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It’s unfortunate that the destruction of our military isn’t a bigger story and it’s also a shame that so few Republicans and conservatives have backed Sen. Tommy Tuberville’s principled stand to block Biden’s radical military nominees.
Senate Republicans are seeking to bypass his insistence that Biden’s nominees pass proper confirmation with appropriate scrutiny instead of being shoved through.
And that may mean the end of the military as an American institution committed to defending the nation. Instead, it will become another DEI operation.
As this letter from Save America’s Military warns, “independently conducted research has revealed that some 40% of the promotable officers now awaiting Senate approval have publicly expressed support for the imposition of Diversity,
Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) policies upon our armed forces.”
We’re talking about hundreds of DEI nominees. Here’s the kind of thing we’re talking about.
In the weeks following George Floyd’s death in 2020, a U.S. Air Force officer—currently awaiting promotion to brigadier general—accused his fellow “white colonels” of being the “biggest barriers” to addressing “racial injustice” in the military and being “blind to institutional racism.”
Jonsson concludes with an endorsement of critical race theory promoter Robin DiAngelo’s controversial book, “White Fragility: Why It’s So Hard for White People to Talk About Racism.”
“Dear white colonel, it is time to give a damn. Aim High,” Jonsson wrote.
Earlier this year, President Joe Biden nominated Jonsson for a promotion. He’s currently one of more than 300 military officers awaiting U.S. Senate approval. Senate Democrats would like to rubber-stamp the promotions—including Jonsson’s—using an expedited Senate procedure known as unanimous consent, which bypasses consideration of each nominee individually.
This is High Noon for the military. And most people and politicians are sleeping through it.
Ray Snider says
I fully support Senator Tuberville’s effort to prevent the illegitimate Marxist regime currently in power from utterly destroying the effectiveness and integrity of the US military. I stand with Tommy Tuberville!
Greg says
Senator Tommy Tuberville is a breath of fresh air in that outhouse known as the U.S. Senate. Kudos to the man whose Republican primary election victory in Alabama flushed the backstabbing Jeff Session out of politics. Imagine how much better off the world would be had the likes of Tuberville– not the “recusing” Sessions– been President Trump’s Attorney General. In that case, we would also have been spared the stench of Sessions’ AG replacement, the crappy Bill Barr.
Jeff Bargholz says
Jeffy Sessions was a do nothing lowlife but Brer Barr was a flat out criminal who sabotaged President Trump every chance he got and never prosecuted a single political criminal In the District of Corruption sewer, which is overflowing with them.
Thomas E. Warwick says
Not many years ago, I would gladly and proudly have recommended a career or tour with any U.S. military service. I cannot now in good faith advise any youth to place themselves in harms way of the sad, incompetent excuses we now suffer as officers of any of this county’s services. I am reminded of the 13 men and women needlessly killed during the retreat (route? escape?) from Kabul. Then, when their bodies arrived at Dover, to see a so-called POTUS only interested in gazing sneakily at his watch the whole time. A warrior knows that on the battlefield there is always a risk of death; what he doesn’t expect is a knife in his back from his own leaders. That’s where we are today.
Horace Yo says
Wake up and see the treason all around Biden and Obama and their Communist underlings. Our country is on the ropes. The mutilation and sexual interference and the Democrat control creep brainwashing of children is a huge clue that something is screamingly bad wrong in our country.
jazzfusionary says
The Biden Marxists want the military to serve the elitist banking class and not our country. Every Senator should be supporting Sen. Tommy Tuberville but it’s turned into a payola system where the masters of K Street are the ruling class. The Constitution and civil rights and civil liberties cut the profit margin of these evil warlords. Our brave soldiers are being turned into mercenaries for these scurvy despots.
Jeff Bargholz says
This makes me wonder what Jonsson does in his spare time. Put on dresses and creep around men’s restrooms? Wear nothing but a woman’s bathing cap in Turkish bats? Wear a raincoat and nothing else at playgrounds? Riot with BLM terrorists insurrectionists.
I bet his dress uniform has a skirt.
roberta says
You bet, and they want our military to serve against us (the people).
This has nothing directly to do with national security. They have to move the right idiots in place if they are ever going to get our own military to mow us down like grass. .Tiananmen Square style.
It is the elites American dream
John McCreedy says
As the late, great, patriotic, Rush Limbaugh stated many times, “the purpose of the military is to kill people and break things”. To that I would add, when appropriate, necessary and under experienced, knowledgeable officers, advanced to such positions on merit and ability, (not for a high, DEI score), and to protect the safety and liberties of true Americans.
The present Chief of Naval Operations, Lisa Franchetti, has a BA degree in journalism from Northwestern and a Masters in Management of the U of Phoenix, ONLINE ! Not quite a Naval Academy graduate, with accompanying skill set, imo. Perhaps she played a great game of “Battleship” as a kid.
But then, number 44 (ugh) worked tirelessly to dismantle the traditional, American military and his puppet, number 46, signs any destructive bills or EOs placed in front of him, before his ice cream and nap time.
Such factual behavior by the two, mentioned “administrations” prove their evil, loathing for this country, its founding, history and honest, hard working Americans who love this country.
Such evil will reap what it has sown, at the appointed time….where there is no appeals process available.
Senator Tuberville is a hero, and Republicans who do not support him, are zeros.
NAVY ET1 says
Amen, Daniel. He’s not my Senator, but Tommy Tuberville is definitely my guy. Sadly, the story is a microcosm of what’s wrong with the Republican Party and how few true conservatives remain in national office. It’s been said that Republicans have no platform on which they stand. I would beg to differ with that assessment. The platform is there…it’s just not one that their constituencies sent them there to stand on. Most of the current batch stands on a platform called ME & MINE and Washington DC, like the sirens of Greek mythology, has a way of luring politicians with chinks in their armor to their doom…and ours.
We need more Tommy Tubervilles and less Mitch McConnells and Mitt Romneys. if we ever hope to salvage the Republic. I’m not sure that’s even possible any longer, but it should always be our goal.
Una Salus says
they’ll grow out of it
Jeff Bargholz says
Itchy McCornhole isn’t just a RINO traitor who works for the Douchebagocrat party, he’s senile like Nasty Pelousy. He’s on video multiple times freezing up and staring off into space.
Gordon says
Most officers will go along with anything to get promoted. The ones who most enthusiastically embrace the politics will rise to the top, same as any corporate structure. Those who were in know this is true(although I had some excellent officers as well). Also, all military officers go through the same intensive 4-year indoctrination as every other college student in America. Unless we take back the education system we are going to have a very uphill battle that will ultimately end in failure.
Una Salus says
I’ve heard only libs get promoted above a certain level which would be in accordance with other institutions.
Thanks, I never considered the tertiary education officers receive.
George Wallace says
After 27 years as an active Army officer, I have now been retired thirty years. When I retired, what was coming was already visible; it was the destruction of integrity in the officer corps – by the officers.
Una Salus says
Maybe if Trump thought it was something that would help his campaign people would start talking about it.
junkyard infidel says
STFU ya schizophrenic, limey wanker!
Jeff Bargholz says
Anything that helps Trump’s campaign helps America and its citizens, even left-wing scum. That’s why he was elected twice and his second election was stolen. The Douchebagocrats spend every day harming America.
bert33 says
PVT Twinbarrel Turrethead just don’t care, if the current crop of officers want to have a polyethnic multgender gay sex orgy online, followed by an online real estate investment spree and drug party it’s all good, TT will keep scanning for hostiles and human heat signatures in the designated target area.
Cat says
He does talk about it
Jeff Bargholz says
Yes, every time he gives a speech.
Una Salus says
I don’t follow what he says anymore very closely and maybe I’m wrong but I’m guessing he’s pretty vague and talks mostly about personal arguments he had with the top brass.
Çâşëğ says
Let’s face it the real domestic enemy of The USA are The RINOs. They are worst than the commieKKKrats because they are enablers.
We don’t need Diversity we need Common Sense back and none of their Touchy Feely stuff
Jeff Bargholz says
Diversity is division. Equity is inequity. Inclusion is exclusion.
Left-wing scum love to describe their agendas in opposite terms, and most of them are too stupid to realize the seditionists who came up with terms like these are devious liars.