Reprinted from Palestinian Media Watch.
PMW Report Presented in US Congress:
The following report documents the Palestinian Authority’s use of American funding to pay salaries to terrorists in Israeli prisons and glorification of terrorists by the PA. It was presented yesterday by PMW director Itamar Marcus to members of Congress at a meeting in the Republican Israel Caucus.
PMW Special Report, July 26, 2011
Palestinian Authority glorification of terrorists and paying salaries to terrorists with US money:
by Itamar Marcus and Nan Jacques Zilberdik
Palestinian Authority funding and glorification of terrorists:
– The Palestinian Authority pays monthly salaries to 5,500 prisoners in Israeli prisons, including terrorists
– The PA honors terrorists who have killed civilians, presenting them as heroes and role models
– The PA glorifies terror attacks as heroic, including suicide bombings
– The PA funds these salaries and activities from its general budget
US funding of the Palestinian Authority:
– The US funds the PA general budget
– US law prohibits funding of any person who “… engages in, or has engaged in, terrorist activity…”
– US law prohibits funding “for the purpose of recognizing or otherwise honoring individuals who commit, or have committed acts of terrorism.”[](
Click to view full report in PDF
**PA Pays Monthly Salaries to Terrorists –
Essential Facts:
**1. New PA law enacts payment of monthly salaries to terrorists in Israeli prisons:
A law signed and published in the official Palestinian Authority Registry in April 2011 puts all Palestinians and Israeli Arabs imprisoned in Israel for terror crimes on the PA payroll to receive a monthly salary from the PA. [Official PA daily Al-Hayat Al-Jadida, April 15, 2011] This new law called PA Government Resolution of 2010, numbers 21 and 23, formalizes what has long been a PA practice.
**2. Recipients of the monthly salary:
The PA has defined by law which Palestinians would be considered “prisoners”:
“Anyone imprisoned in the occupation’s [Israel’s] prisons as a result of his participation in the struggle against the occupation.” [Ch. 1 of Law of Prisoners, 2004⁄19,passed and published by the PA Chairman and Government, December 2004. The Prisoners’ Centre for Studies,, Accessed May 9, 2011]
According to the PA definition, more than 5,500 Palestinian prisoners serving time for terror-related offenses are recipients. [Al-Hayat Al-Jadida, July 14, 2011] Palestinian car thieves in Israeli prisons will not receive a salary, but every terrorist in prison including murderers are on the PA payroll. The salary goes directly to the terrorist or the terrorist’s family, and prisoners receive salary from the day of arrest.
[Al-Hayat Al-Jadida, April 15, 2011]
3. Hamas and Fatah terrorist prisoners receive monthly salaries:
“The PA’s Ministry for Prisoner Affairs said that its policy had always been to pay salaries to prisoners and their families ‘regardless of their political affiliations.‘”
[Jerusalem Post, May 20, 2011].
4. Total amount that the PA pays in salaries to prisoners monthly:
Total: 17,678,247 Shekel ($5,207,000) a month, based on May 2011.
[Life and the Market, supplement to Al-Hayat Al-Jadida, June 19, 2011]
5. Terrorists in prison receive higher average salary than PA civil servants and military personnel:
Salary Recipients
Average Monthly Salary
Civil servant
Military personnel
[Life and the Market, supplement to Al-Hayat Al-Jadida, June 19, 2011]
**6. PA salary payments to prisoners is dependent on foreign funding:
The new PA law stipulates that payment of salaries “will be implemented… on the basis of available sources of funding.” [Al-Hayat Al-Jadida, April 15, 2011] Accordingly, it is the contributions by the US and other foreign donors to the PA general budget that facilitates the payment of monthly salaries to the terrorist prisoners.
US law and US funding of the Palestinian Authority:
7. US law prohibits funding terrorists and past terrorists:
“Prior to the obligation of funds appropriated by this Act under the heading ‘Economic Support Fund’ for assistance for the West Bank and Gaza, the Secretary of State shall take all appropriate steps to ensure that **such assistance is not provided to or through any individual, private or government entity, or educational institution that the Secretary knows or has reason to believe advocates, plans, sponsors, engages in, or has engaged in, terrorist activity…”
8. The US contributed $225 million in 2010 to the general PA budget from which the salaries are paid:
Secretary of State Hillary Clinton stated that an additional US grant in November 2010 “brings our direct budget assistance to a total of $225 million for the year and our overall support and investment to nearly $600 million this year.”
[State dept. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton in Announcement of the Transfer of Budget Assistance Funds to the Palestinian Authority, Nov. 10, 2010]
PA’s Honoring Terrorists – Essential Facts:
9. The PA leadership and the structures they control present terrorist murderers as heroes and role models, and use the PA budget to honor them and glorify their terror attacks.
_The following are examples from 2011:
10. A Palestinian Authority summer camp for children sponsored by PA Prime Minister Salam Fayyad divided its campers into three groups named after the terrorists Dalal Mughrabi, Salah Khalaf and Abu Ali Mustafa.
[Al-Ayyam, July 20, 2011, reported in PMW bulletin, July 21, 2011]
Dalal Mughrabi in 1978 led the most lethal terror attack in Israel’s history, in which 37 civilians were killed, including one American and 12 children.
Salah Khalaf (Abu Iyad), head of Black September terror group, planned the murder of two American diplomats, and the Munich Olympics attack in 1972, and other terror attacks.
Abu Ali Mustafa, General Secretary of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine, planned many terror attacks against civilians.
11. PA Prime Minister Salam Fayyad honored terrorist bombers:
“Prime Minister Salam Fayyad opened his weekly radio address… by sending greetings to the Palestinian mother in honor of Mothers’ Day… He said, ‘On this occasion, I will not fail to mention with honor and admiration the resolve of the female prisoners, the fighters, and of all the prisoners of freedom who are imprisoned in the Israeli prisons, experiencing indescribable suffering… I make special mention of all the female prisoners who are mothers: Iman Ghazawi;… Qahira Al-Sa’adi; Irena Sarahneh; Latifa Abu Zara’a…‘” [Al-Hayat Al-Jadida, March 24, 2011, reported in PMW bulletin, March 27, 2011]
Qahira Al-Sa’adi and Irena Sarahneh, drove suicide bombers to their attacks killing 5.
Iman Ghazawi, placed a bomb in a bus station in Tel Aviv.
Latifa Abu Zara’a, smuggled a bomb into Israel for a suicide terror attack that was uncovered before it was implemented.
12. Abbas granted $2000 to family of terrorist:
In January 2011, a Palestinian terrorist carrying two pipe bombs ran towards Israeli soldiers screaming “Allahu Akbar” (“Allah is Greatest”). He was shot and killed. PA Chairman Abbas granted “the relatives of the Martyr” – $2000.
[Al-Hayat Al-Jadida, Jan. 25, 2011, reported in PMW bulletin, Jan. 27, 2011]
**13. PA Minister of Prisoners’ Affairs honored terrorist responsible for murder of 30:
PA Minister of Prisoners’ Affairs Issa Karake visited the family of the terrorist Abbas Al-Sayid who planned the Passover suicide bombing in 2002. 30 Israelis were killed in the terror attack during the Passover Seder dinner. The PA minister handed the family an honorary plaque.
[Al-Hayat Al-Jadida, March 29, 2011, reported in PMW bulletin, March 31, 2011]
14. PA erected tree with pictures of 73 Palestinian prisoners serving life sentences:
PA Minister of Prisoners’ Affairs Issa Karake participated in a ceremony honoring all 73 Palestinians from Bethlehem serving life sentences in prison. The PA unveiled a “Tree of Freedom for Prisoners” decorated with 73 “photographs of prisoners sentenced to life imprisonment.”
[Al-Hayat Al-Jadida, April 20, 2011, reported in PMW bulletin, May 19, 2011]
15. PA officials visited homes of terrorists serving life sentences:
“District Governor of Bethlehem, Abd Al-Fatah Hamael [and other PA officials]… visited the homes of prisoners… Mahmoud Abu Sorour, Nasser Abu Sorour, Riyad Al-Amour, Adnan Al-Afandi, and Rizq Salah… The district governor gave [the families] gift packages of sweets with pictures of the prisoners printed on them.” [Al-Hayat Al-Jadida, April 18, 2011, reported in PMW bulletin, May 19, 2011]
Riyad Al-Amour – Serving 11 life sentences for murder of 9 Israelis and 3 Palestinians he suspected of helping Israel.
Adnan Al-Afandi – Attempted to kill two children by stabbing them, 1992
Nasser and Mahmoud Abu Sorour – Participated in murder of Israeli Intelligence agent.
Rizq Salah – Killed an Israeli soldier with a bomb in Bethlehem, 1993.
16. The official PA daily: 4 terrorists involved in murdering 117 Israelis are “heroic”:
The official PA daily reported on the visit of the Palestinian Prisoners’ Center for Studies to the homes of terrorists serving life sentences for murder. The PA daily referred to the terrorists as follows: “The heroic prisoners Abbas and Abdallah Barghouti, Mahmoud Issa, Jamal Abu Al-Haija, Hassan Salameh…”
[Al-Hayat Al-Jadida, April 13, 2011]
Abdallah Barghouti – sentenced to 67 life sentences for involvement in suicide bombing attacks in which 66 Israelis were murdered: Sbarro restaurant (Aug. 9, 2001), Moment Cafe (March 9, 2002), and triple suicide bombing at Ben Yehuda pedestrian mall (Dec. 1, 2001).
Hassan Salameh – 38 life sentences. Was head of the terror infrastructure which carried out 2 suicide bombing attacks on buses in Jerusalem (Feb. 25, 1996, March 3, 1996), and the suicide bombing at the Ashkelon Junction (Feb. 25, 1996).
Jamal Abu Al-Haija – 9 life sentences for involvement in suicide bombing attacks in Hadera shopping mall (Oct. 26, 2005) and at Herzl Street in Netanya (Dec. 5, 2005)
Mahmoud Issa – serving 3 life sentences. Member of the squad that kidnapped and murdered Israeli soldiers, including Nissim Toledano (Dec. 13, 1992).
17. Official PA TV glorified terrorist Dalal Mughrabi to celebrate Fatah anniversary:
On the anniversary of the Fatah movement, PA TV chose to glorify the most lethal terror attack in Israel’s history with a music video celebrating Dalal Mughrabi and the attack she led. The video shows a reenactment the terrorists coming from Lebanon to Israel in boats.
[PA TV, Jan. 2, 2011, reported in PMW bulletin, January 21, 2011]
18. Official PA TV honored the woman who drove a suicide terrorist to his bombing that murdered 15 in pizza shop attack:
PA TV broadcast a program honoring Ahlam Tamimi, the woman who drove the suicide terrorist to the Sbarro pizza restaurant in Jerusalem in August 2001. 15 people were murdered in the attack, 7 of them children. Visiting Tamimi’s home, the PA TV crew interviewed her relatives, and the camera focused on an award which read:
“A gift of the Fatah Palestinian National Liberation Movement
Ramallah – El-Bireh branch
To the heroic prisoner Ahlam Tamimi
As a token of esteem for your sacrifices
And your acts of heroism.”
[PA TV, March 10, 2011, reported in PMW bulletin, March 17, 2011]
19. Official PA TV honored driver of suicide terrorist who murdered 19 on bus:
PA TV honored terrorist, Fahami Mashahra, who drove a suicide bomber to Jerusalem in 2001 in which 19 were murdered. The PA TV host said to his daughter:
“Greetings of honor and admiration to your heroic father in prison, Fahami Mashahra, serving 20 life sentences in the occupation’s prison. Thank you very much.”
[PA TV, March 4, 2011, reported in PMW bulletin, May 17, 2011]
20. Advisor of Mahmoud Abbas: “The weapons must be turned towards the main enemy [Israel]” and terrorist Dalal Mughrabi must be honored by naming a square after her:
“Advisor of President Mahmoud Abbas Sabri Saidam, delivered a speech…
He emphasized that the weapons must be turned towards the main enemy [Israel] and that internal differences of opinion must be set aside… and emphasized that the anniversary of Dalal’s Martyrdom-seeking (i.e., her terror attack in which 37 civilians were murdered) should be amplified by inaugurating a square in her name in the city of El-Bireh.” [Al-Ayyam, March 10, 2011, reported in PMW bulletin, March 13, 2011]
21. Fatah movement lauded suicide bombers:
“The Fatah movement commemorated at the Deheisheh [refugee] camp the anniversary of some of the camp’s Shahids (Martyrs)… The movement organized a procession… [to] the home of the Shahid Muhammad Daraghmeh, who carried out a bombing operation (i.e., suicide bombing which killed 9) in Jerusalem… [and mentioned] Ayyat Al-Akhras (at age 17, the youngest female suicide bomber, killed two Israelis in her suicide attack in March, 2002.)”
[Al-Hayat Al-Jadida, March 4, 2011]
22. PA TV repeatedly glorified terrorist who killed 3 teens, and another who planned a suicide bombing:
A PA TV video tribute to “Martyrs” that was broadcast on PA TV several times a day for four days honored a terrorist who killed three Israelis and one who recruited female suicide terrorists and planned a double suicide attack in Tel Aviv. A photo collage in the same video tribute was labeled “Heroes of the special operations in northern Palestine” which referred to terror attacks in northern Israel. [PA TV, several times daily Feb. 21-24, 2011, reported in PMW bulletin, March 13, 2011]
**23. US law prohibits using US funds to honor terrorists:
“None of the funds appropriated under titles III through VI of this Act for assistance under the West Bank and Gaza Program may be made available for the purpose of recognizing or otherwise honoring individuals who commit, or have committed acts of terrorism.”
Summary – the US funds the PA budget which pays terrorist salaries and glorifies terrorists.
24. The Palestinian Authority pays over $5,000,000 a month directly to terrorists as salaries. In addition to the examples cited here, Palestinian Media Watch has documented many other examples of the PA’s honoring terrorists and presenting them as heroes and role models. Still in 2011, this glorification of terrorists is a mainstay of PA policy under Chairman Mahmoud Abbas and PM Salam Fayyad, who as shown above are actively involved.
**25. The US funds the PA’s general budget. Through the PA budget the US is paying the salaries of terrorist murderers in prison and funding the glorification and role modeling of terrorists.
**26. US law prohibits giving assistance “to or through any individual… that the Secretary knows or has reason to believe advocates, plans, sponsors, engages in, or has engaged in, terrorist activity…”
**27. US law prohibits using US funds “for the purpose of recognizing or otherwise honoring individuals who commit, or have committed acts of terrorism.”
Measuring Palestinian Authority compliance with US anti-terror funding laws.
In order to comply with US anti-terror funding laws there are clearly defined and quantifiable steps that the Palestinian Authority should implement:
1. The PA should repeal the law “PA Government resolutions, numbers 21 and 23 of 2010” which grants all terrorists in Israeli prisons a PA monthly salary
2. The PA should stop paying salaries to terrorists in Israeli prisons (as they have admitted to doing even before the law)
3. The PA should stop honoring and role modeling terrorists through naming of places and events in their honor
4. The PA should stop having PA dignitaries and ministers visit terrorists’ homes and stop granting their families awards in their names
All of these steps can be implemented immediately and are easily monitored.
(PUBLIC LAW 111-117-DEC. 16, 2009 page 3366)
SEC. 7039. (a) OVERSIGHT.-For fiscal year 2010, 30 days prior to the initial obligation of funds for the bilateral West Bank and Gaza Program, the Secretary of State shall certify to the Committees on Appropriations that procedures have been established to assure the Comptroller General of the United States will have access to appropriate United States financial information in order to review the uses of United States assistance for the Program funded under the heading “Economic Support Fund” for the West Bank and Gaza.
(b) VETTING.-Prior to the obligation of funds appropriated by this Act under the heading “Economic Support Fund” for assistance for the West Bank and Gaza, the Secretary of State shall take all appropriate steps to ensure that such assistance is not provided to or through any individual, private or government entity, or educational institution that the Secretary knows or has reason to believe advocates, plans, sponsors, engages in, or has engaged in, terrorist activity nor, with respect to private entities or educational institutions, those that have as a principal officer of the entity’s governing board or governing board of trustees any individual that has been determined to be involved in, or advocating terrorist activity or determined to be a member of a designated foreign terrorist organization: Provided, That the Secretary of State shall, as appropriate, establish procedures specifying the steps to be taken in carrying out this subsection and shall terminate assistance to any individual, entity, or educational institution which the Secretary has determined to be involved in or advocating terrorist activity.
(1) None of the funds appropriated under titles III through VI of this Act for assistance under the West Bank and Gaza Program may be made available for the purpose of recognizing or otherwise honoring individuals who commit, or have committed acts of terrorism.
Palestinian Authority Sources
New PA law granting salaries to terrorists
**The following is the article in the official PA daily quoting the new Palestinian Authority law:
“[Ali Abu Diak,] Secretary of the Central Bureau of the Prisoners’ Movement, presented a concise review of the laws [concerning prisoners] published in vol. 90 of the official PA [Government] Registry, published on April 13, as follows:
**1. Government resolution #19 of 2010…:
**A released prisoner will be exempt from tuition fees at government schools and universities if he served a period of five years or more in prison. A released female prisoner who served at least three years in prison will be exempt from tuition fees at government schools and universities. These prisoners are entitled to transfer the exemption to one of their children, or to their spouse…
The Palestinian Authority is committed to providing the opportunity for academic study for prisoners in Israeli prisons, by covering all study expenses for all stages of university study available to prisoners.
A prisoner’s children will be exempt from 80% of academic tuition fees if the prisoner was sentenced to at least 20 years and has been in prison for at least 5 years. Children of a female prisoner will be exempt from 80% of university tuition fees if the prisoner was sentenced to at least 10 years, and has served as least 3 years.
Every released prisoner will be exempt from governmental health insurance if he served at least 5 years in prison, and for female prisoners – at least 3 years. …
2. Government resolution #21 of 2010, concerning the amendment to provide for the needs of prisoners within Israeli prisons:
**a. Every prisoner will be paid a uniform sum linked to the cost of living index, as a monthly expenditure …
**b. Every prisoner will be paid a uniform sum of 400 [Israeli] Shekels for clothing. The sum will be paid twice a year, and will be added to the prisoner’s salary…
3. Government resolution # 22 of 2010, concerning the amendment to provide for the prisoners’ legal needs…
4. Government resolution # 23 of 2010 concerning the amendment on payment of a monthly salary to the prisoner:
Every prisoner will be granted a monthly salary, to be paid to him or to his family, on condition that he does not receive a salary from a [different] governmental or semi-governmental body or official institution… The salary will be paid to the prisoner from the date of his arrest, and a special supplement will be paid to prisoners from Jerusalem and from the Interior [i.e., Israeli Arabs]; a spousal supplement will be paid, and a special supplement for children up to the age of 18…
The minimum salary for a prisoner, to be paid to him from the beginning of his detention and for up to 3 years, is 1400 Shekels. Prisoners who have been imprisoned between 3 and 5 years will receive 2,000 Shekels. Those imprisoned between 5 and 10 years will receive 4,000 Shekels. Those imprisoned between 10 and 15 years will receive 6,000 Shekels. Those imprisoned between 15 and 20 years will receive 7,000 Shekels. Those imprisoned between 20 and 25 years will receive 8,000 Shekels. Those imprisoned between 25 and 30 years will receive 10,000 Shekels. Those who have been imprisoned 30 years or more will receive 12,000 Shekels.
A supplement of 300 Shekels will be added to the salary of every married prisoner, as well as a supplement for children up to the age of 18 in the amount of 50 Shekels for every boy or girl, in addition to a supplement for prisoners from Jerusalem in the amount of 300 Shekels, and a supplement for prisoners from the Interior [i.e., Israeli Arabs] in the amount of 500 Shekels …
These regulations will be implemented from Jan. 1, 2011, on the basis of available sources of funding.”
[Al-Hayat Al-Jadida, April 15, 2011]
PA Salaries from the general budget in May 2011.
“An official document, a copy of which reached Life and the Market (supplement to the official PA daily), reveals that the cost of salaries [in the PA budget] is much higher than people think. According to the document, the sum of monthly salaries for May 2011 totaled 727,287,824 Shekel ($214,412,683.96 USD), paid from the treasury of the [Palestinian] National Authority…
The document shows that the largest portion of the salaries’ expense – more than 40% – was paid to civil servants. A total of 293,435,045 Shekel was paid to 101,802 civil servants, about three quarters of them in the West Bank. The average salary for a civil servant in the Palestinian Authority is 2882 NIS…
The military personnel of the Palestinian Authority occupy second place – 24% – in the cost of salaries, with a total of 172,873,226 NIS. Surprisingly, the Gaza Strip represents more than 55% of the total cost of salaries of military personnel. The average salary for members of the PA military personnel is 2704 NIS…
The PA transfers about 7% of the cost of salaries overseas, in the form of salaries to personnel at consulates and the Palestine National Fund, foreign fronts, and PLO forces and institutions, in the amount of 51,872,446 NIS.**
As for the prisoners (i.e., in Israeli prisons), they receive approximately 2.5% of the** cost of salaries [for May], in the form of salaries and [additional] payments, totaling 17,678,247 Shekel ($5,211,747).
Taking care of families of Shahids (Martyrs), inside and outside [the PA], totals about 3.5% of the total cost of salaries [for May], in the amount of 26,458,137 NIS.
The West Bank received the majority of the payments and salaries to prisoners, while the Gaza Strip receives a greater portion of the budget for assistance to Shahids’ families. The average prisoner salary is 3129 NIS… Salaries for members of the inactive Parliament (Legislative Council) [which has not been meeting since the Fatah-Hamas conflict] totaled approximately 0.5% of the cost of salaries – 3,272,316 NIS.”
[Life and the Market, supplement to Al-Hayat Al-Jadida, June 19, 2011
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