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[Order Peter Schweizer’s new book, Blood Money: Why the Powerful Turn a Blind Eye While China Kills Americans: HERE.]
In November, Biden and Chinese Communist President Xi met once again, this time at the mansion used for the exteriors of the TV show, ‘Dynasty’, to talk about the relationship between the two countries. And yet all these months after the three hour meeting, nothing changed.
Biden had met with Xi everywhere from the Bay Area to Bali with no result. Why?
In ‘Blood Money: Why the Powerful Turn a Blind Eye While China Kills Americans’, Peter Schweizer, the journalist and investigator behind ‘Clinton Cash’, follows up on his work in ‘Red-Handed: How American Elites Get Rich Helping China Win’ to expose an entire network of corruption that is not only stealing America’s future, but has also claimed countless lives.
Blood Money is a war story illustrated with the Sun Tzu maxims that drive the larger strategic thinking of the Chinese military apparatus about how to “subdue the enemy without fighting”.
“According to a textbook given to Chinese military officers,” ‘Blood Money’ reveals, Xi is quoted as saying, “Our struggle and contest of power with the West cannot be moderated. It will inevitably be long, complex, and at times extremely sharp.”
Schweizer estimates that “hundreds of thousands of Americans” were killed and millions became “casualties” in the last 5 years as a result of China’s attacks on our “soft underbelly”.
The Cold War with the Soviet Union was a nearly full spectrum conflict in which only direct military attacks, where America would have prevailed, were restricted. The Russian strategy for undermining us depended on finding fifth columnists, fanatical leftists, greedy businessmen, useful idiot liberals, and haters of their own nation, who would help the enemy get inside.
The Chinese Communist strategy depends on the same Americans willing to sell out their country because of greed, politics or the conviction that we are immoral and oppressive.
And since we’re always in the wrong, any enemy opposed to us must be in the right.
China’s decision to build an empire by yoking its economy to ours gave it an advantage that Russia did not have The Russians bought from us, but China sells to us and when it does buy from us, it pays in blood money and acquires Americans willing to lobby against tariffs, for TikTok and, most of all, against standing up for ourselves and against Beijing’s abuses.
‘Blood Money’ chronicles China’s crimes, but, like ‘Red-Handed’, it more importantly chronicles the complicity of the “elites from Silicon Valley to Wall Street” who “benefit from partnerships with Chinese government-linked companies” and don’t want anything to actually change.
Much like the Cold War, we are fighting with both of our hands tied behind our backs, but this time it’s not just the academics and activists and journalists we have to worry about, but a large and influential, and at times even non-ideological class of people, who profit from China.
This isn’t accidental, as Schweizer documents, China has cunningly employed its economic sphere of influence to subvert entire nations, and its political operatives and intelligence services are deeply aware of whose lives they touch and how they can manipulate them.
In recent weeks, TikTok served up a crude example of power, sucking in a generation of kids, and then, at a click, deploying them to threaten members of Congress into backing down. But the People’s Republic of China has more subtle corporate tools of political intimidation.
TikTok is one of the topics that ‘Blood Money’ delves into, but it’s far from the only one. There is hardly a sector of our economy, from manufacturing to agriculture, that China does not touch in one way or another, and what the PRC touches, it also weaponizes and controls. Naive liberals and libertarians thought of free market economics as a liberalizing force. They believed that no country that participated in international trade could help but become more open and free.
The last quarter century shattered that paradigm by showing that international trade rewards loci of control. From its ‘Belt and Road’ strategy’ to its market monopolization, China set out to dominate the loci, to reshape the global economy to flow along its channels on its terms.
‘Blood Money’ examines the ground level impact of everything from the fentanyl mass killing of Americans to the corruption of Washington D.C., from Biden on down, by Chinese interests. And while corruption is nothing new in the Imperial City where every straight tall white stone building conceals dark crooked deeds, but what Schweizer’s book chronicles is more than just corruption.
It’s treason.
From radical leftists fed by funds coming out of China to political figures in the highest halls of power, ‘Blood Money: Why the Powerful Turn a Blind Eye While China Kills Americans’ takes a hard look at ‘cui bono’ or who benefits from a system that allows the enemy to kill our people.
This is a compelling story of a war that for all its insidious brutality and everyday cruelty has hardly been documented. It’s a campaign of warfare which seeks to exploit every social, political and economic weakness, which injects fentanyl into our communities, psychotic behavior into our social media and corrupts every system we have in order to subjugate and destroy us.
China is not a partner, as Biden claims, nor is it merely a rival, as some Republicans insist, ‘Blood Money’ makes it clear that it is an enemy bent on defeating us by any means it can.
And in the grand game of global affairs, that may perhaps even be fair game.
The trouble is not just that China wants to destroy us, but that some Americans want to let it.
To defeat China, we may need to defeat the enemy within. Much as the defeat of the Soviet Union was always rendered incomplete by the collaborators within, so too any defeat of China cannot be considered without including the destruction of its American allies.
Biden is a Traitor and the M.S. Media are his Partners in Crime by keeping this from us
What about his silent partners? They bare no liability in the matter? Biden and the dems couldn’t do half the things they’ve done and continue to do without the acquiescence and in some matters, the complicity of certain “factions” of the republican party (neocons and RINOs, collectively known as the “GOP establishment.”)
Republicans are no more or no less corrupt than democrats which can be proven beyond any shadow of a doubt with indisputable fact.
Amen, brutha. Exact a Mundoa
One mistake was Nixon siding with China when Russia and China were at war.
So now, China’s Cultural Revolution under Mao is right here in America, under the auspices of the woke
leftist depraved psychopathic Stab-in-the-Back democrat party and the corrupt Biden administration.
Stabbing America and US Citizens in the back is now the most important work of the US government and
the elite American political and corporate oligarchic ruling class.
Enough already.
The other was Jimmy Carter ending U.S. recognition of Taiwan and pulling U.S. troops out of the country.
Eisenhower was a dick, too. He manipulated the Soviet “Union” and China into going to war with each other, and then prevented it from happening when it was sure to take place. What a short sighted fool. Typical Cold Warrior.
Peter Schweizer shows for a fact that Biden and his traitorous leftist democrat administration have been, and continue to stab America and US citizens in the back.
The Stab-in-the-Back Biden administration are truly traitors to America and US citizens and Israel.
When will the true American Patriot Leaders arise to effectively confront and end the Biden/democrat/leftist psychopathic dictatorship that refuses to protect America and US citizens ?
Biden has used his 50 years in public office to feather his and his family’s nest with millions of dollars.
Nothing else has ever really mattered to him.
What a disgrace that America has been producing such depraved political leaders for years now.
Biden has used his 50 years in public office to feather his and his family’s nest with millions of dollars.
and HE thinks that makes him a winner. However, os of us here understand that a Day of Reckoning Cometh. And is impossible to escape. What he thinks is his security and safety net will be the evidence to prove him evil and deserving of very harsh punishment…. the more stolen money he has when his last breath is drawn (jaleluia!!) the more his recompense. He fails to recall that when someone seals and gets found out, the thief is required to repay FOUR TIMES wht he stole…… He will be shovellibg coal for tha lake of Fire for a mighty long time..
<Meanwhile, somehow WE need to break the chain of supply both ways, and cut the ties that now bind us with China.
Remember, Joe Biden and the rest of his ilk were voted into office. Ergo, it’s fair to say that the American sheeple deserve the politicians they voted for.
Alzheimer Joe Basement Bidumb was NOT voted into office.
There’s a China town in every city in almost every nation. Back when I was young, the Chinese people I knew tended to be small and kept themselves to themselves, that is no longer the case.
Chinatown, in lower Manhattan, had expanded to take over what were once Jewish and Italian neigjborhoods
Slant Towns always have a lot of crime.
Britain and France flooded China with opium, to make it easier to take over the country. Ever hear of the opium wars? Now China is flooding the U.S. with femtinyl. I’d say they learmed from us, wouldn’t you?
America’s involvement in the China Opium Wars and pushing opium into China was minimal.
Britain’s East India Company grew the opium in India and shipped it to China where the opium addiction was devastating and undermining Chinese society.
The East India Company was granted a monopoly on the opium trade.
The East India Company did not actually carry the opium itself. Because of the Chinese ban on opium, the company farmed it out to “country traders”—i.e., private traders who were licensed by the company to take goods from India to China. The country traders sold the opium to smugglers along the Chinese coast.
The Opium Wars in the mid-19th century were a critical juncture in modern Chinese history. The first Opium War was fought between China and Great Britain from 1839 to 1842. In the second Opium War, from 1856 to 1860, a weakened China fought both Great Britain and France.
In any case, it is actually Mexico that is manufacturing the fentanyl in Mexico, and Mexico is the pusher of the drugs into the USA.
Mexico is murdering more than 100,000 US citizens every year with Mexican manufactured drugs obtained from China.
Mexican president Obrador is a mass murderer of US citizens.
Yes but I’ve heard that the Mexican drug cartels are now working for the Chinese Communist Party. The Mexicans are just the smugglers. The Chinese are shipping the chemicals to the port of Manzanillo, Colima and have built the fentynal production facilities across NW Mexico. The Mexicans do still produce opium, marijuana and transport cocaine.
I would say Britain and France have always had learning disabilities.
Now, America does too. Ever since the Cold War, actually.
Keep working to get POTUS Trump elected back into the White House so the sheer numbers of popular vote overwhelm any rigging and cheating which is in play now! We are in a vile demonic coup d’etat from within and external forces of globalism that will destroy freedom and lives. This is a coup d’etat without firing a single shot. The first salvo was the pLandemic, the final blow was the theft of the 2020 election!!! Wake the F Up. Good Shabat.
Bogus “president” Joe Biden completely refuses to do anything many terrible things that Red China engages in. Biden absolutely will nothing even if he is able to.
For a number of sinister reasons, such as he admires the socialism / Communist ideology of mainland China.
Biden must also like the tyrannical oppressor of Communist China against its citizens since he absolutely is copying Red China’s imprisonment system of that regime’s tyrant Xi Jinping who has political prisoners who are held in cruel cells and treated terrible and denied their basis human rights.
For that Joe Biden has political prisoners from January 6, 2021, who are held in cruel cells and treated terrible and denied their basic human rights.
Another sinister reason that Biden will do nothing to help victims of Red China is because he is so horribly corrupt that he willingly accepts bribes from Xi Jinping and other high ranking members of the ruling Communist party of China.
About that last point ,the Bible reads ” The wicked accept bribes in secret to pervert the course of justice.”
Proverbs 17:23. [N. I. V.]
Beijing Biden is Xi Ping Pong’s bitch. He knows who paid for all his mansions. He blows Vlad Puto, too.
Joe Biden’s different meetings with the Communist President of Red China, Xi Jinping, will always results in agreed to policies that will be very favorable to China and let him get away with his horrendous cruel oppression of the people of China as well as accepting Jinping international policies designed the lowering of the United States as a world power.
For Xi Jinping knows that Biden is very weak and feeble-minded and he even likes Socialism and will be very easily manipulated to be the useful idiot ,stooge , tool and” lap dog” of XI Jinping will able to use Biden to have do anything to wants him to do. In other words, Biden is his stooge and tool because he malleable, for old Joe very cognitively challenged since is an empty-headed mindless idiot.
For example, Joe Biden in a speech he declared Bogus “President” “Imagine had the tobacco industry been immune to prostitute being sued, come on.”
All true but the most important thing to note is that Beijing Biden is on the take. There’s a reason he has that nickname.
China provides the raw materials and drug manufacturing equipment to Mexico.
Mexico actually manufactures the drugs, and Mexico pushes the drugs into the USA from the Mexican border.
Mexico is the enemy of America and US citizens.
Mexico murders more than 100,000 US citizens every year with Mexican manufactured fentanyl/drugs.
In addition, Mexico encourages, promotes, facilitates, and actually conducts the Invasion of the USA by hordes and millions of illegal aliens.
When are the elite Stab-in-the-Back, traitorous American political leaders and ruling class going to do something real and effective about this war against America and US citizens ?
Never … ?
Yes, that Chinese gangster, “the Wolf” or whatever he calls himself, gave the Sinaloa Cartel the tech and knowhow to synthesize fentanyl poison.
Meanwhile, back at the ranch, three whole divisions or more, of CCP Red Army regulars, guaranteed “on duty”, slither across the border on their CCP approved missions. Xi is preparing to annex Taiwan, and he has Biden’s permission because Biden has been bought by Xi. We are committing National seppuku.
Maybe someday we will get a…Rise and Fall of the Third Reich…by
William Lawrence Shirer out of Daniel…
What enemy???
The CCP, Wall Street, The US ☭hamber Of ☭ommerce and ☭orporate Ameri☭a bribed ☭ongress to write the laws that made it legal to screw over America and allow the greatest transfer of jobs, wealth and intellectual property in modern history to an avowed enemy, Communist China, making them the threat they are today. Greed trumps national security concerns!
☭ongress and ☭orporate America are the real enemy!
You make a cogent point but alas most Americans aren’t sophisticated or informed enough to understand how what you say manifests in the real world and how it personally impacts them.
Unfortunately, the average American has a very short attention span. Given that disposition, propaganda is more believable than facts. Proof? Turn on the nightly news and listen and watch for say, 10 minutes or so and see for yourself. That headache you’ll feel afterwards will be from your IQ ratcheting down a few points. And sheeple believe that crap as reported! Aye yi yi!!
Personally, I don’t watch or listen to any so-called “news” offered up by the MSM because I don’t care to be talked down to like I’m dumb stupid and naive nor do I need some dolled up media mutt with a 2-digit IQ to read the news to me. I’m highly educated and very literate and don’t suffer fools. Especially liberal fools.
Bingo … Charlie understands it.
The accusation that China is behind the death of Americans addicted to Fentanyl, has never been proven.
All other accusations against the People’s Republic of China are based on projection and hypocracy. Western countries have been very active in spying in Asia and in interfering secretly in the internal affairs of Asian countries.
Let’s be humble and calm down.
Fuck you, you Red bitch. Go suck Beijing Biden’s tiny limp dick. It’s probably Chinese sized like you’re used to, so you can handle it.
China’s attack depends on 5 parts.. 1. The Biden leftists who crave and profit from the political power. 2. The Silicon Valley, Chamber of Commerce and Wall Street greed who depend on the money flow 3. The useful idiots in academia who pervert logic as they declare America bad so China must be good. 4. The corporate media onslaught bought by Blackrock and China influencers.. 5. A border invasion that brings in mercenaries, Fentynyl and covid bioweapons..
To eliminate the traitors within this country you would have to start with congress.
And corporate America.
I remember when the US gave China “Most Favored Nation” trading status back in 2000. The argument for it was that opening up their economy would cause them to eventually open up politically and allow more freedom. However, it appears that that did not happen. They now have more economic freedom but no more, and perhaps less, political freedom. Worse yet, the US now has less political freedom as a result. MFN for China appears to have backfired.
Just listened to a great interview with this author on Newt’s podcast that just posted.
Scary octopus of warfare these Commies.
Generally agree …
… but to understand how serious the situation is …
… one has to realize that the Chinese Communist Party …
… is a creature that owes much – if not all – of it’s creation to OUR elite …
Like modern Islamic states and the Soviets in the past …
… all of these enemies use our science, technology, money, and resources to do what they do …
This was not some sort of accident. I have first hand personal experience with the whole BLEEP Americans and Make Chinese Commies Uber Alles system. … Right up to listening to the Chi-com engineer laugh at me while I show him how to do the job I am not qualified to do (because I’m just poor white American trash) …
The key here is … just like the illegals problem and the crime problem …
STOP THE DEMOKKKRATS … and the problem will solve itself.
BECAUSE THE LEFT IS the problem … and that means China too.
Imagine stopping the “Green” agenda ..; aka giving China trillions of dollars to bail out their faltering economy – and burning 100,000 years of coal in just 20 years for the purpose of Chicom Uber Alles …
… that would stop China.