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[Order Daniel Greenfield’s new book, Domestic Enemies: HERE.]
“Democracy begins with each of us,” Joe Biden, shadowed by two teleprompters and multiple off-stage handlers declared on the beaches of Normandy.
Biden wasn’t celebrating winning WWII so much as the end of the Democrat primaries a day earlier which had handed him Guam and the Virgin Islands. The artfully rigged primaries which had boosted South Carolina while banishing New Hampshire had made Biden the nominee.
All he had to do was get through a debate and a convention. How hard could that be?
Biden and his people loved the idea of democracy much more than the actuality of it. The party had suppressed Rep. Dean Philips, Biden’s one opponent, and No Labels, a group that had fought for ballot access to launch a bipartisan alternative ticket, while running on democracy.
“This MAGA threat is a threat to the brick and mortar of our democratic institutions,” Biden had warned at a tribute to the late Sen. John McCain. At an earlier tribute to the late Sen. Harry Reid, he had preached that “protecting democracy requires vigilant stewardship.”
But now Biden’s own party is searching for ways to get rid of him. And the party’s best odds lie with supplanting the two democratically chosen candidates, Biden and Kamala Harris, with Gov. Gavin Newsom or some other last minute usurper who wasn’t chosen by anyone.
The Democrats have to kill democracy to save the Democratic Party.
Biden’s people are arguing that it would be undemocratic to remove the democratic choice of the voters, but there was little democratic about how he was chosen. When you’ve rigged an election once, why not also twice and then maybe a third time in the general election?
The elemental unpopularity of Joe Biden makes any straightforward victory unlikely. And now that, despite winning the primaries, he’s unprecedentedly struggling to retain even his party’s support before the convention, what are the odds that he’ll survive a national election?
But sometimes fortifying democracy means killing it once, twice and then three times.
Democrats define democracy as members of the Democrat Party winning elections. Joe Biden defined democracy as locking everyone else out of the Democrat Party’s democratic process. Now he faces the prospect of having the Democrat Party define democracy as doing whatever it takes to rid their party of a candidate who they are afraid will keep them from winning elections.
But that’s what happens when democracy is defined as a brand not a process.
Only Democrats can be trusted to safeguard democracy, they tell us, and so only Democrats can be allowed to win democratic elections lest democracy be lost. Protecting democracy requires setting it aside, like a cryogenically frozen head, for some future date. And sometimes democracy has to be protected from Democrat party voters and even party nominees.
Joe Biden, who spoke so often and so passionately about democracy, could become another of the victims of protecting democracy from those who might cost the Democrats an election.
Democracy as a brand sidelines the voters as a means, not an end. The Democrat voters did what they were told and chose Joe Biden as the party’s nominee. But if it turns out that the California, D.C. and NYC insiders who really control the party decide that the thing they had told the voters to do was not optimal for their chances, the will of the voters will be set aside.
Democracy may mean trans rights, BLM, social justice, free college, ceasefire, ban racist highways and being on the right side of whatever history it is this week, but the one thing it never means is that the voters are the ones in charge of the party or of the country.
There is no room for democracy in the Democrat Party. The ‘people power’ montages of women in hijabs, union members in hard hats and a few Unitarian old folks in Iowa no more reflect democracy than the film of cheering crowds in the Red Square made the USSR a democracy.
Power is not vested with the people but with the people in the small smoky room.
In all the arguments about whose party is it, does it belong to the Biden family whose allies control it, to the donors who paid for it or to the prominent columnists who have all rushed out some variation on the now classic “Joe Biden Must Step Down for the Good of the Nation” piece (by which they mean the good of the party and the nation can take a hike), no one thinks it belongs to the people. The people (Democrat edition) do what they’re told. Or else.
They recycle. They carpool. They give up their guns. They shower with confused members of the opposite sex. They cheer on the rioters burning down their cities. They vote for whoever they’re told and when they are told that was the wrong way to vote, they apologize and promise to do better next time. And they understand that they are not democracy’s lords, but its yeomen.
The revelation of Biden’s mental state at the debate matters less than the post-debate revelation that much of the party sees primaries as a party ritual, not a binding transfer of political power. Very little of the back and forth over whether Biden should stay or go revolves around the will of the party’s own voters, but which approach has the best odds of fooling the national voters.
A political party with so little regard for the will of its own voters cannot help but have even less regard for the will of the national voters. After years of outright lies about Biden’s condition, not a single White House or Democrat party official has apologized to the party’s voters, let alone the nation, which saw a confused elderly man agonizingly trying to mumble his memorized lines.
The lies had worked until now. The only debate within the party is over whether the lies have become unsustainable or can go on until Biden is back in office where it can all be sorted out.
Democracy to Democrats is lying to the people long enough to get them to do what they want.
There are all sorts of urgent crises that justify the lies. The oceans are rising. Systemic racism is killing everyone on the racist highways. Nonbinary students of Shakespeare as a black lesbian can’t afford to pay off their college loans. Putin is invading New Jersey. There hasn’t been a good Marvel movie since 2019. But where the lies end is with a shambling man on stage.
In the immortal words of Joe Biden, “there’s a lot of young women who are being raped by their – by their in-laws, by their – by their spouses, brothers and sisters, by – just – it’s just – it’s just ridiculous.” At some point everyone has been lied to by everyone else. And out of that event horizon of lies, a president whom everyone declared was well, showed how unwell he was.
America traded monarchies where lunatics like King George III could remain in power for a system of elections in which the voters wouldn’t allow a madman to hold public office. But in the name of democracy, the Republic degenerated into a corrupt arrangement in which a man who couldn’t pass a DUI test has the legal authority to put his quavering finger on the nuclear button.
Now the only way for the Democrats to save themselves from democracy is to kill it again.
Will it be bird flu or an escalating war that becomes the emergency necessary to cancel the election on November 4th?
Remember the election of 1968- thr Democrats will go even further left after the election regardless if Biden or whoever is the losing nominee
Democrats don’t give a Lord Barackkk’s (pbuh) behind about their voters. If they did, Bernie would have been the nominee a couple of times.
To believe socialist political elites care about their constituents is to believe the COVID lockdowns didn’t happen. The forced jabs didn’t happen. That political prisoners aren’t behind bars at this very moment.
I’m becoming ever more convinced that Joe wasn’t completely in on the steal. We’ve learned a lot about the alphabet agencies over the past 8 years and the naivete of a man who actually believes he got 81 million votes. Puppet says what?
This is Politburo stuff.
But he stated he had the best vote fraud organization! It’s on video. I am sure he didn’t organize the steal but he knew of it, went along with it, and did nothing to stop it. In fact, his admin viciously charged 1,400 Americans who protested it. Many are behind bars, with lives ruined.
He is hardy innocent.
Never, ever said Joe was innocent…because he may be a great many things, but innocent isn’t one of them. I’m just saying this goes FAR beyond him.
now that feckless joe has served his purpose and cackloharris is staring down the barrel of obscurity the ol bean shuffle will occur by the unelected bureaucrats who now run everything . the 2 dumbnuts in the crackhouse have served their purpose and will fall on their swords for the good of the party . the stalin handbook is alive and doing well . america has now got what it has well deserved .
The Democrats are like lunatics who have escaped from an asylum for the criminally insane. They somehow disguised themselves and convinced the country they are normal and took power. Now they have been exposed and the men with the big nets are coming. The chances of them lashing out in violent, destructive and psychotically delusional ways is 100%. The only language they understand is power. They need to get thoroughly curb stomped at the ballot box(which won’t stop them) and then Clapper, Comey, Fauci, etc., etc. all need to be prosecuted and sent to the hoosegow. Also, dismantle the in FBI, CIA, Dept of Education, CDC, FDA, and ATF and start over.
WHO HELPED INSTALL, THEN FUNDED AND PROTECTED, this Third World Dictator? “NO CONTRA AID!” As if they were for peace, not war, but at the same time, they were funding the Communist FMLN in El Salvador! Who has always supported Communists? Maybe because they are too and now hiding in the Democratic Party after forty-years of infiltrating it? Who’s now doing the same “to save our Democracy?”
May 4, 2023(Reuters) – Forty political opponents of Nicaraguan President Daniel Ortega have been arrested and charged with crimes including conspiracy and treason in a new round-up of government critics, relatives of five of the detainees said on Thursday.
The opposition figures were detained on Wednesday night, taken to the capital Managua to be charged, then transferred back home to be placed under house arrest, the relatives told Reuters.
Among those arrested are journalists, farmers, lawyers, and activists, as well as Maricruz Bermudez, mother of one of the 17 students who died in the 2018 protests. She was taken from her house and beaten by police on Wednesday night before being arrested, relatives told Reuters. —-The police did not immediately respond to a request for comment on the accusation from Bermudez’s relatives.—-Yonarqui Martinez, a lawyer who has defended imprisoned government critics in the Central American country, wrote on Twitter that hearings had taken place at dawn, leaving “innocent citizens stripped of their freedom.”
But the U.S. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration has warned of an ‘extraordinary’ 2024 Atlantic season.
In February, Ortega’s government expelled 222 political prisoners to the United States and stripped them of their citizenship. Many had been in prison for almost two years, accused in some cases of spreading false news or undermining national sovereignty.
High-profile prisoner Rolando Alvarez, the Catholic bishop of Matagalpa, refused to board the plane to the United States and was swiftly sentenced to 26 years in prison. A week later, the judiciary announced that 94 more opponents had been stripped of their nationality.
Great column. Best line: “Democrats define democracy as members of the Democrat Party winning elections. “. So accurate.
The only question is who is behind this charade. Even before dementia set in, Joe Biden was too stupid, too obvious a pathological liar and all around asshole (remember his campaign for president in 1988?) to pull it off. The reference to the cheering crowds in Red Square is apt, since Biden resembles nothing so much as Leonid Brezhnev post 1975, a senile, half dead apparatchik who is propped up for a handful of carefully choreographed public appearances.
My guess is that The Great Narcissist Barack Hussein Obama, who rescued Dementia Joe from political obscurity or George Soros are involved. They both hate democracy (even as they natter about it in speeches) and the United States.
Agree. Remember that first stimulus – or the “stim” as local leftists lovingly called it? Obama said it was for “shovel ready” jobs and those jibs were why we should embrace this obscene amount of money (never really accounted for).
Later on in his administration, Obama was video taped at a meeting. guffawing that “I guess those jobs weren’t really …..shovel ready!” Like it was a big joke on the stupid public.
Haven forbid they win in November there will be a leaked video of them similarly guffawing about “Democracy.”
Demoncrats care about one thing, one thing only: POWER. Yes, that’s awfully trite, but it’s who the Democrats are. No one knows tomorrow.
You would think all the multi-millionaires(in both parties) would think about retiring to (name your beach) and enjoying their grandkids, traveling, etc. But no, on they must go, whip-sawing us around with endless laws and Executive Orders. Obviously it’s about the power and nothing else. Will we people ever get tired of it all?
Let’s remember that under communism, no one is safe, not even the leader. That’s why so many socialist leaders from Lenin to Stalin, to Hitler, to Mao purged their own party members.
The Democrats should change their name to the American Communist Party. It’s almost 10 years since the original CPUSA called off running for national office and folded all their politics into the Democrat Party. The Democrats, they realized, were better communists than the Communists. And more likely to deliver on all the Communists most fervent wet dreams.
Old Crosspatch Joe is no more safe from his party than Hu Jintao who Xi Jinping had forcibly removed from the National Party Congress.
After all the manufactured, divisive crises with which this ObamaBiden administration has forcibly injected into the bloodstream of America, false demigodocrats are now honing in on the next crisis to kill America.
This preplanned, pre-election ‘crisis’ theater of the absurd is the wildest, most insane, most intense and most far reaching of all the concocted, preplanned ‘crises’ designed to break the American spirit. How wickedly diabolical of these false demigodocrats to now focus on destroying the DNA of America’s political system. They are like a virus invading the host cell, and then overwhelming the entire body with a fatal infection. They must now destroy the same party that put power in their hands.
The Supreme Court is struggling to check the different strains of the virus
because its immunity has been compromised.
And the only thing the impotent Republicans have to fight this virus is Trump’s true grit. So, switching from disease metaphor to Hollywood metaphor:
Donald J Trump is no High Noon Gary Cooper.
But I can see him as a True Grit Rooster J Cogburn.
I see a lot of potential if that character we’re channeled into Trump’s campaign. It might be a very effective anti-viral against demigodocrats. It might resonate with American voters of every age.
I’ll go with Rooster too.. With High Noon everyone was a coward and left him. Donald Trump is increasing his popularity and democrats are using lawfare and jailing people around him.
Very astute observations in this article. Critical thinking is forbidden by the Dems lest they loose their grip on power. But is it power they seek or justification for their egocentricity? They are the same.
I think the problem is much deeper than Biden. His handlers, whoever they are, have had a free reign thanks to the complicit media but who is controlling them? Where is the resistance to the globalists by patriots? Perhaps Americans who actually celebrate the birthday of this great republic, will take back THEIR country from the treasonous posers.
By democracy Democrats still mean Popular Sovereignty: where Democrats get to vote on what rights, if any, the rest of us might be “allowed” to enjoy. They were slavers before the Civil War, slavers after the Civil War (via Jim Crow and segregation in the South, and elsewhere thanks to big city voter plantations). Democrats are still slavers. The only difference is Democrats have expanded their ambitions from enslaving blacks to enslaving EVERYBODY.
The short answer to the question posed is hell no! Democrat party apparatchiks live in a reality that’s separate and apart from the rest of America. They will impose upon their rank & file democrat voters the candidate the democrat party elites choose, What rank & file democrat voters (aka, peasants) want is of little to no consequence to the party’s elites.
See? Now when Biden quits, the Left can blame it on “intel” that 51 experts told him that Trump called in SEAL Team 42 Alpha, the super-secret hit squad, waiting for the green light, if he didn’t step down.
It’s a SCOTUS / XPOTUS cabal.
Excellent column Mr. Greenfield, and your book! I had trouble putting “Domestic Enemies” down to do muh chores. I am giving it a plug every chance I get.
Of course we’re a republic with democratic principles but dem/media must constantly say “democracy’ because the word republic is repugnant to them. Thus, they would have to acknowledge the Constitution and the civil rights and civil liberties it affords to everyone. So democrats deflect to the word democracy and define it as what serves the needs of the powerful and wealthy.. China Joe stopped serving them way before the debate. They knew he would expose himself as the Joetato we knew he was. Now they can feign shock and dispose of the useful idiot with no consequences of their deceit.
Rush Limbaugh frequently said that the Democrats’ goal is to make elections irrelevant. Thanks to their allegedly COVID-related election law changes, they’ve done that. With ballot-harvesting, months of early voting and absentee ballots for anybody and everybody,, tabulating election results, which used to take one night, now takes weeks, not to mention how mysterious millions of votes for the Dems’ anointed one always seem to turn up after voting has supposedly ended. In 2020, every indication was that Trump would beat Biden in a landslide—after all, Biden was hiding in his basement!! Now, we’re being told again that Trump is set to roll over Biden—after all, Biden sucked in the debate!! Nobody would love to see a Trump landslide more than I would. I voted for him in 2016 and 2020, and I plan to vote for him again, but keeping Rush’s words in mind, I fear it won’t matter, because the Democrats have their proven election-stealing strategy in place.