrageous to you, but I thought … he’s the antithesis of everything I believe, and I thought I could beat him. And that’s why I ran.”
Biden concluded: “It matters about whether or not you’re going to abide by the basic rules, you’re going to have a sense of decency.” A sense of decency? Joe Biden is the last man in America, and one of the last on earth, to lecture anyone about decency. The kids who are giving him the finger could use a few lessons in civility, but their contempt for this man is abundantly well-founded.
Well, Slow Joe has been giving the citizens of this country the middle finger since the day he took office. So he has no standing to complain.
Decency? By that Joe Bite-Me means celebrating Easter Sunday as Transgender Appreciation Day. He issued a presidential proclamation to make it official. How “decent” is that?
It’s completely decent to Sleazy Joe, but you have to remember that he’s a cheap slut . . . He’ll be whoever you want him to be.
We drive from MD to NY regularly from top to bottom of PA, and we avoid the interstates. Joey is right. The streets are lined with both Trump signs and FJB signs. I’d have to say that the F Joe Biden signs outnumber the Trump signs.
No way did he really win PA.
China continues to help Joe Biden win. We all know the truth! The CCP and Tik Tok are also brainwashing and messing up the minds of our youth,.
I saw further video of Indecent Joe in a Sheetz or whatever. He never took his stupid sunglasses off and doddered right up and cut to the front of the line at the counter. When he was leaving a woman kept shouting “fuck you” as he stood there and gaped like a goldfish smacking his lips.
Every single sentence he mouthed in the excerpts above was a cheap lie, even his supposed motivation for his basement campaign, which he knows he didn’t win.
Exactly. He ran to get his name in the history books. That’s been his egomaniacal motivation all his life. It doesn’t matter if he cures cancer or starts WWIII, if it gets him a chapter in a history book it’s mission completed.
There was something much more that stood out in Scranton than that 7 year old’s middle finger.
The room that the disgusting old pedophile gave a speech in was empty. (Staff & suck-up reporters don’t count.)
They couldn’t even fill the FIRST ROW! Entire right side was completely vacant.
Contrast with Trump who shows up spontaneously to a Bodega in Harlem & then a construction site, and draws a huge crowd. Both places are in Democrat NY, yet the crowd cheered Trump, cheered America, and also gave Sleepy the finger.
Makes you wonder where the rest of the 81 million supporters are hanging out.
Actions speak louder than words. At some point people who cannot be honest are ignored and scorned.
The leader of the party of “mostly peaceful” rioting and looting in the wake of George Floyd, and who attempts to defend pro Hamas, Jew hating “activists” who’ve occupied academia (too often with the support of university administrators) and terrorized Jewish students and professors complains because a kid flips him off? Considering all the harm Biden and his puppet master Barack Hussein Osama have caused that is almost a too sedate response.
That kid is flipping off Dementia Joe for the same reason the little boy in “The Emperor’s Clothes” spoke the truth that everyone was afraid of stating: Joe Biden is an unmitigated disaster and a the greatest threat (not MAGA Republicans or “right wing extremists and white nationalists”) to the United States and the free world. There is literally nothing positive or redeeming about him.
The professors actually direct their students to join the off campus Hamas rioters and protesters. They’re the ones who fill the little hammerheads with lies about Jews and Psuedostinians.
Joe Biden’s long and wretched career has demonstrated throughout that he is stupid, corrupt, and dishonest. Now has he added dementia to his list of character deficiencies.
America should remove him from office, try him for corruption, and let him rot in prison for his delusional remaining few days.
Biden has become the Nations #1 worst so unpopular he rates below Cater Inflation Unemployment Open Borders and Crime going through the roof then expects the American People to be Grateful. He is Delusional as he is foolish
Little kids, big kids, their parents, adults of every ethnicity all have the same zero opinion of this fake-ass president.
He’s less fake than his Geppetto.
Great article and great comments. I feel inspired.
This old pervert is asking for decency???
This black-with-rot creature from the swamp wouldn’t know decency if it hit him over the head with a shovel.
If little kids are giving him the finger, maybe he should wise up and realize it is time for him to resign or retire.
Let the Vice President continue wrecking the country and get reelected as President. Why would any Republican want to be President and get blamed when everything collapses.
Thanks Robert
And there was laughter in hell.
Biden is the most evil, wicked, and wretched piece of filth in American history. He molested his daughter in the shower, he is a pathological liar, he waved his arms and screamed in Hitleresque fashion spewing his hatred towards his political opponents in front of Constitution Hall., he abuses his powers to arrest, imprison, and intimidate political foes, he has enriched himself and his wretched family by selling out the USA to the highest foreign bidder-
and this SOB has the audacity to complain some kid gave him the middle finger??!!??
Biden is like the evil kings of the Bible who “did evil in the sight of God”.
Decency.. that’s rich, from the mouth of the head of the most despicable, corrupt political family fraudulently installed in the White House! He didn’t remember that word when revolting pictures of the son he shields from justice appeared all over the media some time ago.