The Point By Daniel Greenfield
Daniel Greenfield, a Shillman Journalism Fellow at the Freedom Center, is an investigative journalist and writer focusing on the radical left and Islamic terrorism.
Socialist Dayton Shooter was Doing Massive Amounts of Drugs
Daniel Greenfield
It may be culturally incorrect to say this, but drugs are the X factor in any number of mass shootings. Particularly when mentally ill people start self-
Elizabeth Warren Must Apologize for Slandering a Cop Facing Death Threats
Daniel Greenfield
5 years ago, Officer Darren Wilson was assaulted by a violent thug who had just attacked a store manager. Multiple witnesses testified that Michael Brown
Sarah Silverman Complains About Social Justice Bullying
Daniel Greenfield
Inevitable and hilarious. Sarah Silverman was the product of 90s comedy where the goal was to demolish whatever remaining taboos existed. The taboos came
Harry Reid Has a Fever and the Only Cure is Eliminating Checks and Balances
Daniel Greenfield
Harry Reid pushing the ‘nuclear button’ was one of the fractures that broke our political system. And Reid suddenly came back from retirement to campaign for
NY Times: Jeffrey Epstein Had Dirt on Silicon Valley People
Daniel Greenfield
Interesting and possibly relevant. Or possibly not. If he was reticent about Tesla, he was more at ease discussing his interest in young women. He
Media Finally Figures Out Angle on Socialist Dayton Mass Shooter
Daniel Greenfield
After the two mass shootings, the media focused on the El Paso shooter, who had expressed hostility to immigration, making it very easy for the media to spin
Failed City Run by Senator Cory Booker Faces Water Lead Crisis
Daniel Greenfield
As Mayor of Newark, Cory Booker spent a lot of time promoting himself on social media. The city is a trainwreck and Booker is running for president.
Beto O’Rourke’s Only Plan for Political Survival is Crying, “Racism”
Daniel Greenfield
Not all that long ago, Beto O’Rourke had a cult. Now all he has is a humiliating failure. Not all that long ago, he had a real shot at the Dem 2020
No, Epstein’s Death Isn’t About “Prison Conditions”
Daniel Greenfield
The media claims that Jeffrey Epstein only died because his guards were working overtime. It’s New York. Everyone’s working overtime. MCC is a
French Authorities Made Dirty Deal With Muslim Terrorists
Daniel Greenfield
Le 9 août 1982 des terroristes #palestiniens tuent 6 personnes et en blessent 22 autres au restaurant #Goldenberg #ruedesRosiers. Nous ne les oublions pas. Ni