Another day brings yet another tale of China’s atrocities at home, or in Hong Kong, in Africa, or for that matter in America.
And they’re met with little in the way of meaningful solutions.
The bottom line is this. Most Chinese support the Communist regime because it provides them with an upwardly mobile life and prosperity. It’s able to do that because it used aggressive trade policies to hijack the economies of many countries, including that of the United States, with the complicity of our governments and corporations.
The only way to stop China is to reverse this situation. And that’s what President Trump was trying to do.
China’s Communist regime needs us to survive. Meanwhile its vampirism is killing us. The solution isn’t to impose sanctions. That’s mostly meaningless. Especially in China’s case.
It’s to decouple our economies.
We’re not going to do anything militarily about China unless it backs us into a corner. That means all the warnings are worthless. We could easily have treated the coronavirus as an act of war, but the usual follow-up is to what end. Trying to break away North Korea from China failed, as it was always going to. And now the PRC is preparing to move in on Hong Kong. We’re already tied down in South Korea. And we’re set to provide some limited comfort to Vietnam and a few other countries in the South China Sea, but that too is going nowhere.
China’s Communist regime could have been toppled, the way that Russia’s was, by breaking it economically. Instead, the West threw Communist China a lifeline that kept it afloat, and then allowed it to grow, prosper, and boom while swallowing up our economies.
Cut off that prosperity and the armies of China’s trolls will suddenly have a lot less to cheer for. Without anything driving the massive industrialization boom, China becomes a broken country with a massive displaced rural population, a growing drug problem, and an industrial infrastructure going to rust.
In other words, it becomes America.
The timeline in which we can pull this off is limited. China’s Silk Belt is meant to expand its economic dominance worldwide. Its research breakthroughs are moving it closer to the point where it will not be dependent on our technological infrastructure. And Amazon already serves as a pipeline for Chinese products to rip off American products and bypass American retailers through China’s third party sellers.
We’re moving closer to the point of no return. And if any of the advocates clamoring for human rights in China want to do something meaningful, it begins with economic decoupling.
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