Every time Governor Cuomo runs into a problem with his mismanagement of the pandemic, his solution is to scapegoat Orthodox Jews.
As New York moved ahead with a plan to vaccinate drug addicts in rehab ahead of the elderly, Cuomo’s people began pushing a story accusing Parcare, a chain of neighborhood clinics, in Orthodox Jewish areas of misusing the vaccine. Despite Cuomo’s claims and the media’s eagerness to broadcast them (not to mention RINO media sites like Hotair), a FOX News story showed that Parcare had legitimately obtained the vaccine.
Parcare’s crime was vaccinating people 60 and over, and health care workers, instead of following New York’s guidance of vaccinating “essential workers” and addicts in drug rehab ahead of the elderly.
The key figure in this story was Rabbi Hershel Shachter, a 79-year-old man, whose injection was featured on Parcare’s Twitter account, and who has since been berated by the media and by certain secular left-leaning elements of the Modern Orthodox community.
Under what sort of system is a 79-year-old man a lower priority than a 23-year-old drug addict? The Cuomo system.
The media, and liberal elements of the Jewish community, kept broadcasting the Cuomo narrative, complete with outraged fulmination and threats, rather than actually do what FOX News did and actually talk to the clinic. But that’s the media nowadays.
What Parcare seems to have done is actually follow sane vaccine priorities, putting the elderly and health care workers first, instead of following the state priorities of a man who may have killed as many as 11,000 seniors in nursing homes by forcing their facilities to accept infected coronavirus patients.
Good thing the media is still a bunch of committed ‘Cuomosexuals’.
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