This week suspicious, potentially explosive packages were sent to former presidents Barack Obama and Bill Clinton, former vice president Joe Biden, former CIA boss John Brennan (via CNN), former DNC boss Debbie Wasserman Schultz, former Attorney General Eric Holder, Rep. Maxine Waters, billionaire George Soros, and actor Robert De Niro. All the recipients are prominent Democrats.
A U.S. News report said investigators were “analyzing the mechanics of the crude devices to reveal whether they were intended to detonate or simply sow fear two weeks before Election Day.” The devices contained timers and batteries, but “were not rigged like a booby-trapped package bomb that would explode upon opening.” Investigators remained “uncertain whether the devices were poorly designed or never intended to cause physical harm,” and at least one device was mailed from Florida.
The package sent to Brennan contained an envelope with white powder that was not toxic. At this writing, none of the packages has exploded or caused any damage. Experts say the packages yield much forensic evidence, including DNA, skin flakes, and saliva. Cameras in the sending facilities may yield other information, but at this writing nobody knows what person, group or organization sent the devices.
At this writing, Robert Mueller’s investigation into Russian election interference continues, and the nation has been warned about foreign meddling. According to one poll, a full 77 percent of Democrats and 42 percent of Republicans expect foreign powers to interfere in November.
No person or group, foreign or domestic, has yet claimed responsibility. The range of possibilities is indeed vast, but Democrats were quick to target President Trump.
“This is on you,” tweeted Phillippe Reines, a high-profile Clinton aide. “With every fiber of your rotten being you’ve incited & condoned hate. Never in 643 days have you discouraged people from unleashing the violence inside them. Your very existence requires anger & fear. You need it like normal people need oxygen.”
Reines also told MSNBC, “you have to ask how much Donald Trump is responsible for the climate that we’re in where things like this happen.” As Reines had it, “if you look at who they’ve targeted so far, it’s almost like they’re following Donald Trump’s Twitter feed.” No word on the identity of “they.”
Gus Hall voter and former CIA boss John Brennan tweeted, “Stop blaming others. Look in the mirror. Your inflammatory rhetoric, insults, lies, & encouragement of physical violence are disgraceful. Clean up your act….try to act Presidential. The American people deserve much better. BTW, your critics will not be intimidated into silenced.”
Alexander Soros, son of George Soros, told reporters the explosive devices were “a threat to the future of American democracy.” At a Florida campaign event Debbie Wasserman Schultz said, “there will always be those who use distraction, threats and even violence to accomplish their ends.”
Former vice president Joe Biden told reporters “We’ve got to turn off this hate machine. We’ve got to come together. The American public and all over the nation. People want us to be more civil. People want us to choose hope over hate. They want us to choose – for real – I mean it’s guttural. People understand that words matter. Words matter. And our children are listening.”
New York Mayor Bill De Blasio called the packages “the definition of terrorism” and demanded ed for a “tone of civility.”
Rep. Maxine Waters called on President Trump to “take responsibility for the kind of violence that we are seeing for the first time in different ways.” In Waters’ view, “the president of the United States has been dog-whistling to his constituency.” They “are acting in a way that they think the president wants them to do and the way he wants them to act,” and Trump “in his own way really does promote a lot of violence.”
All package recipients were critics of the president and the responses showcased another common theme. None of the Democrats mentioned their own calls to harass Republicans at every opportunity and Hillary Clinton’s open rejection of civility. And none of the Democrats mentioned actual cases of violence from the left.
As Daniel Greenfield noted, Bernie Sanders supporter James Hodgkinson opened fire on Republicans as they played baseball, seriously wounding Steve Scalise and Zack Barth. Hodgkinson had also targeted conservative Republicans including Mo Brooks, Jeff Duncan and Jim Jordan. From May to June, 30 Republican members of Congress were attacked or threatened.
“A very big part of the Anger we see today in our society,” President Trump tweeted, “is caused by the purposely false and inaccurate reporting of the Mainstream Media that I refer to as Fake News. It has gotten so bad and hateful that it is beyond description.”
True to form, this week the New York Times ran an assassination fantasy about a Russian shooting President Trump with a gun belonging to his own Secret Service. In September the Times published an anonymous oped supposedly written by a senior official in the Trump administration.
Other curiosities about the packages, and the Democrats’ response, may be found in this video. At this writing, none of the media outlets the president calls fake news has broken the story on who, exactly, sent the packages and why they did so.
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