During his mandate rant, Biden declared, “Our patience is wearing thin.”
That was presumably the royal “We”.
Poll numbers show that the patience of the American people is wearing thin for Joe Biden.
The latest CNN poll numbers are a no-confidence vote in the failed Biden administration.
Almost 70% of Americans are pessimistic about the current state of the country amid increasing worry over the COVID-19 pandemic, rising crime and the economy, according to a new poll.
About 69 percent of Americans say things are currently going badly in the US, according to a CNN poll released Friday.
Views regarding the state of the economy have also worsened, with 62 percent of Americans believing it is in poor shape, compared to 54 percent in April.
And about 57 percent say they are worried about rising crime in their communities.
The poll also shows that confidence in President Biden’s handling of the COVID-19 pandemic has slipped a staggering 10 points.
About 56 percent of Americans now approve of how Biden is handling the pandemic, compared to 66 percent back in April.
And those are the good numbers. They get much worse from here.
An NPR-PBS NewsHour-Marist poll published last week showed Biden’s approval rating dropping to 36 percent in August from 46 percent in July among independents, while a Washington Post-ABC News poll showed 36 percent of independents approve of Biden overall while 57 percent disapprove. The polls showed Biden’s overall approval rating at 43 percent and 44 percent, respectively, the lowest of his presidency
And it gets much worse in swing states.
More Americans in six critical swing states disapprove of the job President Biden is doing than approve as the administration tries to recover from the bungled military pullout in Afghanistan and a resurgence of COVID cases across the country, according to a new poll.
The president’s approval ratings in Arizona, Florida, Georgia, North Carolina, Pennsylvania and Texas lag behind his disapproval ratings by 10 points or more, a Civiqs survey shows.
Even Biden’s numbers among Dems are getting shaky.
For the first time, more American adults disapprove of how Biden is handling his job. Nearly half the public (49%) disapproves of Biden’s job performance in the poll conducted September 4-7, while only 39% approve—a drop of six points in the last week. Twice before, during the pullout from Afghanistan, as many people disapproved as approved, but this is the first time in his first-year presidency that Biden’s ratings are negative.
The drop in Biden’s approval rating is most severe among Democrats. Around nine in ten of them had approved of Biden’s performance for nearly all of his first year in office. This week, Biden’s approval rating among Democrats dropped nine points to 77% from 86% last week.
And the pandemic numbers, typically Biden’s refuge, and the issue he pivoted back to, are looking bleak.
Along with the overall drop in Biden’s approval ratings, a falling share of Americans approve of the president’s handling of specific issues. For the first time, a greater share of Americans disapprove (45%) of Biden’s handling of the coronavirus pandemic than approve (42%). This week, just 40% approve of the president’s handling of jobs and the economy, while 47% disapprove. In previous weeks, more usually have approved than have disapproved.
Underlying all this is the fact that the gaslighting on the economy isn’t working.
Only 16% of American adults now think the economy is improving, while nearly three times as many, 44%, say it is getting worse. Another 27% say the economy is about the same.
The patience of the American people with Joe Biden is wearing thin. And the ice underneath is getting thinner all the time.
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