The Point By Daniel Greenfield
Daniel Greenfield, a Shillman Journalism Fellow at the Freedom Center, is an investigative journalist and writer focusing on the radical left and Islamic terrorism.
The Left Weaponizes Children to Defend Illegal Aliens
Daniel Greenfield
After the success of their ‘children in cages’ campaign, the pro-illegal Left has decided that all their campaigns need is a crying child out front. Want
Kamala Harris: “Most of the People in San Francisco Met Her Through Willie.”
Daniel Greenfield
Of course they did. A few excerpts from Politico Mag on the rise of Kamala Harris. Which, like most lefty candidates who rant about the people, came by
Elizabeth Warren No Longer Denying She’s a Socialist
Daniel Greenfield
There are 2020 Dems who believe things. And other 2020 Dems who just strategically shift and rebrand to play the field. Warren, a former Republican who
Why Won’t Bernie Sanders Stop Lying About Health Care?
Daniel Greenfield
Senator Bernie Sanders doesn’t actually know very much about anything. Like your average socialist college freshman (who only got into it last month), he
Trump Didn’t Cause the El Paso Shootings, But Cops Say Dems Caused Cali Murders of 4
Daniel Greenfield
There are two reasons the national media is staying far away from the stabbing deaths of 4 in Southern California. 1. The weapon used was a knife, not an
Thought Control, Inc: How Google Censored the Internet
Daniel Greenfield
The following is an excerpt from my latest pamphlet, Thought Control Inc. How Powerful Monopolies Hacked the Bill of Rights to Impose Their Radical Politics on
Police Sgt on Life Support in Baltimore After Robbery
Daniel Greenfield
Yet another reminder that Baltimore is a broken city. And the Democrats, black nationalists and pro-crime activists broke it. The purge of police
Is “The Hunt” an Anti-Conservative Movie?
Daniel Greenfield
Ever since The Hunt trailer began going viral, there’s been a lot of noise about what the agenda of the movie is. There’s also been very little fact-based
2 Women Use Burkas to Shoplift in UK (VIDEO)
Daniel Greenfield
Aside from being a human rights violation, burkas/abayas and similar Islamic garments are a security risk. And a shoplifting risk. Two women in
Muslim Brotherhood Mosque Advises German Muslims to Beat Their Wives
Daniel Greenfield
I’m as shocked as you are that a mosque is quoting the Koran. The Islamic community in Munich issued guidelines on its website that encourage men to