When did Mike Pence morph into Mitt Romney? The formerly sane vice president has now joined the likes of Liz Cheney and Adam Kinzinger in banging the tattered Jan. 6 “insurrection” drum, trying to stoke hatred of Donald Trump and provoke legal action against him over this supposed effort to destroy “our democracy” that lacked a leader, advance planning, weapons, and everything else you might expect an attempt to overthrow the government to have.
Pence is making the media rounds promoting his new memoir, So Help Me God, which is sure to release a megaton of pious posturing and hypocrisy into the atmosphere; on Sunday, ABC’s World News Tonight released portions of an interview, showing that Pence is going all-in on echoing talking points that Leftists use with increasing frequency to silence and discredit patriots.
Pence told ABC’s David Muir that Donald Trump engaged in “reckless” rhetoric on that fateful day and he “endangered me and my family and everyone at the Capitol.” This came when Muir “referenced the former president’s tweet as violent protesters stormed the U.S. Capitol on Jan. 6, accusing Pence of not having the ‘courage to do what he should have done’ with regard to certifying President Joe Biden’s electoral victory in Congress in his capacity as president of the Senate.”
Pence told Muir: “It angered me, but I turned to my daughter, who was standing nearby, and I said, ‘It doesn’t take courage to break the law, it takes courage to uphold the law.’ The president’s words were reckless. It was clear he decided to be part of the problem. The president’s words that day at the rally endangered me and my family and everyone at the Capitol building.” This was just feeding the Jan. 6 mythology of a mob of violent, crazed MAGA protestors, stirred into a frenzy by Trump, storming the Capitol. Like the Jan. 6 Committee, Pence ignores the fact that Trump told protestors to proceed “peacefully and patriotically.”
Even worse, Pence takes Trump’s critical statement, that he lacked the “courage to do what he should have done,” as incitement to violence, endangering him and his family. This is an extremely common Leftist talking point: a patriot says something critical about a Leftist, no matter how mild, and then the Leftist claims that he or she has been inundated with death threats as a result. This is both a deflection from the fact that the Left is responsible for the overwhelming majority of the political violence in this country and an attempt to reinforce the Biden regime’s false narrative that “white supremacists” and “right-wing extremists” constitute the greatest terror threat the nation faces today.
For Pence to aid and abet the propagation of the myth that conservative speech equals violence is the height of irresponsibility. The Left’s long-term goal in propagating this myth is to silence dissent altogether, which would include silencing Mike Pence as well, unless he continues on his present trajectory and comes out as transgender or something tomorrow, publishing a new memoir called So Help Me Gaia.
If Mike Pence was in danger on Jan. 6 and there were angry protestors shouting “Hang Mike Pence,” he wasn’t in danger because Trump had tweeted that he lacked courage. Pence is also echoing discredited witness Cassidy Hutchinson’s claim that Trump said Pence “deserved” the chants, which Trump heatedly denied saying. The Jan. 6 stitch-up is an elaborate exercise in trying to fabricate an act of treason and pin it on Trump. It should be beneath Mike Pence to go along with the charade.
But of course, Pence made his choice long ago; he said on Jan. 4, 2021: “I promise you, come this Wednesday, we’ll have our day in Congress. We’ll hear the objections. We’ll hear the evidence.” Yet just two days later, without explanation, he was singing a very different tune. And now this. The establishment media is delighted and is, of course, giving Pence’s statements big play, but they’re unlikely to convince anyone who hasn’t already fallen for their Jan. 6 melodrama.
What Pence himself is getting out of all this is unclear. Maybe he thinks he can become the Romney/Cheney Republicans’ choice for president in 2024. Given how the 2022 elections went, he could conceivably play that game all the way to 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue. But it’s much more likely that he, like so many other Republicans, would just be cast to play the Washington Generals facing the Democrats’ Harlem Globetrotters.
On January 6, 2021, Benedict Penis, the ugliest of traitors, committed the most “efficient” and FATEFUL act of betrayal in the modern history, together with his main accomplice pig-faced McConennel! May they both be damned!
Don’t worry much about the rest of your earthly days, Penis, because your dirty soul is already doomed.
In a larger sense, the accomplices of the betrayal of the Constitution and own constituents were all the repooooplicans on January 6, 2021, which certified the rigged election stolen from them, and participated in the FBI provocation for imprisonment of over 700 peaceful patriots, provoked by the FBI up to murdering of an unarmed white woman by a black policemen from hell.
Keep in mind that Kevin Greeson & Rosanne Boyland were also killed.
After barriers were removed by DC police, Trump patriots were lured closer in the ellipsis. The static & peaceful crowd was then assaulted for over half an hour.
First casualty was Kevin Greeson who suffered a pellet from a “sting” bomb slamming into his eye socket. The heart attack immediately followed.
The words “peacefully and patriotically” from Trump didn’t ignite the violence; his placid supporters being attacked continually with flashbangs, sting-bombs, rubber bullets, and mace are what provoked the “riot” – as was intended.
I can understand Pence being upset with Trump’s tweet.
I can’t put up with him maintaining the bullshit lie that the Trump patriots were running wild & salivating due to that tweet.
The “rioting” i.e. walking around taking selfies, happened because they were enticed, then entrapped, then fired on by Nancy’s DC police.
Where it did get violent, it was due to Trump patriots RESPONDING to the violence inflicted on them; mainly in the tunnel. Hence, Rosanne Boyland was beaten severely by DC cops while she was unconscious and killed.
No statues & murals will be erected to her, even though unlike George Floyd, she actually DID suffer police brutality.
I’m betting that the corrupt FBI infiltrated and fomented the storming of the Capitol. Why else would the (now-ex) Speaker decline the (real) President’s offer of thousands of National Guard troops to watch the Capitol?
Did anybody besides me see the photos/videos of pre-rally activities on the OTHER SIDE OF THE BUILDING?
Right, FBI agents somehow convinced thousands of people to commit treason simultaneously right after Trump told the mob to do it. You do realize that you sound like a desperate lunatic, don’t you?
Ray Epps did his best to instigate what happened.
The DC cops assaulting the benign Trump supporters with flash bangs & tear gas did most of the instigation.
The fact that Nancy & the FBI have zero interest in the fake pipe bomber tells us they don’t want him found. (Afterall, he was part of the set-up to slander the Jan 6th patriots.)
Please, don’t even try gaslighting me on this. We all saw the videos and the photos. That was a violent, murderous, treasonous mob. The cops fought desperately until they either couldn’t hold them off any longer or succeeded in blocking their entrance. They were all heroes, especially Michael Byrd, who should get a medal for summarily executing one of the traitors.
The idea that this cast of thousands could have been incited by one little Roy Epps is, frankly, hilarious, and you make yourselves look like idiots every time you assert it. However, they could have been and WERE incited by the Orange Baboon who told them to “march” on the Capitol through giant speakers and video screens.
Seriously, give it up. You sound like someone who believes they saw a UFO kidnap Bigfoot.
Marlow, you silly b*tch, you’re lying again. Trump didn’t tell anybody to break the law or commit acts of violence, much less commit treason. Ray Epps did though, and so did John Sullivan.
“After barriers were removed by DC police, Trump patriots were lured closer in the ellipsis. The static & peaceful crowd was then assaulted for over half an hour.”
Literally every word, every letter of that is a lie. And I think you know it. God bless the Capitol Police, and especially those who executed the traitors that day.
I live here in Dallas, TX if trash like you ever wish to come over and say that to my face.
The video showed the barriers removed.
More video shows clearly a static crowd attacked after let in.
The simple fact that leftist trash conceived and spread a bald faced lie about officer Sicknick being bludgeoned to death with a fire extinguisher is also telling, but lying sacks of shit like you keep repeating it.
And what would you do if I said it to your face? Hit me? Kill me? That’s basically all you’re capable of: physical violence. You’re just another bully like the Orange Baboon you worship. It’s pathetic.
The barriers were knocked down. The crowd was not static but aggressively pushing forward. Officer Sicknick’s significant other believes he was killed by the mob and I’ll take her word for it over yours any day. God bless Michael Byrd, I’m only sorry he didn’t have an M60 on hand.
You’re the liar. You’re the bully. You’re the loser. You’re the traitor. You hate America and it hates you right back. But it doesn’t matter. America’s bored with you and your BS. Trump is about to get electorally slaughtered and it’ll be beautiful to watch.
Dude you should not stay up late smoking crack. Does not help your perception any
Of course Trump didn’t ignite the violence, but his words made it relatively easy for leftists and their Democrat allies to make it appear he did. He should have expected the scum’s trickery.
That black policeman deserves a medal for executing that white traitor. Michael Byrd is my hero.
hopefully karma finds you in the form of choking to death on your own vomit while sleeping one night soon ya filthy, subhuman, limey wanker!
If you ever encounter that piece-of-shit, take your time. God knows that I would.
Is that how you get through life, by threatening people who don’t do or think whatever you say? Sad!
Keep shrieking hate-boy. You’re done. The country is moving on and the Orange Baboon is about to get wiped out politically. People are sick of your BS.
He deserves jail time, but he won’t. Leftist pricks embrace actual police malfeasance when it suits them.
The nudist liberal who had a spat with Paul Pelosi just might get jail time, since he’s been billed as a MAGA right-winger.
He’s not, but chickenshit liars like you like are using that trist-gone-wrong episode to again slander your betters.
Nobody is ever going to trust Mike Pence again. He is responsible for not upholding the Constitution and referring the investigations back to the states on the election fraud. Our country is being manipulated by evil wicked people who lie, cheat, and steal to gain power. January 6 was a setup to distract from the fraudulent election, Ray Epps was leading people in the wrong direction, and the CAPITOL POLICE allowed people to come into the building, we all know what we saw on video, and President Trump never encouraged anything that was unlawful or violent. The left doesn’t want you to believe your own eyes!
When did Mike Pence morph into Mitt Romney?
He was always Mitt Romney. Boring unispiring, milquetoast, back stabber….in other words, a typical RINO.
Pence’s ego got in the way, he wanted the Presidency for himself, and always lived in Donald Trump’s shadow. Pence could never have inspired the American people by himself…Trump is the man, and his policies are GOOD FOR AMERICA. All these globalists want to tear down the United States and make us part of the New World Order where there is NO ORDER.
MATTHEW 7:15. “Watch out for false prophets. They come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly they are ferocious wolves.”
One thing I have learned watching politics over my life is that career politicians like Pence will say anything at any time to benefit their lust for power.
Mike Pence sits on a fence
A fence is where sits Mike Pence
The winds blows across this fence
As the wind goes so goes Mike Pence
A limerick about a limp dick !
Please, just go away.
At BEST, Pence IS a rino. I can think of MANY other monikers to label him but you can label him with your OWN WORDS !!!
Another politician on my Sh** List.
I would not vote for Mike F-ing Pence for dog catcher. His “Christian” conscience is bothering him? If it were, he’d be doing something more positive and supporting of our real President.
“This was just feeding the Jan. 6 mythology of a mob of violent, crazed MAGA protestors, stirred into a frenzy by Trump, storming the Capitol”
Um, it’s not mythology if it actually happened, which it did. In fact, it couldn’t have been described better, except it omitted the term “treason monkeys.”
The only people killing were Nancy Pelosi’s Capitol Police.
The only people opening doors to admit protestors were Capitol Police or FBI or Democrat goons.
If you weren’t hiding the truth, you stooges would welcome a real, non partisan investigation and call Roy Epps to testify to his perfidy.
You would also welcome election audits to show what honest
leftists you are. All you ever want is to mock and slander, hide
and shut people down. Democrats have never been honest in
almost 200 years or killing, enslaving, and war mongering.
Clean up your inner city slums and stop murdering infants.
You’re a liar. And you seem to think we’re all idiots. We’ve SEEN what happened. We saw the mob break down the barriers, smash through windows and doors, attack the police, and call for the murder of legislators and the vice-president. If you think you can convince us to trust you and not our own lyin’ eyes, you’re even dumber than you sound.
Nobody here feels empathy or compassion for Mike Pence, the former Vice President you all voted for? A crowd of violent extremists were loudly calling for his death. You are not troubled by this?
How is Cassidy Hutchinson a “discredited” witness? What discredited her, other than the fact you don’t like her testimony?
Mike Pence could not have decertified the election, as his legal council told him. But even if he could have, there was a crowd calling for his lynching.
You people are unbelievable.
There were indeed a few, very few, calling for it. The other 99% were too busy taking selfies with cops, to bother.
His life was never in danger. Trump supporters, however, were attacked by DC cops and encouraged by FBI plants like Ray Epps. Both had the effect of getting a formerly docile crowd in the Rotunda.
I’m sure you noticed that neither Pelosi, nor the FBI have any interest in finding Ray Epps (removed from the wanted list), or the fake pipe bomber (video of the money-shot angle withheld.)
Don’t bother, my friend. They’re way way gone.
The left and the rhinos makes their own rules and shoves the Constitution under the rug. They make themselves the law, and they all set at one table and tell lies. They are despicable with no moral conscience or integrity.
Pence had his moment in life which required moral character and moral courage. He FAILED miserably.
NOW he is trying to justify his actions and legacy. It is already done – loser.
He lost me when he defended the the FBI’s unending bullshit fascism.
Pence may live out his shame only if he repents and recedes to solitary life.
I have always thought Pence was a creep. Dead eyes and a fake smile. He reminds me of a funeral home director.
Good career choice for Democrat/RINO losers and self-righteous posers.
His book tour is all about Me, Me, Me, See How Goody Goody I am.
Wants to be a leader that only thinks about himself
Pence and those Fox and Friends on Fox this morning who slobbered all over his lies and treason to our Nation have lost all credibility! The weekend Fox and Friends
are much more informative and much more respected!
How Pence can give that plastered fake
smile is beyond me! He has no conscience! He reminds me of a Malignant Narcissistic Jezebel. All he cares about is himself! He has treason written all over his fake face! He is a disgrace to America! Anyone that gives him any time to listen to his lies their character is no different!
Please run for president, Mr. Two Pence.
Pride goes before a fall and you are sick with smarmy self-righteous pride.
President Trump took you from obscure mediocrity and gave you a chance to help the American Taxpayers.
You blew it, Judas, and you’ll never get another chance.
Nobody is ever going to trust Mike Pence again. He is responsible for not upholding the Constitution and referring the investigations back to the states on the election fraud. Our country is being manipulated by evil wicked people who lie, cheat, and steal to gain power. January 6 was a setup to distract from the fraudulent election, Ray Epps was leading people in the wrong direction, and the CAPITOL POLICE allowed people to come into the building, we all know what we saw on video, and President Trump never encouraged anything that was unlawful or violent. The left doesn’t want you to believe your own eyes!
Q. What did the waiter say to the liberal? A. Would you like to see our Whine List?
Very sad indeed – once a respected political figure, now a shameful demagogue who seems to care only about saving his own tarnished image (in spite of HIS OWN gross error of conduct in 2020) rather than sticking to his once-high ideals and values.
If Pence is so righteous a person, he should repent, admit his error (at least to himself), accept the self-induced fallout, and stop slandering Trump an d 75 million voters who were cheated of their democratic rights to a free and fair election.
People see him as a weak turncoat – like former AG Barr. He should put being a good person first, before his presidential ambitions.
What does a Whino and a RINO have in common?
THey are both drunk on their own egos