“We’re a nation-state. We have borders. The idea that we can just have open borders is something that … as a practical matter, is unsustainable,” Obama said.
Obama used that to pitch some sort of undefined “immigration reform” which is inevitably code for amnesty for illegal aliens.
Psaki’s response is that, all evidence to the contrary, we don’t have open borders.
The White House said President Joe Biden agrees with former President Barack Obama that open-border migration is “unsustainable,” even as thousands of migrants cross the southern United States border, overwhelming federal authorities.
“We don’t have open borders, so yes, he agrees,” White House press secretary Jen Psaki told reporters on Tuesday.
If migrants show up and are able to get into this country, then the borders are open.
Open borders are obviously unsustainable. If a billion people decide to show up then the United States would either be reduced to a war zone or a giant welfare camp. A lot of lefties wouldn’t mind that, but quite a few Americans would. Every now and then, Dems agree that open borders are unworkable and then start talking about some sort of amnesty. But the whole reason illegal aliens keep showing up is because they expect amnesty or major enforcement, some fundamental change to the status quo, to emerge. They also believe it’s unsustainable.
Republicans repeatedly proved willing to cut border security for amnesty deals. But while amnesty was on the table, border security wasn’t.
And by that I mean actual border security, not raising the budget 11% or hiring 400 more agents, but actually securing the border, closing it off to anyone who isn’t legally allowed to enter the country, and deporting those who aren’t supposed to be here. No serious version of that is actually on the table because Democrats believe in open borders. They use open borders as a bargaining chip for legalizing illegals.
Trading illegal alien amnesty for ending illegal migration is obviously a hoax because if you really oppose open borders, your top agenda item isn’t legalizing those same people.
When do open borders actually become unsustainable? That’s the real question worth asking the Dems.
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