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Since early 2021, we have witnessed somewhere between 7 and 8 million illegal entries across the now nonexistent U.S. southern border.
The more the border vanished, the more federal immigration law was rendered inert, and the more Homeland Security Alejandro Mayorkas spun fantasies that the “border is secure.” He is now written off as a veritable “Baghdad Bob” propagandist.
But how and why did the Biden administration destroy immigration law as we knew it?
The Trump administration’s initial efforts to close the border had been continually obstructed in Congress, sabotaged by the administrative state, and stymied in the courts. Nonetheless, it had finally secured the border by early 2020.
Yet almost all its successful initiatives were immediately overturned in 2021.
The wall was abruptly stopped, and its projected trajectory was canceled. The Obama-era disastrous “catch-and-release” policy of immigration non-enforcement was resurrected.
Prior successful pressure on Mexico’s President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador to stop the deliberate export of his own citizens northward ceased.
Federal border patrol officers were forced to stand down.
New federal subsidies were granted to entice and then support illegal arrivals.
No one in the Democratic Party objected to the destruction of the border or the subversion of immigration law.
However, things changed somewhat once swamped southern border states began to bus or fly a few thousand of their illegal immigrants northward to sanctuary city jurisdictions, especially New York, Chicago, and even Martha’s Vineyard.
The sanctuary-city “humanists” there who had greenlighted illegal immigration into the southern states suddenly shrieked. They were irate after experiencing the concrete consequences of their own prior abstract border agendas. After all, their nihilism was always supposed to fall upon distant and ridiculed others.
New York Mayor Eric Adams went from celebrating a few dozen illegal immigrants bused into Manhattan to blasting his own party by allowing tens of thousands to swamp his now-bankrupt city.
But why did the Biden administration deliberately unleash the largest influx across the southern border in U.S. history?
The ethnic chauvinists and Democratic Party elites needed new constituents, given their increasingly unpopular agendas.
They feared that the more legal Latino immigrants assimilated and integrated into American society, the less happy they became with left-wing radical abortion, racial, transgender, crime, and green fixations.
Democratic grandees had always bragged that illegal immigration would create what they called “The New Democratic Majority” in “Demography is Destiny” fashion. Now they slander critics as “racists” who object to left-wing efforts to use illegal immigration to turn southwestern red states blue.
Mexico now cannot survive as a modern state without some $60 billion in annual remittances sent by its expatriates in America. However, many illegal immigrants rely on American state and federal entitlements to free up cash to send home.
Mexico also encourages its own abject poor and often indigenous people from southern Mexico to head north as a safety valve of sorts. The government sees these mass exoduses northward as preferable to the oppressed marching on Mexico City to address grievances of poverty and racism.
The criminal cartels now de facto-run Mexico. An open border allows them to ship fentanyl northward, earn billions in profits — and kill nearly 100,000 Americans a year. Illegal immigrants pay cartels additional billions to facilitate their border crossings.
Do not forget American corporate employers. Record labor nonparticipation followed the COVID lockdown. In reaction to the dearth of American workers, the hospitality, meat packing, social service, health care, and farming industries were desperate to hire new — and far cheaper — labor.
Human rights activists insist that the borders themselves are nineteenth-century relics. And the global poor and oppressed, thus, have a human right to enter the affluent West by any means necessary.
Many in the tony suburbs and in universities do not live anywhere near the border. So they pontificate on the assurance that thousands of unaudited illegal immigrants will never enter their own enclaves or campuses.
The result is elite-bottled piety — but not firsthand experience with the natural consequences of millions chaotically fleeing one of the poorest countries in the world to pour into the wealthiest. Without background checks, vaccinations and health audits, legality, high-school diplomas, English facility, skill sets, or capital, the result is an abject catastrophe.
Polls continue to show that the American people support measured, diverse, legal, and meritocratic immigration as much as they oppose mass illegal immigration into their country and the subsequent loss of American sovereignty on the border.
They understand what the Biden administration does not: No nation is history has survived once its borders were destroyed, once its citizenship was rendered no different from mere residence, and once its neighbors with impunity undermined its sovereignty.
Ending illegal immigration now depends solely on the American people overriding the corrupt special interests and leaders who profit from the current chaos and human misery.
The Dem Bolsheviks have made their historic move ……
2020 flu d’etat followed by Migrant coup de grace
This is how they’ll end the republic by inviting a third World invasion
Biden most likely will be elected again as President in 2024. He has already allowed more than five million illegal aliens into the United States. With another one and half years to go, expect another three million illegal aliens to come, possibly more. Once reelected, expect another six to eight million to come to America. Don’t forget that almost one million people come to America legally every year from all over the world. One thing you should know, of the one million who come to America, almost 100,000 are too old to work, so they receive a pension from the U.S. government, medical care thru medicaid, and food stamps costing billions of dollars every year. Just a few economic statistics to brighten your evening.
Are you Banastre Tarleton Band in Missouri?
July next year as the election approaches – Trump continues to be vocal and the courts place a gag on him. He refuses to be silenced and is arrested – he refuses bail and is put in jail.
He is a martyr as ML King and Ghandi. Not able to give his frequent rallies in July and August he assigns Vevek Ramaswamy to rally in his place. The draw card is Vivek’s presenting Trump’s “letters from an Atlanta jail. Tapes are smuggled out and played new at each rally.
Vevek is perfect to do this – he is articulate and 100% Trumpian. His well formed list of 10 to do items (see below) is the same as Trump’s. MAGA. Trump will embrace him. Trump will gain in stature by assigning the radical Vivek for a huge role in his new government – a Vice-president in training.
Vivek gives a great Americana stump speech. Find his list of 10
Vivacious Swami Wami will never win public office with at name. Niki Haley changed hers. Bill DeBlasio changed his and barrack Hussein changed his.
Regarding Glenn’s comment–
I think more of the American people than that. Don’t you respect him for keeping his name? We are all from somewhere else. I see it as a bit phony that Halley doesnt own up to that.
And religion. Vivek is for God. But in the US God comes in many forms (even the Christian faith is in many religious forms) It is so important to reintroduce prayer in the schools. Vivek is for that importantly. But under our Constitution it can and should be an ecumenical faith and an ecumenical prayer. . With room for all religions – with the concept “God” embracing all.
It is sad that you make fun of someones name. As a people we are bigger than that.
I am very tired of hearing this nonsense “we are all from somewhere else”. Baloney, no we are not! I was born in York Nebraska you will not be taking my purely American identity from me! I was born in this Country, I am from this Country, a citizen of this Country, and for this Country! I am not a hyphenated American! If you insist on being from somewhere else so be it, but do not project your nonsense on the rest of us! You do not speak for me!
You are a very fine person. Sorry you are tired. Try to get some rest. Try to understand – citizenship means you are 100% American. That’s the beauty of it. One size fits all. You are not more American if your predecessors came over early – in a boat or over the Alaska/Siberia land mass.
Incidentally – the Mayflower was not wheelchair friendly. Although the Nina, Pinta and Santa Maria all had gay and trans restrooms. Lighten up – citizen.
Americans, will not be overriding. Also, maybe we should open the GOP debate in Mandarin next time.
FYI Vivek was born /is from Columbus, OH
I recall Vivek saying that he intends to be President, not Vice President.
He wants the big prize, not the consolation prize, assuming he’s not just another fraudster.
Of course. But that can change. Let Trump sit down and talk with him. This would accrue to Trump’s benefit. Listen to Vivek’s message. He is a great speaker and can help Trump. I have never seen the MAGA points as well articulated. Vivek’s points – you will hear them again–
1. God is real.
2. There are two genders.
3. Human flourishing requires fossil fuels.
4. Reverse racism is racism.
5. An open border is no border.
6. Parents determine the education of their children.
7. The nuclear family is the greatest form of governance known to mankind.
8. Capitalism lifts people up from poverty.
9. There are three branches of the U.S. overnment, not four.
10. The U.S. Constitution is the strongest guarantor of freedoms in history.
WHAT IF Trump embraced this young smart American – in all our image – that would be the revolution (a Ghandi peaceful one) that we all need at this point.
An open border is no nation.
Agreed, Vivek has promised some great things. I hope he intends on keeping his promises. He is innocent to the ways of DC and the swamp. Otoh, he has made a couple comments that make one a bit suspicious – like saying the Dems and Republicans are the same. They are not – there is NO Freedom Caucus in the Dems.
I would love to see T get it. But if not him, then V. Then appoint RFKJr head of the CDC and./or the FDA.
Too much naïveté when it comes to foreign policy, and still questions about how he made his money. That said, Ramaswamy could do a lot of swamp draining if he were to head, say, OMB or OPM.
Trump’s perceived narcissistic, “too self absorbed” fault is negated in the selfless stroke of embracing a younger Vivek who clearly needs the experience and policy tutoring a Trump mentoring experience would provide. Vivek is the youthful Americana voice need now. Listen to his speech! It is too soon for president. But in 4 years under Trump!
Thanks Prof. Hanson!!!
Secure Borders is maybe the number one principle of strategy.
Yesterday, Devon Nunes spoke with Lou Dobbs and an outline. #1 make sure we have fair and honest elections. #2 correct the border debacle. Without honest elections, all else falls by the wayside. But once that is set, first priority is the border. It is outrageous and scarey what is going on there. Mayorkas should be charged with sedition. Same, of course, with Garland. The border is dangerous and getting more so. To think Biden is gifting the illegals $2250 plus smart phones, plus room and board is a strong insult to every American. Our immigration laws are NOT broken as the grifters cry, they have completely tossed our immigration laws to the gutter. It is scarey what is happening at our southern border.
Don’t forget Kamala. She is supposed to be responsible for the border too, right? That completely empty air head needs to share some of the blame. I never realized how stupid she was until she became VP.
Seeing the illegal border crossers rewarded for making the trek and how it appears Ukraine is being turned into the de-facto 51st state makes one wonder where the U.S. citizen fits into all this. It appears we are way down on the list of priorities of the left and the corrupt Republicans other than being the target of 87K newly hired IRS agents.
“But why did the Biden administration deliberately unleash the largest influx across the southern border in U.S. history?”
The ultimate answer is Judeo-Christian ALTRUISM, you are your brother’s keeper, the meek shall inherit the earth, love your neighbor as you love yourself, love your enemy. It is better to give than to receive. A rich man cannot enter the Kingdom of Heaven. The love of money is the root of all evil, so if you want to be good give your money to the illegal aliens, and the Palestinians, and Ukrainian pensioners, and anybody who needs it, because according to altruism need makes right.
The more you sacrifice the better Judeo-Christian you are! Give it all away because you don’t really need it, you’re preparing yourself to enter the Kingdom of God when you die.
“As Jesus started on his way, a man ran up to him and fell on his knees before him. “Good teacher,” he asked, “what must I do to inherit eternal life?”…
Jesus looked at him and loved him. “One thing you lack,” he said. “Go, sell everything you have and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven. Then come, follow me.”
At this the man’s face fell. He went away sad, because he had great wealth.
Jesus looked around and said to his disciples, “How hard it is for the rich to enter the kingdom of God!” – The Gospel of Mark 10:17-23
“Holy Scripture and the Welfare State” – Richard M. Salsman
How wrong could you possibly be? I’m not surprised you think it’s altruism, but as usual, you are wrong. This is possibly your dumbest “Pavlov’s dog” answer ever.
Democrats and progressives have been talking about the Great Replacement for decades and, at this point in time, they have enough of the workings of government to make great strides replacing white folk, including you. It has nothing to do with money. This is a power play by the Left.
10 million illegals so far have crossed the border in the last 2.5 years. Democrats have been handing out the goodies in terms of cash incentives, driver’s licenses with motor voter attached, promises of citizenship, etc. The goal? Create a permanent uneducated underclass that will consistently vote democrat and keep these progressives crooks in power.
Unfortunately for you, quoting a couple of biblical verses doesn’t make you smart. But you are so stuck in that permanent tape that plays in your head 24/7 you simply can’t see beyond your own warped Objectivist propaganda. So what do you do? Easy. Play the “bash Christianity tape” currently running in that pile of protoplasm that sits between your shoulders. And then you can sit there and smugly think “How Great I Art” (with apologies to Carl Boberg).
“It stands to reason that where there’s sacrifice, there’s someone collecting sacrificial offerings. Where there’s service, there’s someone being served. The man who speaks to you of sacrifice, speaks of slaves and masters. And intends to be the master.” – Ayn Rand
“All rights rest on the ethics of egoism. Rights are an individual’s SELFISH possessions — his title to HIS life, his liberty, his property, the pursuit of his own happiness. Only a being who is an end in himself can claim a moral sanction to independent action. If man existed to serve an entity beyond himself, whether God or society, then he would not have rights, but only the duties of a servant…
The individual, says the intrinsicist who accepts rights, is God’s creation and therefore His property, not the collective’s. Such an approach implies the denial of rights: it means that only God is morally sovereign. in practice, this leads to the conclusion that man on earth may be used and disposed of by God’s representatives on earth.
No religious society has ever cherished or protected individual freedom, which is a purely secular value and achievement. Rights, contrary to a formulation common during the Enlightenment, do not derive from man’s source or “creator”. They derive from the fact of man’s existence and the requirements of his survival, however he came into being.” – Leonard Peikoff, “Objectivism: The Philosophy of Ayn Rand”
At this point in time it seems you are incapable of answering anyone directly. So what do you do? You take the easy way out and post some jibber-jabber nonsense from your two favorite idiot authors, Randy and Lenny Peekaboo
Which nobody will it be tomorrow?
Sorry, pal, I didn’t read the answer. What’s the point? The same dreck each and every day.
Way wrong, sir.
Were your reason correct, Biden would not have crapped his pants at the Vatican his first summer forcing his nurses to run out to buy new trousers and a box of depends. That could easily be read as an insult from Satan, however, I will not go there at this time.
The single reason is 95% of newbies here vote Dem. ‘Weekend at Bernies’ and his nursing staff believe the Democrat Party will now take all elections.
Republicans need more seats in the House, now they only have a 5 person majority with many, many rinos that block good and needed measures. They also need to take the Senate and vote a decent dude into the WH so he may appoint a decent AG to go after each and every bad guy that ruled over us these last four years. Biden, Obama, Austin, Milley, Fauci, Garland, Mayorkas, others, etc., el al, merit some jail time.
Don’t forget the Airheaded VP that is supposed to be in charge of the border too, Kamala. For her to have gotten as far as she has when she is so obviously not very intelligent at all then it must be true about the Willie Brown story.
Nah!! They just want their vote.
I saw on the news this morning that our own American soldiers are cutting the razor wire and giving ladders to the illegals helping them cross in the the USA.
Would these same soldiers turn their weapons against American Citizens?
Just following orders.
If they are then they have been indoctrinated by this new woke military and the Dems are winning on all fronts. If you saw it, I will believe it but if they just reported that then do you believe the MSM anymore?
One should count on it, definitely. Those who would not are few and far between. Look at almost any communist take over.
We used to believe that good police officers would not carry out illegal orders. But now we know they will do it immediately. Their bosses sign their paychecks. Also, they fear demotion and jail time for disobedience. .
There was video of the soldiers cutting the razor wire.
I saw that, too. They were border agents, not soldiers. Nevertheless, I have no doubt soldiers would “just follow orders” were they told to use deadly force against citizens. Jordan Petersen, when he first came into the spotlight, spoke about how quickly soldiers and prison guards abandoned all sense decency and humanity once they bought into the big lie being told by their superiors. What we witnessed with the border agents cutting the razor wire and ushering in illegals is the same mindset in its infancy. The big question is; who will be the first to say they won’t follow orders that are contradictory to their agencies mission? So far, there have been very few, if any. Same goes for the fbi. We’ve all seen how they “follow orders”.
The Left sees the average Republican voter (especially in Texas) as someone as unmistakably racist as Harry Byrd or his fellow Democrat Lester Maddox, as fat as Stacy Abrams, as homophobic as Louis Farrakhan or Al Sharpton who promoted the Afrocentric myth that “Greek homos” stole Greek philosophy from Mother Africa, and as stupid as Joe Biden, Hank Johnson or Alexandria Ocasio Cortez. I have heard leftists (including members of my own family) openly espouse “replacement theory”- making the non hispanic whites a minority in the United States as a whole and the state of Texas especially as a means of ensuring perpetual Democratic Party control. This is their notion of democracy- one party in control in perpetuity (or at least as long as in Chicago where the last Republican was elected in 1927) and where people who of a “politically incorrect” ethnicity are replaced and overwhelmed through illegal immigration.
You should ask them how well the “replacement theory” is working in modern day South Africa.
Great comment! Unfortunately, to the Leftist mind, everything that is haaping in the shit hole that South Africa is- crime that dwarfs that of Demcratic run cities in the United States, rampant inflation, constant power outages and a joke of an educational system coupled with massive brain drain- is seen as a success
Is seen as a success? By whom??? Wait, don’t tell me…
I have such family members too. They are not overly bright and the women spend days watching tv novelas, soaps. They turned on me called me racist for arguing against voting for Obama. They are “morena blanca, – white” while like Michelle Malkin i am a small brown woman but with a big mouth. I love to upset them hoping to someday wake them up. So far, no luck.
Never give up. Maybe someday they will wake up and listen to you but hopefully before it is too late and their freedoms are gone when a socialist/communist Democrat party controls all of us peasants.
It appears the unsustainable border situation is finally gaining traction with more Americans. But is it too late? Millions are already here and millions more are sure to come by the time 2024 rolls around What is going to stop them from getting in?
Does anyone remember that from the 1950s to 1990s overpopulation relieved by mass migration was the Left’s overwhelming ENVIRONEMENTAL concern? Paul Ehrlich warned of “hordes” of illegals from Mexico contributing to the Population Bomb. The Left was for closed borders and punishment for anyone who hired illegal immigrants. Then global warming became the environmental obsession in its place.
That awful “no secure US /Mexican border policy” of Joe Biden and his VP Kamala Harris in charge of it is a catastrophe in many ways.
To give only a few examples out of many is that drug trafficking and forced sex trafficking has terribly increased since Biden has been in Office.
Likewise many criminal gangs who deal in drugs as well as rape and murder , steal ,loot and do other heinous criminal activities , as the despicable vicious street gangsters known as MS -13 , have now quickly by US porous borders .
A number of ISIS , al Qaeda jihadists and members other similar jihad terror murder Islamic entities have entered America through porous US /Mexican borders in the scheming intentions of inflecting murderous destruction in Americans and America. The furtherance of the spread of the dreaded coronavirus across the USA starting from the porous border area , all thanks to that dangerous and subversive pseudo President Biden.
Bogus President Biden must truly like is porous US /Mexican borders to ruin America. What a treasonous despicable fiend Biden must actually be.
Socialist Joe Biden is under ,very much under the control and influence of that Communist VP Kamala Harris are together are sinister plot wreck to wreck the USA are both , with their Red/Green alliance are the epitome of evil and destruction.
As Karl Marx had written “If we can but weld our souls together, then with contempt shall I fling my glove in the world’s face, then I shall stride through the wreckage a creator !”
The Border Patrol, like everything in government, as been compromised and corrupted beyond repair. Watching those two agents cutting the barbed wire and tying it back to facilitate the further invasion of America was nauseating. They knew their treasonous act was being recorded and they didn’t care. They should have been arrested on the spot for their perfidy. Alas, this will escalate the destruction of America, all of it, not just Blue cities and states. We are all border states.
While America is sleeping or feeding their cell phone addiction, Mexico was invading by invitation of the Globalist Democrat party.
McCain and Obama Lobby for La Raza Support
viva la raza supremacy?
the democrat party has long been in bed with mexican fascism. la raza operated out of the obama white house under cecilia munoz and was funded by u.s. tax dollars.
While America is sleeping or feeding their cell phone addiction, Mexico was invading by invitation of the Globalist Democrat party.
McCain and Obama Lobby for La Raza Support
Ronald Reagan in a speech had ,rightly and wisely , declared “A nation without borders is not a nation.”
The ancient Greek Philosopher, Plato, did have a good valid point when he had written “The measure of a man is what he does with power.”
When applying that wise statement to Joe Biden, his “measure” is more than lacking, it’s outright terrible.
Those jihadists of ISIS , al Qaeda and most recently the Taliban are entering in the United States to inflect mas murder on the American people because of President pretender Biden
Biden with his wrecking as in ruining the safety and security of the US citizens by his destroying the US/Mexican secure and safe borders.
Some horrible information came out about dangerous jihad-minded operatives of the hostile Islamic regime of Iran crossing into America through porous borders is band enough . What more, it had been discovered that Taliban jihadists are now entering America through porous US/Americans borders since that “No secure border policy” of Joe Biden and his leftist’s political comrades are totally disaster for many reasons.
It was also discovered that twenty – three Muslim terrorists just captured crossing the Mexican/US border that really be a wakeup call. Before that, a jihadist who was captured who had originally come from Saudi Arabia, earlier yet; two Iranian jihad operatives had also been captured, and now the Taliban.
Therefore, there is a great need for a good for a good border control system with a strong tall wall that’s patrolled by armed American military soldiers who may be allowed to use their guns if they deem it necessary. Along with a good filtering system to let in to the United States only good decent hard working people with visas and not and not jihadists as of ISIS and Al Qaeda and gangsters as those of MS-13.
In result of Biden’s porous borders policy will that he will have the blood of many good, decent American citizens across the United States on his wicked vile hands.
That subversive, Un- American impostor “president “ Joe Biden got into the White House Oval Office and ruined everything and likewise wrecked all the good that President Trump had accomplished.
Secure strong borders was a great achievement of President Trump. The tragic reality is that also very dangerous
Furthermore, President Trump understands the need for a good strong US/Mexican border control, likewise he cares. In contrast Biden doesn’t care at all the safety of the American people and is probably is intentionally attempting to harm America. Those porous borders are really an invitation jihad operatives for Iran and jihadists of Hezbollah and Hamas as well as jihadists of al Qaeda and ISIS to enter the United States an inflect mass murder , destruction and mayhem upon the US.
In conclusion, Joe Biden and those who uphold him in power and dangerous treacherous subversive villains of the must horrendous sort that there can possibly be.
That awful “no secure US /Mexican border policy” of Joe Biden and his VP Kamala Harris in charge of it is a catastrophe in many ways.
To give only a few examples out of many is that drug trafficking and forced sex trafficking has terribly increased since Biden has been in Office.
Likewise many criminal gangs who deal in drugs as well as rape and murder , steal ,loot and do other heinous criminal activities , as the despicable vicious street gangsters known as MS -13 , have now quickly by US porous borders .
A number of ISIS , al Qaeda jihadists and members other similar jihad terror murder Islamic entities have entered America through porous US /Mexican borders in the scheming intentions of inflecting murderous destruction in Americans and America. The furtherance of the spread of the dreaded coronavirus across the USA starting from the porous border area , all thanks to that dangerous and subversive pseudo President Biden.
Bogus President Biden must truly like is porous US /Mexican borders to ruin America. What a treasonous despicable fiend Biden must actually be.
Socialist Joe Biden is under ,very much under the control and influence of that Communist VP Kamala Harris are together are sinister plot wreck to wreck the USA are both , with their Red/Green alliance are the epitome of evil and destruction.
As Karl Marx had written “If we can but weld our souls together, then with contempt shall I fling my glove in the world’s face, then I shall stride through the wreckage a creator !”
It’s not self-induced; it’s perniciously imposed by the radical DemoNazi Party.
This is a full on conspiracy to destroy the United States with global actors. There is no way these invaders can afford to come here without someone paying their way.
I’f we had a real press that would be easy to expose. No one talks about the international logistics that are underway to carry this attack on the United States out. No one talks about the war Mexico has declared on us through drugs and an unending supply of human refuse.
Close the border with Mexico. No commerce, no trade, no tourism. Ever!
“Many in the tony suburbs and in universities do not live anywhere near the border.”
This may be the key to the solution. Instead of sending small groups of hundreds, or even thousands, to make a political statement, bus ALL illegals to the tony suburbs and universities, especially the tony suburbs. All 30-40 million of them need to go. If the elite attempt to escape by moving elsewhere in the country, be sure the illegals go right along with them. I cannot imagine a more beautiful sight than 100,000 migrants in the Obama backyard at Martha’s.
Also, find out where George Soros lives and bus them all up to his crib too. He needs to personally feel all the evil he has done to America.
The ONLY good thing about this disaster is that it should help to flush out the White House next year.
Only if they don’t steal another election the way they did during Covid. You know they are trying to bring Covid back for the 2024 election already.
It’s not “our self-induced” catastrophe. It’s the marxist induced catastrophe as they stole our election offices and institutions out from under us. Only a counterrevolution would resolve their takeover. But with all the invaders, there are too many against us now.