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A demagogic fuming Biden gave another Phantom of the Opera speech blasting conservatives for all the destruction that he has caused and has resulted in his own historic unpopularity.
All too aware that he was confused and incoherent, his handlers felt that the antidote was to come out barking and bellowing at his imaginary enemies.
Any Never Trumper who would vote for such a screeching maniac is suicidal. The night’s nadir? Joe, of the Hunter-Biden family consortium, damned the money-grubbing “rich” who “don’t pay their fair share of taxes”—all of this when his own son is now facing multiple felony counts for not paying any income tax at all! And Joe himself has received lots of family money without paying tax on such “loan repayments”.
In truth, Biden gave the most livid state-of-the-union address in modern memory, a surreal teleprompted rant from a “get off my grass” old man. At points, he started howling at the seated opposition and even called out Supreme Court Justices. Determined not to reveal cognitive decline, Biden instead came late to the podium shouting nonstop, grimacing in reptilian style for over an hour.
If the planned Adderall-fueled screaming was to prove he was still alive, most would have preferred his drowsy incoherence.
But mostly the speech was one of abject lies as he either blamed all his disasters on others or claimed they were his greatest achievements.
Deficits? Why does he think we have high inflation and high interest rates after he took office? The debt was $28 trillion when he came in and now after just 3 years it is nearly $35—and is now growing by $1 trillion every 100 days. At the current rate a two-term Biden presidency would have in aggregate added $22 trillion more to national debt.
Ukraine? Biden started out with Ukraine, not inflation, not the border, not crime. Does he remember he suspended military aid to Ukraine upon taking office? Does he know that Putin did not invade a neighboring country in just one administration of the last four? Does he know why? Does he recall his humiliation in Afghanistan that green lighted Putin? There are now 700,000 combined casualties in Ukraine and so what is the plan to end our Verdun? Another 6-month-long “spring offensive” against fortified lines?
Abortion? Biden screamed that the Dobbs decision outlaws abortion and threatens women’s lives when it allows any state to let its own people determine their own laws. Is Trump’s plan to let the states decide and to favor a 16-week ban more sensible than Biden’s abortion on demand that would allow some 5,000-10,000 partial birth or post-21 weeks abortions?
The Border? Do we remember Mayorkas bragging in detail how Biden rescinded all of Trump executive orders (he listed them by name) to destroy the border and let in 8-10 million illegal aliens? Biden campaigned on just that, calling on illegal aliens to “surge” the border.
Inflation? It is up 17% since he took office! Prices of the stuff of life have risen 30%—staple foods, fuel, appliances and care, shelter, mortgages. etc.
January 6? In Bidenland a buffoonish afternoon riot now trumps Pearl Harbor—or the 120 days of looting, rioting, violence, death, and injury of summer 2020?
Gaza? Basically Hamas murders, rapes, tortures, and mutilates1,200 Jews, takes 250 hostages, rapes and murders untold numbers of them, is shielded by civilians beneath mosques, schools, and hospitals, and then the US blames Israel for retaliating. Biden cites bogus Hamas fatality figures, and promises to build a US port on the Gaza coast to pour in massive aid to Hamas-controlled Gaza.
This furious speech was a preview of the 2024 campaign. The Democratic nominee will run on abortion, January 6, and the ‘booming’ economy, hope left-wing prosecutors can bankrupt or incarcerate Trump, and ensure that in all the swing states 70 percent of the electorate do not vote in person on Election Day.
A man compromised physically, mentally, and most sadly ethically. It feels like I’m watching a movie of a man who has lost all sense of reality. A man who keeps dragging out all the old tropes that worked for him in his pretense of honor and integrity as a younger man that are now like spent cartridges. It is truly depressing to think that somewhere near half of the country could vote for a man like Joe Biden, lashing out at his adversaries, over his own obvious failures.
The fact that Biden is president speaks volumes about the intelligence of the American people.
Rectification, Your Honor: not about our intelligence, but about our resilience against the massive brainwashing campaign initiated by the KGB/FSB (with jihad as its foot soldier) since the end of WWII. When I consider the magnitude and long duration of this debilitating campaign aiming at the destruction of America – after Western Europe – I marvel that some of us have remained able to think straight.
Since WWII? Try since WWI. The CPUSA was founded at the behest of Lenin himself in 1920 or 1921 — in Chicago, of course — and its aim was to rot Fortress America from within. He knew that the USSR could never conquer the world with a strong USA left standing. It took longer than he expected, but somewhere in the bowels of hell, he is laughing.
Possibly more about how successfully the Demoncraps and their tame security apparatus managed to set up such a network of fraudulent voting mechanisms. Even Joe, in one of his rare truthful moments, admitted they had the most amazing fraudulent voting system ever devised in place, a comment totally ignored by the Fake MSM as usual. I can imagine their reaction if Trump had made such a claim.
Jonathan Gruber’s observation about the ignorance of the American voter was accurate.
Go soak your head loser your nailing shut your reelection Coffin one nail a day
I’m surprised Alzheimer Joe didn’t fall asleep during his tiresome tirade. I almost did but not because I wasn’t out of bed yet like his “mastermind,” Bareback Hasbeen Osama, but because Biden is so boring and stupid that he could put Al Herpin to sleep. What a retard.
God help us because we sure aren’t helping ourselves.
Maybe his very own “Dr. Morell” figure gave him a quick shot to keep him going. It’s all very Hitler-esque.
Do you mean HG Wells’ Dr. Moreau? PinocchiJoe’s meds may be from Dr. Wuhan.
It’s depressing to think that America’s illiterate youth that spend their lives in wanton debauchery don’t even know who Kamala IS, and live to abort rather than prevent pregnancy with provided birth control, wantonly producing HUMAN lives and then carelessly destroying them. America the great has fallen, has fallen. And her leader keeps falling, falling. A new leader is the answer but debauchery extends to “who counts the votes”…not who votes. And the people weep.
We have to stop blaming corrupt politicians, we are at fault for tolerating them. They won’t stop until they are stopped.
While I yield to no man in deploring the ignorance and gullibility of vast swaths of the American people the problem is our media. Most people didn’t watch the SOTU and got their knowledge of it from our media, which uncritically praised it. VDH nailed it but most people won’t even see his excellent column.
Who gets the best drugs. Joe or Hunter?
I wonder what type of drugs prevent stupid old geezers from shitting their pants? Alzheimer Joe must be hopped up on all of them but according to world leaders, those drugs don’t work and he soils himself several times a day.
It is not a drug. It used to be a device called a cork. Now that it is made in China, it is a stopper.
That is a very good question. I would add this question: Why don’t other dementia patients get those drugs?
Three words:
Democrats Ruin Everything..
I like “mastermind,” Bareback Hasbeen Osama – Like the the toon Pinky and the Brain. Today, Joker Joe, we will take over the world, As soon as I am humped by 6 men in the annual Bohemian Grove get together and pot luck
That one made me laugh. Good one!
Yeah, “the Bohemian Grove” was funny. I don’t even know what that is but I laughed my ass off.
“mastermind,” Bareback Hasbeen Osama – Like the the toon Pinky and the Brain. Today, Joker Joe, we will take over the world, As soon as I am humped by 6 men in the annual Bohemian Grove get together and pot luck-
And look at all the world leaders who piss on Joe Briben’s shoes while they are shaking his hand.
The reactions of our legacy media to the recent state of the union speech spectacle reminded me of the passage in the Acts of the Apostles of how the people of tear Tyre and Sidon tried to flatter Herod Agrippa: “the voice of a god and not a man!”
Excellent analogy.. I know too many Democrats who used to be people of common sense who have fallen prey to this nonsense. Trump doesn’t even try to pretend he’s a good person, but his policies were only rivaled by Ronald Regan. America and the world was better because of those policies
May the Bozo NOT FUNNY Clown named Biden die VERY SOON and take that Skank Harris with him..
That’ll be cause for great celebration throughout the United States of America.
It’s a false premise to chafe at high casualty figures inflicted on Hamas.
We want more dead islamists; not less
When Hamas hands out another bogus list of casualty figures, we should say that we wish the casualty list really was that high, and intend triple that number asap!
Never be ashamed of killing evil street-trash.
It’s not “One angry Biden”, it’s “One DOPED Biden’. Which won’t make the slighest difference to the outcome.
The Lefto-fascists will be railing on about January 6 100 years from now. And wondering how come they have to always “win” elections through shenanigans.
He (Biden) reminds me of the movie, “Weekend at Bernie’s”.
The four year version so far. The Groundhog Day version. PinocchiJoe stays in the basement until the election is over and then there are four years of Democrat winter/global cooling.
It’s not just “Angry Joe Biden” it’s better termed “Angry, lying corrupt, incompetent, mentally deficient, treacherous and treasonous Joe Biden.”
lol, the democratic congress is crying elder abuse as we post.. trying to control the senility comments with the threat of legal detainment. i guess they did not think to hear who said what. biden comments are well documented flub after flub. not to mention the characteristic confused body language. get the medic and the psych.
If it were not for lying, Joe Biden wouldn’t have anything interesting to say or worth hearing.
Joe Biden reminds me of a character in an old Twilight Zone episode. The character was an old shop keeper who’s friends would gather at his store at the end of the day to listen to his many tall tales knowing that they were all lies and bullsh*t.
One day, aliens overheard him and assumed he was the smartest human on the planet and so kidnapped him and were going to take him back to their planet in their flying saucer.
If those aliens took Joe Biden away, he would be the saviour by going not coming, not that he knows the difference.
That is to say, our planet would be saved via addition by subtraction. The entire human species would be improved if Joe Biden were absconded by aliens. Now if we could talk the aliens into absconding with a few dozen democrats….. I’d throw in a few dozen RINOs too!!