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America is in a fighting mood. Hardly a day goes by without video of a fight among airline passengers or fans at some sporting event surfacing on the Internet. Mobs block subway tracks to disrupt service. Still larger mobs gather at statehouses from Montana to Florida, angry and violent enough to suspend the legislative process. Retailers lock products behind plexiglass fearing hoards of looters.
Those causing such mayhem often avoid arrest, prosecutors routinely fail to prosecute offenders, and the results are anarchic. “The lawless in spirit are encouraged to become lawless in practice,” noticed one 28-year old state house representative. “Having been used to no restraint but dread of punishment, they thus become absolutely unrestrained.”
Disorderly scenes today are so common, we’ve become desensitized to them. “Such are the effects of mob law; and such as the scenes becoming more and more frequent,” observed this junior legislator. “The stories of which have even now grown too familiar to attract anything more than an idle remark.”
The idle remarks on Twitter and elsewhere only exacerbate this climate as mobs grow in number and size, and the danger extends to the nation itself. “By the operation of this mobocractic spirit, which all must admit is now abroad in the land, the strongest bulwark of any government, and particularly of those constituted like ours, may effectually be broken down and destroyed,” warned the young lawmaker.
These comments were delivered by Abraham Lincoln, who predicted in his January 27, 1838 speech to the Young Men’s Lyceum of Springfield, Illinois, “If destruction be our lot, we must ourselves be its author and finisher.”
Lincoln’s remarks could just as easily have been uttered by any honest observer today. Our civil society frighteningly parallels that of the nation’s western frontier in the 1830s, just one generation removed from the Civil War. This is not one of those civil war/national divorce columns; it’s an illustration of how history rhymes with current events. The risk to America today is less about civil war and more about succumbing to the toxicity of alien ideologies – fascism, Marxism, Maoism – and their legacies of violence, murder, and poverty.
Aside from philosophical differences between Democrats and Whigs, there weren’t many political ideologies that affected America 185 years ago. The world was largely ruled by emperors and monarchs, dictators and prelates, none of whom posed a serious threat to the United States.
“All the armies of Europe, Asia and Africa combined, with all the treasure of the earth (our own excepted) in their military chest, with a Buonaparte for a commander, could not by force take a drink from the Ohio or make a track on the Blue Ridge,” said Lincoln. “At what point then is the approach of danger to be expected? I answer, if it ever reach us, it must spring up amongst us.”
It is not the danger of foreign adversaries that approaches America today; it is the ideologies that define them. Variations on these doctrines are infecting the American Mind, resulting in what amounts to a cultural proxy war waged on behalf of our enemies. The comic strip possum Pogo, summed it up with the aphorism, “We have met the enemy and he is us.”
The question of how we got here is difficult to answer by virtue of the many reasons over so many years. But in a broad and very real sense, we got here because we have steadily eliminated biblical precepts from our civic life.
When choosing leaders, Moses said in Exodus that we should, “look for able men from all the people, men who fear God, who are trustworthy and hate a bribe, and place such men over the people as chiefs of thousands, of hundreds, of fifties, and of tens.” It’s impossible to say but Moses may have inspired the language of Article II, Section 4 of the Constitution, which lists bribery as one of only two specific grounds for impeachment.
To our peril, we are failing to select enough trustworthy leaders who fear God and hate bribes. As a consequence, we are drifting away from the truths that promote civility and decency within society.
America was founded as a Christian nation, anchored in the principles of the Reformation. Presidents, legislators and jurists across the political spectrum have recognized this for centuries, and those precepts have served the nation reasonably well for the past 250 years. But today, those founding principles are vilified as ‘threats to democracy.’
This drift should be concerning to all. I don’t worry about Russia, China, or any other regime taking over America by force of arms; our home grown authoritarians are doing their work for them. Absent a timely course correction, they may bring to fruition Lincoln’s ultimate conclusion: “As a nation of freemen, we must live through all time or die by suicide.”
Scott, you had me nodding in agreement until you pulled the Bible card.
The Left pulls a thousand daggers with every case of church abuse and hypocritical pulpit pounding most Christians refuse to denounce.
Is it John Calvin the Protestants push, or Martin Luther, or Charles Spurgeon, et. al.?
The destruction of America from within, while claiming to love our enemies, is one of the reasons I put my studies in apologetics and systematic theology in the rearview mirror;
I refuse to love the CCP body snatchers, the Russian goon squads, the cartel sadists or the Marxist DEI sorcerers.
And Bible thumping only drives away thinkers. Sorta like when Fox News starts in with their Revival tent promotionals. Far too many other channels to glean wisdom from.
It would be nice to extract the wisdom of the Bible and leave the supernatural stuff to the superstitious; but alas, if Jesus could cure a blind man, why didn’t he cure blindness?
Meanwhile, legions of brainwashed Marxist soldier-punks are plotting their next wave of city burnings and tax payer extortion schemes…. in spite of the millions of American prayers that continue to fall upon a deaf oracle.
If America was founded to be a Christian nation then we must ask ourselves what would Jesus want us to do for him?
What would Jesus do? Jesus would be on the side of the poor and the needy. Jesus would be on the side of altruism and self-sacrifice. Jesus would tell us you are your brother’s keeper, love your neighbor as you love yourself. Jesus would be for open borders.
Jesus would tell us don’t be concerned about this transitory pilgrimage of life on earth or any pain and suffering you may go through in my name. You are here to seek salvation from Original Sin by sacrificing for me and your neighbors, I will reward you with eternal life in my Kingdom when you die. Love your neighbor as you love yourself. Turn the other cheek. Love your enemies.
Are we going to be true Christians sacrificing for Jesus, preparing ourselves for his eternal after-life, or selfish, greedy, capitalists pursuing our selfish, individual, happiness here on earth?
No, we don’t need to ask ourselves anything at your behest, especially that collection of loaded questions designed to denigrate Jesus and Christians.
You have no idea what Jesus would say, because you are a presumptuous idiot who has zero understanding of Christianity beyond your own hatred of it. So your statements about Jesus are based on your own ignorance.
But hey, go on being your selfish little self, not caring about any thing but yourself, up there on your magical Lotus Flower.
And our divine teacher said,
“As Jesus started on his way, a man ran up to him and fell on his knees before him. “Good teacher,” he asked, “what must I do to inherit eternal life?”… Jesus looked at him and loved him. “One thing you lack,” he said. “Go, sell everything you have and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven. Then come, follow me.” – Mark 17 – 29
I care about the people I love, and strangers worthy and deserving of my non-sacrificial help, that’s rational selfishness. And helping the people I love and deserving strangers is not a loss or a sacrifice, but a selfish gain for my personal pursuit of my happiness. Rational love and helping others in a non-sacrificial, rational way, is not altruism or self-sacrifice. It is selfish, personal gain and profit.
Pt 2
1) a selfish gain for “my” personal pursuit of my happiness
2) selfish, personal gain and profit
3) Rational love and helping others in a non-sacrificial, rational way
4) strangers worthy and deserving of my non-sacrificial help, that’s rational selfishness
Me, Me, Me, My, My, My. Who talks this way except for a very sick individual with narcissistic personality disorder. In other words, what you are really saying is you don’t have to help anyone who doesn’t meet your impossible standards.
I believe you would walk over a person on the street who had just been beaten up. I believe you would not have intervened as Daniel Penny did, and would have let Neely throw some elderly lady onto the tracks in front of an oncoming train. Penny is a hero. Something you will never be.
Our enemies are using a simple strategy. Using our freedoms to end all freedoms.
United States is a Constitutional Republic. The Constitution guarantees freedoms and equal rights and opportunities for everyone. Except for the people who violates other’s rights, such as the criminals and terrorists. And rightfully so, the criminals and terrorists must be removed from the society.
It’s a brilliant system. Rewarding hard work and law abiding citizens, and punishing those who disrupt other’s rights to freedoms, prosperity and happiness.
Our government officials are sworn in to protect the US constitution.
The democracy on the other hand is just another religion where the sheep worship the wolves. As evidenced by what we see now. The criminals and terrorists who are in minority are taking over. And when they have full control there will be genocide and massacre of anybody who doesn’t agree with their orders.
Democracy as a religion, does not respect or allow any other religion. Nor any speech which promotes freedoms. Nor any right to self-defense from the criminals and terrorists. Nor any right to prosperity, safety, or happiness.
The simple fact that anything that cannot or will not protect itself from the predatory forces of the world will be destroyed by them.
Western Civilization was built on Christianity and the GUN.
Christianity is now gone.
And no one will actually use the Second Amendment.
The West no longer has the psychological energy to maintain itself………….so its time has come and gone.
I’d suggest that those of us who are understandably concerned about present conditions take a quick look back through our history.
You’ll find we’ve met and prevailed over issues just as serious, with an unbroken record of success.
In fact, it’s become (as intended) a major part of our heritage to continue the struggle of our predecessors to ensure our Republic endures.
That struggle must NEVER be abandoned, lest this “grand experiment” crumble into a memory.
To understand what Democrats mean by “democracy” we need look no further than the Democrat notion called Popular Sovereignty. The Founders rejected pure majoritarian democracy by establishing a system built on certain unalienable rights that had to be respected for all citizens. Democrats’ Popular Sovereignty asserted that the majority could vote on what rights, if any, the minority might enjoy. Back then, the issue was black slaves. Modern Democrats have simply expanded their aims to encompass all their opponents.
Strength in numbers is the democrat objective. Their justification comes by nothing more than numbers. Leftists have been quite successful in garnering these numbers through a concerted effort to dumb down and indoctrinate the past few generations. Adherents are emboldened not by the power of reasoning but by the depth of the horde.
get lost, spam troller.
Obey the 10 Commandments and understand the divine punishment to come otherwise, ..and teach this to children and others.
Pt 1
You wouldn’t know the divine if it came up and bit you in the assets. Your description of what Jesus said is meant to denigrate Christians who don’t sell everything they have. It is simply a way for you to call them hypocrites so can say, “See? See? You aren’t really Christians”. It is very easy to pass judgement when you never look any of them in the eye and take chance that you aren’t going to exactly what you deserve handed back to you.
And what is a deserving stranger in your little world. Your second paragraph is so typical if the nonsensical Objectivist word salad you routinely spew out. Is is simply selfishness rationalized, not “rational selfishness.” You love no one except yourself.
The word Democracy in itself is Mob Rule. Those that repeatedly espouse it are those that are beating the drums for the criminal Mob. Politicians especially thane from the Marxist left love the mob. However a Constitutional Republic demands of an entirely different set of people, their values and their thinking about society.
The US along with the rest of Western Civilization is committing suicide.
This is the over-arching perspective that explains all of the destructive policies of Western democracies.
Moses in his last pronouncement to the Hebrews in Deuteronomy before he died made his final case against the SUICIDALISM.
“Today I set before you the blessing and the curse………..choose life so that you and your descendents might live.”.
Messianic Rabbi Jonathan Cahn is right……………the ancient gods of the Canaanites are returning along with their death cults.
Moloch, Ishtar and Baal are here today……….in the form of progressive Leftism.
America needs to totally pull out of the United Nations and moved this nest of Vultures to Moscow without America the Eagle needs to fly