Philadelphians, even the crusty sort who inhabit the city’s boozy nightlife circuit, know what to do when they see a squad of black teenagers headed their way: they exit stage left, or take the nearest street away from the advancing squad, because not to do so may result in injury or death.
Some might call this the epitome of racial profiling, but it’s what smart Philadelphians have learned to do.
Sadly, things have gotten this bad in downtown Philadelphia, although you wouldn’t know it if you were to concentrate only on the city’s cultural nightlife, meaning the coming and going of people into theaters, concerts, or even lectures at the historic American Philosophical Society. Life inside these cultural snow globes is champagne-fine until one steps out into the real city to wait for a bus or head to the subway for the trek home. It’s then that one must be on guard against ‘fateful encounters’ such as the one that happened to a 34-year-old woman walking near City Hall in broad daylight on February 23.
This area near City Hall is a busy hub for shoppers, hawker vendors, lawyers, municipal workers and drifting homeless. It’s an area that is so congested there’s a feeling of safety in numbers, the last place you’d expect a 34-year-old woman to be knocked down by (as 6ABC reported), “a group of people” who beat her until she was unconscious.
The “group of people” in question proved not to be Kiwanis Club members, or even Philadelphia Flower Show attendees, but 8 black male and female youths, some of whom were on bikes and looked as young as 11 years old.
The Gateway Pundit published parts of an interview that the victim’s father, Dr. William Corse, gave to WTFX: “The victim, a 34-year-old woman who lives nearby, was on her way to a hair appointment when she was jumped by a group of eight young people.”
Dr. Corse also told FOX 29 that, “Someone tapped her on the shoulder, she turned around, and they smacked her on the head, she went down and her head was stomped on.”
FOX 29 continued: “Police say the group continued to punch and stomp on the victim until she became unconscious, then left her injured on the sidewalk. Dr. Corse, a longtime Chester County doctor, said his daughter suffered a broken orbital bone, widespread bruising, and required stitches.”
Earlier in February, four very young black teens were caught on video beating a 30-year-old woman, attacking her from behind and then stealing her handbag. The victim suffered injuries to her face. The video of that incident, uploaded by Philly Voice, has since been removed, although it was not stated why the video was removed unless someone—Philly Voice or YouTube censors—deemed it potentially dangerous (in terms of racial profiling) because the victim was white and the assailants black.
It is not hard to imagine a super-woke bureaucrat making the decision to remove the video in light of the fact that since there have been numerous attacks by black teens in the city, a visual reminder of the attack borders on the incendiary and “racist.”
Complicating the scenario is the way in which many stories like this are reported. Often local news outlets in Philadelphia do not specify the race of the victim when the (alleged) attackers are black. The race of the victim is only brought to light if these same news outlets happen to interview one of the victim’s family members.
This is what happened in the City Hall attack, where the race of the victim went unmentioned until the victim’s father was interviewed — after the assailants were caught.
Another Philadelphia local news custom is to identify the victim of these attacks as a “person” rather than spell out their sex. The reason for this is unclear unless it has something to do with the latest ‘do’s and don’ts’ in the world of gender ideology.
The largest teen attack in 2022 occurred in February when a group of 150 black teens disrupted Center City businesses, forcing stores to close early.
On March 7, 2023, a group of 15-to-20 black juveniles ransacked a Center City business at 10th and Chestnut Street, attacking an employee while destroying merchandise and stealing hookahs.
Group attacks by young black teens began to surface in 2010, when two city juveniles (pre-teens) assaulted a black woman as she walked through a playground. The pre-teens at that time were playing a game, “Catch and Wreck,” in which girls and boys randomly terrorize people.
Several years ago a flash mob flooded a major Market-Frankford El station in Center City and wound up chasing a white employee of a nearby Dunkin Donuts, causing him to have a fatal heart attack.
One year later in 2011, Metro Philadelphia reported that “Two Teens Suspected in Independence Mall Swarm Attack Surrender.” The attackers in this case were 8th and 9th graders.
In 2011, The New York Times reported that “Flash Mobs Take Violent Turn in Philadelphia.”
The Times reminded readers that Flash Mobs began as an act of performance art before metamorphosing into violent attack squads. Residents of South Street were quoted as saying that they were concerned about the rising numbers of unsupervised children there.
Traditionally, South Street was never an area that attracted minority youth, or even young white teens, but had its roots in the 1960s counterculture: head shops, bistro-style restaurants, art film cinemas, and New Age crystal shops and bookstores filled the area, a far cry from what the street has become today: a magnet for thug subculture denizens.
Recent data from the 6ABC Safety Tracker indicates that assaults have been on the rise in the area near the City Hall attack. In the last 12 months alone, there have been more than 200 attacks, all of them not necessarily from underage teens.
The question is: why are children—black children—coming together in swarms to attack and rob pedestrians, and trash downtown businesses?
Conservative critics point to the high numbers of fatherless/single mother children in black urban communities as proof that liberal policies have never really served black families. Progressives like Barack Obama even agree that absent black fathers continue to be the number one problem in Black America.
“Since the 1960s, liberals have turned us [Black America] into a culture of baby mamas,” black conservative Candace Owens is on record as saying. Before the 1960s, when poverty and racism were by all accounts far worse, the black family was considerably more stable.
Much of the blame can be attributed to a welfare system that offers money to [black] families as long as a man [husband] does not live there. This Faustian bargain is the main reason behind the current statistic that over 75% of black people grew up in one-parent households.
Owens adds: “It was an incentive to be a single mother. It dismissed the role of the black man.”
Ironically, in 1985, a Times piece entitled, “Restoring the Traditional Black Family,” blamed the destruction of the black family on “Self perpetuating culture of the ghetto,” and on the disastrous long-term results of slavery in terms of its links “to modern discrimination and its continuing effects.”
In other words, the trauma of slavery worked its way through the collective DNA of black people, causing fathers to leave families and mothers to have as many babies with other men as possible.
But government cannot become a stand-in parent or a fill-in second spouse.
This idea was easily condemned by one of Philadelphia’s best mayors, Democrat Michael Nutter, a black man, when he scolded liberal social critics for suggesting that race (descending from slaves, etc.) cuts in city services programs and after-school programs were responsible for the rise in black youth group violence.
“I don’t think people should be finding excuses for inappropriate behavior,” Nutter said in 2010. “There is no racial component to stupid behavior, and parents should not be looking to the government to provide entertainment for their children.”
Lethal says
not much different to Australia where black kids run riot and commit crimes because of a lack of parental care and then blame it on historical inequality.
JamesHalifax says
shoot them. Bullets aren’t racists.
Algorithmic Analyst says
Teenagers copy their behavior from their peers and get into lots of trouble.
Miranda Rose Smith says
It’s a horrible thougjt, but I sometimes wonder if the breakdown of the Black family, through the welfare system, was done deliberately, if the KKK, which was founded by Democrats, got tired of lynching indivifual Blacks and said “Just give thrm miles and miles and miles of rope, and let them hang each other.”
All too often, Big Brother Knows What’s Best For You butting in to how an ethnic group live their lives has led to a horrendous increase in drug and alcohol abuse, family violence, anf crime.
Kynarion Hellenis says
1) Welfare WAS instituted deliberately with mixed motives. LBJ is quoted as hoping it would solidify the black vote for democrats. Socialists loved it as the beginning of making huge swaths of people dependent upon government largesse.
2) Big Brother cannot know what is best for any individual or family. Further, his powers were constitutionally limited specifically to keep him from meddling in our individual and familial spheres except to preserve our lives, liberty and property.
3) Welfare does not cause drug and alcohol abuse in any race. Big Brother has done nothing to blacks but make them and every one else eligible for a meager subsistence on the labors of others. This fact does not make blacks victims. Blacks are not children. They make good and bad choices like everyone else and should be required to suffer or prosper accordingly.
Unfortunately, black dependence is endemic. They can best be helped now by eliminating welfare and restoring protestant Christian principles in government, policing and the black family. Blacks have done well in the past and they can do well again. Blacks have strong intra-tribe loyalty and feeling that could make familial and community charity very powerful and restorative.
God bless them and restore them. And God protect us from them.
Miranda Rose Smith says
There are Blacks, and women, who stereotype themselves, in order to shirk responsibility. There are women who play dumb broad. There are Blacks who, told, for example, by a bank official, that they have an overdraft, will start to play plantation houseboy, trying to get the bank official to play ole massa and do their thinking and assume their responsibilities for them. It sets one’s teeth on edge to watch such a performance.
Miranda Rose Smith says
If SLAVERY is responsible for Black children growing up in fatherless homes, how come that reaction took a hundred years to show up? Male slaves, once they had been freed, after the Civil War, did all they could to track down the families that had beem sold away from them.
Kynarion Hellenis says
Exactly right and a question based in ruthless logic. Keep at it.
Miranda Rose Smith says
Glad you like it. Thanks
Anne-Marie says
Slavery is just a pathetic excuse to avoid taking responsibility for one’s behaviour..
Miranda Rose Smith says
The very word “slave” comes from “Slav” and you don”t see the Slavs with a high crime rate or a high illegitimacy rate
Lightbringer says
Nearly every group has been enslaved at some point in its history and yet you don’t see them whining about it now.
roberta says
Only short term solution is to buy a gun and use it if necessary.
This is what we get for housing, feeding, clothing generations of people.
They have no understanding or respect for what it takes to build a business and or go to work to earn a real living.
Being of no value themselves, they have no respect for others.
If their own fathers wont even stick around to raise them, then they know they are of no value.
I agree with them 100%. No value.
Kynarion Hellenis says
It is BECAUSE they have value that we should stop affirmative action and welfare.
It is because WE have value that we should buy a gun.
Intrepid says
I read the John Leake article. So on point.
The paragraph that really jumped out was:
“The fact that stupid people are often stubborn should not hide the fact that they are not independent. When talking to him, one feels that one is not dealing with him personally, but with catchphrases, slogans, etc. that have taken possession of him. He is under a spell; he is blinded; he is abused in his own being.”
Possession is a dangerous thing. THX seems like an automaton at times, mindlessly cutting and pasting from a database that he has compiled. Rand has indeed possessed him because he doesn’t think for himself, which he why he never really engages beyond his catchphrases.
Personally I will keep bugging him because it really doesn’t take that much time, and he rarely answers me anyway. What a pathetic life he must lead.
I’m glad you finally stopped dealing with him. Nothing anyone says really gets through to him anyway.
Good luck with the lemon cakes.
I do not like the latest constricting FPM comment format.
Kynarion Hellenis says
About the new commenting format, I like it. It is more constricted and heavily moderated, but I do not mind. It seems to encourage more involvement from Daniel Greenfield – an enormous plus. His ability to assemble and then congeal important related information is nothing short of astounding. Other authors sometimes weigh in, too. It is encouraging to me.
About the lemon cake, I think I was seeking an artificial lemon flavor without being aware of it. I wanted to reproduce the lemony tang of mix lemon cake without the artificial ingredients. Some of my cakes WERE good, just not the tangy zing I wanted.
When the weather is hot again, I will conquer the problem. I will seek a very lemony cake that is moist and delicious. I abandon the impossible tangy zing of a mix lemon cake. I will keep you posted!
Intrepid says
I would like to see a blocking function and an algorithm that allows for longer posts and/or one word posts.
Good luck with the cake. Take care.
Intrepid says
We have been talking about fatherless black homes for decades.
Jesse Lee Peterson is an American conservative radio host, pastor, and broadcaster. He is the founder of Brotherhood Organization of a New Destiny, a Christian ministry, and hosts the programs. I met him when I lived in LA. His main complaint was that of angry black women as one of the main problems with the black family. I agree with him.
Given that so many black women are angry what guy would want to remain in that home. One need not go to the ghetto to see it. We can now see it in the halls of congress. Cori Bush. Maxine Waters, Sheila Jackson Lee, Karen Bass, Shontel Brown and a host of others. What a sht show
Intrepid says
Jesse Lee Peterson is also black. I forgot to say that
Miranda Rose Smith says
I guessed as much.
Intrepid says
I had to be clear on that. I didn’t want to get into a pointless race diatribe with a crazy person.
Kynarion Hellenis says
You forgot because you are westernkind. You forgot because it should not matter. You remembered because you are thoughtful and good. Sort of the same reason you forgot.
Unfortunately, it does matter. I live for the day that might never come – the day when it really doesn’t matter – a western and Christian hope.
Intrepid says
As long as the Left remains a viable evil force in this world, especially in this country, it will matter because identity politics is all they have. And it has metastisized into everything else they push. Climate change is racist. English is racist. Roads are racist. Western education is racist. Even Blacks can be white racists……………….blah blah blah.
So over it.
By the way, how are you? Haven’t spoken to to you in a while. Did you make a successful lemon cake?
Kynarion Hellenis says
I am well, thank you!
I gave up on lemon cake, but will return some time in the future. I think the best hope is to begin with a lemon cake mix as an ingredient – a semi-scratch cake or a scratch cake with lemon pudding as an additive.
I have made good on my promise to be finished with THX, reading almost nothing after my eye falls on the “THX.” But I read a little just because I like to read YOU.
I have come to the conclusion that you are right — narcissism figures prominently.
Kynarion Hellenis says
I want to share two things that I read recently describing very well the things you have diagnosed:
1. 2 Corinthians 2:12 We do not dare to classify or compare ourselves with some who commend themselves. When they measure themselves by themselves and compare themselves with themselves, they show their ignorance. (Berean Study Bible); and
For me, these two things explain the zealous and unvarying contributions of our most religious and irrational commenter on this forum. Look especially at Mr. Leake’s Bonhoeffer quote in the body of the article (translated into English, of course).
Spurwing Plover says
Breaking up the Traditional American Family turning the youth over to the Rainbow Freaks will make things worst and Liberal Democrats approve
Algorithmic Analyst says
Yeah, the Bolsheviks tried something like that when they first took over Russia, and it was such a disaster that even Lenin gave up on it quickly.
Sword of the Spirit says
Vote DemoCrap, suffer the consequences – no sympathy.
AZJewishCowboy1953 says
Courtesy of Larry Krasner, a piece of shit.
Solve the problem?
Sure. Two things.
One, weigh Krasner down with rocks and dump him in the Schuykill.
Two, an AK-47 will do wonders when these thugs and slime approach. It’s called getting rid of the garbage.
Trouble is, Philly citizens are so liberal they prefer getting whacked than fighting back. And sadly I have relatives living there who cater to the mindset.
karla says
If I were a woman aware of the benefits awarded to unmarried moms bearing children out of wedlock I might choose to have serial babies. Free housing, food, medical care. No responsibilities. What’s not to like? Kudos to the system that promotes criminality by implementing awards to those who create fatherless children.
Nan says
If you watch TV shows and commercials, they are mostly made with Black people. In these shows, they are portrayed as either victims or just regular people. They are hardly ever portrayed as bad anymore. There are hardly any white people in commercials any more, and most are depicted as stupids.
M Geller says
You can’t just write this: This Faustian bargain is the main reason behind the current statistic that over 75% of black people grew up in one-parent households.
without expaining why 75% of other people also grew up in one-parent households. There has to be more to it than that
M Geller says
Oops, I meant that you need to expain why that statistic was NOT true of other people
Kynarion Hellenis says
A logical question with a logical answer that MUST be suppressed by the regime narrative.
Why do some ethnic / cultural groups excel and fail differently from other groups? Answer: These groups differ from one another. They are not the same. BUT they have equal value before God and can prosper with the gifts God has given to them.
Miranda Rose Smith says
The very word “slave” comes from “Slav” and you don”t see the Slavs with a high crime rate or a high illegitimacy rate
angel kasparov says
Lack of morality or any civilized values, and criminal/violent behavior is a generational thing that goes back thousands of years. It can’t be fixed in a few generations.
Most of the Africans who were enslaved were captured in battles or were kidnapped by other Africans, for over a thousand years.
Knowing a little history can shed some light on the roots of the bad behavior.
Add the ever increasing hate for all other races by blacks to the formula, which only proves their unwillingness to adopt a civilized culture.
And we have a problem that no amount of money, caring or thinking can solve. It doesn’t end there though, the worst part is people who can’t solve their own basic problems want to be the ruling class over others, and make everybody else a slave.
Gary Gruber says
There is a factor here that most people miss if they have not been diligent students of the history of Africa. I began studying the history of Africa as seen through the eyes of early white settlers and hunters about 30 years ago (From about 1854-1990, but with factual assessments reaching back to the mid 15th century).
If you look at tribal customs throughout all of East Africa you will see that with infant mortality rates extremely high, young women began procreating with whatever male was available as soon as they were physically able to. The notion of a father in the family was not part of the culture until they came to the United States. Some aspects of culture are extremely difficult to breed out of any group of people.
In the same manner, you can trace the excellence in sports to the fact that blacks who worked for white settlers we’re normally responsible for running up to 40 miles a day to deliver messages. This was typical behavior and was passed down from generation to generation.
While the welfare system played a large part in the destruction of the family unit, there were other factors that stretch back hundreds of years that also had an impact on where this part of our culture went.
Kynarion Hellenis says
While there is no denying the reality of racial differences, I think you are describing Lamarckism. Blacks have had high marriage rates and good economic progress before civil rights legislation and affirmative action.
Darian Sorensby says
Better parenting (or any parenting) might help solve the problem. Low IQ and lack of impulse control is likely a factor.
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