Wrecking a nation and a society has consequences. Tell people enough that America was built on slavery, that it’s a racist society, or that it’s been governed by a secret elite that starts all the wars, and patriotism goes out the window. Ridicule religion, destroy moral values and you leave behind little more than political religions of cults of personality and conspiracy theories. Announce that the planet will soon die and that carpe diem is the only sensible thing anyway, and how many will choose children over the latest iPhone.
I don’t think we need to worry about WWIII. That’s so 80s. We need to worry that we’re committing cultural suicide.
Some 38% of respondents said patriotism was very important to them, and 39% said religion was very important. That was down sharply from when the Journal first asked the question in 1998, when 70% deemed patriotism to be very important, and 62% said so of religion.
Having children is down to 30%.
But don’t worry, we’re discovering what really matters in life.
The only priority the Journal tested that has grown in importance in the past quarter-century is money, which was cited as very important by 43% in the new survey, up from 31% in 1998.
You can’t get the latest Apple mixed reality headset so you can live in the metaverse without money. Until guaranteed minimum income and full luxury communism arrive.
Some 23% of adults under age 30 said in the new survey that patriotism was very important to them personally, compared with 59% of seniors ages 65 or older. Some 31% of younger respondents said that religion was very important to them, compared with 55% among seniors.
Only 23% of adults under age 30 said that having children was very important.
This is what national suicide looks like.
And while it’s the Democrats and the Left, it’s not just them. The numbers among Independents are awful and Republican numbers show what we’ve been seeing for a while reflected in internet culture.
Among Democrats, only 23% value patriotism, 29% among Independents and 59% among Republicans.
When it comes to religion, it’s 27% among Dems, 38% among Independents and 53% among Republicans.
For having children, it’s 26% among Democrats, 20% among Independents and 38% among Republicans.
There’s nothing to cheer about here.
Even among Republicans, patriotism clocks at a little over a half, religion barely that, and having children is below 50%.
Elections are important, but let’s not kid ourselves. We’re facing a cultural crisis that is much bigger than politics. Americans have lost faith in their country and themselves, they’ve lost the connection to what makes life matter and the suicides, the shootings, the overdoses and so much else are all part of the fallout.
I have felt broken after elections, but I’ve never lost hope. Seeing numbers like these however is much more devastating. Bad governments can be removed, but what happens when a people loses its soul?
>>Bad governments can be removed, but what happens when a people loses its soul?
It either goes extinct peacefully, like the Norman invaders of England or it weakens to the point that it is overwhelmed by its enemies and slaughtered.
“We’re facing a cultural crisis that is much bigger than politics.” Yes. absolutely. So why are you making it about politics? What are you doing in that first paragraph if not making it about politics?
If these numbers matter to you, as they should, why are you oversimplifying them to make them fit into your tired old tirade of how woks and the invasion of the trans zombies is somehow responsible for the numbers you see among Republicans?
Use your brain, use your words, to help bring this country, this culture back towards hope and solidarity. Stop spewing hate. Stop spreading lies. Stop injecting poison into the cultural conversation.
You know exactly what you’re doing. You don’t get to lecture anyone about losing their soul.
So, to make an observation is to spew lies and hatred? Nice try.
Culture and politics are inextricable. Your categories are too narrow to admit more light.
Da comrade, this campaign of misinformation undermining the hive mind is most deleterious to public complacency and solidarity of cultural conversation.
Because a key origin point is in politics, specifically your side’s determination to radically change the country, society and control everyone’s lives while in the process wrecking everything.
How do you propose that we bring back the country to solidarity when your side believes the country is worthless?
I most sincerely doubt this asshole’s sincerity.
In the past 2 years it feels like these statistics got exponentially worse. We have a President that fits the definition of a child molester (showered with his daughter, sniffs and gropes children in public) and has turned the power of the government to harass and attack hi political opponents. Then there was the hate filled speech with the Satanic ref background last summer, plus his hatred is on display at all times between his downing of ice cream.
We have a Democrat party pushing transgenderism, critical race theory, Abortion on demand and paid for by tax payers, and about every other Anti-Christian position under the sun.
Our nation is being wrecked from the inside.
Yeah, they are imitating our so called leaders. No religion or patriotism.
The decline of patriotism can be acutely observed in military recruiting. Recently, the US Army made woke recruiting videos that were colossal failures:
Very recently, the Army released a more traditional recruiting video since made “private” on Youtube. It can still be seen here:
I was able to view the video on Youtube before it disappeared. The comments were almost universally scathing – from white men who saw through the naked attempt to recruit them to serve a country that is determined to destroy them and the country for which their ancestors suffered and died.
The video would probably have been pulled simply because of the overwhelmingly negative comments. It features black actor, Jonathan Majors, walking through historic wars of our history, correctly depicted as fought by white men. Even on the modern military bus at the video’s end, white recruits appear to be an overwhelming majority.
The Army was spared the embarrassment of removing the video because of negative comments by angry white men. Jonathan Majors did them the courtesy of getting arrested for beating up a woman in a “domestic dispute.”
My links did not translate to comment, but anyone wishing to find the articles can search the topics easily by putting the words contained in my failed links into a preferred search engine.
I apologize to the moderator(s) if I am making life more difficult. I am unaware of any error on my end.
The Left, most certainly including academia, the media, and the arts, have been relentlessly attacking the U.S. for decades. It’s had an effect. So what do they plan on replacing it with now that their destruction is so far advanced? Whatever it is will, I’m sure, be much better than the wealthiest, freest, most powerful country in history that they’re destroying. Sure it will.
Every institution in the country — political, governmental, academic, cultural — has been tainted by the Leftists/communists. What we see every day in the news (assuming it’s truthful and not propaganda) is the drip-drip demise of the country. Without the united will of politicians and citizens alike, the country will not survive and all will be forced to adapt or die in the “brave new world” that awaits us.
The results of all those years of brainwashing by those leftists collage professors and administrators
Learn to read, and then get some perspective from outside your own circle.
The above was my response to “Mickorn says March 28, 2023 at 3:48 pm”
The modern Left seems intent on destroying ever aspect of the communal glue that holds America together.
If patriotism means respect for enlightened values and a country based in individual liberty and responsibility where “the people” are the sole legitimate source of any form of organized power, count me in.
The current sitting President of the United States, however, said repeatedly that if I did not inject the emergency use authorization substance (not, technically, a “vaccine”) then I was UNPATRIOTIC.
By Joe’s (parrot-like) definition, count me out.
The poll only confirms what we already know. Bad governments get shuffled but that is not the same as replaced.
If you build it they will come.
Are Daniel Greenfield and whoever censors unwelcome responses to his columns feeling especially patriotic today?