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The least honorable president in American history had a softball interview with MSNBC’s Stephanie Ruhle on Friday, in which he uttered one of the most outlandish lies of his entire life, which has been filled with his outlandish lies: “I think I’ve proven myself to be honorable, as well as effective.” As Matt Margolis noted Sunday, this was in the course of a paean of boasting from Old Joe Biden that included praise of his own wisdom and experience. But now Joe Biden would have us believe that he is honorable, too? Come on, man! This guy lies every time his lips move.
The part about Old Joe being effective, however, was actually true. If Biden wanted to weaken America (politically, militarily, and economically), erase the Southern border, antagonize our friends as well as our enemies worldwide, and advance the Left’s socialist, authoritarian agenda at the expense of the American people, then he has indeed done a bang-up job. If, on the other hand, he is really as America-First as he has been pretending to be lately, now that the 2024 campaign season is approaching, then he has been a galloping disaster as president, and just the opposite of effective. It all depends on your point of view, you see, and since Old Joe’s administration is dedicated to calling opposing views “disinformation” and silencing them accordingly, pretty soon we will all have to agree that his presidency has been remarkably effective.
But honorable? That Old Joe would even dare say this is staggering. The man is the most dedicated and relentless liar ever to occupy the Oval Office, and we’re talking here about a job that has been held by such skillful prevaricators as Barack Obama, Bill Clinton, and Richard M. Nixon. Biden has lied throughout his political career and long before it even started: on Dec. 1, 1965, the faculty of the Syracuse College of Law published a report about Young Joe, stating that Biden “used five pages from a published law review article without quotation or attribution” and recommended that he fail a legal methods course because of his plagiarism.
For years, Biden was so craven as to lie about the central tragedy of his life, the auto accident that took the life of his first wife Neilia. Old Joe repeatedly claimed that she was killed by a drunk driver; the driver, however, was not drunk, and the real story was that Neilia drove into the path of the oncoming truck. The driver’s daughter repeatedly asked Biden to apologize for lying about her father, who was driven into a deep depression by Biden’s public lies. True to dishonorable form, Old Joe never did apologize. Then in Sept. 1987, Biden torpedoed his own presidential campaign when he delivered a speech that lifted an entire story of his early life from a speech by British Labour leader Neil Kinnock.
The lying has continued since Old Joe began pretending to be president, and has gotten so bad, and so obvious, that the New York Times felt it necessary back in Oct. 2022 to do some damage control, informing us that “Biden, Storyteller in Chief, Spins Yarns That Often Unravel.” That’s all it is, see. It’s not as if he were a deeply dishonest man or anything like that. But even the Times couldn’t make Joe look good when it started ticking off some examples: “The exaggerated biography that Mr. Biden tells includes having been a fierce civil rights activist who was repeatedly arrested. He has claimed to have been an award-winning student who earned three degrees. And last week, speaking on the hurricane-devastated island of Puerto Rico, he said he had been ‘raised in the Puerto Rican community at home, politically.’”
The lies have gone on and on. On the campaign trail in 2019, he told a story about a Navy captain who tried to refuse a Silver Star after trying and failing to save a wounded comrade. The story wasn’t true, as even the Washington Post admitted, but instead of discarding it after it was publicly revealed to be false, Old Joe made it about his family. In Dec. 2022, Biden retold the same story, but this time it was about his uncle Frank being awarded a Purple Heart. That version was a lie as well. And most recently, Biden has been insisting that his notorious son Hunter has “done nothing wrong.”
Old Joe Biden is a lot of things. “Honorable” isn’t even close to being one of them.
Joe Biden ,with his warped mind must also have of the word “honorable.” On the other hand, Biden might be so demented and likewise so self deluded in his arrogant conceit that he has a completerly unrealistic view of himself.
The other answer is that when horrible despicable old Joe said “Iv’e proven myself to be honorable.”
The balderdash statement is yet, more proof that Biden is a chronic pathological liar.
The terrible reality is pseudo “president ” Biden has proven himself to be a curse and a disaster for both America and the American people.
What Joe Biden had really proven himself to be is a self-deluded narcissist.
I’d say “pathological liar” and “probable sociopath” but either way, he’s a loathsome person.
Joe Biden has actually proven that he Isn’t “honorable: at all. Biden has taken America down hill fast by his many terrible polices and politics.
Nevertheless, I still don’t really hate Joe Biden. That’s because he’s not worth the energy it would take to hate him . Likewise , Biden isn’t man enough to hate.
The one and only emotion that I have Joe Biden is a very strong feeling of contempt.
Come on folks, let’s start being honest. Anyone who has seen a picture or video of Joe Biden from 2019 or 2018 knows that the guy posing as Joe Biden today is someone completely different. In fact, he had a name: Arthur Roberts, an actor. You can look him up online. But from what I’ve heard even Arthur died. The latest clue was in a video clip showing “Biden” at some function standing with his back to the camera. You could easily see his neck and what clearly appeared to be a rubber mask he was scratching because it looked like it was actually coming loose. So if the present day “Biden” says he is an honorable man, well we know he isn’t because he’s not the real Biden. As for the real Biden who I have heard was knocked off in 2019, well his list of dishonorable crimes is so long, not even the guys playing him could repeat them without wanting to run off stage.
Whatever Biden says, the opposite is true. He says he’s honorable? That’s Bidenese for “I’m a crook”.
Biden is a serial liar
What can we expect from 2024, a national election or Marshall Law?
America needs regime change the way the inmates of Hell need ice water:
I suspect I am not alone in expecting criminal prosecutions for crimes committed under Biden. Which adds greatly to the reluctance to engage
in the actual democratic process by the population of defendants who can only insist that corruption is normal.
The people who love this country have been targeted for dispossession of their birthright of liberty and prosperity. And I want the culprits to pay.
The biggest chip on his shoulder is that big block of wood on the top of his neck be might becareful of Termites
Biden the dirt bag will go down in history as a major traitor to all of America, with
one exception, his bank accounts. He should be impeached and then tried for’
his multiple crimes along with the rest of his crime family.
MEGA,ZETA DITTOS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Could you name a couple of the lies Nixon uttered?
Biden, long known as Delaware’s “senator from DuPont,” Biden served on committees that were most sensitive to the interests of the ruling class, including the Judiciary Committee and the Foreign Relations Committee. He supported the repeal of the Glass-Steagall Act in 1999, a milestone in the deregulation of the banks, and other right-wing measures. After nearly four decades in the Senate, Biden became Obama’s vice president, helping to oversee the massive bailout of Wall Street following the 2008 financial crisis and the subsequent restructuring of class relations to benefit the rich. That included the bailout of General Motors and Chrysler, based on a 50 percent cut in the pay of all newly hired autoworkers.
Breitbart Political Editor Emma-Jo Morris’s investigative work at the New York Post on the Hunter Biden “laptop from Hell” also captured international headlines when she, along with Miranda Devine, revealed that Joe Biden was intimately involved in Hunter’s businesses, appearing even to have a 10 percent stake in a company the scion formed with officials at the highest levels of the Chinese Communist Party.
Honor, like truth these days are both relative terms. In the eyes of the beholder, things are wonderful.
FBI/IRS/SEC/DOJ/and the rest will never seriously look at any Biden(s) financials unless the permanent democratic swamp wants him out.
If DJT had an unpaid parking ticket; it would be shackles for him.
Ah, the infamous double standard that the Mushy Middle misnamed Independents for some reason ignores. Let’s have a 2-year 25 million dollar investigation of Biden using 20 Republican lawyers and see whether he comes out as clean as Trump did from Mueller’s witch hunt. They would need a fleet of semis to haul the dirt from either the Biden or Clinton families!
One of the most corrupt individuals to ever disgrace Congress and the White House.
Biden calls himself honorable in the same way that the Mafia used the term “man of honor.” It means that he is a “made man” in a criminal organization and happens to be running it until the organization is gunning for him.
RIGHT ON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
But he is honorable, he said so himself. By golly, he’s as honorable as the last election was legitimate! Right Joe?
thomas sowell was on the money when he said ” if biden wins the 2020 election it will be the end of america ” welcome to the end america !
Perhaps the separation of Tucker Carlson from Fox News will cause a significant number of news consumers to take the blinders off and see how dishonest the so-called “reporting” has been. Carlson’s short clips, released on Twitter, have drawn tens of millions of hits, far more than the number of views his Fox program brought in. Is this an indication there are millions more news junkies out there who have been waiting for an honest take. Or, could it simply be the ratio of on-line consumers versus “boomer” cable watchers is much larger than we thought? Either way, it will be interesting to track the numbers once Carlson begins his new program. I, for one, would like to see it as the beginning of a new era where the truth tellers will drown out the corporate sponsored, half truths and outright lies the MSM has been feeding us for decades. Should that happen, the lying corruptocrats and leftist ideologues who depend on the MSM will, hopefully, just become background noise instead of headliners.
Tucker has a huge following, he became bigger than Fox News. The pundits couldn’t stand that, their egos got in the way. They would rather destroy their credibility than allow a ratings getter and honest journalist be on Prime Time,
“Bite Me”has Proven himself”Honorable”to”The Swamp”,and to our ENEMIES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Do you remember Al Capone, and John Gotti? They appeared to be Teflon. Organized crime is still having its day. If Mr. Biden wasn’t set up and put in place by the Deep State, he would be needing assisted living or a nursing home. I believe we have other candidates, even in the Democrat party who would be better choices to run the country, and everyone knows that.
Don’t break your arm trying to pat yourself on the back Biden the Blunder