Regular readers know that I’m not a big fan of Mayor Eric Adams, but he’s doing the common sense stuff that past common sense Democrats in Gracie Mansion used to do before the whole system became a woke pro-crime mess. If you’ve seen videos of insane behavior on the subway, you know part of the problem in New York City.
The streets are overrun with crazies. The crazies are often mislabeled as “homeless”. They may not even be crazy in the conventional sense, just junkies so far gone that they haven’t been in touch with reality since 1986.
Either way, they’re responsible for a disproportionate share of the violence and the terror in the city. And Adams is proposing to do something about it.
Following a string of horrifying subway attacks, Mayor Eric Adams dramatically expanded the city’s ability to involuntarily commit New Yorkers with chronic and untreated mental illness.
City workers can now immediately hospitalize people who refuse treatment, even if they don’t pose a clear and present danger to themselves or others.
“If severe mental illness is causing someone to be unsheltered and a danger to themselves, we have a moral obligation to help them get the treatment and care they need,” Adams said in a morning address televised across the five boroughs. “Today, we are embarking on a long-term strategy to help more of those suffering from severe and untreated mental illness find their way to treatment and recovery.”
Adams is where Mayor Koch was and is looking for some of the same answers.
Council member Bob Holden (D-Queens) hailed Adams “for understanding the severity of this problem and his courage in tackling it head-on.”
“There are ticking time bombs — who are a threat to themselves or others — riding our subways and walking our streets,” he said. “Let’s get these New Yorkers the help they desperately need and deserve and make our streets and subways safer for all.”
The media however is pouring on the outrage. Woke headlines like, “Adams Orders Forced Removals of People Deemed Mentally Ill, While Housing Remains Out of Reach” amp up the outrage. As if the reason the guy on the subway is screaming and waving a machete is because of housing prices.
“You all know it — you’re watching people standing there on the street talking to themselves, don’t have shoes on, shadow boxing, unkempt,” Adams said on Tuesday.
“It is not in the least bit a solution,” New York Civil Liberties Union Executive Director Donna Lieberman said.
A real solution, she said, would be providing housing and long-term treatment for the mentally ill.
“Why doesn’t [Adams] spend those resources converting some of the empty commercial real estate in Manhattan, for example, into housing,” Lieberman added, “with programs to support people who have serious medical conditions?”
Wasting more money on housing projects for crazed junkies is not the solution. Billions have been wasted around the country on nonsense like that. Crazies do not turn sane because you hand them some keys.
They’re not crazy because they’re homeless, they’re homeless because they’re crazy.
But the NYCLU boss would prefer to continue the socialist obsession with seizing private property to solve the crazed junkie problem.
Algorithmic Analyst says
That’s the only practical thing to do, based on what one experiences on the street. Instead MSM is filled with nonsensical theories.
Noah Andeark says
Democrats should be mandated to take in homeless, drug addicts, illegals. At least 4 for each bedroom or hallway in their homes. There is literally no downside. It’s all good.
rocco barbella says
Many states used to have hospitals that housed people who were mentally ill, had schizophrenia, etc. They wouldn’t be allowed to leave the compound. Their medications were rationed and monitored to ensure they were consistently taking them. These people were unable to live in society freely. Then the liberal imbeciles decided it was cruel and inhumane to house the mentally ill in hospitals for the insane. So, now we have mentally ill and dangerous people roaming the streets.
Adams should also lock up all the feral blacks, who aren’t mentally ill, but are just racist criminals. That alone would reduce crime by over 60%. Unfortunately, Adams is too busy looking for the phantom white supremacist running the streets of NYC. Particularly the blonde haired, blue eyed Norwegians that are wreaking havoc.
Steven Brizel says
Let’s see what happens.Housing is no cure for people who are incapable of taking care of themselves and Adams has previously been all talk and no actiion on cirime and the homeless
Lightbringer says
At least his talk is now somewhat more sensible than that of many big-city mayors. We’ll see.
Kasandra says
“They’re not crazy because they’re homeless, they’re homeless because they’re crazy.” Well, that’s the key, isn’t it?
Kynarion Hellenis says
Mentally ill people still have constitutional rights, and thus their confinement in a mental health facility lasts only as long as their dangerous behavior. Once on their meds, they become rational and can navigate reality (generally). This happens very quickly – within one week’s time.
The problem is they rarely take responsibility for continuing on the meds that make normal life possible for them. After one week on meds, they are much better and are thus released and advised to continue their meds – which they seldom do.
The breakdown of family and communities is largely responsible for this. A family member or close friend who knows and understands the patient needs to step up and help.
If no one does this, the solution is the appointment of a guardian. This results in the loss of some constitutional rights and so is done with many safeguards. The guardian need not be a family member, but should be someone who does not profit financially from the continued confinement of the ward. Periodic review should guard against abuse of the process and ensure the least restrictive means of confinement is employed.
CowboyUp says
“… New York Civil Liberties Union Executive Director Donna Lieberman…” – Any bets that she doesn’t ride the subway? Any bets that she has zero chance of getting her skull caved in with a hammer, thrown in front of an oncoming train, or raped on a NYC subway? And wasn’t “rent control” supposed to make ‘housing’ affordable in NYC? Too bad she’s not the one the nuts are taking liberties with, might save an innocent and change her perspective..
Daniel Greenfield says
and I doubt she’d learned anything anyway
CowboyUp says
It’s kinda sick how often leftists still excuse their attackers, so I wouldn’t bet on her learning anything, myself.
Timesawastin says
Mental illness is exploding in this country. Some related to the upheaval caused by events of the last two years, but also the increasing drug use. I think cannabis flies under the radar since so many have fond memories of our own weed use back in the 60’s,70’s and 80’s and are in support of legalization or decriminalization. However, the super high potency cannabis of today is causing a lot of people to display paranoid, schizoid behavior and some heavy users can evolve into full- blown chronic schizophrenia. The exacerbation of psychotic and violent behavior has becoming endemic in large cities where drug use is rampant, so many drugs contribute to mental health issues, but there are signs of a correlation with frequent weed use and schizophrenia.
Jeff Bargholz says
You’re conflating marijuana with meth and other hard drugs. The crazies talking to themselves in public are on meth and other weird drugs, not pot.
I smoke potent California pot here in Santa Clara Valley (Silicon Valley) because my girlfriend does and I can’t avoid it and don’t want to. You won’t find me yelling at myself in public or committing crimes.
Angel Jacob says
Permanent brain damage. Do some research on it. THC kills the sex drive in long term too.
Hey, I just forgot what I was saying…
It is very common for any kind of drug addicts to justify using their drug of choice, while blaming all drug problems on other drugs.
Meth users say, it just pumps a lot of blood to the brain, kind of effect one gets from exercise, without exercising, giving them extra energy and brain power.
Opioids users say it doesn’t screw with their intellect, it just makes them feel good and relaxed…
All of them lead to dysfunction in short and longer terms. I’ve done lots of research on the matter and have been actively involved in helping people with drug problems.
It’s like using credit cards, you get what you want now, and then you’ll have to pay for it for the years to come.
Not to mention putting other people at risk. Say, DUI. People driving under influence kill and maim others by the thousands every year. Every single one of those killers thought they were OK to drive.
And of course, the job performance. I would not ever want to anybody on any kind of drugs to do any kind of job that I want to be done.
Jeff Bargholz says
I don’t smoke pot at work or when I drive. Just like alcohol, responsible adults handle it.
And I’d wager my sex drive is light years beyond yours. I do it at east six times a night and my black babe cums every time. And she’s tested me. I still perform after I shoot the first time.
I’m going to spark up a joint in honor of your comment. You think I’m kidding but I’m not.
Daniel Greenfield says
pot certainly isn’t helping, but governments want to cash in on taxes from legalization even though the costs of the social dysfunction end up being much higher
Jeff Bargholz says
The only social dysfunction of smoking pot is watching too much Netflix and eating too many snacks. And in my case, mindless sex. Maybe that’s bad, I don’t know. I like it.
I seriously doubt marijuana harms society.
Beez says
The human brain doesn’t stop growing until about age 24. Heavy use among adolescents is correlated with mental illness. IMO, marijuana use among adolescents is the primary driving factor in rising crime rates, addictions to other drugs, and other forms of social decay including Gen Z’s apparent fascination with collectivist ideology, and the return of the monstrous lie of eugenics, that is, “transsexualism.”
Jeff Bargholz says
yes, maybe, I don’t know. I smoked pot every day when I was 16 to 21 and I don’t have any mental illness.
I smoke it now and feel just fine. It’s legal here in CA, you know. I’ll take my chances.
112 says
Spray*i meant spray not strap
Jeff Bargholz says
You were high as F when you wrote that comment.
But you’re right about aerolized ingestion. I have to try that.
Lightbringer says
Even the weed that was used in the ’60’s and ’70 had its costs. As a college student I knew more than one user who began to exhibit signs of mental illness due to excessive use. One — only one — recognized the signs in himself and stopped use. Others ended up flunking out of school, often going on to be drafted and sent to Vietnam. One guy even grew a pair of knockers that the girls all envied. So no, it has never been a “safe” drug. Too many senior citizens in positions of authority are nostalgic for the “good old days”, but that weed ruined lives even then, at a fraction of today’s potency.
Jeff Bargholz says
Like alcohol, weed has its hold on some minds. I drink and now I I smoke weed because my girlfriend does and I have no problems except the usual relationship problems. I think weed is only a danger to weak minds.
And I always work through my relationship problems with my girlfriend. The old fashioned way, in bed and on the sofa and everywhere else.
Marijuana is harmless. Only the mind makes good or bad decisions.
Beez says
Marijuana weakens the mind, especially the minds of those aged 0 to 24. In its God-given natural state, the human mind has barriers to thoughts. IMO, marijuana tends to weaken the limits of human conscience. Some, if not many, users never regain their sense of right and wrong.
Jeff Bargholz says
I’m living proof that your theory is wrong. I’m way past age 24 but my conscience is sound. Smoking pot is like drinking a glass of wine. It’s no big deal.
Angel Jacob says
There’s another dimension. Whitewashing the regular street thug’s crimes as just being crazy.
No matter how crazy or just evil, everybody understands they should stop what they’re doing when the full force of law enforcement comes down on them.
Justifying the crimes, blaming others for it, or sympathizing with criminals is exactly what the criminals themselves advocate, so they can get away with their crimes.
SteveInSC says
Evil, in its purest form, is indistinguishable from madness.
Beez says
He is a God of order. And the true mark of Satan is chaos. It has always been so.
Jeff Bargholz says
Homeless crazies definitely need to be institutionalized. Nothing else works. I know. I live in a new apartment building designed for the formerly homeless. The crazies and criminals don’t change. They need to be incarcerated, one way or the other. They always get evicted eventually, so coddling them is a waste of time.
Fuck them. We want them off our streets, not in havens where they can do even more harm to society. Decent homeless people deserve a shot at life but the crazies don’t. They’re hopeless.
Tex the Mockingbird says
Lock up in a padded cell Biden bald headed nutcage who steals women’s clothes this screwball should,nt be allowed any anybody
Judith says
Adams is looking in the right direction. They need to be committed. Wandering with their pants down and a big stick doesn’t work for the nutters or us. I found out what Outpatient Treatment really means as a young idealist in Chicago. I spent a lot of time and effort seeking refuge for half-naked street crazies and was turned away at the door everywhere I went, usually in a stinking cab with one or another of them. Undressed women with blood on their legs were especially tragic. There really are people who thrive in institutional settings. We should quit confusing them with ourselves. It’s presumptuous.