America’s crime-ridden hellholes, particularly those which, like Los Angeles and Philly, are in the hands of Soros DAs are becoming an international scandal.
The mayor of Philadelphia expressed shock and sorrow over the killing of a Filipino lawyer who was shot in the city over the weekend and is offering a $20,000 reward for information that will lead to the arrest of the shooter, a senior Philippine diplomat said Wednesday.
John Albert Laylo and his mother were heading to the airport to board a flight early Saturday when someone in a nearby car fired several rounds into their Uber at a red light near the University of Pennsylvania, police said. Laylo was hit in the back of the head and died Sunday in a hospital.
“I am sorry. It’s terrible,” Philippine Consul General Elmer Cato quoted Mayor Jim Kenney as telling him in a meeting at Philadelphia City Hall in an apology for Laylo’s family and the Philippines. The mayor told him a $20,000 reward was being offered for any information that will lead to the arrest of the gunman, he said.
The victim’s mother, Leah Laylo, “told me to convey to the mayor her anguish, her anger and her demand for justice” and Kenney gave his assurance “that everything will be done to bring whoever is responsible for the death of her son to justice,” Cato told The Associated Press.
So Soros DA Larry Krasner can free him and then ask him to say he’s sorry in the name of “restorative justice”?
I’m joking of course. Soros DAs do this sort of thing when ordinary people get shot. In high profile cases, they suddenly butch up and discover their inner Dirty Harry.
In Los Angeles, George Gascon suddenly remembered how to be tough on criminals when the thug in question killed the mother-in-law of the no. 2 at Netflix. Which hits close to home because the wife of the no.1 at Netflix has funded him.
So Krasner may actually temporarily do his job. Or not. It’s not like local voters seem to want or deserve any better.
One Krasner supporter told Eyewitness News on Tuesday the impeachment effort is a slap in the face to Philadelphia voters who overwhelmingly re-elected Krasner to a second term as the city’s district attorney.
“It’s suggesting that these voices do not know how to govern themselves, these voters, these people, these human beings do not know what is best for them when they went to the ballot box and elected him,” Nicolas O’Rourke, Pennsylvania Working Families Party Organizing Director, said.
He’s got a point. Krasner decisively won re-election. And while there’s probably never been an honest election in Philly since the days of Benjamin Franklin, he did win. On the other hand, people like Laylo and anyone passing through deserve a minimum of safety and security. Public safety is a basic function of government and when cities choose to stop even pretending that they’re maintaining public safety, they become a danger to visitors and surrounding communities.
People in a city can elect a cat mayor. They can make Ketchup Day into a holiday. But when they cease maintaining public safety, that has an impact beyond them.
Whether there’s a functioning criminal justice system should not be up for a vote.
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