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In recent years, the Israeli government has tried to ameliorate the economic plight of the Palestinians, who have suffered from the corruption and mismanagement of Hamas in Gaza, and from the mismanagement and corruption of the Palestinian Authority in the West Bank. The most effective way it has done this is to greatly increase the possibilities for employment of the Palestinians in Israel, by issuing ever greater numbers of work permits. These Palestinian workers in Israel and the settlements receive wages that, on average, are more than twice as large as what those workers could receive in Gaza or the PA-ruled territories; for some jobs, their wages are three to five times as high in Israel. Of course, as terrorist attacks by the Palestinians increase, Israeli employers, naturally more skittish about hiring potential terrorists, have cut back on the number of work permits they request. The fewer Palestinian workers in Israel and the settlements, the smaller the remittances that help keep the Palestinian economy afloat. More on this matter can be found here: “The new wave of terror may be hurting the Palestinian economy,” Elder of Ziyon, August 10, 2023:
The Palestinian Central Bureau of Statistics published its labor report for the second quarter, and it shows that the number of Palestinians working in Israel and the settlements increased to 164,000 from 153,000 in the first quarter.
However, this is not the highest number for Palestinians working for Israelis. It reversed a year-long trend of fewer Palestinians working for Israelis.In the second quarter last year, some 211,000 Palestinians worked for Israelis – 182,000 in the Green Line and 29,000 in the settlements. That number decreased by 13,000 between the second and third quarters.A drop from 211,000 to 153,000 in less than a year is a dramatic change, before the modest rebound this quarter.The Israeli GDP has continued to steadily increase during this time period so this drop doesn’t seem to be a reflection of more general economic trends.It seems likely that as terror attacks increased over the past 18 months that Israeli employers are getting more skittish about hiring Palestinians, worried that some workers might go on a murder spree….
Of course that is the reason: the more terror attacks that occur, the more nervous Israeli employers become about employing Palestinians, some of whom might attack their Jewish coworkers and employers. The need to safeguard Israeli lives takes precedence over the generous Israeli impulse to help the Palestinian economy by providing well-played employment for more than 150,000 Palestinians.
The terrorists, who are mostly based in Jenin and Nablus, have been attacking Israeli civilians this past year with ever greater frequency, and have brought a world of woe, not mainly to the Israelis, who have proved quite adept at seeking out and either arresting or “neutralizing” those terrorists, but to their fellow Palestinians. For it is ordinary Palestinians, who want only to be allowed to work in Israel and the settlements at wages far higher than what they would receive from Palestinian employers, who pay the economic price for the terrorism of others, by seeing their opportunities to work in Israel decrease pari passu with the rise in terrorism.
Is there any Palestinian or Arab commentator who dares to point this out? Perhaps, since the PA is the rival of the groups mainly responsible for the terror attacks on Israeli civilians — Hamas, the PIJ, and the PFLP — one of its leaders, though not the nearly-universally despised Mahmoud Abbas, will dare to make this connection clear. Every Palestinian terrorist should be seen as costing other Palestinians good jobs at good wages. This is on top of Abbas’ own colossal corruption – he and his two sons Tarek and Yasser have accumulated a family fortune of $400 million. Yet so far, no one has called for him to disgorge the aid money he appropriated for himself. He’s indifferent to what people think of him, as long as they don’t touch his foreign real estate and his Swiss bank accounts.
The government of Israel could itself put out a report showing the correlation between the number of terrorist attacks and the number of work permits granted, and could even estimate the amount of income lost by the Palestinians for each decrease of a thousand work permits. It will bring home, like nothing else, the economic damage the Palestinian terrorists inflict on their fellow Palestinians who want only to survive and if possible, to thrive.
the Arabs/Palestinians are so consumed with blind hatred for Israel that nothing will make them change. NOTHING!
Palestine is not getting any good help from the radicals
“Twenty-eight percent of Palestinians believe that it remains preferable to reach a peace agreement with Israel, but a much larger 39 percent plurality insist that it’s again time to wage an “armed struggle” against the Jewish state. Ten percent want to see “non-violent resistance,” while 18 percent are just fine with the status quo.” “What Palestinians Want,” Israel Today, October 6, 2021. Hard to feel sorry for their situation, seeing as how they brought it on themselves.
you can see why muhammad calls them the best of people . something too aspire to i reckon . you can understand why the left are enamoured by them . the left do the same to their own . i think it is labelled ” birds of a feather ” .