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In Bob Dylan’s criminally overlooked 2003 cinematic masterpiece, “Masked and Anonymous,” a newspaper editor tells a reporter: “I will tell you this, there is a story there… Make something out of it. And if you can’t do that, sir, then — make it up!” It’s advice that actual journalists today all too often follow. Sometimes, however, they get caught, as PBS just was. Rick laid out all the ugly details here.
What is noteworthy is that PBS was clearly caught out because it thought it had a sensational story, one so useful to the leftist cause that it just had to be true. Any critical eye it might once have had is long gone, and now PBS and the rest judge stories only on the basis of how bad they make Trump and other patriots look.
In the fake story at hand, not only did the most evil man on earth, Donald Trump, violate the Logan Act by calling Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and trying to conduct American foreign policy as a private citizen, but during the call, Trump pressured Netanyahu not to conclude a ceasefire until after the election because peace in Gaza would only help Kamala Harris. Why, the self-serving monster! He would rather have innocent people in Gaza die than see his reelection chances suffer!
It was even worse than Trump’s phone call with Volodymyr Zelenskyy that got him impeached the first time, and PBS ran hard with it, no doubt once again seeing visions of Trump’s political career finally going up in flames. There was just one problem: it was fake news.
When PBS was caught, it was ready with the usual platitudes. Fox News reported Wednesday that “PBS NewsHour” propagandist Judy Woodruff “apologized Wednesday for reporting a story about former President Trump and Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu that both leaders have staunchly denied.” It is good of Woodruff to apologize; usually, her fellow propagandists just plow ahead with their lies, half-truths, and distortions. Woodruff took the unusual step of “expressing regret for reporting this week that in a phone call, Trump urged Netanyahu to delay a hostage deal between Israel and Hamas until after the 2024 presidential election to benefit him politically.”
Woodruff said, “This was a mistake and I apologize for it.” That’s great, really, but where did she get the story, and why did she think it was credible?
She actually addressed those questions to a degree, saying, “I want to clarify my remarks on the PBS News special on Monday night about the ongoing cease fire talks in the Middle East. As I said, this was not based on my original reporting; I was referring to reports I had read, in Axios and Reuters, about former President Trump having spoken to the Israeli Prime Minister. In the live TV moment, I repeated the story because I hadn’t seen later reporting that both sides denied it.” Woodruff didn’t say it, but it was obvious why she had assumed that the story was reliable: it confirmed her preconceived notions about Trump.
Woodruff clearly believes everything her leftist colleagues have been saying about Bad Orange Man all these years, and so she had no problem accepting the idea that wanted the lives of human beings to be sacrificed to his electoral chances. And so on PBS on Monday night, she announced, “The reporting is that former President Trump is on the phone with the Prime Minister of Israel, urging him not to cut a deal right now, because it’s believed that would help the Harris campaign.”
Yet Netanyahu’s office immediately denied the report, declaring that it was a “complete lie.” At the same time, Trump denied that he had even spoken with Netanyahu, noting that the last time the two had had any contact was in July, when the Israeli prime minister visited Mar-a-Lago.
Trump did say, “I did encourage him to get this over with. You want to get it over with fast. Have victory, get your victory, and get it over with. It has to stop, the killing has to stop.” This may reflect an insufficient understanding of what Hamas is and what its ultimate goals really are, but it is a very long way from saying, “Conclude a peace agreement so I can win the election in November.”
It looks as if PBS was trying to relive the glory days when Trump was framed for various crimes, convicted in the establishment media, and tried in partisan, viciously biased proceedings that were rigged to ensure an outcome that the Democrats could use politically. And that’s understandable, as those glory days are still going on.
The left still thinks it can destroy the threat of Trump by framing him for some kind of wrongdoing rather than simply by beating him fair and square at the ballot box. That means there will be many more false reports like the one PBS was pushing.
The bottom line is that PBS and its friends and allies in the establishment media are worse than useless. These aren’t even close to being news outlets; these are just propaganda organs for the worst elements of the hard left.
I am waiting for the Fake News to make a “mistake” in Donald Trump’s favor. When all mistakes are made in one direction, there is cheating going on.
For years I labeled her as “Little Red”. A elite swamp creature. The only difference between Madcow and Joy – less is we the taxpayers are funding her garbage.
Another inversion of exactly what KAM & her KABAL are doing.. playing both sides of the war on Israel, pretending it’s humanitarianism to feed never starved islamonazis still holding hostages. Some American ones.
Dems will continue to support the enemies of our ally to regain their CONgressional Jihad Squad support & CBC & other hostile to Israel groups & their CAIR sponsors.
Ironically, HAMAS fans don’t seem to understand that the DEMS are on their team already. They paid for OCt 7.
Dems will hold the Jewish vote with this charade of proIsrael that is all only words without ACTIONS to support fully. Very sad indeed… Any person who supported Israel as long as I have, knew about fake news long before Trump spoke of it.
WHAT WILL the Democrats come up with for an OCTOBER SURPRISE with no time to prove it’s false but enough time for the MSM to bombard the airwaves?
PROMOTE “What will the October Surprise be?” Make it a NATIONAL CONTEST. “Trump is from Mars!” When theirs comes out, it won’t be a Surprise no matter what it is. “THE WINNER IS… !” Another woman claiming a rape? Another indictment? A stab in the back by an associate?
The Democrats are Devious! Beat ’em to the Punch!
I’m worried about the “September surprise” when Merchan sends Trump to prison.
And he will because he can. Why go through this Conspiracy involving so many actors, all leading to FJB, if that was not the end goal!
My High School friend, then college roommate, married into money, (hasn’t given me a dime), and they bought a $7 million dollar beach house in Laguna Beach. They already had a large home on top of the mountain and a beach house is San Clemente. They moved in, the wife didn’t like it, they tore it down and built another which would be a regular home in any other neighborhood. They sold this three bedroom for $27 million. BUT THE MAR-A-LAGO COMPOUND WAS LISTED BY MERCHAN FOR $18 MILLION AND TRUMP WAS FALSIFYING ITS WORTH?
There were so many suspicious and corrupt acts in all of his trials. Meetings in the WH with the conspirators?
What if he is given “FIVE-YEARS PROBATION”? Wouldn’t that handcuff him? Would he fight that or let it go to get out of endless court hearings? If he didn’t fight it, then one small claim, back to court and jail.
When/if that comes, Trump will just have to NOT be physically present within Marchan’s jurisdiction. He won’t have he authority to have him arrested outside his turf.
If Trump wins the presidency (pray to God he will…) I hope he comes down on Merchan, and his ilk with the Romanian gypsy vengeance. Trump is entitled to it, after all that ass hole has put him through. And Merchan deserves it simply because he is a leftist ass hole that should never again be allowed to be a part of our legal system.
Be ready for more than one.
One of which could be enticing/entraping Trump supporters into a “plot” to do something – preferably something “racist”.
If Wray’s FBI (or other group Brennan is running) is unable to pull off entrapping MAGA supporters, they’ll bus in some stand-ins and manufacture one.
They mailed fake bombs to themselves in October of 2018. FBI staged the bullshit “Whitmer kidnapping plot” just in time for early voting. On Jan 6th, they fired on MAGA until they finally enraged them to walk into the Rotunda (it took ’em attacking for 30 minutes.)
If it turns out Trump is from Mars, then Walz and Emhoff are definitely from Venus.
contrary to numerous reports from the left and constant reiteration of ” innocent ” palestinians [ commonly called arabs ] of which there are none . i remember a phone call the idf made to an arab family housed in a building that the idf were going to reduce to rubble because hamas were operating from the building . the father along with his whole family refused to budge because he wanted to make the jews ” look bad ” he was happy to be a martyr and take his family with him . you cant fix stupid , you can only reduce them to ashes . they love death and you cant deal with the insane . much like the japanese kamikaze soldiers and airmen . filling them with lead is the only way to deal with the problem . talking and doing deals is a waste of time .
Hamas operate in a model hat seems similar to that of the old Brits as they fought their wars a couple centuries back. he officers (leaders) figured out what to do, then sent the foot to go do it. during our war to kick them off the continent OUR strategy was to “cut off the head of the snake”. Go for the officers they are easy to spot.. the BRIGHT red coats, the polished brass decorations, typically mounted, etc) then the foot would have no orders, and thus would do as they were told.. which then would be.. nothing.
IDF are ferreting out the Hamas leaders and offing them one by one, or when they can, in multiples. This the brains and plans are being taken out, and the hordes of minion cannon fodder won’t know what to do. I don’t know what the percentage is now, but it appears IDF have taken out a goodly portion of Hamas leadership, the brains and connexions behind the push for war. Eventually there will be too few leadership personnel to continue any meaningful war.
The fact that PBS, or (NBC, ABC, CBS) retract a fake news story doesn’t mean that the lie disappears. The initial lie is instantly spread over social media by those people wanting it to be true and that lie is never retracted, but remains in the network as the truth. There are some exceptions of course, but too much damage is done and remains to fester.
No one reads retractions. We must be careful therefore to weed out the lies for ourselves.
Why am I still paying for the PBS building and the old hag Judy Woodruff’s salary with my taxes?
Filthy old slut.
PBS(Propaganda Broadcasting Company)is no different then the rest with Fake Documeneties(Nova, Nature Etc.)and its Daily Fake News
It’s amazing! Woodruff reports as fact- without actually verifying the accuracy of her report. Coincidentally, what she reports jives with the beliefs of the reporter. How do I know this? Well, she wouldn’t have run with a story that she couldn’t independently verify .
And she calls herself a journalist! The old fashioned name would have been gossip-monger.
But this isn’t bad enough. WE are paying for her hit jobs since part of everyone’s taxes are used to prop up the Public Broadcasting Corporation.
Her political reporting shenanigans are nothing more than a televised “National Enquirer”.. And, as I pointed out, WE Trumpsters are forced to pay for her PBS hallucinatory drivel.
Ah, yes the “October Surprise.” What have the Communist Democrats have planned. They have vividly shown that NOTHING….ABSOLUTELY NOTHING is above them. Total corruption of the country’s federal investigative units are not above them, Attempted murder of a political opponent, with the connivence of a federal protective agency, Total corruption of the judiciary. at the state and federal levels.. This dastardly list can go on and on. I don’t know which is worse….the fact that the Communists have done it…or the fact that that they now openly stand there with blood on their hands and celebration on their faces. They admit it!!!!!!! They rejoice in their Stalinist criminality. Be afraid……be very afraid.
What is on their minds (mostly Obama’s) for October? Be afraid……be very afraid.
Nice photo of Judy Driftwood.