Speaker Pelosi’s comments are being played up as doing the bidding of Communist China. In some ways they’re actually worse than that.
“I would say to our athletes: You’re there to compete. Do not risk incurring the anger of the Chinese government because they are ruthless,” Pelosi said. “I know there is a temptation on the part of some to speak out while they are there. I respect that, but I also worry about what the Chinese government might do to their reputations and to their families.”
Pelosi continued: “So, again, participate, let us celebrate from abroad, and don’t risk thinking that there are any good intentions on the part of the People’s Republic of China’s government — because there are none.”
Keep in mind who this is coming from.
The House Speaker is next in the line of succession. If Biden and Kamala Harris were on a plane and it crashed, there would be a President Pelosi.
Now think about what Pelosi is saying here. Don’t make China angry because it’s evil, ruthless, and dangerous. And there’s nothing we can do to help you.
This is a billboard announcing America’s weakness and helplessness in the face of China from a woman who is second in the line of succession.
The Xi regime is giggling with glee at this. And the rest of the world is paying attention.
It would almost have been better if Pelosi were doing straight propaganda than to declare that we’re terrified of China.
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