How far away are Los Angeles and the rest of California from turning into North Korea?
Take this bizarre tweet from the official Los Angeles city account, praising “our beloved Mayor Garcetti”, claiming that he “continues to age with wisdom and grace”.
So French Laundry birthday party then?
This kind of garbage would be embarrassing in our usual political traditions, but in the age when political cults of personality spring up like mushrooms after a tsunami, an official government account gushing over its leader in terms you would expect to hear in Cuba, North Korea, or Russia isn’t even notable.
But it is what happens when there’s no meaningful political opposition.
When California Democrats succeeded in rigging elections through ballot harvesting, they eliminated meaningful opposition on a statewide level, paving the way for Kamala Harris to win her election against… another Democrat. It’s why Newsom, an inept hack, is trying to frantically manage the recall backlash, and why Garcetti can be gushed over by an official account. There really is no political opposition and that has brought a generation of incompetent political hacks to power.
It’s also cannibalized the party as lefties assault the establishment and push deranged radicals, like Gascon, to power, with policies that would horrify anyone who wasn’t getting their social reality from the media.
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