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Just so we are clear, the title of this missive is about our current President. However, this is not something new since the current president was the Vice President for an individual, Barack Hussein Obama, who also carried this title. No, this is not sensational, hyperbolic rhetoric. Consider that early on in his tenure as president, Obama spoke at the University of Cairo in Egypt and invited members of the Muslim Brotherhood front and center.
If you are not familiar with the Muslim Brotherhood, perhaps you should read the Explanatory Memorandum for their Strategic Operations in North America. This document was written in 1991 by one Mohammed Akram and found during an FBI raid in 2004 in Northern Virginia. It was translated and produced as evidence in the largest Islamic terrorist funding trial, the Holy Land Foundation case, in Houston, Texas, in 2008.
It was Obama who released the five senior members of the Taliban from GITMO to Qatar. It was Obama who created an ill-advised vacuum in Iraq, with the full withdrawal of US forces, leading to the rise of ISIS. Joe Biden referred to that as one of the greatest foreign policy decisions. That man has never been right on any foreign policy position.
Ok, there are those who will say that Obama got Osama Bin Laden. Well, actually, Navy SEALS did that. But, somehow, mysteriously, under Obama’s watch, Extortion 17 happened, the greatest loss of life for SEAL Team Six in Afghanistan, still to this day, no one has been held accountable. In a clear contrast, just consider how the leftist media responded to former President Trump’s killing of Qasem Suleimani and Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi. Quite telling.
And so it is Joe Biden who is continuing, in this third Obama term, with the appeasement, sympathies, support to, and enabling of Islamic terrorism. Joe Biden’s insidious surrender debacle in Afghanistan enabled the return of those five senior Taliban leaders, whom Obama had released. We have recently witnessed Biden taking the side of Hamas, a vile Islamic terrorist organization, as Israel pushes for their destruction in their final stronghold, Rafah. How could any American president, in their right mind, justify withholding arms and support to an ally fighting, unilaterally, against a designated terrorist organization that has the blood of Americans on their hands? Why has Biden not forcefully condemned these pro-Hamas demonstrations across America? His position of moral equivalency and relativism only bodes to encourage the Islamic jihadist supporters. I am still waiting for foreign students supporting Hamas, meaning Muslim Brotherhood, to have their student visas revoked and be deported…that would send a clear message.
But, the most recent revelation serves, sadly, once again to remind us that, for this current president, leftist ideological agendas are more important than our National security. And yes, even when those agendas support Islamic terrorism.
Last week, we learned that weeks ago, on or about May 3rd, two Jordanian illegal immigrants had sought to gain access to US Marine Corps Base, Quantico, Virginia. These individuals had entered our Republic illegally, aided and abetted by the open borders policy of Biden-Obama. Somehow, they were resourced and set up with a truck to supposedly deliver services onto the MCB, Quantico. They disobeyed directives and sought to freely drive onto the Base. The American people did not find out about this until two weeks later.
How many other Islamic terrorist operatives have come across our border illegally? How many of them are part of the almost two million that we refer to as “got aways?” How many of them are part of the insidious and unconstitutional Biden free-flight asylum program, which is loading up and flying illegals straight into our Country? Why has Biden told ICE that they are not to do their prescribed mission of seeking out and deporting those in America illegally? And especially in the case of single military-age males?
The Biden administration owes an explanation to the American people on the infiltration track that these two Jordanian illegal immigrants, Islamic jihadists, took. We need to know who provided them with material support, aid, and comfort. We have seen how many criminal illegal immigrants commit crimes against Americans, including the most recent and infamous, Laken Riley of Georgia.
We need to ask a very simple question of Joe Biden. In a world where you just restored an Islamic terrorist sanctuary, Afghanistan, why would you push for a wide open border entry into the United States of America? There is only one response. The Biden administration’s rationale is a continuation of Obama’s policy of supporting Islamic terrorism. Yes, harsh words, but true. How many billions of dollars have Obama and Biden facilitated to the coffers of the number one state sponsor of Islamic terrorism—Iran? Just as a reminder, during the Trump administration, Iran was practically bankrupt with less than $10 billion of cash reserves. Groups like Hezbollah, Hamas, Islamic Jihad, and the Houthis were holding bake sales and lemonade stands to raise funds. Now that our Islamic terrorism-supporting President has refilled Iran’s financial coffers, these terrorist organizations are back in business. They are obviously able to finance Islamic jihadists to link up with the transnational narco-criminal terrorist organizations, cartels, to gain illegal entry into America.
Recent polling indicates that this is not a priority issue for leftists, meaning Democrats, going into the 2024 election cycle. For them, dismembering babies in the womb up to the time of birth is their preeminent issue. Hmm, interesting, the Democrat party is in full alignment, for political purposes, with Islamic terrorists who had no issue beheading and baking Jewish babies in ovens on October 7th.
I choose life. And I certainly do not choose to support Islamic terrorists and jihadists being enabled by an open borders policy. Never forget all the Islamic terrorist attacks we faced on our soil in the Obama years…we will experience the same if Obama gets a fourth term.
Steadfast and Loyal.
Obama and Biden would make a matching pair as Cellmates in a Prison doing Life for Treason just as long as Clinton(Bill)and Gore can bet to the cell next to them. What Interesting conversations they could have about selling out America
RS says
Despite the cover ups, most people knew Obama’s lineage and his birth place, and his views on Israel and the actions he took as President, which was not in favor of allowing the Jewish people to live in peace. People are sick of the cover ups and the plots!
Beez says
Most still don’t know his birthplace or his lineage. He was born in Hawaii, son of Frank Marshall Davis.
Beez says
The B/C was still forged. He wasn’t born in a hospital.
Steve Chavez says
OBAMA’S RISE to International importance came when he won the Nobel Prize, not for something he did unless being The First Black President is a winning factor even though he’s half white, which he slaps every morning while shaving, but for what the Committe knew he was going to do: RETREAT FROM THE WORLD! He did, apology tours, and even apologized to Japan when they laughed that they would reciprocate for Pearl Harbor and the millions of resulting deaths.
HIS RETREAT left a void, his goal, that was quickly filled by his Muslim Brothers and his Communist Comrades. Look at the world today, Obama’s Mission Accomplished. He then created the internal conditions for the DOWNFALL OF THE UNITED STATES! When this happens, his declaration, “to fundamentally change the United States”, is realized and he’ll rise up to be the World’s Hero to be loved by billions and only hated by millions.
Obama’s negotiating with terrorists, trading Gitmo terrorists, sending pallets of cash, his Iran ventures that aided them, his Arab Spring, with the big one being BOWE BERGDAHL, a deserter whose fellow soldiers died and were wounded looking for him. At his treason trial, the Obama Judge let him off with a slap on the wrist, as the families of the dead soldiers looked on in disgust, with Bergdahl even demanding back pay of up to $250,000. (Don’t know if he got that.)
RS says
Obama’s father was a muslim. Everyone who is named Hussein is Islamic.
Robert of Prague says
Truthful analysis. Watch your six, Colonel, though. Have you considered running for VEEP? You or Dr. Ben Carson are my faves.
Judith2 says
Judging a person by what they do makes Obama an illegal alien…perhaps that birth certificate WAS manufactured? Or is it just anti white racism and the Nation of Islam in charge? Whatever. The world is in danger when the religion of pieces is rising.
Dr. Don Rhudy says
What is left of a United States if Donald Trump or anyone else with common sense becomes President in 2024 will begin suffering all manner of terrorist attacks, maybe even before a sensible person is elected over a Neo-Marxist Democrat. The Obama-Biden administration has admitted thousands of them by opening the border, perhaps a hundred thousand or more. There is no way to tell.
One thing terror attacks will bring for certain is a National Government crackdown on the liberty of the people who are not behind the attacks—regular Americans.
It is possible that a series of states might withdraw from the National Government, first by establishing an economic Union largely dependent on income from the production, refining, and delivery of petroleum to its member states. That might be regarded as secession and might not. If I had the power and lived in Oklahoma, Texas, or Louisiana I would work toward organizing such a Union and let the west coast and northeast coast states founder in their Democrat control.
Ron Kelmell says
Hopeful to be wrong…….America’s crumbling society, her education system, economy, government, religious institutions, and most importantly America’s families are in crisis. The Judgment of God against a society that is dancing with the devil?
RS says
People who are in charge are allowing it. There should have been push back long ago. The Swamp only thinks about itself.
RS says
The goal has always been to make America part of Islam, fly the Islamic flag over the White House. We have caliphates now all over the US where the police don’t want to go, and the Chinese coming in and target practicing. Whats next…Sharia law replacing the Constitution? America needs to see the plans that are in place and wake up.
“The Biden administration’s rationale is a continuation of Obama’s policy of supporting Islamic terrorism. Yes, harsh words, but true”. Say what ?? Harsh words ?? Allen West better grow a pair and stop his ingratiating comments and tell it like it really is. No words can be ‘hard enough’ for the traitor who “fundamentally changed America”, OBama, and the ‘treasonous’ bucket of bilge, ‘open borders OBiden’.
This ‘odd couple’ are responsible for as many deaths of Americans (and others) as any despot in human history and will one day be called before the Ultimate Judge of the Universe and receive their eternal judgments for their crimes against mankind.
Maranatha, come Lord Jesus……….
Alki Vista says
Our election system is fatally flawed. There should never be a single election that can change the entire government. State elections should be separate from federal. President completely separate from everything else. 5 year term. Senate separate, 7 year term. Congress separate, 3 year term. All cleverly staggered. Supreme Court chosen by lotto from the 50 state AGs, not by the President, not for life but periodically TBD at yet another independent year. Just for starters, Oh, BTW, ex-presidents are immune from prosecution for anything (treason and murder are impeachables) for 4 years after their terms, so this falls between all elections. No single judge courts, only 3 judge panels, minimum. There is much more that needs to be done to thwart attempts to game the system.