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America’s enemies are more emboldened than they have been since World War II. With Old Joe Biden and his henchmen at the helm, the nation is blundering toward an international crisis, or more than one, and couldn’t be less prepared for that eventuality. As the U.S. military has gone increasingly woke, recruitment has dropped to catastrophic levels and shows no signs of recovering.
But there is no cause to be alarmed: the Pentagon has a new plan that is sure to boost recruitment: it’s planning to feed troops fake meat cooked up in a lab — you know, to save the planet. Watch America’s best and brightest flock to join the ranks now!
The Washington Free Beacon broke the news of the plot to feed those who will give their lives to protect us Frankenstein meat on Thursday. It reported that “a Pentagon-funded company is seeking proposals to feed America’s soldiers lab-grown meat in a bid to ‘reduce the CO2 footprint’ at Defense Department outposts.” Lab-grown meat. What could be more appetizing?
The Biden regime couldn’t have concocted a more effective plan if its goal was actually to prevent young men and women from joining the military. The Frankenstein meat scheme comes after the regime’s military has been busy purging the ranks of patriots, pushing Critical Race Theory, and hosting drag shows. And then Pentagon brass wonders why recruitment is down. Talk about not reading the room: isn’t there anyone still left in the military leadership who realizes that it’s young patriots who join the ranks and that all this woke propaganda acts as patriot repellant?
And now the military is compounding all that by giving recruits the prospect of finishing off a day filled with lessons about how America is an evil, racist, imperialist, colonialist, capitalist running dog with a hearty meal of toxic chemicals arranged into something that is supposed to resemble a steak. What could be more appealing? It’s a wonder that the various branches of the Woke Forces aren’t being overwhelmed with recruits.
Despite the fact that this fake meat is almost certain only to make a bad situation worse, Pentagon brass are all-in on the project and are busy forking over your money and mine to pay for Dr. Frankenstein’s culinary adventures: “BioMADE, a public-private company that has received more than $500 million in funding from the Defense Department, announced earlier this month that it is seeking proposals to develop ‘innovations in food production that reduce the CO2 footprint of food production at … DoD operational environments,’ according to an online announcement.”
What they’re doing is working with “novel cell culture methods suitable for the production of cultivated meat/protein,” that is, “lab-grown meat, a product that is still in its experimental phases. This type of meat is grown in a lab from animal cells with the aid of other chemicals.” Hungry yet?
BioMADE, “which earlier this year received a $450 million infusion of taxpayer cash—maintains that lab-grown food products will reduce the Pentagon’s carbon footprint, a priority for the American military as it pursues a Biden administration-mandate to address climate change and other cultural issues that critics describe as ‘woke.’” That’s terrific: throw hundreds of millions of taxpayer dollars at a nonexistent problem, and feed the military disgusting lab-manufactured swill instead of real food.
Once again, the Biden regime’s insane policies invite the question: if the regime really was made up of traitors who wanted to subvert and destroy the United States, what would they be doing differently from what they’re doing already? Is there no one left among the Pentagon brass with the insight to see and the courage to enunciate the fact that the military is asking young people to be willing to make the ultimate sacrifice for their country and that maybe an effective recruitment plan would be to appeal to their patriotism and the greatness of the country?
The answer appears to be no. And so the Pentagon is looking at further depletion of the ranks, even as Russia, China, and Iran grow more emboldened by the day, and those hapless troops who are still part of this fiasco aren’t even going to be given actual food. The real tragedy of all this, however, will not play out until the nation faces an actual military confrontation. That day, unfortunately, is coming.
It’s a known fact that an army marches on its belly. I bet the pentagon brass, that are feeding tha soldiers this-there are no words in my vocabulary-dine off rib roast and sirloun steak. Army food was always a joke, but at least it was food. Soldiers need to be healthy, and this kind of stuff is very UNHEALTHY.
Bring back the MRE’s or the C-Rations and Ban all Lab Meat period and make all Lab Meat illegal and shut down those labs where its made and screw Bill Gates have him brought up on charges of Mass Poisoning the American People
This rubbish should be cauterized early before the rich elite really get their financial teeth into it and really forcing this upon us. As, IMO, it is one step off Soylent Green which could happen when they run out of primary source materials after force training us to eat the garbage.(In WW2 soviet muslim troops ate SPAM or starved)
This “food” is the nutrition version of the vaxxines and you can be certain that those who eat it will suffer from “strange” medical problems. The morons who invent such trash as this and the vaxxines are fools to think that nature can be so easily imitated.
I see this as another version of Big Pharma, fake emergencies and forced “treatment”
I also see it as the ultimate aim of the elite behind the destruction of farming…I wonder if Kellogs and other mega “food” corporations are involved in similar projects.
I also wonder if we are seeing the early results of the destruction of the meritocracy in the quality and ethics of those self-proclaimed “scientists’ making this rubbish. All IMHO
I hadn’t thought of SOYLENT GREEN. Thanks for reminding me.
Frankenmeat. It’s what’s for dinner.
Who is running the US military? Bill Gates? Follow the money…Whoever is in charge of it must have found a way to make money off of this. Either they own stock in frankenmeat companies or they’re getting nice bribes from people like Bill Gates.
They MUST fight back on this! They cannot be eating that poison!
You called it Robert, “Biden regime’s insane policies”, he’s not just having brain farts left and right, he’s showing insane tendencies that harm America. As far as the Pentagon brass goes, don’t they realize if our enemies start to encroach on the US, the “Brass” will be the first targeted? That’s just conflict 101, take out the leaders.
Of course they are. They need to get that mRNA crap into the troops one way or the other. If they’re prevented from forcing vaccines, they have no choice. Make our troops just about worthless on the battlefield, so the “World” can have their way with them. Cannonfodder. PROOF? We cannot now defeat a bunch of raghead HOOTIES who dominate the Red Sea and commit piracy, and… what? Attack our Aircraft Carriers with impunity, AND THEY’RE STILL BREATHING OXYGEN??? God help us! We are IDIOTS! Can’t wipe out a bunch of hooties! Jefferson, if he had our weapons, would have taken them out in about 12 seconds.
Soylent Green is just around the corner.
There are no long term studies as to what effect this approach to creating artificial food will have on the human bodies. A lot of chemicals will be added as well. Just like the Covid19’s vaccine was not tested properly has resulted in increase cancers, death, health problems for ten of thousands of people in America and other countries. The FDA does not always act in the best interest of the citizens in America.
So be careful. There are many articles by scientists and doctors regarding the Covid19 vaccine on this website:
Bill Gates is involved in pushing artificial food for your information.
Lab-grown tumors is not something people should be eating. Also, I really doubt they produce less CO2 than actual meat.
A billion dollars already spent and they haven’t even figured out how to produce this stuff?
What’s next for our brave military……Soilent Green? At least it has “green” in its name and should just be fine with all the woke military that Obama and Biden put in to replace the true patriots.
The damage that has been done to the USA in the last 60 years has been bad, in the last 40 years, unbelievably bad, Since Obama it has been catastrophic.
My father in law who was a citizen of the UK and lived in Irland at the time asked me “why do US citizens need the 2nd amendment when they have the police” My answer was the 2nd amendment was put in place, not for self protection of citizens so much as it was for giving citizens of the US protection from an out of control government. The look on his face was one of astonishment and realization that THAT answer made sence to him.
I prey that in my lifetime I never see the need for citizens of the US to take back their government by force. I am afraid that time may be approching. Of the People, By the People, For the People. It is right there in black and white in the Declaration!
Lab grown meat is just cancer.
The woke mad scientists want to get rid of cows. I’ve read about how cow/cattle flatulence can contribute greatly to CO2 levels. It’s New World Order nonsense.
The Dutch government is forcing farmers to cull their herds. These beleaguered peasants have been protesting against their government’s cruelty and control. It’s truly awful, absolutely terrible what’s been happening there. Now, our government wants to do the same thing to us as well. I wonder what animal will be next on their dreadful list.