This is the Left’s war on America made real. Here’s the casualty list of police officers from Philadelphia.
Philadelphia police reported Saturday night that an officer had been run over by an unidentified vehicle while attempting to stop looting in the city.
A tweet from the department’s account stated that the bicycle officer, who was not named, suffered a broken arm and other minor injuries before being taken to the hospital.
“9th Dist. Bike Officer was attempting to stop individuals in a vehicle who were involved in looting a business in the area of 7th and Chestnut. The individual ran over the officer while escaping,” police tweeted.
Other tweets sent by the department indicated that 13 officers were injured in protests Saturday evening, including four with injuries to extremities and seven with “chemical burns to face.”
Just more of those mostly peaceful protests. How many of those looters and rioters will be bailed out by celebrities?
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