Let it be noted that the highest ranking elected Democrat official in the land is okay with the lefty mob destruction of statues. Not that is much of a surprise. While polls show public opposition to the removal of even Confederate monuments, the media, the cultural institutions, and all the opinion leaders are in on it all the way. So, Speaker Pelosi plays marginally coy. Marginally.
House Speaker Nancy Pelosi Thursday shrugged off the destruction of a Christopher Columbus statue in Baltimore, where she grew up and her father served as mayor.
“People will do what they do,” said the California Democrat.
She was responding to a question about a 14-foot, marble statue of Christopher Columbus erected in Baltimore’s Little Italy neighborhood in 1984. A mob of protesters pulled the statue down on the Fourth of July and dumped it into the Inner Harbor. Parts of the statue have been retrieved.
This is the sort of thing that Democrat officials used to say about lynchings. “People will do that they do.” And we don’t intend to oppose them. We’ll mute our support a little not to offend whatever delusional parts of our base believe we’re moderates.
Pelosi said, “It would have been a good idea” for city officials to take down the statue “from a safety standpoint” if the community does not want it, even if it is not formally decided to remove it.
“It could just be a community view,” Pelosi said. “If the community doesn’t want the statue, the statue shouldn’t be there.”
What community? No community ever got a chance to vote on this and the polls have been fairly clear about the opposition to statue demolition.
“I don’t care much about statues,” Pelosi said
Meanwhile people have been fired and arrested, and face hate crimes charges for taking down or painting over Black Lives Matter messages.
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