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Who would have ever expected that the first terror bases in our nation would be on American campus?
We did. And we warned you about it.
Recently, Robert Spencer, the Director of Jihad Watch and a Shillman Journalism Fellow at the David Horowitz Freedom Center, was invited to speak at UCLA.
Then UCLA blocked him from speaking because of the Hamas riots. But Robert wouldn’t give up and neither would we. The story made national news and his speech, telling the truth about Islamic terrorism at ground zero for terror supporters, is back on.
After the Hamas riots, the Freedom Center went back to UCLA and put up posters telling the truth about the pro-terror hate groups. The last time we did that, UCLA’s DEI boss threatened us with legal action. But we’re not going to be intimidated and we will never back down.
That’s part of our work of over three decades, where David Horowitz, Spencer and the investigative journalists and writers at the Freedom Center have been warning that
Students for Justice in Palestine, a project of the parent organization of Hamas, has been running a Hitler Youth campaign on American campuses to convince a generation of students of the lie that Israel is a colonialist oppressor and the Palestinians are its blameless victims.
Now SJP is playing a leading role in the Hamas campus encampments and riots.
The UCLA Hamas riots are in the news now. When we exposed Hamas supporters on campus, UCLA’s vice chancellor for DEI threatened to sue us for calling SJP “murderers and terrorists.”
Now the entire nation can see what we saw then.
The Freedom Center was among the first to take the war against Jew hatred to the campuses with speeches, ads, and our “Wall of Truth” campaign to refute SJP’s antisemitic lies. And we were never afraid to call them “Jew Haters,” “Nazis,” and “supporters of terror” or to state openly that Hamas was funding SJP.
We named UCLA, Columbia, Georgetown, SFSU, NYU and many others, along with the professors responsible for the culture of Jew hatred on American campuses that are now in the news on a daily basis. We called out these institutions and urged them to confront the Jew hatred rapidly spreading on their campuses and we were accused of being “Islamophobes.”
When Hamas supporters came to campus, we were there to challenge them.
Unlike a lot of establishment groups, we did not play defense. We went on the offense with our Islamo-Fascism Awareness Weeks, posters and newspapers distributed directly on the campuses, ad space secured in campus newspapers, and speeches given under the threat of violence.
Despite being outnumbered and outshouted, we never backed down. The same universities now hosting anti-Semitic “encampments” refused to run our ads or print our editorials in their campus newspapers because they disputed our conclusion—now proven beyond a shadow of a doubt—that SJP is affiliated with Hamas. They called us liars, but we have been proven right.
In 2016, the Freedom Center papered the campus of San Diego State University with posters identifying prominent students and faculty affiliated with SJP and the BDS movement as having “allied themselves with Palestinian terrorists.”
We took out an ad in the campus newspaper stating: “There is an epidemic of Jew hatred on American campuses and at San Diego State University. This Jew hatred is incited by Students for Justice in Palestine, the Muslim Students Association and assorted leftist groups, all of whom support the terrorist organizations Hamas and Fatah.”
In response, hundreds of students participated in a mass protest, swarming then-university president Elliot Hirshman and demanding an apology for his failure to adequately condemn our posters. The demonstrators were incensed that we would dare insinuate that their social justice movement was affiliated with terrorists. It doesn’t seem quite so crazy anymore.
When David Horowitz spoke about SJP’s push for a second Holocaust at the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee campus he was greeted with anti-Semitic posters depicting him with an exaggerated nose, standing in a garbage can, and wearing a Nazi-style armband. The posters labeled him a “right-wing hatemonger, Israeli apologist and Judeofascist.” These images were plastered all over campus walls, including in the Student Union where SJP was provided with plush offices by UW administrators.
The same university forces who for decades turned a blind eye to the terrorist and neo-Nazi tactics of SJP are responsible for allowing radicals to take over their campuses, turning them into hostile enclaves where Jews and Zionists are prohibited.
This madness could all have been avoided if they had heeded our warnings.
We were the first to warn of the threat posed by The Unholy Alliance of Radical Islam and the American Left – the title of a book David wrote 24 years ago. If we had been joined by other conservatives in our campaigns to isolate the campus Jew haters and refute the lies of the campus neo-Nazis, the campuses might have looked a lot different this month.
We warned about the escalating persecution of Jewish faculty and students., the complicity of jihadist professors at Columbia and Berkeley. We connected the dots no one else would. And we did it all with little-to-no support and ridicule from the establishment because we were never afraid to call the enemy by its true name.
And we still aren’t.
That’s why we’re not letting up.
The Freedom Center has never relented in our struggle against the scourge of Jew Hatred and the neo-Nazi menace on campuses across our nation.
Our websites,,, and our deep writing team that includes David Horowitz, Robert Spencer, Daniel Greenfield, Jamie Glazov, Sara Dogan, Hugh Fitzgerald and many more have dedicated their lives to the further education and exposure of this cancer spreading through Academia.
Our daily writing, campus campaigns, events and programs will continue to sound the alarm and we will continue to speak the truth, even if it makes others uncomfortable. That is what we do. That is our mission.
Make a special donation today to support our work on the campuses.
Mo de Profit says
Hitler, according to a Netflix series called “Hitler” used these words “THREAT TO OUR DEMOCRACY” yes Hitler during his rise to power used those words.
The series also shows enormous parallels between his rise to power and the leftist global agenda that the lockdown period did.
Was it Marx who said “Accuse your enemies of what you are doing yourself”?
pie says
bingo. another similarity which gave rise to hitler was sexual depravity. pre-ww2 berlin was the worlwide place to go for all manner of sexual deviance. many germans were caught up in the practice and tourist financial gain. more conservative germans were tired of the cesspool berlin had become. hitler promised to change all that was wrong in berlin. hitler followed through with his promise and there began the pride of the german people.
pride is a universal sin. to be prideful is to put yourself above god. hitlers germany is a good example of what happens when an entire nation is caught up
america has allowed the sexual depravity element into our everyday lives with laws that condone/protect the activity’s and laws that expose children to all manner of sexual deviance for a new generation of participants.
Jake Da'Daugh says
Thank you, well written.
jeremiah says
Hitler had like 5% of the vote in the election prior to winning the vote. The election preceding indicated that the German people had no interest in the Nazis or Hitler for any reason. And this was with a number of crises facing Germany. His party and his political career was considered dead after the election.
The general perception of Hitler was that he was ugly and un-German looking, unappealing to look at, along with a lunatic speech style that both disgusted and put off many Germans. An unrefined, country rube or what we would call a hillbilly. His politics and attitudes were far too liberal for most Germans being that he was an uber liberal nazi or socialist who being gay, besides sadistic and sado-masochistic tendencies was pro gay stating more than once that being gay was no ones’ business.. If nothing else he had to politically play to the brown shirts and their top echelon headed by Ernest Rohm who were nearly all and very decidedly gay.
What put Hitler in power? The stock market crash of 1929. A person the German’s never would have given a chance to otherwise who barely had enough votes to win a third of the total in his win. Most were unconcerned because they considered him so repulsive that he would be voted out in the next elections.
Hitler was a Animal Lover and a Vegan he would fit right in with PETA Eva Braum was a Bunny Hugger
Allan Goldstein says
So was Hugh Hefner
Seekers says
That kind of guilt by association argument gets us nowhere. Lots of people love animals. I am a major cat lover. Does that make me a “Nazi?” Get real.
Allan Goldstein says
Hugh Hefner loved pussys too. ~
Rob A says
I’m neither an animal lover (unless they’re on my dinner plate but I digress!) or a cat lover. And I’m logical and rational enough to not inanely associate Nazism with the love of animals.
That’s the hallmark of a mental midget, i.e., someone with a dearth of intelligence and common sense.
Martina Vaslovik says
I believe it was actually Saul Alinsky who said that.
Steve Chavez says
“WE THE PEOPLE want our Founding Articles NOT The Rules for Radicals!”
“WE THE PEOPLE want Jobs NOT Mobs!”
“WE THE PEOPLE want Workers NOT Freeloaders.”
“WE THE PEOPLE want Educators NOT Indoctrinators!”
“WE THE PEOPLE want Friend and Family Unions NOT Political Exclusions!”
“WE THE PEOPLE want Flag Wavers NOT Flag Desecrators!”
“WE THE PEOPLE want all Colors United NOT Divided!”
From the List of 25, “What do We the People Want?” Steve Chavez
jeremiah says
Saul stole and denied anything not nailed down. Like most communists. Not too much original from that putz.
Lightbringer says
Yes, but he wasn’t the first. The first might well have been Marx, if not someone even earlier.
john blackman says
knock yourselves out guys , the modern day titanic has hit the iceberg and is going down . america is doomed . bidens double cross of israel has brought judicial judgement on america among other notable immoral choices , with its murder of a million unborn children every year , same sex marraige , preference for islam over christianity , the destruction of the family . the list goes on . find something else to do while you still can because regardless what is done you cant save those who dont want to be saved because if it was possible 81 mill. dolts would not have voted for the imbecile who thinks he is president .
RS says
The policies that were changed by the Biden administration toward Israel, have sealed America’s doom. God is not going to put up with countries who are poking his children in the eye with terrorism, God deals with Israel in his own way, but there is a huge conclusion coming to Israel’s enemies.
Condor335 says
Regarding your last sentence, there were 81 million *ballots* recorded for the demented Manchurian candidate, which should not be interpreted as indicating there were 81 million *voters* who selected a voting booth or via a legitimate mail-in ballot. We saw the coup d’état unfolding in real time in the late evening hours in Nov 2020 and have been experiencing the consequences of an illegitimate regime since. It remains to be seen if the 2024 election result will be any different.
I would encourage readers to check out the content from Jay Valentine at plus his writings at to get some important insights on what will be required to prevail against the current vote fraud conspiracy of Democrat party operatives and their supporters/enablers. The RNC is pretty useless in this fight, and in Jay’s writings you will see why. Remember what happened in 2020.
John Wood says
I am convinced that America`s days are numbered and that breaks my old heart having grown up in this once great nation 🙁
I agree with your comments. I believe that the destruction of the West in in great part to profligate abortion practices. God hates this defilement of his precious gift of reproduction and he has handed these people over to the consequences of their disrespect for his creation.
Genesis 1:27 says:
“So God created man in his own image,
in the image of God he created him;
male and female he created them”.
PhonyDoc says
It’s pretty obvious that there really weren’t 81 million LEGITIMATE ballots cast for Joe Biden in 2020. We’ve seen plenty of photographic evidence that Zuckerbucks resulted in shenanigans the cost Trump the swing states that carried Biden to the White House.
Let’s hope that states have made sufficient election security rules to prevent that from happening in ’24.
Irene Muus says
We are evangelical Christians who are OUTRAGED by all this. OUTRAGED. Our church regularly prays for Israel and sees all this for what it is. Hamas must be destroyed. It is evil.
Lightbringer says
I pray fervently that this generation of Israel’s young lions will be the one that finally obeys the commandment to obliterate the Amalekites. In whatever guise they wear, they try to destroy us in every generation. For a while our ancestors had the ability to do so, but not the will. And after that, for almost 2500 years, they lacked the ability. Now we again have the ability and I sure hope that the will is there.
Chief Mac says
I coined the term Islamofascist many years ago, so thank you I want more usage of it.
The answer is to sue the terrorists for blocking Jewish speakers and students. Both are illegal under Title IX. And the colleges/universities for aiding in these crimes. Time to bankrupt the people and institutions for their crimes.
This will affect real change
Condor335 says
That would be a good start, but much more needs to be done to even begin a turnaround of this Democrat- and RINO-enabled sh!tshow.
1) Any students advocating for genocide and other forms of violence against Jews, threatening and physically interfering with or assaulting Jews and their supporters, occupying the buildings of institutions in violation of law, and creating a public safety hazard on public streets should be immediately expelled from their academic institutions and prosecuted for any violations of law;
2) Any non-students found to engaging in the activities listed above should be arrested, prosecuted, and if foreign nationals expelled promptly from the U.S. and placed on a no-fly list;
3) Arrest and prosecute under RICO and other applicable laws the officers and any responsible staff associated with the funding of terrorist-supporting activities at any level (campus or otherwise), to include participating dark money sources currently supporting Democrat party activities.
The list goes on. The extensive research provided by the David Horowitz team at provides numerous leads to the money trails and the principal actors. Follow the money.
Of course, the corrupted DoJ, FBI, IRS, Treasury, and other weaponized institutions that are effectively colluding with these terrorist supporters, funding channels, and direct action actors are not likely to act on any of these proposed moves. The current regime and their Democrat Party have to be given the same treatment as the Nazi party (NSDAP) at the end of WWII, with appropriate penalties for treason and sedition. Today’s Democrat party and their Vichy enablers are a criminal-terrorist network masquerading as political party actors (not unlike what we see with Hezbollah today). They have to be thrown on the ash heap of history. This will have to wait for the current regime to be expelled, and perhaps then can start a real reckoning for these tyrants.
John Wood says
We should start by hanging yje
We could start by hanging that Jew-hating Nazi Jew named George Soros.
Annie45 says
The campus protestors are not just a bunch of college kids and loony
professors. Half of them are outside agitators well funded by communist
globalists and Islamic entities – all friends of the Biden administration.
Islam via these “Palestinian” protests has landed a battle ax on America’s
door starting with beatdown of the Jews via academia. Thank God our
country has thinkers and fighters at the Freedom Center to put up a fight
against them. Because who’s next on the thugs’ agenda? According to Islam’s
precepts – it’ll be Christians, then everybody else in America.
Kynarion Hellenis says
It already is Christians. And conservatives. And Jews. And whites. And anyone capable of self-rule without regard to ethnic or religious category.
Patricia says
They are already imprisoning Christians for praying at abortion clinics. I guess we are waiting to see if they really get 11 – 50 years in prison or if the Demofascists will be lenient. We know they are basically torturing a 50-ish woman, who is the mother of 15, by putting her in solitary confinement. She just had a stroke due to the conditions she is being kept in – all for saying prayers and blocking entry into a clinic for a short time.
bob says
Yet for some reason that defies logic, the vast majority of jews in the US will still vote democrat
Michalis says
I’ve been on another website, which is run by an Israeli writer, and when they criticize Biden, I have been astonished to see some Jewish people comment, always in the same way: Oh what you’re saying about Biden is undeniable, and things are terrible, but we can’t have Trump, he’s a bad man and I could never vote for him. The same format, every time.
It’s as if . . . they’ve all been brainwashed!
What exactly needs to happen, before they think, hold on, this is really not on, I’m going to have to change my thinking here . . .????
I mean – how bad do things have to get before they will admit to themselves that they voted for the wrong guy?
The mindset of these people is beyond my understanding altogether.
Greg says
Now that the Boy Scouts of America have dropped the “Boy” from their appellation, a “woke” rebranding might be in order. They could call themselves the DEI Hitler Youth and offer Jew-hating merit badges. That way, they’d fit right in with today’s non-binary and Jew-hating Ivy League campers. Of course, the DEI goose-steppers might have to re-work their old Scout Oath: “On my honor I will do my best to do my duty to God and my country and to obey the Scout Law; to help other people at all times; to keep myself physically strong, mentally awake, and morally straight.”
Domenic Pepe says
Never forget that ….
Depraved psychopathic murderous berserk Freedom suppressing Islam
has been a scourge on humanity for 1400 years.
Enough already.
RS says
The Lord God Jehova-Yeshua, the Mighty One, the Lion of Judah is coming back to destroy all false religions.
Alkflaeda says
Islam will have a shock when they realise that He is not on their side.
Kynarion Hellenis says
We human beings are relentlessly tribal, and the Jews are not only no exception. I think the based Jews know this, but convincing their yellow-dog democrat family members to vote issues (even when it means self-preservation) rather than identity is very difficult.
It is a difficult issue.
Angel Jacob says
Islam itself must be attacked as an ideology.
All murders, terrorism, torture, rape, oppression which are normal under sharia laws must be revealed worldwide.
Lightbringer says
One would think that the events in southern Israel on October 7 would have revealed to the world what Islam is. The perpetrators themselves proudly broadcast many of their atrocities all over the internet, yet the world yawned, just as it yawns at news of massacre after massacre of Christians in Africa. What will it take to awaken the world and get them away from their endless selfies and cat videos?
Steve Chavez says
Communist Sandinista Daniel Ortega, installed and protected by Democrats, “NO CONTRA AID!”, ARRESTS ALL OPPONENTS and recently, a Bishop and nine Priests, as “a threat to our Democracy.”
Democrats listened, “It works there and elsewhere. Let’s try it here since we run the Justice System. Let’s hold off on any Trump indictments, who cares if they are legitimate, he has to prove his innocence, and bring them all up during the election year. Tie him up in court. Mention his name every day and people will again tire of him! Our media comrades will again use their Conspiracy of Silence to help Democrats. When the Right makes allegations, just resort to The Schultz Plan: I see nothing! I hear nothing! I know nothing! Nothing!’ Worked great for Obama! Don’t worry, we have a few more indictments waiting for the October Surprise. Viva Che! Viva Fidel! Viva FJB! Viva Obama… Obama… we love you Obama!”
FJB is planning to grant FULL-AMNESTY to millions and the Democrat machine will help them with their citizenship, and most importantly, with their MAIL-IN BALLOTS giving them the numbers to realize their American Dream: ONE-PARTY RULE!
Kynarion Hellenis says
The cartoonist is Khalil Bendib, whose loyalty is to his Muslim Arab roots, even though he has lived almost all his life in western civilization and now resides in Berkeley. His received much support from the Institute for Policy Studies (ironically founded by two Jews).
If you go to his website, you can see examples of his work. Some of his work would be likely be forbidden in his home country of Algeria. If curious, go here and look at “Philosophizing” (with a Jew?) and “Flirt” (definitely prevalent and forbidden in Muslim countries).:
Seekers says
Leave it to the Arabs to outdo everyone in Jew-hatred. And you’re right. The Institute for Policy Studies was founded about 60 years ago by a pair of leftist Jews, Arthur Waskow and Marcus Raskin. The latter’s son, Jamin Raskin, is a radical congressman from Maryland.
Time to defund the Universities and Collages and save up all that money for Police American Families and Home Defense instead of these mindless little twats
RS says
In the end, the liberal Jews who vote for this kind of betrayal, will have no way to turn because they also have been duped by the left.
PhonyDoc says
In the end, they will likely find themselves in the same boat as their ancestors who failed to escape Germany before it was too late because they were satisfied with the status quo . . .
RS says
The lawless want to destroy our society. We all must stand in the gap and be vigilant, stand up for our Men and Women in Blue.
Sascha Clauss-Theisohn says
Dear Front Page Magazine.I am commenting here to give you a little insight into our work, we published the source of evil about 1.5 years ago in Germany. When searching for Nazi networks, we conclude the name theodo pfitzer. He was now commissioned by 25 to build up a student network, came from the black reich, was strongly anti-Semitic and his work was quite successful. So successful that the seamless takeover of the Nazis began in 1933. During the Second World War, the creator of the Nazi elite worked at the top of the German Reichsbahn. After the war, the USA was lied to about his importance and he was allowed to revive this foundation directly. Among his first supporters was the terrorist organization RAF, which organized several attacks together with the PLO, but also the entire student revolt of the 1960s went back to students of this old Nazi institution.
Through the DAAD, Germany made it possible for Pfizer to settle in the USA. To do this, he used a meticulous network of sub-foundations and programs: Pfizer was able to install its equipment at all universities in the USA. I came across the connections by chance in 2023 and am appalled at how carelessly universities and authorities have unleashed clear criminals on your youth. Since 1960 at the latest. The lawyer fische has summarized my discovery. I’ll post the link, but it’s in German. The connection to the USA is self-evident, and the protest camps are also directly related to it.
ron says
Someone please explain to me why liberal Jews finance all this madness and terror. And why isn’t Soros in jail for treason?
Lightbringer says
You specified liberal Jews, but I would suggest that they be called leftists of Jewish origin. There is nothing either liberal or Jewish about them.
In the nineteenth century a philosemitic Russian Orthodox priest wrote something to the effect that the Jews are a people with a profound need for faith — I believe he called us a “believing people”. He no doubt observed young Jews leaving the faith of their fathers and running after socialism and felt that this was to fill that need for faith that was innate in their beings. I would posit that he was correct, but would generalize. Blaise Pascal, the great 17th century theologian and mathematician, said that man is born with a “G0d-shaped hole” in his heart. Perhaps that is closer to the truth, and tells us why neo-paganism is so prevalent today.
Michalis says
Wasn’t this the point that Elon Musk raised? A lot of Jewish people made donations to these places while they were teaching the young people there to hate white people. Now that these wealthy donors have realised they’re in the firing line now, they’re putting away their cheque books.
Well, ok. Better late than never, I suppose.
But the damage has already been done – and they helped to pay for it.
So it’s one thing to say they’re not going to fund these institutions any more – but what are they going to do to rectify the situation? Write some big cheques to FrontPage?
That’s a serious suggestion!
They need to do more than just stop funding the enemy – they need to start backing their allies!
pie says
money. its all about the transfer of wealth. the jews are not voting their morals, they vote their pocketbook. as should you. most americans live a working class existence not gauged by overall wealth of america, but by a simple living standard of wealth. the simple living standard of wealth is food, shelter and water. anything more than that is considered working class. when americas working class is gauged by overall wealth of america, the working class live in poverty. this can be seen when comparing your earnings for the year to the top 1% wage earners in america.
the jews stick together for the most part. when directed how to vote by their fellow jew peers, its to promote the jewish interest in the top 1%. exactly like unions will do. the wealth then trickles down through the jewish community in many forms.
non organized working class wage earners like myself should always vote for less government oversight, regulation and taxes. you will never see legislation to remove government powers, so a “no vote” on any new powers/taxes/regulation is prudent. do not fall for the feel good propaganda to gain power. power is money and the more power the government has the more wealth will be transferred from the poor (us) to them. you can see this in action with the feel good legislation in place. your tax dollars going to welfare, illegal immigrants, countries with no allegiance to america. its all about transferring money from you to them, without plain as day robbing you. it is a very deceitful, evil method of acquiring wealth on the backs of poor. morally wrong.
Alkflaeda says
I think that it is more likely to be about idealism and sympathy with the underdog – but Democrat policies are the wrong way to address these issues.
pie says
republicans, democrats, jews, liberals, they are all the same in the grand scheme of acquiring wealth by evil means. vote your pocketbook not your morals. the establishment is counting on your moral code to do the right thing and feed the poor, or have clean drinking water, clean the climate, provide a living wage to seniors, house the homeless or feed and house illegal immigrants. . . . .the list is endless. and the list is laughable. social security is far from a living wage for seniors most have to work to stay alive. poor children starve in america, not one pool of fresh water in america that has not been tainted by heavy metals, climate change activism is entirely about maintaining the lifestyles of the top jet setters, they do not drive the nissan leaf, they drive escalades and fly around with jets.
the government is an entity. it has no moral code. the government is in no position to morally execute these programs, in fact it is impossible for them to do so, yet we are forced to fund the disconnect and the top 1% are fleecing the poor (us) for all they have. its time to get down and dirty. like its your last penny. because it is. voting for the government or empowering the government to fix, protect, create is self destructive.
im not saying to give up your morals. if you feel the need to be charitable do so, im saying the government is not charitable, its a money scam to make you feel good about doing something beneficial, but all we are doing is enriching the top 1%. vote your pocketbook, not your morals.
Lightbringer says
Jews are brought up from childhood to believe that charity is one of the most important of values. The poorest Jews (and there are many very poor Jews, both in Israel and in America and elsewhere) still give their tithe — 10% of their income — to charity on the understanding that there is always someone poorer.
My eight-year-old granddaughter had exquisite hip-length hair, truly her crowning glory. She cut it off to shoulder-length so that it could be donated to make a wig for a child with cancer. Her compassion and giving spirit might be a bit extreme (I loved her long hair), but she is not unusual in terms of how Jewish children are brought up.
I might add that we are rather Orthodox, so our giving tends to be both greater and more down-to-earth than that of the left-wing Jews.
Steven Brizel says
Keep up the great work!
Paul says
Yes, you and others have warned for decades of the dangers that communists, marxists and Islamists pose to America. Yet only a few have heeded the warnings. Sadly, the greatest threat to America now comes from the very government of America.
Lightbringer says
Apropos of your last sentence, it certainly is now.
Laine says
Both university administration and the professoriate are Jewish at a much higher rate than their proportion of the population 3%, What were they doing all this time as antisemitism brewed on their campuses? Clearly it was either nothing or they favored/taught leftism, not noticing that Jews were being reclassified by the Left from representing victims because of the Holocaust over 80 years ago to “white European” oppressors of the “poor downtrodden” Palestinians of color.
In intersectional woke politics, winners are automatically nefarious and losers are automatically noble. This is the marxist mantra, transferred from class (that didn’t work) to race/gender that’s working a charm..
Lightbringer says
What were the Jewish students doing? The ones I know were forming prayer and Bible study groups and learning to love G0d and man unreasonably. Love has always been our answer to persecution.
RAM says
The FPM staff is clearly over the target. You tell it straight.
Lightbringer says
Fortunately we Jews are a tiny minority of the voting population and even if my less enlightened brethren continue to vote Democrat, it doesn’t matter very much. Though it hurts me to see them acting in such a foolishly self-destructive manner.