The diversity, equity, and inclusion chief for the Defense Department’s schools is in hot water over what are being termed “racially disparaging” remarks, but Kelisa Wing is no Bull Connor. Wing, who actually describes herself as a “woke administrator,” has indulged in today’s most culturally acceptable form of racism: hatred of white people. She has belatedly drawn the attention of lawmakers for remarks she made back in 2020 and 2021 and is fighting back with an interview published Friday in Military Times. Her defense? She made her hate-filled and racist remarks as a private citizen, not as an employee of the Department of Defense. There, now, don’t you feel better?
Wing said flatly: “No, I did not make disparaging comments against white people. I would never categorize an entire group of people to disparage them.” Really? Let’s see. According to a Sept. 2022 Fox News report, Wing, who has since deleted her rancid Twitter feed, tweeted in June 2020: “I’m so exhausted at these white folx in these PD [professional development] sessions this lady actually had the CAUdacity to say that black people can be racist too … I had to stop the session and give Karen the BUSINESS … we are not the majority, we don’t have power.”
Wing was misusing the Left’s insane lexicon here, for “folx,” as Merriam-Webster, which is now as woke as everyone else, tells us is a spelling that is “used especially to explicitly signal the inclusion of groups commonly marginalized.” So the exhausting white people in Wing’s meetings couldn’t have been “folx,” but Wing had more than enough racist anti-white tweets to maintain her woke bona fides.
Wing frequently expressed exasperation with how insolently white people dared to behave in her presence. “If another Karen tells me about her feelings,” she exclaimed in one tweet, “I might lose it.” When a critic took issue with Wing’s claim that “racism is ingrained in the very fabric of our country,” the diversity, equity, and inclusion chief’s response was succinct: “Bye Karen.”
Now, however, Wing has tried to explain all this away by insisting that she was not speaking in her official capacity: “I’m speaking now as a private individual, about my private free speech from July of 2020.” She also attempted to justify her remarks by claiming privileged victimhood status:
I was in a space where I was the only person of color. The purpose of that was people wanting to reconcile what was happening at the present time. In the middle of that session, someone just called out, “Well, Black people are racist, too.” It didn’t have any context to what we were talking about, and I started to explain to her that yes, everybody can be racist. But we’re talking about systemic racism and how that impacts people and their ability for housing, their ability for a lot of things. That’s something that I thought we were there to discuss….I can’t advocate for equity and access and opportunity and then not be willing to advocate for myself when an injustice is happening for myself. I have to stand up at some point, and this is the right time.
Well, great. But she is supposed to be the “diversity, equity, and inclusion” supervisor for the Department of Defense Education Activity (DoDEA), which, according to Fox, “provides K-12 education to the DoD community in the U.S. and all over the world.” How will Wing avoid bringing her own racism into her work?
With just that concern, according to Military Times, “20 Republican lawmakers, including members of the House Armed Services Committee, wrote to Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin, demanding to know whether DoD officials were aware of Wing’s tweets before they placed her in her current position. Lawmakers also asked Austin whether DoDEA endorses ‘the ideology’ in those tweets and whether it’s been incorporated into the curriculum proposed by DoDEA.” These are important questions. Yet the lawmakers sent Austin two letters about this in January and have received no response. The ostensibly marginalized and oppressed, you see, don’t think they have any obligation to address the concerns of their putative oppressors.
In reality, of course, Austin and Wing are cosseted elitists, not oppressed at all. Austin apparently doesn’t deign to answer questions from those who have no power to cause him any professional difficulty. And if they get too close, he, like Wing, can just cry “racism.” Works like a charm.
Look what they do to whites when they are in the majority. South Africa, Rhodesia, etc., etc.
Look what they do to whites in America. MLK wanted his children to be judged on the content of their character and not on the color of their skin. I think if his standard were used today he’d weep for the black race.
The idea of judging by content of character is an exclusively western idea. Westernkind are the only people who do that. We tend to see ourselves as human beings first, without regard to skin color or any other physical trait.
From slavery’s inception in the U.S., westernkind abolitionists labored to destroy it. Now the shoe is on the other foot. Where are the westernkind “people of color” laboring to defend us? Why are there so few? Where are their voices?
These questions raise deeply disturbing conjectures. Is race more important to the identity of the overwhelming majority of people of color than any other factor? I think it is, and it is coupled with hatred and envy of white people. Perhaps Lincoln was right when he spoke of the mutual injury of blacks and whites living together.
Don’t forget Zimbabwe.
The incompetent & retarded tyrant Mugabe killed & ran off all white farmers. His mistake was that the blacks that he used to fill the void didn’t know how to farm.
Whoops! (Famine followed.)
Mugabe & that idiot Bloomberg have much in common (Bloomberg dismissed farming as an unskilled profession; laughably describing it as “you dig a hole, drop a seed, put some water, and up comes the corn”.)
Farming is much more than that.
Look what they do here in America! twelve percent of the population, only six percent when you consider it’s mainly the males, used to commit fifty three percent of all crime, particularly violent crime! After the “Summer of love” Black Lies Murder (BLM) crime spree of 2020, the figure is doubtlessly much higher.
What have blacks ever contributed to civilization? What are their accomplishments? Infrastructure, arts or science?
Kelisa Wing is a resentful piece of shit who hates the people who give her life. I tried to giver her a piece of my mind on Farcebook but because I’m not her “friend” and never would be, I couldn’t.
Fuck you up your ass with a bag of white dicks, Kelisa Wing. And you know you would enjoy it.
So, how do you really feel?
Angry? I hate anti white racists.
Cheer up. With half of Latin America coming here, blacks will REALLY be a minority soon.
The whole doctrine she espouses is beyond ridiculous, but the “black people cant be racist because they aren’t in the majority” isn’t even rational
Hatred and racism know no monopoly’s
To use a “method”, I can say blax have be very, very racist, from experience.
The most racist of all, although I like the chicks.
Racism is absolutely FOUNDATIONAL to the democrat party. They foment it in everything they espouse.
Hatred is colour/sex/ religion
Is this the same Biden official that said that blacks are mentally, physically and spiritually superior?
No. That was Kristen Clark, now the head of DOJ’s Office of Civil Rights. She has a history of being a black supremacist and anti-Semite so, for the Biden maladministration, a perfect fit.
Happy Black History month everyone!
” Wing, who actually describes herself as a “woke administrator,” has indulged in today’s most culturally acceptable form of racism: hatred of white people.”
These people are of immensely limited intelligence and seem to be thriving (and multiplying) as the U.S. continues to shoot craps.
C’mon folks. She’s the perfect appointee for the Biden admin. Obsessed with race, DEI, pronouns and wokeism. What is more important than not winning wars that are coming. What could possibly go wrong?
What already HAS gone wrong in terms of our military and foreign policy? Plenty!
They most likely placed her in her POSITION DUE to her RACIST REMARKS!! She showed “initiative”!!! Don’t you FOLX get it yet??
FARK her and all the rest of those woke azzholes. I served 6 years in our nations military and during that time racism was not even an afterthought. Regardless of color or ethnic background we bonded , trusted and covered each other’s back and consider each other true brothers.
Thankyou for your service.
Those were the days! And we could laugh together without fear of offense, even if we laughed at ourselves and each other.
The Moon got in her eyes she was tripped by a Sparrow a Mouse borrowed a cup of sugar
In Larry Elder’s “The 10 Things You Can’t Say in America,” #1 is black people are more racist than white people.
The absurd assertion that black people have no power evidences the failure of out government-dominated education system to improve students’ ability to think critically.
When my black teammates were taking turns smacking me for the crime of being the only white player on a basketball team besides the coach’s brother, I kind of thought they had plenty of power. Maybe I was experiencing my white privilege!
When my younger brother was brutally beaten for the crime of being a white kid in a public park at the wrong time of day, it never occurred to me that black people had no power. Silly me!
Meanwhile, back at Camp Hatred, located in Wokeville in the state of Progressivism, the increased crime disproportionately visited on law-abiding black people by the type of thugs ignorant people turn into martyrs—See “Michael Brown”–will be tellingly avoided by those laying bogus claim to the higher moral ground.
Back in 2007 I went back to school to finish my degree. Because I worked full time in LE I had an unpredictable schedule at times, and decided an online school would suffice. Bear in mind this was 2008.
I had to take a mandatory diversity course as part of the University’s program requirements. In it I first read the dangerous (to anyone with a sense of history and human nature) concept that only the majority culture produces racism, and the minority can never be racist because it “doesn’t have power”. I thought that was ludicrous and said so in a class wide online debate, which we’d have once a week.
It turned out I was the only one pointing out how dangerous….if not racist itself….it was to teach that concept. I explained how it will ultimately lead to greater racial division, disparate legal systems, and destroy all the progress made towards racial harmony.
I was excoriated, though no doubt fared better than I would today if in a similar discussion. In the end, even after jumping through the flaming hoops of the course requirements, I ended up with a ” D” in the class…the only grade I had lower than a “B”. I am actually proud of it because by the end of the class anyone else who had any questions at all about this curious dogma was sold on it.
You do have the right to just say no.
I will not comply!
The cowardice we ALL continue to engage in.
That woman has no humanity.
I’ll have them N*******S voting Democrat for the next 200 Years Lyndon B. Johnson a Democrat and another Democrat President Woodrow Wilson watched a a private screening of Birth of a Nation and the KKK was founded by a Democrat
I always laugh when I hear some wee black American ”female” screaming and demanding about being treated equally and then screams even louder when she is actually treated equally.
She should be asked to what invention, creations or discovery that she uses in her daily life were invented, created or discovered by those awful white people she seem to hate and how many of these things were made by the black folks she obviously loves.
Would she get so far in her career if she was born and living in some wonderful African Paradise.
In San Francisco today there is a Buddhist Meditation Group for POC ONLY but don’t you dare call those POC people as colored, just because they fear sitting on the floor with their eyes closed when so many white people sit close by, so I guess they really must be shit scared when they stand up, open their eyes and walk outside.
Blacks in the USA need to learn that success is the best revenge just as the Jews and the Irish did decades ago.
I have no time for those that cannot face the truth… ALL Races of people can be racist and I have lived all over the World and heard such racist words from all of them… White folks are just a bit more up front about it.
Another diversity hire. One has to wonder whether there is sufficient reflection to resent that.
It’s not often that we come across content that really resonates with us, but this one is a standout. From the writing to the visuals, everything is simply wonderful.