Even the most reputable organization is just one millennial social justice employee pushing clickbait garbage away from humiliating itself.
Take this Pew post, “Immigrant share in U.S. nears record high but remains below that of many other countries”.
Even though the U.S. has more immigrants than any other country, the foreign-born share of its population is far from the highest in the world. In 2017, 25 countries and territories had higher shares of foreign-born people than the U.S., according to United Nations data.
The UN data however is for migrants, not immigrants.
Huge difference.
Immigrants are people who are allowed to live there. Migrants are just non-citizens living in a country for various reasons. And so the Pew list is headed by…
“In 2017, large majorities of populations in some Persian Gulf nations, such as the United Arab Emirates (88%) and Kuwait (76%), were born in other countries. (Most foreign-born persons living in Persian Gulf nations are labor migrants and live in the region temporarily.)”
The technical term is “slave labor with no civil rights”.
Is this what Pew wants us to aspire to?
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