The debate over the construction of a wall along the U.S. Mexican border is heating up even as the infamous leader of the Mexican Sinaloa Drug Cartel, Joaquin “El Chapo” Guzman awaits his trial in the Eastern District of New York for smuggling billions of dollars of heroin, cocaine and other illegal drugs into the United States across that border.
The DOJ press release, “Joaquin “El Chapo” Guzman Loera Faces Charges in New York for Leading a Continuing Criminal Enterprise and other Drug-Related Charges” provides the salient facts concerning this case.
On March 13, 2017 Bloomberg Business reported, Schumer Warns of Government Shutdown Over Trump’s Border Wall.
That report began with the following:
Senate Democrats warned Republicans Monday that attempts to take funding away from Planned Parenthood or pay for President Donald Trump’s border wall in a stopgap spending bill that must pass by late April would result in a government shutdown.
The threat from Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer and other Democratic leaders sets up a climactic first showdown with the president, particularly with their inclusion of Trump’s signature border wall proposal.
“If Republicans insist on inserting poison pill riders such as defunding Planned Parenthood, building a border wall, or starting a deportation force, they will be shutting down the government and delivering a severe blow to our economy,” Schumer said in a statement.
Aliens trespassing into the United States poses a serious threat to national security and public safety yet while Mr. Schumer has proposed making trespassing on landmarks or critical infrastructure a federal crime with a five year jail sentence to deter this dangerous criminal conduct, he refuses to take the necessary measures to prevent aliens from entering the United States illegally by trespassing and/or violating our immigration laws within the United States.
Yet Schemer and his fellow Democrats are so diametrically opposed to securing the treacherous U.S./Mexican border against illegal (un-inspected entry) and mounting an effective law enforcement effort to identify, locate and arrest illegal aliens who have entered the United States without inspection, often aided by smugglers, that they are willing to shut down the federal government to prevent these critical enforcement efforts.
In Mexico aliens smugglers are referred to as “Coyotes” and a smuggled alien is referred to as a “Chicken” or in Spanish, “el Pollo” because coyotes eat chickens. This is why it might be time for the Democrats to change their mascot to a coyote- they are certainly aligning themselves with the smugglers.
Constructing a wall along the southern border would help our valiant but beleaguered Border Patrol Agents to secure that violent border.
Enforcing our immigration laws from within the interior of the United States is another component of what I have come to refer to as the “Immigration Law Enforcement Tripod” (The third leg of that enforcement tripod concerns the inspections conducted at ports of entry by CBP (Customs and Border Protection) inspectors.
When I was an INS agent I was assigned for a couple of years to the INS Anti-Smuggling Unit in NYC. The alien smugglers we encountered were among the most vicious, violent and pernicious criminals I have ever encountered in my 30 year career. They often smuggle narcotics as well as humans. They frequently use violence, including rape, to control the aliens that they smuggle and to extort additional fees for their “services” from their victims or their victims’ families.
By arresting illegal aliens who had been smuggled into the United States and transported to the New York area, my colleagues and I convinced these illegal aliens to provide us with vital information so that we could identify, arrest and successfully prosecute the smugglers in Los Angeles who had smuggled them into the United States. We shut down that smuggling organization by using the information we obtained from the illegal aliens.
The key to combatting human trafficking is effective immigration law enforcement.
On October 5, 2015 Senator Chuck Schemer posted the following press release on his official website:
Here is how the press release began:
Schumer, Gillibrand Announce Federal Grants Will Be Used To Fund Task Force to Develop & Implement Strategies to ProsecuteSex- and Labor-Traffickers and Help Human-Trafficking Survivors
U.S. Senators Charles E. Schumer and Kirsten Gillibrand today announced $2,070,022 in federal funding allocated through Department of Justice (DOJ) for four New York City based organizations. Specifically, the funding will help recovery for survivors of all types of human trafficking by survivor-centered services and interagency communication.
“With this critical federal funding, these organizations will be able to continue their important work, prosecuting vile sex- and labor-traffickers and serving the survivors of human trafficking in New York City,” said Senator Schumer. “It is important that we work to both eliminate human trafficking through prosecution and help survivors obtain the comprehensive services they need and deserve.”
“This critical federal funding will allow these organizations to facilitate a wide range of programs to combat human trafficking and provide assistance to survivors,” said Senator Gillibrand. “New York City will now have additional resources to identify and respond to the needs of human trafficking survivors. I will continue to push for funding to help keep our families safe and better protected.”
While not all human trafficking involves smuggling aliens into the United States a significant proportion of such criminal activities involves the smuggling of aliens across international borders for a variety of illegal purposes that include sex trafficking and the importation of aliens trapped in virtual servitude to the alien smugglers.
Schumer may talk about prosecuting human traffickers but has done everything possible to impede the work of the DHS to secure our borders and enforce our immigration laws.
The primary opponents of these human smugglers are our Border Patrol agents and our ICE agents. Yet, the Democrats in Congress as well as the mayors of Sanctuary Cities who are dead set against securing our borders and enforcing our immigration laws from within the interior of the United States.
To make this point succinctly, those who oppose the enforcement activities of immigration law enforcement officers are the best allies human traffickers could ever hope to have.
Human smuggling activities occur around the world and occur across our southern and northern borders as well as along our 95,000 miles of coastline and through our international airports.
Back on May 18, 2004 I was invited by Rep. Shiela Jackson Lee as her witness, to testify at a hearing conducted by the House Subcommittee on Immigration, Border Security and Claims on the topic, Pushing The Border Out On Alien Smuggling: New Tools And Intelligence Initiatives.
At my insistence, Rep. Jackson Lee agreed to broaden the focus of the hearing and acknowledge that alien smuggling is not limited to the U.S./Mexican border but also includes those who provide aliens with counterfeit or altered identity documents and engage in schemes that involve visa fraud.
That hearing convinced her and then House Judiciary Committee Chairman James Sensenbrenner to work cooperatively to draft legislation to create a fraud task force.
It is worth noting that the 9⁄11 Commission determined that fraud documents and fraud schemes were vital to the success of terrorists.
One of the issues that was addressed during the hearing was the use of visas to protect illegal alien victims of human trafficking and alien criminals to create incentives for those illegal aliens to provide vital actionable intelligence about such vile criminals.
Of course the mayors of Sanctuary Cities refuse to discuss this critical issue. If they were truly concerned about illegal aliens living in their towns, they would make certain to provide the ethnic immigrant communities with information about how they can come forward to assist law enforcement to identify, locate and arrest the alien criminals who live among them and prey upon them.
However, this would go against the narrative that immigration law enforcement personnel are the “bad guys” and the immigration law violators are the “victims.”
In fact, on March 13, 2017 The Hill reported, Dems back body cameras for ICE agents, noting:
Democrats in the House want to require immigration agents to wear body cameras amid concerns over increased immigration enforcement and the hiring of new agents.
Rep. Yvette Clarke (D-N.Y.) introduced a bill to that effect Friday, with 18 Democratic co-sponsors.
Clarke said the measure is necessary to protect those targeted by immigration enforcement from potential abuse.
I was interviewed on Newsmax-TV on March 14th about the threats by the Democrats to shut down the government over the border wall and the proposal to require ICE agents to wear body cameras.
As I noted during my interview, President Trump is determined to prevent the un-inspected entry of aliens into the United States in order to prevent the entry of terrorists and criminals and to protect the lives and livelihoods of Americans.
How could any American politician be opposed to those important goals?
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